Dynamic Structure Factor and Diffusion Outline Dynamic structure factor Diffusion Diffusion coefficient Hydrodynamic radius Diffusion of rodlike molecules Concentration effects Dynamic Structure Factors 1 g1 ( ) ~ S(k, ) nP nP exp[ik (rm(0) rn( ))] n,m1 S(k, ) exp[ik (r1(0) r1( ))] (nP 1)exp[ik (r1(0) r2 ( ))] S1 (k, ) single-particle structure factor is zero at low concentrations Dynamic Structure Factor and Transition Probability The particle moves from r’ at t = 0 to r at t = with a transition probability of P(r, r’; ). S1(k,) is the Fourier transform of P(r, r’; ). S1 (k, ) exp[ik (r1 (0) r1 ( ))] dr exp[ik (r r)] P(r, r; ) V DLS gives S1(k,). S1 (k, ) g1 ( ) S1 (k,0) Diffusion of Particles 3 / 2 P(r, r;t) (4 Dt) (r r )2 exp 4Dt diffusion coefficient transition probability r r 0 mean square displacement (r r)2 6Dt D (r r )2 6t <(r – r´)2> in log scale Mean Square Displacement slope = 1 t in log scale Diffusion Equation 2 2 2 2 P P 2 D P D 2 D 2 2 2 P t r x y z at t = 0, P(r, r;0) (r r) concentration c(r,t) P(r, r ;t)c(r ,0)dr c 2 D c t Structure Factor by a Diffusing Particle 2 (r r ) S1 (k, ) exp[ik (r r)](4 D ) 3 / 2 exp dr 4D exp( Dk ) 2 g1( ) exp( ) Dk 2 decay rate How to Estimate Diffusion Coefficient 1. Prepare a plot of as a function of k2. 2. If all the points fall on a straight line, the slope gives D. P 2 D P Dk It can be shown that is equivalent to t 2 (diffusional) Stokes-Einstein Equation Nernst-Einstein Equation D Stokes Equation kBT friction coefficient 6s RS Stokes-Einstein Equation kBT D 6 s RS Stokes radius Hydrodynamic Radius kBT D 6 s RH hydrodynamic radius A suspension of RH has the same diffusion coefficient as that of a sphere of radius RH. Hydrodynamic Interactions The friction a polymer chain of N beads receives from the solvent is much smaller than the total friction N independent beads receive. The motion of bead 1 causes nearby solvent molecules to move in the same direction, facilitating the motion of bead 2. Hydrodynamic Radius of a Polymer Chain 1 1 RH rm rn For a Gaussian chain, 1/ 2 1 2 1 8 3 bN1 /2 RH polymer chain RH/Rg RH/RF RF/Rg ideal / theta solvent 0.665 0.271 2.45 real (good solvent ) 0.640 0.255 2.51 1/[2(ln(L/b))] 3.46 rodlike 1/2 3 /(ln(L/b)) Hydrodynamic Radius of Polymer good solvent PS in o-fluorotoluene theta solvent a-MPS in cyclohexane, 30.5 °C Diffusion of Rodlike Molecules 1 2 k BT[ln( L / b) ] DG D|| D 3 3 3 s L 0.3 D|| D 3D 2 G 3D 4 G L/2 RH ln(L / b) Concentration Effects If you trace the red particle, its displacement is smaller because of collision. The collision spreads the concentration fluctuations more quickly compared with the absence of collisions. Self-Diffusion Coefficients and Mutual Diffusion Coefficients mutual diffusion coefficients self-diffusion coefficients Self-Diffusion Coefficients 0 (1 1c ) Ds kBT k BT 0 (1 1c ) DLS cannot measure Ds. As an alternative, the tracer diffusion coefficient is measured for a ternary solution in which the second solute (matrix) is isorefractive with the solvent. Mutual Diffusion Coefficients DLS measures Dm in binary solutions: Dm D0 (1 kDc ) k D 2A2 M 1 vsp specific volume kBT[c1 (2A2 M vsp ) ]c with backflow correction k D 2A2 M 1 2vsp In a good solvent, A2M is sufficiently large to make kD positive.