静态代码分析 梁广泰 2011-05-25 提纲 动机 程序静态分析(概念+实例) 程序缺陷分析(科研工作) 动机 云平台特点 应用程序直接部署在云端服务器上,存在安全隐患 • 直接操作破坏服务器文件系统 • 存在安全漏洞时,可提供黑客入口 资源共享,动态分配 • 单个应用的性能低下,会侵占其他应用的资源 解决方案之一: 在部署应用程序之前,对其进行静态代码分析: • 是否存在违禁调用?(非法文件访问) • 是否存在低效代码?(未借助StringBuilder对String进行大量 拼接) • 是否存在安全漏洞?(SQL注入,跨站攻击,拒绝服务) • 是否存在恶意病毒? • …… 提纲 动机 程序静态分析(概念+实例) 程序缺陷分析(科研工作) 静态代码分析 定义: 程序静态分析是在不执行程序的情况下对其进行分析的技术,简称 为静态分析。 对比: 程序动态分析:需要实际执行程序 程序理解:静态分析这一术语一般用来形容自动化工具的分析,而 人工分析则往往叫做程序理解 用途: 程序翻译/编译 (编译器),程序优化重构,软件缺陷检测等 过程: 大多数情况下,静态分析的输入都是源程序代码或者中间码(如 Java bytecode),只有极少数情况会使用目标代码;以特定形式输 出分析结果 静态代码分析 Basic Blocks Control Flow Graph Dataflow Analysis Live Variable Analysis Reaching Definition Analysis Lattice Theory Basic Blocks A basic block is a maximal sequence of consecutive three-address instructions with the following properties: The flow of control can only enter the basic block thru the 1st instr. Control will leave the block without halting or branching, except possibly at the last instr. Basic blocks become the nodes of a flow graph, with edges indicating the order. Basic Block Example 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. i=1 j=1 t1 = 10 * i t2 = t1 + j t3 = 8 * t2 t4 = t3 - 88 a[t4] = 0.0 j=j+1 if j <= 10 goto (3) i=i+1 if i <= 10 goto (2) i=1 t5 = i - 1 t6 = 88 * t5 a[t6] = 1.0 i=i+1 if i <= 10 goto (13) A B Leaders C Basic Blocks D E F Control-Flow Graphs Control-flow graph: Node: an instruction or sequence of instructions (a basic block) • Two instructions i, j in same basic block iff execution of i guarantees execution of j Directed edge: potential flow of control Distinguished start node Entry & Exit • First & last instruction in program Control-Flow Edges Basic blocks = nodes Edges: Add directed edge between B1 and B2 if: • Branch from last statement of B1 to first statement of B2 (B2 is a leader), or • B2 immediately follows B1 in program order and B1 does not end with unconditional branch (goto) Definition of predecessor and successor • B1 is a predecessor of B2 • B2 is a successor of B1 CFG Example 静态代码分析 Basic Blocks Control Flow Graph Dataflow Analysis Live Variable Analysis Reaching Definition Analysis Lattice Theory Dataflow Analysis Compile-Time Reasoning About Run-Time Values of Variables or Expressions At Different Program Points Which assignment statements produced value of variable at this point? Which variables contain values that are no longer used after this program point? What is the range of possible values of variable at this program point? …… Program Points One program point before each node One program point after each node Join point – point with multiple predecessors Split point – point with multiple successors Live Variable Analysis A variable v is live at point p if v is used along some path starting at p, and no definition of v along the path before the use. When is a variable v dead at point p? No use of v on any path from p to exit node, or If all paths from p redefine v before using v. What Use is Liveness Information? Register allocation. If a variable is dead, can reassign its register Dead code elimination. Eliminate assignments to variables not read later. But must not eliminate last assignment to variable (such as instance variable) visible outside CFG. Can eliminate other dead assignments. Handle by making all externally visible variables live on exit from CFG Conceptual Idea of Analysis start from exit and go backwards in CFG Compute liveness information from end to beginning of basic blocks Liveness Example Assume a,b,c visible outside method So are live on exit Assume x,y,z,t not visible Represent Liveness Using Bit Vector order is abcxyzt 0101110 a = x+y; t = a; c = a+x; x == 0 1100111 abcxyzt 1000111 b = t+z; 1100100 abcxyzt 1100100 c = y+1; 1110000 abcxyzt Formalizing Analysis Each basic block has IN - set of variables live at start of block OUT - set of variables live at end of block USE - set of variables with upwards exposed uses in block (use prior to definition) DEF - set of variables defined in block prior to use USE[x = z; x = x+1;] = { z } (x not in USE) DEF[x = z; x = x+1; y = 1;] = {x, y} Compiler scans each basic block to derive USE and DEF sets Algorithm for all nodes n in N - { Exit } IN[n] = emptyset; OUT[Exit] = emptyset; IN[Exit] = use[Exit]; Changed = N - { Exit }; while (Changed != emptyset) choose a node n in Changed; Changed = Changed - { n }; OUT[n] = emptyset; for all nodes s in successors(n) OUT[n] = OUT[n] U IN[p]; IN[n] = use[n] U (out[n] - def[n]); if (IN[n] changed) for all nodes p in predecessors(n) Changed = Changed U { p }; 静态代码分析 – 概念 Basic Blocks Control Flow Graph Dataflow Analysis Live Variable Analysis Reaching Definition Analysis Lattice Theory Reaching Definitions Concept of definition and use a = x+y is a definition of a is a use of x and y A definition reaches a use if value written by definition may be read by use Reaching Definitions s = 0; a = 4; i = 0; k == 0 b = 1; b = 2; i<n s = s + a*b; i = i + 1; return s Reaching Definitions and Constant Propagation Is a use of a variable a constant? Check all reaching definitions If all assign variable to same constant Then use is in fact a constant Can replace variable with constant Is a Constant in s = s+a*b? Yes! s = 0; a = 4; i = 0; k == 0 b = 1; On all reaching definitions a=4 b = 2; i<n s = s + a*b; i = i + 1; return s Constant Propagation Transform s = 0; Yes! a = 4; i = 0; k == 0 b = 1; On all reaching definitions a=4 b = 2; i<n s = s + 4*b; i = i + 1; return s Computing Reaching Definitions Compute with sets of definitions represent sets using bit vectors each definition has a position in bit vector At each basic block, compute definitions that reach start of block definitions that reach end of block Do computation by simulating execution of program until reach fixed point 1234567 0000000 1: s = 0; 2: a = 4; 3: i = 0; k == 0 1110000 1234567 1234567 1110000 4: b = 1; 1110000 5: b = 2; 1111000 1110100 1234567 1111100 1111111 i<n 1234567 1111111 1111100 6: s = s + a*b; 7: i = i + 1; 0101111 1111111 1111100 1234567 1111111 1111100 return s 1111111 1111100 Formalizing Reaching Definitions Each basic block has IN - set of definitions that reach beginning of block OUT - set of definitions that reach end of block GEN - set of definitions generated in block KILL - set of definitions killed in block GEN[s = s + a*b; i = i + 1;] = 0000011 KILL[s = s + a*b; i = i + 1;] = 1010000 Compiler scans each basic block to derive GEN and KILL sets Example Forwards vs. backwards A forwards analysis is one that for each program point computes information about the past behavior. Examples of this are available expressions and reaching definitions. Calculation: predecessors of CFG nodes. A backwards analysis is one that for each program point computes information about the future behavior. Examples of this are liveness and very busy expressions. Calculation: successors of CFG nodes. May vs. Must A may analysis is one that describes information that may possibly be true and, thus, computes an upper approximation. Examples of this are liveness and reaching definitions. Calculation: union operator. A must analysis is one that describes information that must definitely be true and, thus, computes a lower approximation. Examples of this are available expressions and very busy expressions. Calculation: intersection operator. 静态代码分析 – 概念 Basic Blocks Control Flow Graph Dataflow Analysis Live Variable Analysis Reaching Definition Analysis Lattice Theory Basic Idea Information about program represented using values from algebraic structure called lattice Analysis produces lattice value for each program point Two flavors of analysis Forward dataflow analysis Backward dataflow analysis Partial Orders Set P Partial order such that x,y,zP xx x y and y x implies x y x y and y z implies x z (reflexive) (asymmetric) (transitive) Can use partial order to define Upper and lower bounds Least upper bound Greatest lower bound Upper Bounds If S P then xP is an upper bound of S if yS. y x xP is the least upper bound of S if • x is an upper bound of S, and • x y for all upper bounds y of S - join, least upper bound (lub), supremum, sup • S is the least upper bound of S • x y is the least upper bound of {x,y} Lower Bounds If S P then xP is a lower bound of S if yS. x y xP is the greatest lower bound of S if • x is a lower bound of S, and • y x for all lower bounds y of S - meet, greatest lower bound (glb), infimum, inf • S is the greatest lower bound of S • x y is the greatest lower bound of {x,y} Covering x y if x y and xy x is covered by y (y covers x) if x y, and x z y implies x z Conceptually, y covers x if there are no elements between x and y Example P = { 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111} (standard Boolean lattice, also called hypercube) x y if (x bitwise and y) = x 111 011 110 101 010 001 100 000 Hasse Diagram • If y covers x • Line from y to x • y above x in diagram Lattices If x y and x y exist for all x,yP, then P is a lattice. If S and S exist for all S P, then P is a complete lattice. All finite lattices are complete Lattices If x y and x y exist for all x,yP, then P is a lattice. If S and S exist for all S P, then P is a complete lattice. All finite lattices are complete Example of a lattice that is not complete Integers I For any x, yI, x y = max(x,y), x y = min(x,y) But I and I do not exist I {, } is a complete lattice Lattice Examples Lattices Non-lattices Semi-Lattice Only one of the two binary operations (meet or join) exist Meet-semilattice If x y exist for all x,yP Join-semilattice If x y exist for all x,yP Monotonic Function & Fixed point Let L be a lattice. A function f : L → L is monotonic if ∀x, y ∈ S : x y ⇒ f (x) f (y) Let A be a set, f : A → A a function, a ∈A . If f (a) = a, then a is called a fixed point of f on A Existence of Fixed Points • The height of a lattice is defined to be the length of the longest path from ⊥ to ⊤ • In a complete lattice L with finite height, every monotonic function f : L → L has a unique least fixed-point : f ( ) i i 0 Knaster-Tarski Fixed Point Theorem Suppose (L, ) is a complete lattice, f: LL is a monotonic function. Then the fixed point m of f can be defined as Calculating Fixed Point The time complexity of computing a fixed-point depends on three factors: The height of the lattice, since this provides a bound for i; The cost of computing f; The cost of testing equality. The computation of a fixed-point can be illustrated as a walk up the lattice starting at ⊥: Application to Dataflow Analysis Dataflow information will be lattice values Transfer functions operate on lattice values Solution algorithm will generate increasing sequence of values at each program point Ascending chain condition will ensure termination Will use to combine values at control-flow join points Transfer Functions Transfer function f: PP for each node in control flow graph f models effect of the node on the program information Transfer Functions Each dataflow analysis problem has a set F of transfer functions f: PP Identity function iF F must be closed under composition: f,gF. the function h = x.f(g(x)) F Each f F must be monotone: x y implies f(x) f(y) Sometimes all fF are distributive: f(x y) = f(x) f(y) Distributivity implies monotonicity 课程考核方式 作业(提交到课程平台http://sase.seforge.org/ ,并演示) + 课程报告 作业选题: 代码注释提取,文档生成 代码信息统计:总行数,代码行数,类数量,方法数,方法长度等 Latex格式文档自动转成PDF 代码在线diff Executable Jar转换成带有特定icon的exe程序 代码各类缺陷检测:内存泄漏,空指针异常 Test case 自动生成 脚本缺陷分析: Javascript,Python,Ruby, PHP …… C# 代码缺陷分析 在线压缩,解压缩,加密,解密 …… Questions? 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