Chapter 6: Frequency Domain Anaysis Instructor: Dr. Cailian Chen Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction of Frequency Response Frequency Response of the Typical Elements Bode Diagram of Open-loop System Nyquist-criterion Frequency Response Based System Analysis Frequency Response of Closed-loop Systems Concept Graphical method Analysis 6-1 Introduction Key problem of control: stability and system performance Question: Why Frequency Response Analysis: 1. Weakness of root locus method relies on the existence of open-loop transfer function 2. Weakness of time-domain analysis method is that time response is very difficult to obtain Computational complex Difficult for higher order system Difficult to partition into main parts Not easy to show the effects by graphical method Frequency Response Analysis Three advantages: * Frequency response(mathematical modeling) can be obtained directly by experimental approaches. * Easy to analyze effects of the system with sinusoidal signals * Convenient to measure system sensitivity to noise and parameter variations However, NEVER be limited to sinusoidal input * Frequency-domain performances time-domain performances Frequency domain analysis is a kind of (indirect method) engineering method. It studies the system based on frequency response which is also a kind of mathematical model. Frequency Response Example 5.1: RC circuit R xi (t) xi (t) C xo(t) t ui A sin(t 0 ) U 1m U i (s) 2 s 2 U 1m 1 U 0 ( s) 2 Ts 1 s 2 Transfer function G s 1 1 RCs 1 Ts 1 By using inverse Laplase transform U 1mT Tt U 1m u 0 (t ) e sin(t ) 2 2 2 2 1 T 1 T -arctg T Steady state response Transient response Steady state response of u0 lim u0 t U1m 1 T U 1m 2 2 sin(t ) 1 1 sin(t ) 1 jT 1 jT When the input to a linear time-invariant (LTI) system is sinusoidal, the steady-state output is a sinusoid with the same frequency but possibly with different amplitude and phase. Definition:Frequency response (or characteristic) is the ratio of the complex vector of the steady-state output versus sinusoidal input for a linear system. 1 G( j ) A( )e j ( ) 1 jT 1 1 A() ; 2 2 1 jT 1 T 1 ( ) ( ) arctgT 1 jT 0 Magnitude response Phase response The output has same magnitude and phase with input Magnitude will be attenuated and phase lag is increased. Magnitude of output versus input Magnitude characteristic Phase error of output and input Phase characteristic Generalized to linear time-invariant system Transfer function of closed-loop system G( s) C ( s) N ( s) N (s) R( s) D( s) ( s p1 )(s p2 ) (s pn ) where p1 ,, pn are different closed-loop poles. Given the sinusoidal input r (t ) Ar sin t Ar R( s) 2 s 2 Ar Ar N (s) C (s) G(s) 2 2 2 s D( s ) s 2 bn b1 b2 a a ... s j s j s p1 s p2 s pn c(t ) ae jt ae jt b1e p1t b2e p2t ... bn e pnt n bi e pit (ae jt ae jt ) i 1 (t 0) ct (t ) cs (t ) Transient response Steady state response For a stable closed-loop system, we have - pi <0 Ar Ar G( j ) a G( s) 2 ( s j ) |s j 2 s 2j Ar Ar G ( j ) a G(s) 2 ( s j ) |s j 2 s 2j G( j) | G( j) | e jG( j ) G( j) | G( j) | e jG( j ) | G( j) | e jG( j ) Furthermore, we have cs (t ) ae jt ae jt e j (t G ( j )) e j (t G ( j )) Ar | G ( j ) | 2j Ar | G ( j ) | sin(t G ( j )) Ac sin(t ) The magnitude and phase of steady state are as follows Ac Ar | G( j) |; G( j) By knowing the transfer function G(s) of a linear system, the magnitude and phase characteristic completely describe the steadystate performance when the input is sinusoid. Frequency-domain analysis can be used to predict both timedomain transient and steady-state system performance. Relation of transfer function and frequency characteristic of LTI system (only for LTI system) G ( s ) s j G ( j ) | G ( j ) | e jG ( j ) Substitute s=jω into the transfer function F s L f t f t e st dt Laplace transform f t L F s Inverse Laplace transform 1 c c F s e st ds Fourier transform F j F f t f t e jt dt 1 1 jt f t F F s F j e d Inverse Fourier transform 2 j Vector of frequency characteristic It is a complex vector, and has three forms: jv G(j) V () Algebraic form G j U jV A() Polar form () 0 U() u Exponential form G( j) G( j) G( j) A() () G( j) G( j) e jG( j ) A()e j ( ) A G j U 2 V 2 V arctan U U A cos V A sin We have learned following mathematical models: differential equation, transfer function and frequency response Differential equation d s dt d j dt Transfer function L{g (t )} Frequency response s j L1{G(s)} Impulsive response 14 Example 5.2: Given the transfer function C ( s) 1 G( s) 2 R( s) s 3s 4 Differential equation: d 2c(t ) dc(t ) 3 4c(t ) r (t ) 2 dt dt Frequency response: G( j ) c( j ) 1 1 s( j ) ( j )2 3( j ) 4 4 2 3 j 15 6-2 Frequency Characteristic of Typical Elements of system How to get frequency characteristic? Input a sinusoid signal to the control system Measure the amplitude and phase of the steady-state output Change frequency Get the amplitude ratio of the output versus input Get the phase difference between the output and input Are the measured data enough? N y Data processing 16 Nyquist Diagram • Magnitude characteristic diagram A-ω plot • Phase characteristic diagram -ω plot • Gain-phase characteristic diagram Bode diagram Nyquist diagram Polar form or algebraic form: A and define a vector for a particular frequency ω. G( j) G( j) e j ( ) X () jY () ω 0 1/(2τ) A(ω) 1 0.89 (ω) 0 -26.6 1/τ 2/τ 3/τ 4/τ 0.70 0.45 0.32 0.24 0.2 7 -45 -63.5 -71.5 -76 -78.7 jY ( ) 0 5/τ ( ) A( ) 1 0 X ( ) Nyquist Diagram of RC Circuit ∞ 0 -90 Bode Diagram • Bode Diagram: Logarithmic plots of magnitude response and phase response • Horizontal axis: lgω (logarithmic scale to the base of 10)(unit: rad/s) • Log Magnitude In feedback-system, the unit commonly used for the logarithm of the magnitude is the decibel (dB) L() 20lg G( j) 20lg A() Property 1: As the frequency doubles, the decibel value increases by 6 dB. As the frequency increases by a factor of 10, the decibel value increases by 20 dB. • Log scale and linear scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 one decade (a)线性分度 0 L 1 一倍频程 2 3 一倍频程 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 octave octave 一倍频程 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 一倍频程 十倍频程 十倍频程 十倍频程 one decade one decade (b)对数分度 • Notation: – Logarithmic scale use the nonlinear compression of horizontal scale. It can reflect a large region of frequency variation. Especially expand the low-frequency range. – Logarithmic magnitude response simplify the plotting. Multiplication and division are changed into addition and subtraction. – We cannot sketch ω =0 on the horizontal scale. The smallest ω can be determined by the region of interest. L( )(dB) 0.1 1 10 • Given T=1,plot the Bode Diagram by using Matlab bode([1],[1 1]) ( )() 0.1 1 10 Frequency Characteristic of Typical Elements Seven typical elements L( )(dB) 1.Proportional element Frequency characteristic G( j ) K 20lgK 0dB ( )() It is independent on ω. The corresponding magnitude and phase characteristics are as follows: 0° jY ( ) A( ) K ( ) 0 K 0 X ( ) L( ) 20 lg K ( ) 0 2. Integration element Frequency characteristic 1 1 G( j ) e j j 2 The corresponding magnitude and phase characteristics are as follows: A( ) 1 ( ) 90 L( ) 20 lg ( ) 90 L( )(dB) jY ( ) 0dB 0 X ( ) ° ° -20dB/dec ( )() 3. Derivative Element Frequency characteristic G( j ) j e j 2 The corresponding magnitude and phase characteristics are as follows: A( ) ( ) 90 L( ) 20 lg ( ) 90 L( )(dB) jY ( ) 20dB/dec 0dB 0 0 X ( ) ( )() ° ° 4.Inertial Element Frequency characteristic 1 G ( j ) 1 jT Magnitude and phase responses 1 A( ) 1 2T 2 ( ) arctgT Rewrite it into real and imaginary parts 1 T G ( j ) j X ( ) jY ( ) 2 2 2 2 1 T 1 T jY ( ) [ X () 0.5] Y () 0.5 2 Nyquist 2 2 diagram is half of the circle with center at (0.5,0) and radius 0.5. T 0 1 2T 2 1 1 2T 2 0.5 ( ) A( ) 1 0X ( ) Log magnitude and phase characteristics are as follows: 1 L ( ) 20lg 20lg 1 2T 2 1 2T 2 ( ) arctgT Low-frequency region: ω<<1/T, L(ω)≈-20lg1=0 Asymptote High-frequency region: ω>>1/T, L(ω)≈-20lgωT L( )(dB) The frequency where the low- and high-frequency asymptotes meet is called the break frequency (ω=1/T). 渐近线 交接频率 渐近线 精确曲线 0.1/T 1/T 10/T ( )() The true modulus has a value of L() 10lg (1+1) -3dB 0.1/T 1/T 10/T • Remarks: ① The error of true modulus and asymptote ωT ΔL(ω) 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 -0.04 -0.17 -0.97 -3.01 -0.97 10 -0.17 -0.04 It can be seen that the error at the break frequency is biggest. ② (ω) is symmetrical at all rotations about the point ω=1/T,(ω)=-45° ωT 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 8 10 (ω) 6 4 27 45 63 72 76 79 83 84 5. First Derivative Element Frequency characteristic G( j ) 1 jT A( ) 1 2T 2 ( ) arctgT Nyquist Diagram L( ) 20lg 1 2T 2 ( ) arctgT Inertial Element First Derivative Element Frequency characteristics are the inverse each other • Log magnitude characteristic is symmetrical about the line of 0dB • Phase characteristic is symmetrical about 0 degree 6. Second order oscillation element (Important) G ( j ) 1 2 1 2 j 2 n n 0 j ω=∞ ω=0 ζ=0.2—0.8 -0.5 0, G( j 0) 10o 1 n ,G( jn ) 90o 2 , G( j) 0 180o -1 -1.5 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Nyquist Diagram 1.5 L( ) 20 lg (1 2 / n ) 2 4 2 ( / n ) 2 2 ( ) arctg 2 / n 1 ( / n ) 2 • For ω<<ωn, L(ω)≈0 • For ω>>ωn , L(ω)≈-40lgω/ωn =-40(lg ω-lgωn) (dB) 40 20 0 0.1 -20 40dB/dec 1 10 ω/ωn -40dB/dec 1 10 ω/ωn (o) 180 0 0.1 -180 Bode Diagram Bode Diagram Remarks: The low- and high-frequency asymptote intersect at ω= ωn,i.e. the undamped natural frequency。 Unlike a first-order element which has a singlevalued deviation between the approximation and accurate moduli, the discrepancy depends upon the damping ratio ξ. The true magnitude may be below or above the straight-line approximate magnitude. The resonant peak Mr is the maximum value of L(ω) 7. Delay Element G( j ) e L( ) 0 ( ) T j T A( ) 1 ( ) T jY ( ) 1 0 L( )(dB) L( ) 0 ( )() 0 0 X ( ) Nyquist Diagram is a circle °