Active Learning with SVM

Active Learning with Support Vector
By: Estefan Ortiz
University of Hawaii
Support Vector Machines
Formulation of Active Learning using SVMs
Querying Algorithms
Implementation of Active Learning using SVMs
Review of SVMs
Version Space
Reformulation of SVMs in Version Space
Active Learning using SVMs
Machine Learning
Motivation for the need of Active Learning
Active and Passive learners
Formulation of Active learning
Data sets used
Observations and lessons learned
Future research and suggested improvements
University of Hawaii
Machine Learning
Machine learning
The purpose of any type of machine learning is to be able teach a learner an
underlying process from observed examples or data.
Supervised training
We are given training examples and their corresponding labels.
Our task is to teach the machine to recognize the correspondence between the
data and the labels.
For classification this amounts to learning the classes associated to underlying
In training we present the learner with a feature vector and its corresponding
label and ask it to adjust itself to learn the relationship.
University of Hawaii
Supervised Learning
What is assumed for this type of learning is that we have gathered a
significant amount of data. (Feature vectors and their labels)
 The data gathered is usually randomly sampled from some underlying
probability distribution.
 For each sample in our data set we are able to assign it a label.
Consider two situations:
 Situation 1: We have limited resources for feature data and to gather
large amounts of random samples may be too expensive.
 Situation 2: We have access to a large quantity of unlabeled feature data.
But to label the data will cost us something. Usually time or money
University of Hawaii
Motivation for Active Learning
Situation 1: Limited resources
Situation 2: Large amount of unlabeled data
This situation may come from a machine process in which it is too costly to halt
the process to take large samples or measurements.
In this case we would like a method to choose the “best” set of samples such
that when we train our learner will have a good set of training data.
This situation occurs in article classification to some topic.
There is a large database of articles, the task is for someone to read through and
assign to each article a topic.
The cost is time and money to assign a topic to every article.
We would like to choose the “best” set of examples to be labeled so that our
cost is low and our training set is good for our learner.
In both situations it would be beneficial to devise a way to choose the
“best” examples for our training set.
University of Hawaii
Active and Passive Learners
Our previous methods of randomly choosing data samples to be presented
to a learner for training is known as passive learning
An active learner is a learner that attempts to add training examples to its
training set by gathering domain information.
The learner as no interaction (say so) in choosing the data that it receives for
The learner is able to interact with the data (domain) in order to choose
appropriate examples.
Passive learner: Student that does not ask the instructor questions.
Active learner: Student that asks instructor questions to clarify points.
University of Hawaii
Active Learning: A Formal Definition
Definition: Active Learning (Schon and Cohn)
This formulation has its origins in pool based learning
Active learning is the closed loop phenomenon of a learner selecting
actions or making queries that influence what data are added to its
training set.
Given pool of unlabeled data we are only allowed to choose n samples
to be labeled for training.
Pool based learning also arises from situations in which unlabeled data is
easily available.
The main concept involved in active learning is finding ways to
obtain good requests (queries) from the data pool.
University of Hawaii
Active Learning: Formulation
Define the following concepts needed for active learning
Notion of a Model and its associated Model Loss
A querying component q such that it will illicit response r from the domain or
A type of learner.
The Model will have the following properties:
It has some intrinsic loss (Model Loss) due to the lack of knowledge of the
domain space.
We are afforded the ability to reduce this loss by making queries q to the data
and using the received responses r.
University of Hawaii
Active Learning using Support Vector Machines
Outline of application of active learning with support vector machines
Review notions of support vector machines as they apply to active learning
Version Space
Assumptions for version space
Version Space a Visual Example
Reformulation of SVMs in Version space
Model and Model Loss formulated for SVMs
SVMs as a binary classifier
Feature Space via kernel methods
Form of the set of classifiers in feature space
Version Space as the model
Querying Algorithm
Simple Margin
University of Hawaii
Review of Support Vector Machines
Support vector machines are a maximum margin classifier.
Inherently SVMs are binary classifiers.
Given a data set {x1 … xn} and its corresponding labels {y1…yn} where each xi is in some input
space X and each yi either 1 or -1.
A support vector machine tries to find a hyperplane such that all vectors lying on one side of the
plane are classified as -1 and all vectors on the other side are classified as 1.
Generally we can project the input data space X via a Mercer kernel K to a higher dimensional
feature space F.
In which a support vector machine can be used to find a separating hyperplane in the feature
space F.
University of Hawaii
Review of Support Vector Machines
Formally, we will have a set of classifiers that have the following form:
f (x) 
   i K (x i , x) 
i 1
Where the kernel K(x,y) can be written as an inner product:
K (x, y )   (x)   (y )
We can write f(x) as an inner product of a weight vector w.
f (x)  w   (x)
Where w is simply a weighted sum of the transformed input vectors in
feature space.
w 
 (x i )
i 1
University of Hawaii
Version Space
Assumptions: Proceed the formulation under the assumption that there exists
some feature space in which the patterns are linearly separable.
Formally we define H as the set of all possible hyperplanes:
H  { f | f ( x )  w   ( x ) / || w ||
where w  W }
Define V (the version space) as the set of hyperplanes in H such that they
separate the training data in the induced feature space.
V  { f  H |  i  {1 ... n} y i f ( x i )  0}
University of Hawaii
Version Space: Visual Example
Set of all possible hypothesis H and the Version space
Notice that there is a bijection between the vectors w in W and the hyperplanes
f(x) in H by definition
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Version Space contd.
Since there is a bijection between H and W we can redefine the version space
V  { w  W | || w ||  1, y i ( w   ( x i ))  0 , i  1  n}
Suppose, we observe a single input vector xi in feature space (and its
corresponding label) and we wish to classify it via some hyperplane.
By doing so we limit the set of hyperplanes to those that will classify xi
In the parameter space W this has the effect of restricting points in W (w’s) to
lie on one side of a hyperplane or the other in W.
This leads to the duality between the feature space F and parameter space W.
Formally stated points in F correspond to hyperplanes in W.
University of Hawaii
Duality of F and W: Visual Example
University of Hawaii
Reformulation of SVMs in Version Space
We know that SVMs find the hyperplane that maximizes the margin in
feature space F.
This problem can be reformulated such that:
subject to { min i { y i ( w   ( x i ))},
|| w ||  1, and
y i ( w   ( x i ))  0  i  1 : n
This formulation is finding w in the version space such that it maximizes the
minimum distance to any of the delimiting hyperplanes.
A SVM will find the w such that:
w is the center of the largest hypersphere.
In which this hypersphere can be placed in the version space without intersecting
the delimiting hyperplanes formed from the labeled training data.
University of Hawaii
Active Learning using SVMs
An active learner has three main components (f,q,X)
f is the classifier
X is a set of labeled training data
q is the query function that is able to query an unlabeled data set U
Define the model in this setting as version space V.
Define the model loss as the size of the version space.
Want to query the unlabeled data pool U such that we decrease the model
Finding the best query q so that the response r will return a data point
which reduces the size of the version space
Define the size or area of a version space as the surface area that
surrounds the hypersphere ||w|| =1. Denote it as Area(V).
University of Hawaii
Justification of Version Space as a Model
If we had all the possible training data we could find the
optimal w* which will exist somewhere in the parameter space
We know that w* will lie in each of the version spaces created
by each of the queries to the unlabeled data set U.
Decreasing the version space will in turn reduce the area which
w* can exist.
Which in turn gives a w that is closer to the optimal w*.
University of Hawaii
Querying function
In the most greedy sense we want the query q that is able to reduce the size
of the version space by half.
Define Vi- and Vi+ as:
 V i  { w  W |  ( w   ( x i  1 ))  0}
 V i  { w  W |  ( w   ( x i  1 ))  0}
A greedy and costly way to decide the next best query is to compute the
resulting version spaces (Vi- and Vi+ ) for each unlabeled instance in U.
Query for the xi+1 sample with the resulting smallest Area(V)
This is impractical given the complexity of SVMs.
University of Hawaii
Querying Algorithm
Because it is impractical to compute Vi- and Vi+ for every unlabeled instance
we need an approximation.
Simple Margin:
Assume we have wi the current weight vector resulting from previous i
labeled training examples.
We assume that the version space is relatively symmetric and that wi lies
approximately in the center of the version space.
We query the unlabeled sample x whose induced hyperplane is closest to
For each unlabeled instance the distance of x to wi is computed as:
| w   (x) |
We choose to label and add that data point which is closest to wi.
University of Hawaii
Implementation of Active Learning using SVMs
Data sets used
Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer data set
Hypothyroid data set
Purpose: To identify if a patient is hypothyroid.
Features: 21
Samples: 7200
Break Down: 92 percent not hypothyroid
Internet Ad data set
Purpose: To identify breast cancer as Benign or Malignant
Features: 11
Samples: 699
Break Down: Benign: 458 , Malignant: 241
Purpose: Predicting whether an image is an advertisement.
Features: 1558
Samples: 3279
Break Down: 2821 non ads, 458 ad
For all Testing a Linear SVM was used with the regularization parameter
estimated based on the data set.
University of Hawaii
Wisconsin Breast Caner Data
Experiment setup:
If we add one sample at a time we will have to compute a QP
problem more frequently.
We added samples in batches.
Instead of adding a single sample that is close to w we add for instance
the 4 closest samples and retrain.
For the test we examine:
Compare Active learning to Passive learning.
For a batch size: 4
Compare the effect of different batch sizes
Compare the effect of the size of initial training data
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Breast Cancer Data: Active Learning verses Passive
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Breast Cancer Data: Effect of varying batch size
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Breast Cancer Data: Initial Training Data Size
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Hypothyroid Data Set
For the test we examine:
Compare Active learning to Passive learning.
For a batch size: 8
Compare the effect of different batch sizes
Compare the effect of the size of initial training data
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Hypothyroid Data: Active Learning verses Passive Learning
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Hypothyroid Data: Effect of varying batch size
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Hypothyroid Data: Initial Training Data Size
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Internet Ads Data set
For the test we examine:
Compare Active learning to Passive learning.
Such a large set took a long time run.
University of Hawaii
Conclusions and Future Research
The test results reaffirmed our notion that active learning would
perform better than that of a passive learner.
Achieved good generalization .
This was able to be accomplished with a smaller data set.
Active learning is a viable technique to use in practice.
From our results we can see that the initial number of samples
does effect the performance of active learning.
Determine a method to make active learning less dependent on
the size of the initial set of labeled parameters.
University of Hawaii