LOW TEMPERATURE CRACKING Dec 7, 2011 MAAPT Tim Clyne, MnDOT Presentation Topics Project History Phase I Major Findings Phase II Research Mixture LTC Specification The Road Ahead Affects Ride Quality Median No. of Trans. Cracks per 305 m (per 1000 ft.) We’re Making Progress 70.0 60.0 50.0 PG XX-34 Avg. 1971 to 1980 40.0 1981 to 1990 30.0 1991 to 1994 1995 to 1999 20.0 Initial Superpave 10.0 Current spec 0.0 0 5 10 BAB Age, years 15 20 Project History Initial Project Low Temperature Cracking of Asphalt Concrete Pavements (1999-2004) Mihai Marasteanu, Xue Li, Timothy Clyne, Vaughan Voller, David Timm, David Newcomb Introduced SCB test method Developed two models Crack spacing Damage and crack propagation Phase I Field Performance Low Temperature Cracking Performance at MnROAD Brief for 2007 MnROAD Lessons Learned project Tim Clyne, Ben Worel, Mihai Marasteanu Evaluated field performance of ML and LVR cells LVR Superpave Cells Investigation of the Low-Temperature Fracture Properties of Three MnROAD Asphalt Mixtures University of Minnesota Xinjun Li, Adam Zofka, Xue Li, Mihai Marasteanu, Timothy R. Clyne Pooled Fund Project Phase I National TAP – August 2003 Pooled Fund Project Phase I Investigation of Low Temperature Cracking in Asphalt Pavements National Pooled Fund Study 776 16 Authors from 5 entities! Large Laboratory Experiment 10 Asphalt Binders 2 Aggregate Sources Limestone and Granite 2 Air Void Levels Neat and Modified, PG 58-40 to 64-22 4% and 7% 2 Asphalt Contents Optimum Design and + 0.5% Pooled Fund Project Phase I Field Samples 13 pavement sections around region Experimental Modeling Indirect Tensile Test Developed during SHRP program In current MEPDG Determines Creep Stiffness & Tensile Strength Test protocol AASHTO T 322-03 Creep & Strength Data Semi Circular Bend Apply constant Crack Mouth Opening Displacement Determines Fracture Energy & Fracture Toughness Proposed AASHTO Test Method SCB Data Disk Shaped Compact Tension Similar to SCB except for geometry and loading rate Determines Fracture Energy Test protocol ASTM D 7313-06 DCT Data Asphalt Binder Testing Bending Beam Rheometer Direct Tension Double Edge Notched Tension Dilatometric (Volume Change) Phase I Major Findings Fracture Mechanics Approach Asphalt Mixture Testing Binder gives a good start, but doesn’t tell whole story Binder Grade Modified vs. Unmodified High temperature grade Aggregate Type Granite generally better than Limestone Air Voids Lower air voids = slightly better performance Binder Content More asphalt = better performance Phase II Research Work Plan Updated literature review Test additional field samples Various mix types, binder grades & modifiers, RAP Develop LTC mix specification Improved modeling capabilities Model thermal cycling effects Validate new mixture specification Final Report Supplementary Data Asphalt Mixture and Binder Fracture Testing for 2008 MnROAD Construction University of Minnesota Mihai Marasteanu, Ki Hoon Moon, Mugurel Turos Tested 12 MnROAD mixtures and 9 binders, reported data SCB, IDT, BBR, DTT, DENT Porous, Novachip, 4.75 mm Superpave, WMA, Shingles DCT vs. SCB Item DCT SCB Even Equipment needed x Cost of test setup x Test time requirement Ease of sample preparation Repeatability of results Loading mode Loading rate Lab vs. Field Ability to test thin lifts in field OVERALL CHOICE x x x ? ? x x DCT vs. SCB DCT vs. SCB DCT vs SCB for 4% void specimens 800 PGLT+10C 35 700 34 20 77 500 DCT vs SCB 4% void specimens 33 21 400 800 22 PGLT 700 300 Pearson's r = 0.41 200 200 300 400 500 600 2 DCT [J/m ] 700 SCB [J/m2] SCB [J/m2] 600 600 800 500 34 2021 400 77 33 35 300 22 Pearson's r = 0.32 200 200 300 400 500 600 2 DCT [J/m ] 700 800 Equipment Cost Item Loading fixtures X‐Y Tables to facilitate coring and sawing CMOD Extensometer (Epsilon) Temperature‐Chamber Temperature modules and thermocouples PC for Data Acquisition Labview Based Interface Board Coring barrels (qty = 5) Labview Software for Data Acquisition Labview Programming Dual water cooled masonry saws Dual saw system for flat face and notching TOTAL Cost $3,000 $1,500 $1,400 $20,000 $400 $1,000 $700 $500 $1,500 $3,000 $10,000 $7,000 $50,000 Reproducibility Reproducibilty of DCT test 1000 900 UIUC UMN 800 Gf [J/m2] 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 20-7-18 21-4-18 21-4-28 22-7-24 22-7-34 Aging Plays a Role DCT Fracture Energy Conditioned and Field vs., Non-Conditioned 1000 900 800 Non-Conditioned Conditioned Field Gf [J/m2] 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 20 21 22 33 34 35 77 WIS NY Phase II Major Findings Conditioning / Aging None Binder Modification SBS > Elvaloy > PPA RAP No > Long Term Lab = Field RAP > RAP = FRAP Air Voids not significant Test Temperature was significant ILLI-TC Model Modeling can provide: True performance prediction (cracking vs. time) Input for maintenance decisions Insight for policy decisions LTC Specification Draft Mixture Specification Prepare sample during mix design Eventually perform on behind paver samples Prepare specimens at 7% air voids Long term condition per AASHTO R 30 Perform 3 replicate tests at PGLT + 10°C Average Gf > 400 J/m2 Make adjustments if mix fails & retest Specification Limit Possible Mixture Adjustments Binder grade Reduce Low PG (-34 vs -28) Different modifier or supplier Aggregate source Granite/taconite instead of limestone Reduce RAP/RAS content Aggregate gradation Finer gradation Increase binder content What’s Next? Use pilot spec on select projects in 2012 or 2013 Implement in cooperation with Bituminous Office HMA Performance Testing project – University of Minnesota Duluth Phase I – Review of Literature & State Specifications Phase II – Lab Testing & Field Validation (proposed fall 2011) Extend to other types of cracking Fatigue, Top Down, Reflective Thank You! Tim Clyne 651-366-5473 tim.clyne@state.mn.us www.mndot.gov/mnroad