Chapter 6. Processes Resulting from the Intensity-Dependent Refractive Index - Optical phase conjugation - Self-focusing - Optical bistability - Two-beam coupling - Optical solitons - Photorefractive effect (Chapter 10) : cannot be described by a nonlinear susceptibility c(n) for any value of n Reference : R.W. Boyd, “Nonlinear Optics”, Academic Press, INC. Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. 6.1 Optical Phase Conjugation : Generation of a time-reversed wavefront ~ Signal wave : Es (r,t )Eseit c.c. ~ Phase conjugate wave : Ec (r,t )rE*sei t c.c. where, r : amplitude reflection coefficient E s eˆs A s eik s r * * * ik s r E s eˆs A s e Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. Properties of phase conjugate wave : E*s eˆs*A*seiks r 1) eˆs* Ex) : The polarization state of circular polarized light does not change in reflection from PCM eˆ s e0ie0ei/2 j i) In reflection from metallic mirror [-phase shift] ii) In reflection from PCM [-phase shift & y component : i/2 -i/2 (- : delayed)] 2) A*s : The wavefront is reversed As as ei ( rt ) A*s as ei ( rt ) 3) e ik s r : The incident wave is reflected back into its direction of incidence k s k s Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. Aberration correction by optical phase conjugation Wave equation : ~ ~ (r ) 2 E E 2 0 2 c t 2 ~ Solution : E (r,t ) A(r) ei ( kzt ) c.c. 2 (r ) 2 A With slow varying approximation, A 2 k A2ik 0 z c 2 T Since the equation is generally valid, so is its complex conjugate, which is given explicitly by 2 (r ) 2 * A* A 2 k A 2ik 0 z c 2 T * ~ Solution : Ec (r,t ) A* (r) ei ( kzt ) c.c. : A wave propagating in the –z direction whose complex amplitude is everywhere the complex of the forward-going wave Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. Phase Conjugation by Degenerated Four-Wave Mixing 1) Qualitative understanding ~ Four interacting waves : Ei (r,t )Ei (r) eit c.c. Ai (r) ei ( ki rt ) c.c. Nonlinear polarization : New wave (k4) source term ! (i 1, 2,3, 4) P NL 6c (3) E1E2 E3* 6c (3) A1 A2 A3*ei ( k1k2 k3 )r 6c (3) A1 A2 A3*eik3r k1 k2 0 ( Counter-propagating waves) So, A4 is proportional to A3* (complex conjugate of A3) and its propagation direction is –k3(in the case of perfect phase matching) Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. 2) Rigorous treatment Total field amplitude : EE1 E2 E3 E4 Nonlinear polarization : P NL 3c (3) ( ) E 2 E* P1 3c (3) P2 3c (3) P3 3c (3) P4 3c (3) E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 2 * 2 1 1 * 3 1 1 * 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 * 3 * 3 3 * 2 2 * 2 2 * 4 * 2 4 4 * 3 4 4 * 4 3 3 3 1 4 * 2 * 3 4 1 * 1 2 4 * 1 2 3 3 4 E1 , E2 E3 , E4 Neglect the 2nd order terms of E3 and E4 E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E 2E E E P1 3c (3) E12 E1* 2E1E2 E2* P2 3c (3) P3 3c (3) P4 3c (3) 2 2 * 2 2 3 * 1 1 4 * 1 1 * 1 1 3 4 2 * 2 2 * 2 1 1 2 * 4 2 * 3 Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. Wave equation : ~ 2 Ei 4 2 ~ 2~ Ei 2 2 2 2 Pi c t c t ~ where, Ei (r,t )Ei (r) eit c.c. Ai (r) ei ( ki rt ) c.c. (1) Pump waves, A1 and A2 (slow varying approximation) dA1 6i (3) c | A1|2 2| A2 |2 A1 i 1 A1 dz nc dA2 6i (3) c | A2 |2 2| A1|2 A2 i 2 A2 dz nc # Each wave shifts the phase of the other wave by twice as much as it shift its own phase # Since only the phase of the pump waves are affected by nonlinear coupling, the quantities |A1|2 and |A2|2 are spatially invariant, and hence the k1 and k2 are in fact constant Solution : A2 ( z) A2 (0)ei 2 z A1 ( z) A1 (0)ei1z (6.1.15) P4 A1 A2 A3* A1 (0) A2 (0)ei (1 2 ) z A3* : Nonlinear polarization responsible for producing the phase conjugate wave varies spatially. Therefore, two pump beams should have equal intensities : A1 (0) A2 (0) 1 2 A1 ( z) A2 ( z) A1 (0) A2 (0) Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. (2) Signal (A3) and conjugate waves (A4) dA3 12i (3) c (| A1|2 2| A2 |2 ) A3 A1 A2 A4* i 3 A3 iA4* dz nc dA4 12i (3) c (| A1|2 2| A2 |2 ) A4 A1 A2 A3* i 3 A4 iA3* dz nc 12i (3) c (| A1|2 2| A2 |2 ) where, 3 nc 12i ( 3) c A1 A2 nc put, A3 A3' ei 3 z ' A4 A4' ei 4 z dA3 iA4' dAi' dz 2 ' | | Ai 0 (i 3,4) 2 ' dz dA4 iA3' dz Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. Solution : i| |sin| |z ' cos[| |( z L)] '* A4 ( L) A3 (0) cos| |L cos| |L cos| |z ' i sin[| |( z L)] '* A4' ( z ) A4 ( L) A3 (0) cos| |L | cos| |L A3'* ( z ) A4' ( L)0 ( conjugate wave at z=L is zero) A3'* ( L) A3'* (0)/cos| |L A4' (0) i (tan| |L) A3'* (0) | | i) A3'* ( L) A3'* (0) : amplification ii) A4' (0)0~ : depends on | |L (can exceed 100% pump wave energy) Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. Processes of degenerated four-wave mixing : One photon from each of the pump waves is annihilated and one photon is added to each of the signal and conjugate waves Amplification of A3 and over 100% conversion of A4/A3 are possible one photon transition two photon transition wave-vectors Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. Experimental set-ups (k1 k 2 )0 (k 3 k 4 )0 A3 A4 A2 A1 A4 A3 Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. 17.5 Optical Resonator with Phase Conjugate Reflectors (A. Yariv) R l (m,n) 2 1 R 3 2 l (m, n) 1 R l (m, n) 4 3 (1 R l (m, n)) 5 4 l (m, n) 1 R 6 5 R 1 7 6 l (m, n) 1 l (m, n) 8 7 1 l (m, n) 9 8 l (m, n) 1 # The self-consistence condition is satisfied automatically every two round trips. The phase conjugate resonator is stable regardless of the radius of curvature R of the mirror and the spacing l. Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. 17.6 The ABCD Formalism of Phase Conjugate Optical Resonator The wave incident upon the PCM : kr 2 r 2 kr 2 E i εi (r)expi(t kz ) 2 εi (r )expi(t kz ) 2 w 2qi where, 1 1 i - 2 qi w Reflected conjugate wave : kr 2 r 2 * kr 2 E r ε (r)expi(t kz ) 2 εi (r)expi(t kz ) 2 w 2 q r * i 1 1 i 1 2 * qr w qi By comparing the ABCD law for ordinary optical elements, Aqi* B qr * , Cqi D A B 1 0 M C D 0 -1 Ray transfer matrix for the PCM mirror Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. ABCD law at any plane following the PCM : qout A T qi* BT CT qi* DT Example) Matrix after one round trip : A M1 1 C1 B1 1 D1 - 2 R 1 - 2 R 0 A B 1 0 A B 1 C D 0 1 C D 0 1 0 1 0 1 Matrix after two round trip : M 2 M1 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 I -2 1 0 1 -2 1 0 1 0 1 R R : Self-consistence condition is satisfied automatically every two round trips Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. 17.7 Dynamic Distortion Correction within a Laser Resonator Phase conjugate resonator Distortion corrected beam Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. 17.8 Holographic Analogs of Phase Conjugate Optics 1) Holography recording reading Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. 2) Phase conjugate optics Holography by phase conjugation A3 A4 - Real time processing (no developing process) - Distortion free image transmission Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. 17.9 Imaging through a Distorted Medium Distortion free transmission (A2) Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. 6.2 Self-Focusing of Light nn0 n2I Gaussian beam : I(r ) er 2 w2 n2 0 : self-focusing n2 0 : self-defocusing Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. Self-Trapping : Beam spread due to diffraction is precisely compensated by the contraction due to self-focusing Simple model for self-trapping Critical angle for total internal reflection : cos 0 0 0 1 n 1 02 1 2 n0 0 2n n0 Nonlinear Optics Lab. 1 2 Hanyang Univ. n0 n0 n A laser beam of diameter d will contain rays within a cone whose maximum angular extent is of the order of magnitude of diffraction angle ; 2 d 0.6 n0 d n0 d So, the condition for self-trapping : d 0 1 2 1 0.6 2n 0.6 n n0 n0 n0 d 2 dn0 nn2 I d 0.6 2n0 n2 I 1 2 2 Critical laser power : Pcr 4 d 2I 0.6 2 8n0 n2 Ex) CS2, n2=2.6x10-14 cm2/W, n0=1.7, =1mm Pcr = 33 kW # Independent of the beam diameter Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. Simple model of self-focusing 1 n0 n 2 n0 n 2w0 zf 1 1 z f (n0 n) ( z 2f w02 ) 2 (n0 n) 2 z f (n0 n) z f n0 z f w0 2 n0 w0 0 n w 1 1 z f n z f n0 0 z 2 2 f 2 1 2 nn2 I 1 n n z f w0 0 w02 0 n2 I 2n2 P 2 1 2 1 2 where, P w02 I : total power 1 2 where, 0 2 n : critical angle n0 2n0 w02 1 zf 0.6 P Pcr 12 Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. 6.3 Optical Bistability : Two different output intensities for a given input intensity Switch in optical computing and in optical computing Bistability in a nonlinear medium inside of a Fabry-Perot resonator A2 A2e2ikll A 2 A1 A2 A1 A2 1 2e 2ikll Intensity reflectance and transmittance : R, T 2 where, 2 , : amplitude reflectance and transmittance Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. (6.3.3) 1) Absorptive Bistability In the case when only the absorption coefficient depends nonlinearly on the field intensity, at the resonance condition, Assume, A2 2e2ikl R l 1 A1 1 R(1 l ) I i nc 2 A i 2 I2 TI1 1 R(1 l ) 2 Introducing the dimensionless parameter C, C I2 1 I1 T (1 C ) 2 Rl 1 R (6.3.7) Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. Assume the absorption coefficient obeys the relation valid for a two-level saturable absorber ; 0 1 I IS C0 R l , where,C0 0 (1 R) 12I2 I S Intracavity intensity : I 2 I'2 2I 2 C (6.3.7) C0 I1 TI 2 1 1 2I2 I S 2 I3 TI2 Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. 2) Dispersive Bistability In the case when only the refractive index depends nonlinearly on the field intensity, 0, n f (I) (6.3.3) A2 A1 A1 1 2e 2ikl 1 R eiδ where, 2 R ei 0 2 0 2n0 2 2n2 I l Similarly as before, c c l : linear phase shift : nonlinear phase shift T I1 T I1 (1 Reiδ )(1 Re iδ ) (1 R 2 2 Rcos ) I1 T 1 4 R T 2 sin 2 2 I2 Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ. I2 1T I1 1 4 R T 2 sin 2 2 0 4n2 l I2 C I3 TI2 Nonlinear Optics Lab. Hanyang Univ.