Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 1 * Learning Objectives Provide familiarization with FMEA principles and techniques. Summarize the concepts, definitions, application options and relationships with other tools. Learn how to integrate FMEA into your Company SOPs 2 Definition of FMEA FMEA is a * systematic design evaluation procedure whose purpose is to: 1. recognize and evaluate the potential failure modes and causes associated with the designing and manufacturing of a new product or a change to an existing product, 2. identify actions which could eliminate or reduce the chance of the potential failure occurring, 3. document the process. 3 FMEA is Function-driven * FMEA begins with a definition of the FUNCTIONS an item is supposed to perform. The inputs must come from several sources to be effective: Design Engineer Production Manufacturing Engineer Supplier Quality Reliability Engineer Program Management 5 Background * Developed in early 60’s by NASA to “failproof” Apollo missions. Adopted in early 70’s by US Navy . By late 80’s, automotive industry had implemented FMEA and began requiring suppliers do the same. Liability costs were the main driving force. Used sporadically throughout industry during 1980’s. Adopted by Seagate in 1996. Initial application in design centers. Now it’s time to apply FMEA to process applications in Seagate. Six Sigma is the catalyst. 6 NASA used FMEA to identify Single Point Failures on Apollo project (SPF = no redundancy & loss of mission). How many did they find? 420 and we thought we had No problems! 7 Types of FMEA’s SYSTEM DESIGN PROCESS * System FMEA is used to analyze systems and subsystems in the early concept and design stages. Design FMEA is used to analyze products before they are released to production Process FMEA is used to analyze manufacturing, assembly and administrative processes 8 When Is the FMEA Started? AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE Guideline: Do the best you can with what you have. 9 When to Start When new systems, products and processes are being designed When existing designs and processes are being changed When carry-over designs or processes will be used in new applications or environments After completing a Problem Solving Study, to prevent recurrence of a problem 10 Process FMEA Form PROCESS FMEA PRODUCT: FMEA NO. PROCESS/ OPERATION: PAGE PLANNING REFERENCE: Oklahoma City PROCESS DESCRIPTION FUNCTION SEVERITY POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF FAILURE S * OCCURRENCE POTENTIAL CAUSE(S) OF FAILURE DATE: DETECTION O CURRENT CONTROLS OF BY: RPN = S x O x D D R P N ACTION PRIORITY CORRECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION & DATE DUE ACTION TAKEN R E S U LT IN G S O D RPN 11 Process Failure Mode The potential failure mode is the manner in which the process could fail to perform its intended function. The failure mode for a particular operation could be a cause in a subsequent (downstream) operation or an effect in associated with a potential failure in a previous (upstream) operation. PREVIOUS OPERATION EFFECT NEXT OPERATION FAILURE MODE CAUSE 12 Process Causes Process FMEA considers process variability due to: OPERATOR METHOD SET-UP ENVIRONMENT MACHINE MEASUREMENT 13 Current Controls Assessment of the ability of the control to detect the failure before the item leaves the manufacturing area and ships to the customer. Capability of all controls in the process to prevent escapes Process Capability SPC Sampling Gage R&R DoE Testing 14 Types of Measures * Typically, three items are scored: SEVERITY As it applies to the effects on the local system, next level, and end user OCCURRENCE Likelihood that a specific cause will occur and result in a specific failure mode DETECTION Ability of the current / proposed control mechanism to detect and identify the failure mode 15 Severity Effect Criteria: Severity of Effect Defined May endanger operator. Failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and / or Hazardous: involves noncompliance with government regulation. Failure will occur WITHOUT Without Warning warning. May endanger operator. Failure mode affects safe vehicle operation and / or Hazardous: With involves noncompliance with government regulation. Failure will occur WITH Warning warning. Major disruption to production line. 100% of product may have to be scrapped. Very High Vehicle / item inoperable, loss of primary function. Customer very dissatisfied. Minor disruption to production line. Product may have to be sorted and a portion High (less than 100%) scrapped. Vehicle operable, but at a reduced level of performance. Customer dissatisfied. Minor disruption to production line. A portion (less than 100%) may have to be Moderate scrapped (no sorting). Vehicle / item operable, but some comfort / convenience item(s) inoperable. Customers experience discomfort. Minor disruption to production line. 100% of product may have to be reworked. Low Vehicle / item operable, but some comfort / convenience item(s) operable at reduced level of performance. Customer experiences some dissatisfaction. Minor disruption to production line. The product may have to be sorted and a Very Low portion (less than 100%) reworked. Fit / finish / squeak / rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by most customers. Minor disruption to production line. A portion (less than 100%) of the product may Minor have to be reworked on-line but out-of-station. Fit / finish / squeak / rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by average customers. Minor disruption to production line. A portion (less than 100%) of the product may Very Minor have to be reworked on-line but in-station. Fit / finish / squeak / rattle item does not conform. Defect noticed by discriminating customers. None No effect. Ranking 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 Occurrence Probability of Failure Possible Failure Rates Cpk Ranking ³ 1 in 2 < 0.33 10 Failure is almost inevitable 1 in 3 ³ 0.33 9 High: Generally associated with processes similar to previous 1 in 8 ³ 0.51 8 processes that have often failed 1 in 20 ³ 0.67 7 Moderate: Generally associated with processes similar to 1 in 80 ³ 0.83 6 previous processes which have 1 in 400 ³ 1.00 5 experienced occasional failures, but not in major proportions 1 in 2,000 ³ 1.17 4 1 in 15,000 ³ 1.33 3 1 in 150,000 ³ 1.5 2 £ 1 in 1,500,000 ³ 1.67 1 Very High: Low: Isolated failures associated with similar processes Very Low: Only isolated failures associated with almost identical processes Remote: Failure is unlikely. No failures ever associated with almost identical processes 17 Detection (“Escape”) This is best thought of as Escape Potential - the higher the score, the greater the problem Detection Criteria: Liklihood the existence of a defect will be detected by test content before product advances to next or subsequent process Ranking Almost Impossible Test content detects < 80 % of failures 10 Very Remote Test content must detect 80 % of failures 9 Remote Test content must detect 82.5 % of failures 8 Very Low Test content must detect 85 % of failures 7 Low Test content must detect 87.5 % of failures 6 Moderate Test content must detect 90 % of failures 5 Moderately High Test content must detect 92.5 % of failures 4 High Test content must detect 95 % of failures 3 Very High Test content must detect 97.5 % of failures 2 Almost Certain Test content must detect 99.5 % of failures 1 18 * Risk Priority Number RPN = O x S x D Occurrence x Severity x Detection 19 Basic Steps 1.Develop a Strategy – Form a FMEA team ST91260A DRIVE FIRST PRIORITY SECOND PRIORITY THIRD PRIORITY HDA ASSEMBLY SYSTEM & FIRMWARE LABELS DISC PACK PCB ASSEMBLY BASE SUB LATCH MAG ASSY BASE DECK SP. FLEX MEDIA BASE DECK SPINDLE COVER MOTOR POLES, POLE SPACER BREATH. FILTER DISC CLAMP STATOR SPACERS ROTOR SEAL RECIR FILTER DAMPER BAL. WT FINAL ARM ARM SUB ARM SUB ARM COIL ARM SUB BOBBIN ROT. ARM Teams will be established to evaluate the application of FMEA in areas shown by the shading on the following diagram. Each "FMEA" Team under the direction of the FMEA Facilitator will: - ESTABLISH a strategy focusing on new technology, past issues, new or redesigned components, both from the product (design) and process perspectives.. - PREPARE a Design and a Process FMEA for the selected components or subassemblies.. - DETERMINE functions, potential failure modes, effects, causes, and verification activities planned or in-place.. - RECOMMEND corrective actions to the product team.. 20 Basic Steps 1. Develop a Strategy 2. Review the design/process – Develop process map and identify all process steps 21 Basic Steps 1. Develop a Strategy 2. Review the design /process 3. List functions – List all the value-added process – For each process step, list process inputs (process characteristics 22 Basic Steps 1. Develop a Strategy 2. Review the design /process 3. List functions 4. Brainstorm potential failure modes CAUSES EFFECT 23 Basic Steps 1. Develop a Strategy 2. Review the design /process 3. List functions 4. Brainstorm potential failure modes 5. List the potential consequences of each failure mode 24 Basic Steps 1. Develop a Strategy 2. Review the design /process 3. List functions 4. Brainstorm potential failure modes 5. List the potential consequences of each failure mode 6. Assign severity (SEV) score PRODUCT: FMEA NO. PROCESS/OPERATION: DESIGN (OR PROCESS) FMEA Oklahoma City FUNCTION SEVERITY POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF FAILURE PAGE PLANNING REFERENCE: OCCURRENCE S POTENTIAL CAUSE(S) OF FAILURE DATE: DETECTION O CURRENT CONTROLS OF BY: RPN = S x O x D D RPN ACTION PRIORITY CORRECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY ACTION & DATE DUE ACTION TAKEN RESULTING S O 25 D RPN Basic Steps 1. Develop a Strategy 2. Review the design /process 3. List functions 4. Brainstorm potential failure modes 5. List the potential consequences of each failure mode 6. Assign severity (SEV) score 7. Identify the cause(s) of each failure mode. 26 Basic Steps 1. Develop a Strategy 2. Review the design /process 3. List functions 4. Brainstorm potential failure modes 5. List the potential consequences (effect) of each failure mode 6. Assign severity (SEV) score 7. Identify the cause(s) of each failure mode. 8. Assign occurrence (OCC) scores. 27 Basic Steps 1. Develop a Strategy 2. Review the design /process 3. List functions 4. Brainstorm potential failure modes 5. List the potential consequences (effect) of each failure mode 6. Assign severity (SEV) score 7. Identify the potential cause(s) of each failure mode. 8. Assign occurrence (OCC) scores. 9. Identify current controls to detect the failure modes. 28 Basic Steps 1. Develop a Strategy 2. Review the design /process 3. List functions 4. Brainstorm potential failure modes 5. List the potential consequences (effect) of each failure mode 6. Assign severity (SEV) score 7. Identify the potential cause(s) of each failure mode. 8. Assign occurrence (OCC) scores. 9. Identify current controls to detect the failure modes. 10. Assign an escaped detection (DET) score for each cause and control. 29 Basic Steps 1. Develop a Strategy 2. Review the design /process 3. List functions 4. Brainstorm potential failure modes 5. List the potential consequences (effect) of each failure mode 6. Assign severity (SEV) score 7. Identify the potential cause(s) of each failure mode. 8. Assign occurrence (OCC) scores. 9. Identify current controls to detect the failure modes. 10. Assign an escaped detection (DET) score for each cause and control. 11. Calculate the Risk Priority Numer (RPN) for each line in the FMEA. 30 Basic Steps 1. Develop a Strategy 2. Review the design /process 3. List functions 4. Brainstorm potential failure modes 5. List the potential consequences (effect) of each failure mode 6. Assign severity (SEV) score 7. Identify the potential cause(s) of each failure mode. 8. Assign occurrence (OCC) scores. 9. Identify current controls to detect the failure modes. 10. Assign an escaped detection (DET) score for each cause and control. 11. Calculate the Risk Priority Numer (RPN) for each line in the FMEA. 12. Determine the action to be taken. 31 Basic Steps 1. Develop a Strategy 2. Review the design /process 3. List functions 4. Brainstorm potential failure modes 5. List the potential consequences (effect) of each failure mode 6. Assign severity (SEV) score 7. Identify the potential cause(s) of each failure mode. 8. Assign occurrence (OCC) scores. 9. Identify current controls to detect the failure modes. 10. Assign an escaped detection (DET) score for each cause and control. 11. Calculate the Risk Priority Numer (RPN) for each line in the FMEA. 12. Determine the action to be taken. 13. Recalculate the RPNs based on the actions plans. 32 Shortcomings of RPN * A 8 4 3 96 B 4 8 3 96 SAME RESULT 33 Action Priority PRIORITY RPN RANGE A B C D Over 200 100-199 26-99 1-25 34 INITIAL PROBLEM POTENTIAL WALK INTO DOOR PROBLEM CAN’T SEE LIKELY CAUSE LIKELY PAIN EFFECT BUMP HEAD TRIGGER CONTINGENT PREVENTIVE ACTIONS - ADAPTIVE -CORRECTIVE GET GLASSES WEAR HELMET REMOVE DOORS 1st WHY CAUSE BECOMES BECOMES EFFECT POTENTIAL NEW PROBLEM CAN’T SEE PROBLEM WALK INTO DOOR PROBLEM LIKELY CAUSE LIKELY PAIN EFFECT BUMP HEAD TRIGGER CONTINGENT PREVENTIVE ACTIONS - ADAPTIVE -CORRECTIVE GET GLASSES WEAR HELMET REMOVE DOORS 1st WHY POTENTIAL CAN’T SEE PROBLEM NEAR SIGHTED LIKELY CAUSE LIKELY PAIN EFFECT WALK INTO DOOR AND BUMP HEAD TRIGGER CONTINGENT PREVENTIVE ACTIONS - ADAPTIVE -CORRECTIVE SURGERY GET GLASSES 2ND WHY POTENTIAL CAN’T SEE PROBLEM NEAR SIGHTED LIKELY CAUSE LIKELY PAIN EFFECT WALK INTO DOOR AND BUMP HEAD TRIGGER CONTINGENT PREVENTIVE ACTIONS - ADAPTIVE -CORRECTIVE SURGERY GET GLASSES 2ND WHY POTENTIAL NEAR SIGHTED PROBLEM TOO MUCH T.V. LIKELY CAUSE LIKELY PAIN EFFECT CAN’T SEE WALK INTO DOOR AND BUMP HEAD TRIGGER CONTINGENT PREVENTIVE ACTIONS - ADAPTIVE -CORRECTIVE CUT OUT STAR TREK SURGERY HAVE WE FOUND ROOT CAUSE? 2ND WHY POTENTIAL NEAR SIGHTED PROBLEM TOO MUCH T.V. LIKELY CAUSE LIKELY PAIN EFFECT CAN’T SEE WALK INTO DOOR AND BUMP HEAD TRIGGER CONTINGENT PREVENTIVE ACTIONS - ADAPTIVE -CORRECTIVE CUT OUT STAR TREK SURGERY OR GONE TOO FAR ! Determining Level of Analysis PRODUCT: SUBSYSTEMS SEAGATE DRIVE STXXXXX SPINDLE MOTOR DRAWING OR SPEC REFERENCE: DESIGN FMEA Oklahoma City PROCESS DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE FUNCTION SPINDLE ROTATES MEDIA AT FIXED RPM NO SPIN, OR DRIVE RUNS IN REVERSE SEVERITY POTENTIAL S OCCURRENCE POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF CAUSE(S) OF FAILURE FAILURE DRIVE INOPERABLE FAILURE OF FLEX SOLDER JOINT DUE TO INSUFFICIENT STRAIN RELIEF O EFFECTIVENESS CURRENT E CONTROLS RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT AT INCOMING INSPECTION Handbook pg. 43 41 RPN Determining Level of Analysis PRODUCT: SUBSYSTEMS SEAGATE DRIVE STXXXXX SPINDLE MOTOR DRAWING OR SPEC REFERENCE: DESIGN FMEA Oklahoma City PROCESS DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE FUNCTION SPINDLE ROTATES MEDIA AT FIXED RPM NO SPIN, OR DRIVE RUNS IN REVERSE SEVERITY POTENTIAL S OCCURRENCE POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF CAUSE(S) OF FAILURE FAILURE DRIVE INOPERABLE FAILURE OF FLEX SOLDER JOINT DUE TO INSUFFICIENT STRAIN RELIEF O EFFECTIVENESS CURRENT E CONTROLS RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT AT INCOMING INSPECTION Cause becomes Failure Mode Handbook pg. 43 42 RPN Determining Level of Analysis PRODUCT: SUBSYSTEMS SEAGATE DRIVE STXXXXX SPINDLE MOTOR DRAWING OR SPEC REFERENCE: DESIGN FMEA Oklahoma City PROCESS DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE FUNCTION SPINDLE ROTATES MEDIA AT FIXED RPM NO SPIN, OR DRIVE RUNS IN REVERSE SEVERITY POTENTIAL S OCCURRENCE POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF CAUSE(S) OF FAILURE FAILURE DRIVE INOPERABLE FAILURE OF FLEX SOLDER JOINT DUE TO INSUFFICIENT STRAIN RELIEF O EFFECTIVENESS CURRENT E CONTROLS RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT AT INCOMING INSPECTION Failure Mode becomes Effect Handbook pg. 43 43 RPN Determining Level of Analysis PRODUCT: SEAGATE DRIVE STXXXXX SPINDLE MOTOR SUBSYSTEMS DRAWING OR SPEC REFERENCE: DESIGN FMEA Oklahoma City PROCESS DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL FAILURE MODE FUNCTION SPINDLE ROTATES MEDIA AT FIXED RPM FAILURE OF FLEX SOLDER JOINT DUE TO INSUFFICIENT STRAIN RELIEF SEVERITY POTENTIAL S OCCURRENCE POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF CAUSE(S) OF FAILURE FAILURE NO SPIN, OR DRIVE RUNS IN REVERSE CAUSING DRIVE TO BE INOPERABLE O EFFECTIVENESS CURRENT E CONTROLS WHY? PROVIDES A DEEPER LEVEL OF ANALYSIS BY ASKING YOU FOR THE DESIGN CAUSES AND VERIFICATION OF INSUFFICIENT STRAIN RELIEF Handbook pg. 43 44 RPN What’s Wrong With This Picture? * NUMBER OF PROCESS FAILURE CAUSES OPERATOR ERROR TOOLING CONTAMINATION SET-UP HANDLING DESIGN GAGE POWER 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 45 Actions * A well-developed FMEA will be of limited value without positive and effective corrective actions. The design or process must be improved based on the results of the FMEA study. 46 Elements of FMEA Failure Mode Any way in which a process could could fail to meet some measurable expectation. Effect Assuming a failure does occur, describe the effects. List separately each main effect on both a downstream operation and the end user. Severity Using a scale provided, rate the seriousness of the effect. 10 represents worst case, 1 represents least severe. Causes This is the list of causes and/or potential causes of the failure mode. Occurrence This is a ranking, on a scale provided, of the likelihood of the failure occurring. 10 represents near certainty; 1 represents 6 sigma. In the case of a Six Sigma project, occurrence is generally derived from defect data. Current Controls All means of detecting the failure before product reaches the end user are listed under current controls. Effectiveness The effectiveness of each current control method is rated on a provided scale from 1 to 10. A 10 implies the control will not detect the presence of a failure; a 1 suggests detection is nearly certain. 47 FMEA is most effective when It is conducted on a timely basis and It is applied by a product team and Its results are documented 48 Integrating FMEA into SOPs Example of how FMEA can be used in SCAR. Section of SCAR procedure Quality Manager or his designate shall discuss with Customer for re-inspection of finished product in the inventory. Only when the non-conformance is detected, a material purge shall be initiated. If Customer does not agree, then a material purge will be initiated. The designated Quality Engineer shall reply in writing or by phone to the Customer within 24 hours on the immediate containment plan implemented upon receiving the C.A.R or complaint. FOR REFERENCE The concerned Departmental Manager or his designate or Supplier shall head and form the investigation team. The team shall consists of the following : a) Chairman Responsible Departmental Manager or his appointed designate. b) Members Quality Manager / QA Engineer Production / Manufacturing Engineer Material Manager (if applicable) The assigned Engineer from Production / Engineering will investigate, identify and analyze the possible cause. He/She will use any of the tools (e.g.7QC Tools, PSDM & DOE, etc.) to solve the problem. FMEA can be used to identify the potential cause of failure and determine whether the current control is sufficient. 49 Link Tools Integration Tasks to Work Breakdown Structure The effort to integrate FMEA into SCAR procedures should be translated into specific tasks in the Work Breakdown Structure. S/N Tasks Task Owner Target Completion Date Specific Training needed for Task Owner/ Date Core Team Member In Charge Internal Verified Date Group Phase End Date Mik e 10-Dec-01 FMEA -15 Nov-01 Nick 15-Dec-01 31-Dec-01 Group 1 Tools 1 SCAR Integrate FMEA into SCAR procedure/system 50 End of Topic Any Question ? 51