EISENHOWER President 1953-1961 Sent advisors “Tea and Tungsten” Nixon •President 1969-1974 •Resigned after Watergate •Vietnamization-return war to S.V. and decrease U.S. troops J.F.K President 1961-1963 Assassinated Increased advisors to 16,000 before his death L.B.J •V.P J.F.K •President 1963-1969 •Gulf of Tonkin Resolution •Escalated War ROBERT MCNAMARA 1961-1968 under JFK & LBJ Increased troops Believed in Domino Theory Lost hope in winning the war Resigned in 1968 CLARK CLIFFORD 1968-1969 under LBJ Did not agree with increase in troops Ended up losing hope in war & felt it should be handed over to South Vietnam MELVIN LAIRD 1969-1973 under Nixon Invented term Vietnamization Wanted an end to the draft & stopped it 5 mths early JAMES SCHLESINGER 1973-1975 under Nixon & Ford Did not want to give amnesty for draft dodgers & believed in increasing Increased defense budget nuclear weapons Dismissed by Ford •Deals with foreign policy •and affairs overseas •Immigration & foreign Travel HENRY KISSINGER 1973-1977 under Nixon & Ford Helped with Vietnamization Also supported secret bombing of Cambodia Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for Paris Peace Accords ending U/S. involvement in Vietnam GEN. WILLIAM WESTMORELAND Commander of U.S. Military operations in Vietnam from 1964 to 1968 GEN. CREIGHTON ABRAMS Commander of U.S. military operations in Vietnam 1968-1972 GEN. FREDERICK WEYAND Led 25th Division 1964-1967 Did not agree with Westmoreland Helped with Paris Peace Talks Took over for Abrams from 1972-1973 Supervised last troops out of Vietnam NGO DINH DIEM (NO) President South Vietnam 1955-1963 Assassinated 1963 Anti-Buddhist NGO DINH NHU (NO DINH NEW) Diem’s brother and right hand man Assassinated with Diem Wife Madame Nhu 1st Lady Dragon Lady NGUYEN VAN THIEU (NEW EN) Was general in ARVN President South Vietnam 1965-1975 Elected through fraud & was authoritative in rule Resigned a few days before the fall of South Vietnam NGO QUANG TRUONG (NO) General ARVN 1972-1975 Fall of Saigon immigrated to U.S. Lives in Virginia as U.S. Citizen HO CHI MINH Freedom fighter Prime Minister 1945-1955 President North Vietnam 1955-1969 Died 1969 of heart failure at 79; body embalmed Communist PHAM VAN DONG (FAM) Prime Minister North Vietnam 1955-1987 LE DOC THO (LEE DOC TOE) Politician North Vietnam Negotiated Paris Peace Accords Refused the Noble Peace Prize VO NGUYEN GIAP (VO NEW) General during first Indochina war and Vietnam war At Dien Bien Phu & Tet Major military leader LE TRONG TAN (LEE TRONG TAAN) Part of Viet Minh against French Deputy Commander VietCong Secretary Defense in Vietnam until 1986 POL POT Chinese Revolutionary leader Leader of the Khmer Rouge Became leader Cambodia around 1975 until Cambodia-Vietnam War began in 1979 21% people died under his rule KHIEU SAMPHAN (Q SAM PAN) President of Cambodia 1976-1979 Key leader Khmer Rouge Still denies genocide MAO ZEDONG Chinese revolutionary Leader 1949-1976 Had “The Great Leap Forward” Communist Died 1976 of heart attack