Fire Standpipe SystemsTBartsch

Standpipe Systems
What is a Standpipe System
 A standpipe system is a fire safety system which is
designed to provide rapid access to water in the event
that a fire breaks out.
 Standpipes are installed as stand-alone systems
which act like building specific fire hydrants,
providing fire protection which will be readily
available to fire fighters.
Standpipe System
 Standpipe systems have been part of our
firefighting arsenal for more than 100 years.
 The basic concept of a standpipe system has not
changed extensively since the original NFPA standard
was adopted in 1915.
Standpipe System
 Systems are used in high-rise buildings, large
commercial, retail, and industrial buildings; places
of public assembly, and other areas where advancing
hoselines would be difficult due to the building size.
 Tunnels, such as subways, and shopping malls
have a horizontal standpipe system.
 Underground buildings, heliports, marinas and
boat yards.
Standpipe System
 Standpipes are one of the simplest and basic of
water delivery systems.
 Designed to deliver water for manual fire-fighting;
 via fixed piping system,
 will eliminate hose lays,
 and decrease time to deliver water on the fire.
Standpipe System
 Standpipes have several main components;
 Water Supplies;
 municipal or private water mains,
 gravity tanks,
 pressure tanks,
 fire pumps.
 Siamese connections,
 Risers,
 Cross connections,
 Valves,
 Hose outlets.
Standpipe System
 Systems are installed in accordance with NFPA 14
“Standard for the Installation of Standpipes and
Hose Systems” and any local adopted codes.
 Water supply must be established and maintained
for 30 minutes.
 System and appurtenances are subject to
acceptance tests.
 All new systems must be tested and approved
before allowing building occupancy.
Standpipe System
 System is subject to hydrostatic testing;
 for two hours at 200 psi, or
 where maximum pressure is 150 psi, tested
at 50 psi above highest pressure.
 System is subject to a flow test;
 2 ½” maximum flow of 250 gpm,
 1 ½” maximum flow of 100 gpm.
 max pressure at any point in the
system at any time not exceed 350 psi.
Standpipe System
 Systems are subjected to additional codes in
accordance with;
 NFPA 25 “Standard for the Inspection,
Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based
Fire Protection Systems”.
 NFPA 1962 “Standard for the Inspection,
Care, and Use of Fire Hose, Couplings, and
Nozzles and the Service Testing of Fire
Standpipe System
 NFPA 22 “Standard for Water Tanks for Private
Fire Protection”
 NFPA 72 “National Fire Alarm Code”
 State and Local codes.
Types of Standpipe Systems
Types of Systems
There are five types of systems. Basically, they are
either “wet” or “dry”.
Automatic wet;
 water in pipe with a water supply.
Automatic dry;
 air or nitrogen in pipe with a water supply.
Types of Systems
Semi-automatic dry;
 air in pipe, deluge valve with a water supply.
Manual dry;
 air in pipe with no water supply.
Manual wet;
 water in pipe with no water supply.
Note: Combinations systems consist of sprinkler
systems interconnected with a standpipe system,
most of these systems are “wet”.
Classes of Systems
Classes of Systems
 A Class I System –
 2 ½” (65 mm) hose connection;
 used by personnel trained for heavy stream
 designed to deliver 500 gpm’s at 1st riser and
250 gpm’s at each additional riser,
 flow to be residual 100 psi at highest hose
station, (pre 1993 systems residual 65 psi)
 bldgs not classified as High-Rise, system can
be auto wet, auto dry, manual wet or manual dry,
 high-rise system must be auto or semi-auto wet
except where subject to freezing.
 A Class I System - 2 ½” hose connection.
 No pressure
reducing valve
 No Hose, designed for FD Use.
 Class I Systems
Classes of System
 A Class II System –
 1 ½” (40mm) hose station;
 used by building occupants/FD,
 100 gpm’s at 100 psi, (65 psi for pre-1993
systems) residual outlet pressure,
 auto wet system unless subject to freezing,
 auto dry or semi-auto dry allowed where fire
brigade trained to operate w/o FD intervention.
 Class II Systems
Classes of System
A Class II System  in the corridor,
 accessible to the occupants,
 not more than 100 feet of 1 ½” (40 mm) hose and
30 foot stream,
 1” (25.4 mm) hose permitted in light hazard
 reduced water supply.
Classes of System
Class II Locations
100 feet of hose and
a 30 foot stream
Classes of System
 A Class III System –
 2 ½” (65 mm) hose connection and a 1 ½” (40 mm)
hose station. (features of both Class I and II);
 auto wet system unless subject to freezing,
 auto dry or semi-auto dry allowed where fire
brigade trained to operate w/o FD intervention,
 not more than 100 ft. of 1 ½” (40 mm) hose,
 Class III System
Class I and III locations 
Classes of System
Class III system;
 highest/lowest floor level >30’ of FD vehicle
access, (2010 NYSFC)
Class I system;
in every required stairway, (2010 NYSFC)
intermediate floor landing, unless approved by local
CEO, (2010 NYSFC)
each side of a horizontal exit,
at entrance to grade level passageways,
at the roof or highest landing based on slope,
any area greater than 150 feet in un-sprinklered or
200 feet sprinklered building.
Classes of System
Class I location
Located at intermediate
If stair goes to the roof and
the roof is 4:12 or less a hose
connection on the roof or top
landing is required
If more than
150 feet un-sprinklered
200 sprinklered
Classes of System
 fire codes now require
Class I standpipe hose
station outlets at the highest
intermediate landing
between floor levels in every
required exit stairway as the
picture illustrates.
 A Class III System –
 1 ½″ hose connection
2 ½″ hose connection
 Horizontal Exit  The horizontal exit must have a minimum 2-hour
fire resistance rating, and the openings in it must be
rated at least 1-1/2-hours.
 Providing
standpipe hose outlets on both sides of the
horizontal exit gives firefighters a refuge while fighting
a fire on the opposite side of the fire barrier.
Fire Department Connections
 Fire Department Connections -
 allows FD to pump supplemental water for
automatic systems and primary water for manual
 shall be visible and recognizable,
 located and arranged so that hose lines can be
attached without interference,
 min size of fittings 2 ½” (65 mm) (FCNYS),
 have a sign with at least 1” letters that read
 shall not be less than 18” or more than 48” above
 No shut off valves between the
FD connection and the system
Pressure Regulating Devices
Pressure Regulating Devices
 Definition of Pressure Devices  Pressure-Regulating Device; a device designed for
the purpose of reducing, regulating, controlling, or
restricting water pressure, static and residual.
 Pressure-Restricting Device; a valve or device
designed for the purpose of reducing the downstream
water pressure under flowing (residual) conditions
Pressure Regulating Devices
 Residual Pressure –
 pressure acting on a point in the system with a
flow being delivered,
 where the residual pressure at an 1 ½” (40 mm)
outlet on a hose connection exceeds 100 psi (6.9
bar), a pressure regulating device shall be provided
to limit the residual pressure at the flow to 100
psi. (6.9 bar)
Pressure Regulating Devices
 Static Pressure –
 pressure acting on a point in the system with
no flow being delivered,
 where static pressure at a hose connection
exceeds 175 psi (12.1 bar), a pressure regulating
device provided to limit static and residual
pressure at the outlet of the hose connection to
100 psi (6.9 bar) for 1 ½” (40 mm) hose and 175 psi
(12.1 bar) for other hose connections.
 Pressure Regulating Devices  NFPA 14 stipulates the maximum pressure at any
point in the system at any time shall not exceed 350
psi. (24 bar) (2413 kPa),
 critical components in the systems are valves
categorized as pressure-regulating devices;
 they must be properly set and installed so that
proper pressure is maintained at the hose outlet,
 improperly set valves can result in inadequate
streams or an uncontrollable amount of pressure,
 there are two methods of setting outlet pressure:
field set and factory set.
Outlet Reducer
(restricting device)
Standpipe Pressure
Regulating Valve
Tab restricts how
far valve opens
 Pressure
Regulating Valves,
Tab moved for FD
 Must be bypassed
for FD use
 Some
may require
tools to
adjust for
 Fire extinguisher
type pin, remove for
FD use
 Pilot operated
valves- Restrict
pressure under flow and
static conditions
 In one survey by
a large US city,
75% failed to
deliver a fire stream
Factory set
spring sets
size of valve
pushes valve
closed if inlet
Water Supplies
Standpipe System Water Supplies
 Acceptable water supplies include;
 public or private water mains,
 gravity tanks,
 fire pumps,
 and pressure tanks.
Water Supplies
Municipal or Private
Water Supply
Gravity Tanks
Pressure Tank
Fire Pump
Water Supplies
 Public/Private Water Mains
Water Supplies
 Water Mains –
 most prevalent connection for standpipe system,
 might supply adequate water for high-rise
buildings, might not supply adequate pressure for
buildings higher than 10 stories,
 overcoming the pressure loss in 100’ of height
requires 43.3 psi, high-rise buildings often require
fire pumps or gravity tanks,
Water Supplies
 Gravity Tanks -
 Tank materials limited to:
 steel, wood, concrete, coated fabrics and fiberglass
reinforced plastic.
 Standard sizes:
 wood – 5,000 to 100,000 gals,
 steel – 5,000 to 500,000 gals,
 factory coated/bolted steel – 4,000 to 500,000 gals,
 pre-stressed concrete - 10,000 to 1,000,000 gals,
 reinforced concrete - 10,000 to 500,000 gals.
Water Supplies
 Gravity Tanks –
 of adequate capacity and elevation make a good
primary supply,
 may be located on top of a building or on a tall
 water is distributed throughout system by pull of
Water Supplies
Gravity Tank
Water Supplies
 Fire Pumps  designed to draw water from a supply source,
 water then pumped into the system under
 with a good water supply can pump into
system for a long time,
 sometimes extra pumps are installed in highrise buildings.
Water Supplies
 Fire Pumps –
 supply the pressure needed to ensure adequate
water volume at efficient pressure,
 two types of pumps, Automatic and Manual,
 automatic pump usually arranged with the
controller on a pressure drop or waterflow in the
 Building fire pumps are designed to produce a
limited pressure at the top floor outlets.
Water Supplies
 Pressure Tanks  often used where there is enough water but the
water pressure is too low,
 may be used in tall buildings that need extra
pressure to supply the highest hoselines,
 important limitation is the small amount of water
that can stored in tanks,
 tank supply may be used while automatic fire
pumps begin to increase supply pressure,
 may be used as primary or secondary water
Water Supplies
 Pressure Tanks -
 are enclosed water tanks of limited size,
 air pressure within the tank provides velocity for
discharging water from the tank,
 normally 2/3 filled with water, charged with a min
75 psi.,
 usually housed in an enclosed heated structure,
 may be located anywhere in the building or outside
the building,
 max capacity of pressure tanks is typically 9,000
Water Supplies
View of
Pressure Hydraulics
 Pressure –
 pressure is a measure of force acting over an area,
 measured in terms of “feet of head” or “pounds
per square inch”,
 a column of water 12” high and 1” sq., weighs
.434 pounds per sq. inch, no matter what area of the
 one cubic foot of water totals 1728 cubic
 there are 144 sq, inch columns of water in a
cubic foot, each weighing .434 lbs,
 e.g. 144 x .434 = 62,496 lbs, ( one
cubic foot = 62.5 lbs.,
 one gallon of water contains 231
cubic inches,
 divide 231 cubic inches into 1728 cubic
inches = 7.481 gals in one cubic foot of water.
 if the total weight of a cubic foot of water is 62.5
lbs, divide that by 7.481 gals = 8.35 lbs per gal.
 what does all this mean?
 delivering 250 gpm to an upper floor of a
building through the standpipe system will require
lifting more than a ton of water per minute from the
street to the fire floor.
Standpipe Operations
Standpipe Operations
 Supplying the system;
 through the fire dept connection and/or floor
 use 2 ½” or larger diameter hose,
 when possible, supplied by two different
 when possible, supply two independent FD
 if building is equipped with a sprinkler and a
standpipe, first supply line to feed the standpipe.
Standpipe Operations
 Operating from;
 bring your standpipe kit,
 bring 200’ of 2 ½” hose with smooth bore or
combination nozzle,
 DO NOT use constant pressure (automatic type)
spray nozzles, many require 100 psi at the nozzle
 stretch from the intermediate floor level landing
or the floor below the fire floor,
 flush system before hookup,
 bleed the nozzle before entry into fire area.
500 GPM’s
@ 65 psi
POST 1993
500 GPM’s
@ 100 psi
60 gpm’s @ 100GPM’s
65 psi
@ 65 psi
500 GPM @ 500 GPM’s
65 PSI
@ 100 psi
Standpipe Operations
 Standpipe Kit (sample);
 metal or plastic tool box or soft-sided bag,
 an additional controlling nozzle,
 one 2 ½” - 30 or 45 elbow,
 one 2 ½” in-line pressure gauge,
 2 hose straps, a pair of vise grips, a shove knife,
 2 wooden chocks, 2 latch straps,
 18 - 20” pipe wrench, 2 operating wheels,
 a wire brush, a plumbers strap,
 a 2 ½” adapter, pipe thread to local FD threads,
 a 2 ½” cap, 2 spanner wrenches.
It Should be Noted
 NFPA 14 Standard on standpipe systems went
through a reorganization process in 1993,
 Prior to this change, systems installed pre-1993, only
65 psi (residual) needed to be provided at the most
remote floor outlet, but you could expect pressures
closer to 40 psi (residual) in older systems,
 Several high-rise fires with inadequate water pressure
contributed to loss of life and large property damage, (One
Meridian Plaza, Philadelphia, PA, First Interstate Bank, Los Angeles, CA)
 Expect residual pressures (100 psi or 65 psi) only in a
system that operates properly, is well designed and
properly maintained.
One Meridian Plaza, February 23, 1991
 Not all communities have high-rise buildings or
standpipe systems, but you may be called via mutual aid,
 Learn about the systems in your response area,
 Does the system have PRV’s? Re-moveable?
Adjustable? Pressure setting? (pre-1993, 65 psi; post-1993, 100 psi)
 If possible, remove the pressure restricting valve,
 DO NOT use a constant pressure (auto) type nozzle,
 DO NOT put your hands in FD connections,
 DO NOT use the occupant hose unless to save lives.
A special thank you to David K. Walsh, Program Chair,
Dutchess Community College Fire Science Program
for his contribution in the preparation of this presentation.
Prepared by Thomas Bartsch
Chief Fire Inspector (ret.)