CALCULATING TIME, SPEED & DISTANCE 2011 Time / Distance / Speed Calculations Time / Distance / Speed Calculations • All these calculations revolve around the following formula 60D = T S Time / Distance / Speed Calculations • T = time in minutes • S = speed in knots • D = distance in nautical miles 60D = T S Calculating an ETA Calculating an ETA • Measure the distance along the course line to the destination in nautical miles Calculating an ETA Calculating an ETA • The distance from Ladysmith (top left hand corner) to off Norway Island is 12.9 nautical miles. • Using 60D = T S • 60 x 12.9 = T in minutes = 25.8 minutes 30 Calculating an ETA • Add this time to the the departure time, e.g. 0800 LT, and your ETA off Norway Island will be around 0825 LT. 6 Minute Finger Method 6 Minute Finger Method • This method may be used with either dividers or fingers held a set distance apart for a rapid estimation of distance. 6 Minute Finger Method • At 30 knots the vessel will travel 3 nautical miles every 6 minutes. • Set dividers to 3 nautical miles on the latitude scale, and then run them down the course line counting off 6 minutes as you go. 6 Minute Finger Method 6 Minute Finger Method • Alternatively put two fingers over the 3 nautical miles on the latitude scale, and then run them down the course line counting off 6 minutes as you go. • This will give you somewhere around 24 minutes plus for a time travelled.