Standard and Advanced Tokamak Operation Scenarios for ITER Hartmut Zohm Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany EURATOM Association • What is a ‘tokamak (operational) scenario’? • Short recap of fusion and tokamak physics • Conventional scenarios • Advanced scenarios • Summary and conclusions Lecture given at PhD Network Advanced Course, Garching, 06.10.2010 What is a ‚tokamak scenario‘? A tokamak (operational) scenario is a recipe to run a tokamak discharge Plasma discharge characterised by • external control parameters: Bt, R0, a, k, d, Pheat, FD… • integral plasma parameters: b = 2m0<p>/B2, Ip = 2p j(r) r dr… bp = 1 bp = 1 Ip = 800 kA fNI = 14% Ip = 800 kA fNI = 37% total j(r) noninductive j(r) current density (a.u.) current density (a.u.) • plasma profiles: pressure p(r) = n(r)*T(r), current density j(r) total j(r) noninductive j(r) operational scenario best characterised by shape of p(r), j(r) Control of the profiles j(r)and p(r) is limited safety factor: r Btor r 2 Btor q R B pol R I p ITER simulation (CEA Cadarache) • ohmic current coupled to temperature profile via s ~ T3/2 inductive current profiles always peaked, q-profiles monotonic • external heating systems drive current, but with limited efficiency (typically less than 0.1 A per 1 W under relevant conditions)… • pressure gradient drives toroidal ‘bootstrap’ current: jbs ~ (r/R)1/2 p/Bpol Control of the profiles j(r)and p(r) is limited Pressure profile determined by combination of heating / fuelling profile and radial transport coefficients • ohmic heating coupled to temperature profile via s ~T3/2 • external heating methods allow for some variation – ICRH/ECRH deposition determined by B-field, NBI has usually broad profile • gas puff is peripheral source of particles, pellets further inside but: under reactor-like conditions, dominant a-heating ~ (nT)2 Control of the profiles j(r)and p(r) is limited Pressure profile determined by combination of heating / fuelling profile and radial transport coefficients • anomalous (turbulent) heat transport leads to ‘stiff’ temperature profiles (critical gradient length T/T) – except at the edge • density profiles not stiff due to existence of ‘pinch’ Control of the profiles j(r)and p(r) is limited Stiffness can be overcome locally by sheared rotation • edge transport barrier (H-mode) • internal transport barrier (ITB) • What is a ‘tokamak (operational) scenario’? • Short recap of fusion and tokamak physics • Conventional scenarios • Advanced scenarios • Summary and conclusions Figure of merit for fusion performance nTtE Aim is to generate power, so • Pfusion/Pheat (power needed to sustain plasma) should be high • Pheat determined by thermal insulation: tE = Wplasma/Pheat (energy confinement time) In present day experiments, Pheat comes from external heating systems • Q = Pfus/Pext Pfus/Pheat ~ nTtE In a reactor, Pheat mainly by a-(self)heating: • Q = Pfus/Pext (ignited plasma) The aim is to generate and sustain a plasma of T ~ several 10 keV, tE ~ several seconds and n ~ 1020 particles / m3 Optimisation of nTtE: ideal pressure limit Optimising nT means high pressure and, for given magnetic field, high b = 2m0 <p> / B2 This quantity is limited by magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities ‘Ideal’ MHD limit (ultimate limit, plasma unstable on Alfvén time scale ~ 10 ms, only limited by inertia) • ‘Troyon’ limit bmax ~ Ip/(aB), leads to definition of bN = b/(Ip/(aB)) • at fixed aB, shaping of plasma crosssection allows higher Ip (low q limit, see later) higher b • additionally, also bN,max improves with shaping of poloidal cross-section bN=b/(I/aB)=3.5 b [%] Optimisation of nTtE: resistive pressure limit Optimising nT means high pressure and, for given magnetic field, high b = 2m0 <p> / B2 This quantity is limited by magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities ‘Resistive’ MHD limit (on local current redistribution time scale ~ 100 ms) ASDEX Upgrade Optimisation of nTtE: resistive pressure limit Optimising nT means high pressure and, for given magnetic field, high b = 2m0 <p> / B2 This quantity is limited by magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities ‘Resistive’ MHD limit (on local current redistribution time scale ~ 100 ms) • ‘Neoclassical Tearing Mode’ (NTM) driven by loss of bootstrap current within magnetic island 1/qedge (normalised current) Optimisation of nTtE: density limit qedge = 2 Since T has an optimum value at ~ 20 keV, n should be as high as possible • density is limited by disruptions due to excessive edge cooling • empirical ‘Greenwald’ limit, nGr ~ Ip/(pa2) high Ip helps to obtain high n Optimisation of nTtE: current limit BUT: for given Bt, Ip is limited by current gradient driven MHD instabilities 1/qedge (normalised current) qedge = 2 Hugill diagram for TEXTOR JET normalised density Limit to safety factor q ~ (r/R) (Btor/Bpol) • for q < 1, tokamak unconditionally unstable central ‘sawtooth’ instability • for qedge 2, plasma tends to disrupt (external kink) – limits value of Ip Optimisation of nTtE: confinement scaling Empirical ITER 98(p,y) scaling: tE ~ H Ip0.93 Pheat-0.63 Bt0.15… Empirical confinement scalings show linear increase of tE with Ip • note the power degradation (tE decreases with Pheat!) • ‘H-factor’ H measures the quality of confinement relative to the scaling Tokamak optimisation: steady state operation N.B: for steady state tokamak operation, high Ip is not desirable: Tokamak operation without transformer: current 100% noninductive • external CD has low efficiency (remember less than 0.1 A per W) • internal bootstrap current high for high jbs ~ (r/R)1/2 p/Bpol fNI ~Ibs/Ip ~p/Bpol2 ~ bpol ‘Advanced’ scenarios, which aim at steady state, need high b, low Ip, have to make up for loss in tE by increasing H Without the ‘steady state’ boundary condition, a tokamak scenario is called ‘conventional’ N.B.2: ‘Long Pulse’ = stationary on all intrinsic time scales ‘Steady State’ = can be run forever • What is a ‘tokamak (operational) scenario’? • Short recap of fusion and tokamak physics • Conventional scenarios • Advanced scenarios • Summary and conclusions The (low confinement) L-mode scenario Standard scenario without special tailoring of geometry or profiles • central current density usually limited by sawteeth • temperature gradient sits at critical value over most of profile • extrapolates to very large (R > 10 m, Ip > 30 MA) pulsed reactor The (high confinement) H-mode scenario With hot (low collisionality) conditions, edge transport barrier develops • gives higher boundary condition for ‘stiff’ temperature profiles • global confinement tE roughly factor 2 better than L-mode • extrapolates to more attractive (R ~ 8 m, Ip ~ 20 MA) pulsed reactor ‘Hot’ (low collisionality) edge by divertor operation • plasma wall interaction in well defined zone further away from core plasma • possibility to decrease T, increase n along field lines (p=const.) • high edge temperature gives access to edge transport barrier, if enough heating power is supplied (‘power threshold for H-mode’) Mechanism for edge transport barrier formation xB • in a very narrow (~1 cm) layer at the edge very high plasma rotation develops (E = v x B several 10s of kV/m) • sheared edge rotation tears turbulent eddies apart • smaller eddy size leads to lower radial transport (D ~ dr2/tdecor) Stationary H-modes usually accompanied by ELMs Edge Localised Modes (ELMs) regulate edge plasma pressure • without ELMs, particle confinement ‚too good‘ – impurity accumulation Stationary H-modes usually accompanied by ELMs acceptable lifetime for 1st ITER divertor But: ELMs may pose a serious threat to the ITER divertor • large ‘type I ELMs’ may lead to too high divertor erosion b-limit in H-modes usually set by NTMs Present day tokamaks limited by (3,2) or (2,1) NTMs (latter disruptive) • while onset bN is acceptable in present day devices, it may be quite low in ITER due to unfavourable rp* scaling (rather than machine size) H-mode is ITER standard scenario for Q=10… Access to edge transport barrier H= tE,ITER/tE,predicted The design point allows for… • …achieving Q=10 with conservative assumptions • …incorporation of ‚moderate surprises‘ • …achieving ignition (Q ) if surprises are positive …but some open issues remain… Need to minimise ELM impact on divertor • reduce power flow to divertor by radiative edge cooling • special variants of the scenario (Quiescent H-mode, type II ELMs) • ELM mitigation – pellet pacing or Resonant Magnetic Perturbations Need to tackle NTM problem • NTM suppression by Electron Cyclotron Current Drive demonstrated, but have to demonstrate that this can be used as reliable tool ELM control by pellet pacing ASDEX Upgrade Injection of pellets triggers ELMs – allows to increase ELM frequency • at the same time, ELM size decreases and peak power loads are mitigated ELM control by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations DIII-D Static error field resonant in plasma edge can suppress ELMs • removes ELM peaks but keeps discharge stationary with good confinement • very promising, but physics needs to be understood to extrapolate to ITER NTM control by Electron Cyclotron Current Drive Active control is possible by generating a localised helical current in the island to replace the missing bootstrap current Suppression of (2,1) NTM by ECCD ASDEX Upgrade Suppression of (2,1) NTM by ECCD ASDEX Upgrade Current drive (PECRH / Ptotal = 10-20 %) results in removal method has the potential for reactor applications • What is a ‘tokamak (operational) scenario’? • Short recap of fusion and tokamak physics • Conventional scenarios • Advanced scenarios • Summary and conclusions Advanced tokamak – the problem of steady state Advanced scenarios aim at stationary (transformerless) operation • external CD has low efficiency (remember less than 0.1 A per W) • internal bootstrap current high for high jbs ~ (r/R)1/2 p/Bpol fNI ~Ibs/Ip ~p/Bpol2 ~ bpol Recipe to obtain high bootstrap fraction: • low Bpol, i.e. high q – elevate or reverse q-profile (q=(r/R)(Btor/Bpol)) • eliminates NTMs (reversed shear, no low resonant q-surfaces) • high pressure where Bpol is low, i.e. peaked p(r) Both recipes tend to make discharge ideal MHD (kink) unstable! In addition, jbs profile should be consistent with q-profile Advanced tokamak – the problem of steady state conventional ASDEX Upgrade j(r) q(r) p(r) jbs(r) A self-consistent solution is theoretically possible • reversing q-profile suppresses turbulence – internal transport barrier (ITB) • large bootstrap current at mid-radius supports reversed q-profile Problems of the Advanced tokamak scenario Broad current profile leads to low kink stability (low b-limit): • can partly be cured by close conducting shell, but kink instability then grows on resistive time scale of wall (Resistive Wall Mode RWM) • can be counteracted by helical coils, but this needs sophisticated feedback Position of ITB and minimum of q-profile must be well aligned • needs active control of both p(r) and j(r) profiles – difficult with limited actuator set (and cross-coupling between the profiles) RWM control by Resonant Magnetic Perturbations Feedback control using RMPs shows possibility to exceed no-wall b-limit • rotation plays a strong role in this process and has to be understood better (ITER is predicted to have very low rotation) Advanced Tokamak Stability is a tough Problem AUG DIII-D JT-60U JET Tore Supra Reversed shear scenarios QDB scenarios 0.8 Fusion Performance (~ nTtE) rid scenarios: 0.6 ITER reference (Q=10) 0.4 ITER advanced (Q=5) DIII-D 0.2 JET, JT -60U 0.0 40 duration/tE 60 80 0 20 40 duration/tE 60 80 Good performance can only be kept for several confinement times, not stationary on the current diffusion time (10 – 50 tE in these devices) Control of ITB dynamics is nontrivial CRONOS Code (CEA) Example: modelling of steady-state scenario in ITER – delicate internal dynamics that may be difficult to control with present actuator set A compromise: the ‚hybrid‘ scenario Reversed shear, ITB discharges + very large bootstrap fraction + steady state should be possible - low b-limit (kink, infernal, RWM) - delicate to operate Zero shear, ‘hybrid’ discharges + higher b-limit (NTMs) + ‘easy’ to operate - smaller bootstrap fraction - have to elevate q(0) (also avoids sawteeth, NTMs) Hybrid operation aims at flat, elevated q-profile discharges with high q(0) Not clear if this projects to steady state, but it will be very long pulse… A ‘hybrid scenario’: the improved H-mode Fusion Performance (~ nTtE) 0.7 q-range H89bN/q952 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 0.5 0.3 0.1 (a/R)bp 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 ~ Bootstrap fraction 1.1 Improved H-mode (discovered on AUG) is best candidate for ‘hybrid’ operation • projects to either longer pulses and/or higher fusion power in ITER • flat central q-profile, avoid sawteeth – need some current profile control A ‘hybrid scenario’: the improved H-mode Hybrid scenarios: Reversed shear scenarios QDB scenarios 0.8 0.6 2 0.6 ITER reference (Q=10) 0.4 0.4 ITER advanced (Q=5) DIII-D 0.2 0.2 JET, JT -60U 0.0 0.0 0 20 40 duration/tE 60 80 0 20 40 duration/tE 60 80 Presently, hybrid scenarios perform better in fusion power and pulse length b Fusion Performance H89bN/q952 (~ nTtE) 0.8 AUG DIII-D JT-60U JET Tore Supra • What is a ‘tokamak (operational) scenario’? • Short recap of fusion and tokamak physics • Conventional scenarios • Advanced scenarios • Summary and conclusions Summary and Conclusions Safety factor q Advanced operation Hybrid L-mode H-mode A variety of tokamak operational scenarios exists • L-mode: low performance, pulsed operation, no need for profile control • H-mode: higher performance, pulsed operation, MHD control needed • Advanced modes: higher performance, steady state, needs profile control Summary and Conclusions ITER aims at operation in conventional and advanced scenarios • demonstrating Q=10 in conventional (conservative) operation scenarios • demonstrating long pulse (steady state) operation in ‚advanced‘ scenarios Scenario: Standard Low q Hybrid Advanced Ip [MA] Bt [T] bN Pfus [MW] Q tpulse [s] 15 5.3 1.8 400 10 400 17 5.3 2.2 700 20 100 13.8 5.3 1.9 400 5.4 1000 9 5.18 3 356 6 3000 One mission of ITER and the accompanying programme is to develop and verify an operational scenario for DEMO • DEMO scenario must be a point design (no longer an experiment) • actuators even more limited (e.g. maximum of 2 H&CD methods)