Higgs boson

Genesis of electroweak
symmetry breaking – 2
Tom Kibble
Imperial College
14 Sep 2012
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
How did we escape the impasse created by the Goldstone theorem?
• Obstacles to unification — Goldstone theorem
• The Higgs mechanism
• Electroweak unification
• Experimental confirmation
• Discovery of the Higgs boson
• Is it really the Higgs boson?
• What next?
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Nambu-Goldstone bosons
• Spontaneous breaking of a continuous symmetry  existence of
massless spin-0 Nambu-Goldstone bosons.
• e.g. Goldstone model
L    *     V
V  21 ( *   21 2 )2
— vacuum breaks symmetry:
 i
0 0 
— choose   0
(  1  i 2 )
and set
2 2
V   1  cubic and quartic terms
m12 
2 , m22  0 (Goldstone boson)
• This was believed inevitable in a
relativistic theory
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Are massless bosons inevitable?
• No massless spin-0 bosons had been seen, though they should be
easy to see
• If they are an inevitable consequence of spontaneous symmetry
breaking, that rules it out
• So among would-be unifiers there was a lot of discussion about
whether there was any way around the Goldstone theorem
• There were known counter-examples in condensed matter physics,
in particular in superconductivity, but it was generally believed that
massless bosons are inevitable in a relativistic theory
• When Steven Weinberg spent a sabbatical at Imperial in 1962, he
and Salam developed a proof of the Goldstone theorem for
relativistic theories
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Goldstone Theorem
• Proof (Goldstone, Salam & Weinberg 1962): assume
1. symmetry corresponds to conserved current:  j   0
(0)  i  d 3 x [(0), j 0 (0,x)]
2. there is some field  whose vev is not invariant: 0  0  0,
thus breaking the symmetry
f  (k)  i  d 4 x e ikx 0 [(0), j  (x)] 0
1 k f  (k)  0  k0f 0 (k0 ,0)  0
f 0 (k0 ,0)   (k0 ),   0
• No observed massless scalars
continuous symmetry !
1,2   dk0 f 0 (k0 ,0)  0
massless particle in
intermediate state
 no spontaneous breaking of a
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
• There were known counter-examples in condensed matter, e.g.
superconductivity (Philip Anderson 1963).
• Where long-range forces are involved,  j   0 does not imply
k0f 0 (k0 ,0)  0
k0f (k0 ,0)   d x (0e
ik0 x0
) 0 [(0), j 0 (x)] 0
   d 4 x 0 [(0),0 j 0 (x)] 0
  d 4 x 0 [(0),k j k (x)] 0  surface integral at infinity
• But this could not happen in a relativistic theory because
commutators vanish at spacelike separation !
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
• In a relativistic theory, there seemed to be no escape
— spontaneous symmetry breaking implied the existence of
zero-mass spinless bosons
— since no such bosons had been seen, spontaneous symmetry
breaking was ruled out
— other models with explicit symmetry breaking were clearly
divergent, giving infinite results
• I was very interested, when in 1964 Gerald Guralnik (a student of Walter
Gilbert, who had been a student of Salam) arrived at Imperial College as
a postdoc, to find that he had been studying this problem, and already
published some ideas about it. We began collaborating, with another US
visitor, Carl Richard Hagen. We found the solution
— though we were not the first to do so.
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Higgs mechanism
• The argument fails in the case of a gauge theory, e.g. in Coulombgauge QED, commutators do not vanish at spacelike separation.
— Englert & Brout (1964), Higgs (1964), Guralnik, Hagen & TK (1964)
• Higgs model (gauged Goldstone model):
D     ieA
again set  
L  D * D   41 F F   V
F    A   A
(  1  i 2 )
V  21 ( *   21 2 )2
B  A 
  2
F    B   B
L  21 11  41 F F   21 212  21 e22B B  cubic terms ...
Thus the massless gauge and Goldstone bosons have combined
to give a massive gauge boson.
But: there is more to it.
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Gauge modes
 F   j   e22B L ,  B  0
B  A 
  2  0
are also satisfied for any  2 so long as
(gauge invariance of original model)
• Field equations
• To tie down not only B but also Aand
gauge condition:
,2 we need to impose a
• With B  0 the Coulomb gauge condition
 2  0 (or constant)
• However the Lorentz gauge condition
 2 satisfy     0
k Ak  0 requires
  A  0 only requires that
 2
— in this manifestly covariant gauge, the Goldstone theorem does
apply, but the Goldstone boson is a pure gauge mode.
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
How is the Goldstone theorem avoided?
• This is the particular question asked by Guralnik, Hagen & TK
• There is another way of expressing the proof of the Goldstone
— for a relativistic theory,  j   0 would seem to imply
 0, Q   d 3 x j 0 (x)
i 0  (0),Q  0    0
• But if Q is time-independent, the only intermediate states that can
contribute are zero-energy states which can only appear if there
are massless particles.
• The broken symmetry condition is
• So what is wrong?
— Q does not exist
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
No total charge operator
• When the symmetry is spontaneously broken, the integral
Q   d 3 x j 0 (x)
does not define a conserved charge operator.
• For example, in the simple Higgs model,
j   e(1D2  2D1)  e 2  e22 A L
 e22B L
• So
Q  e22  d 3 x B0 (x) L
which is clearly not time-independent, and in fact does not exist as
a self-adjoint operator.
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Unitary inequivalence
• The non-existence of Q is related to the fact that spontaneous
symmetry breaking implies a degenerate vacuum. We chose a state 0
in which
0 0 
• But we could equally well have chosen any other phase: a state 
for which      e i
0  
• If Q existed, eiQ would be unitary, and we would expect e
• But in fact 0   0 and indeed
0 (x1)L (xn )   0 for
 0
• 0 and  belong to orthogonal Hilbert spaces, carrying unitarily
inequivalent representations of the canonical commutation relations
• This is a defining property of spontaneous symmetry breaking
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Electroweak unification
• The three papers on the Higgs mechanism attracted very little
attention at the time.
• By 1964 both the mechanism and Glashow’s (and Salam and
Ward’s) SU(2) x U(1) model were in place, but it still took three more
years to put the two together.
• I did further work on the detailed application of the mechanism to
non-abelian theories (TK, 1967). This work helped, I believe, to renew
Salam’s interest.
• Unified model of weak and electromagnetic interactions of leptons
proposed by Weinberg (1967)
— essentially the same model was presented independently by
Salam in lectures at IC in autumn of 1967 and published in a Nobel
symposium in 1968 — he called it the electroweak theory.
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Electroweak model
• The electroweak model of Weinberg and Salam was basically
Glashow’s SU(2) x U(1) model together with a doublet of Higgs fields
interacting with leptons.
— gauge fields: W  ,Z 0 ,
— Higgs fields: complex doublet, four real fields
— three give masses to W  ,Z 0, fourth is physical Higgs
— leptons form left-handed doublet  e ,eL
— and a right-handed singlet eR
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Later developments
• Both Salam and Weinberg speculated that their theory was
renormalizable. This was proved by Gerard ’t Hooft in 1971 — a tour
de force using methods developed by his supervisor, Tini Veltman,
especially the computer algebra programme Schoonship.
• In 1973 the key prediction of the theory, the existence of neutral current
interactions — those mediated by Z0 — was confirmed at CERN.
• This led to the Nobel Prize for Glashow, Salam & Weinberg in 1979
— but Ward was left out (because of the ‘rule of three’?).
• In 1983 the W and Z particles were discovered at CERN.
• ’t Hooft and Veltman gained their Nobel Prizes in 1999.
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
The Higgs boson
• In 1964, the Higgs boson had been a very minor and uninteresting
feature of the mechanism
— the key point was the Higgs mechanism for giving the gauge
bosons masses and escaping the Goldstone theorem.
• But after 1983 it started to assume
a key importance as the only missing
piece of the standard-model jigsaw.
The standard model worked so well
that the boson (or something else
doing the same job) more or less had
to be present.
• Finding the Higgs was one of
the main objectives of the LHC.
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Discovery of the Higgs boson
• Two great collaborations, Atlas and CMS have over a 20-year
period designed built and operated marvellous detectors.
CMS under construction
Possible Higgs event
• Result: almost certain discovery of the Higgs (of some kind)
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Giving mass to particles
• Originally, the Higgs field had one principal purpose — to give
masses to the W and Z bosons.
• But then it became clear that it would also give masses to the other
particles it interacts with, e.g. the electron. An interaction term with
with coupling constant g implies a mass m : g .
• This means the Higgs interacts most strongly with the most massive
particles, a prediction that has been tested at LHC.
• It is often loosely said that ‘the Higgs gives mass to all other
particles’. That is not entirely true. It does give mass to almost all
the known elementary particles, except the neutrinos.
• But protons and neutrons acquire most of their mass from the gluons
that bind quarks together, by a quite different mechanism
— and we have no idea where the tiny neutrino masses come from.
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Is it really the Higgs?
• The evidence for a particle at around 125 GeV is now very strong,
but is it the standard-model Higgs?
• There is still a lot of work to do in the next few months
— we know it is a boson of even spin, but is it definitely 0, not 2?
— we know it decays into the expected channels, but are the
branching ratios those predicted by the standard model?
— there are some hints of possible discrepancies
• I think it is almost surely some sort of Higgs, but there are other
possibilities beyond the standard-model Higgs
— e.g. in a supersymmetric extension of the standard model, there
are several Higgs particles, of which this would be the lightest. That
would be a very exciting possibility, which might explain dark matter.
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Is this the end of particle physics?
• No! There are many outstanding questions still to be answered.
• The standard model is wonderfully successful, but it is a mess
— it has something like 20 arbitrary parameters whose values we
cannot predict, e.g. ratios of particle masses, or why 3 generations
— it is not a unified model, being based on the symmetry group
SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1), with three independent coupling strengths
• There are suggestions that all three interactions become truly unified
at an energy scale of about 1015 GeV
— one of the reasons for favouring supersymmetry is that this grand
unification idea works much better in a supersymmetric extension
of the standard model.
• The standard model does not include gravity
— for that perhaps we need string theory or M-theory or •••.
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
The End
• I wish to conclude by acknowledging my huge debt to my mentor
and inspiration, Abdus
• He was a brilliant
physicist, an inspiring
leader, a skilled
diplomat, and a warm
and generous man.
• It was a very sad loss
when he died
prematurely in 1996.
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012
Electroweak symmetry breaking
Sep 2012