CVE 341 – Water Resources Lecture Notes I: (Combined Chs 7 & 8) Closed Conduit Flow Prepared by Ercan Kahya View of a Stunning Example in CE Practices A large slurry pipe. (Copyright Terry Vine/CORBIS) Copyright © 2007 by Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada Limited INTRODUCTION • The flow of water in a conduit may be either open channel flow or pipe flow. • Open channel flow must have a free surface whereas pipe flow has none. • A free surface subject to atmospheric pressure. • In pipe flow, there is no direct atmospheric flow but hydraulic pressure only. INTRODUCTION (Cont`d) Differences btw open channel flow & pipe flow Steady Uniform Flow ET V2 2g P g z z: geometric head P/g: pressure head V2/2g: velocity head Steady, uniform flow in closed conduits General Energy Consideration V12 P1 V22 P2 ET 1 z1 2 z2 h f 2g g 2g g : the velocity coefficient & set to unity for regular & symmetrical cross-section like pipe. Example 8.1: Discuss how to attack to this problem… Given: Q, d, hf, and available pressure at the building Unknown: z1 Figure 8.2: Layout and hydraulic heads for Example 8.1. Resistance Application & Friction Losses in Pipes General Resistance Equation: from computing the shear stress of a system in dynamic equilibrium t = g R Sf t : Boundary shear stress (N/m2) g : Specific weight of water (N/m3) R : Hydraulic radius (m) Sf : Slope of energy grade line Forces acting on steady closed conduit flow. Consider the length of pipe to be a control volume & realize the dynamic equilibrium P: wetted perimeter - Dividing this equation by area (A) R: hydraulic radius (A / P) Note that Note that So: pipe slope ∆z: change in pipe elevation → Piezometric head change : the change in the hydraulic grade line & also equal to the energy loss across the pipe We refer this loss to as the friction loss (hf) & express as For circular pipes: Since Finally ; then Sf : energy grade line 7-11 The general shear stress relation in all cases of steady uniform Resistance Equations for Steady Uniform Flow Now a method needed for “ shear stress ↔ velocity ” From dimensional considerations; a : constant related to boundary roughness V : average cross-sectional velocity Inserting this to the general shear relation, Solving for V, Chezy Equation - A general flow function relating flow parameters to the change in piezometric head in pipes: - In case of steady uniform flow; the left side equals to friction loss (hf) Darcy-Weisbach Equation This equation can be considered a special case of Chezy formula. Resistance Application & Friction Losses in Pipes From dimensional analysis: Resistance Equation in terms of the average velocity V C RS f Chezy Equation In most cases of closed conduit flow, it is customary to compute energy losses due to resistance by use of the Darcy-Weishbach equation. 2 LV hf f d 2g Development of an analytical relation btw shear stress & velocity - We earlier had the following relations for the friction loss: & For a general case, using d = 4R; After simplifying; Note that friction factor is directly proportional to the boundary shear stress - Let`s define “shear velocity” as = Then the above equation becomes → important in developing the resistance formula Velocity Distributions in Steady, Uniform Flow Laminar Flow Rn ≤ 2000 Turbulence Flow Rn ≥ 4000 Rn: Reynolds number Typical laminar & turbulent velocity distribution for pipes: To start for velocity profile, let`s recall Newton`s law of viscosity → governs flow in the laminar region Laminar Flow Velocity in terms of radial position: → paraboloid distribution Head loss in a pipe element in terms of average velocity: Energy loss gradient or friction slope represents the rate of energy dissipation due to boundary shear stress or friction - Laminar flow case is governed by the Newtonian viscosity principle. 32VL hf 2 gd → Poiseuille Equation - Darcy friction factor: f = 64 / Rn in laminar flow Turbulent Flow - More complex relations btw wall shear stress & velocity distribution - In all flow cases, Prandtl showed “laminar sub-layer” near the boundary - The thickness of laminar boundary layer decreases as the Re # increases - Flow is turbulent outside of the boundary layer Turbulent Flow After statistical and dimensional considerations, Von Karman gives logarithmic dimensionless velocity distribution as 1 y ln C * k yo General form for turbulent velocity distributions : instantaneous velocity * : shear velocity k : von Karman constant (= 0.4 for water) y : distance from boundary yo : hydraulic depth C : constant Turbulent Flow velocity distribution 1) For smooth-walled conduits 1 yv* ln 5.5 * k v Function of the laminar sub-layer properties (wall Reynolds number) 2) For rough-walled conduits 1 y ln 8.48 * k Function of the wall roughness element Friction Factor in Turbulent flow Using velocity distribution given previously & shear stress/velocity relation (Ch7), it is possible to solve for friction factor: In smooth pipes 1 2 Log(Re f f ) 0.8 Von Karman & Prandtl equation 1 2 Log ( ro / ) 1.74 f Nikuradse rough pipe equation 1 2 Log (d / ) 1.14 f Nikuradse rough pipe equation in terms of pipe diameter In rough pipes Friction Factor in Turbulent flow Transition region: Characterized by a flow regime in a particular case follow neither the smooth nor rough pipe formulations - Colebrook & White proposed the following semi-empirical function: 1 r / 2 log(r / ) 1.74 2 log(1 18.7 ) f Rn f Note that all analytical expressions are nonlinear; so it is cumbersome to solve ! Lewis Moody developed graphical plots of f as given in preceding expressions ☺ Moody Diagram Figure 8.4: Friction factors for flow in pipes, the Moody diagram (From L.F. Moody, “Friction factors for pipe flow,” Trans. ASME, vol.66,1944.) How to Read the Moody Diagram ♦ The abscissa has the Reynolds number (Re) as the ordinate has the resistance coefficient f values. ♦ Each curve corresponds to a constant relative roughness ks/D (the values of ks/D are given on the right to find correct relative roughness curve). ♦ Find the given value of Re, then with that value move up vertically until the given ks/D curve is reached. Finally, from this point one moves horizontally to the left scale to read off the value of f. Empirical Resistance Equations Blasius Equation: 0.316 f 0.25 Rn In case of smooth-walled pipes; very accurate for Re <100,000 Manning’s Equation: (special case of Chezy) 1 1/ 6 C R n n : coefficient which is a function of the boundary roughness and hydraulic radius Velocity: (used in open-channels) For the SI unit system 1 2 / 3 0 .5 V R S n Empirical Resistance Equations Manning’s Equation: For the BG system 1.485 2 / 3 0.5 V R S n 1. Manning’s n is not be a function of turbulence characteristic or Re number but varies slightly with the flow depth (through the hydraulic radius) 2. In view of (1), therefore one can say that the Manning equation would be strictly applicable to rough pipes only, although it has frequently been employed as a general resistance formula for pipes. 3. It is, however, employed far more frequently in open-channel situations. Empirical Resistance Equations Hazen-Williams Equation: V CHW R S 0.63 0.54 f R: hydraulic radius of pipe Sf : friction slope CHW : resistance coefficient (pipe material & roughness conditions) Important Notes: 1. Widely used in water supply and irrigation works 2. Only valid for water flow under turbulent conditions. 3. It is generally considered to be valid for larger pipe (R>1) Empirical Resistance Equations •Three well-known 1-D resistance laws are the Manning, Chezy & Darcy-Weisbach resistance equations • The interrelationship between these equations is as follows: f n 1 1/ 6 8g R C RS f V Minor Losses in Pipes • Energy losses which occur in pipes are due to boundary friction, changes in pipe diameter or geometry or due to control devices such as valves and fittings. • Minor losses also occur at the entrance and exits of pipe sections. • Minor losses are normally expresses in units of velocity head 2 V hl kl 2g kl : Loss coefficient associated with a particular type of minor loss and a function of Re, R/D, bend angle, type of valve etc. Pipe connections, bends and reducers Sleeve valve. (Courtesy TVA.) Minor Losses in Pipes • In the case of expansions of cross-sectional area, the loss function is sometimes written in terms of the difference between the velocity heads in the original and expanded section due to momentum considerations; V1 V2 2 hl ke For Gradual Expansion 2g ke: expansion coefficient Minor Losses in sudden expansions hl V 1 V2 2g 2 For Sudden Expansion Head loss is caused by a rapid increase in the pressure head Minor Losses in sudden contraction 2 V2 hl kl 2g Head loss is caused by a rapid decrease in the pressure head Expansion and contraction coefficients for threaded fittings The magnitude of energy loss is a function of the degree and abruptness of the transition as measured by ratio of diameters & angle θ in Table 8.3. Coefficients of entrance loss for pipes Coefficients of entrance loss for pipes (after Wu et al., 1979). Entrance loss coefficient is strongly affected by the nature of the entrance Summary for minor losses Please see Table 4 & 5 of Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics by Ranald V Giles et al. (Schaum’s outlines series) Copyright © Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics by Ranald V Giles et. al. (Schaum’s outlines series) Bend Loss Coefficients r : radius of bend d: diameter of pipe Loss coefficients for Some typical valves CLASS EXERCISES CLASS EXERCISES CLASS EXERCISES Three-Reservoir Problem • Determine the discharge • Determine the direction of flow Three-Reservoir Problem If all flows are considered positive towards the junction then QA + Q B + Q C = 0 This implies that one or two of the flows must be outgoing from junction. The pressure must change through each pipe to provide the same piezometric head at the junction. In other words, let the HGL at the junction have the elevation pD hD z D g pD: gage pressure Three-Reservoir Problem Head lost through each pipe, assuming PA=PB=PC=0 (gage) at each reservoir surface, must be such that 1. Guess the value of hD (position of the intersection node) L VA2 hA f A z A hD d 2g L VB2 hB f B z B hD d 2g L VC2 hC f C zC hD d 2g 2. Assume f for each pipe 3. Solve the equations for VA, VB & VC and hence for QA, QB & QC 4. Iterate until flow rate balance at the junction QA+QB+QC=0 If hD too high the QA+QB+QC <0 & reduce hj and vice versa. Example: (Class Exercise) Pipes in Parallel • Head loss in each pipe must be equal to obtain the same pressure difference btw A & B (hf1 = hf2) • Procedure: “trial & error” • Assume f for each pipe compute V & Q • Check whether the continuity is maintained CLASS EXERCISES Pipe Networks The need to design the original network to add additional nodes to an existing network The problem is to determine flow & pressure at each node Two guiding principles (each loop): 1- Continuity must be maintained Q 0 i 2- Head loss btw 2 nodes must be independent of the route. h fC hfCC Pipe Networks Consider 2-loop network: Procedure: (inflow + outflow + pipe characteristics are known) 1- Taking ABCD loop first, Assume Q in each line 2- Compute head losses in each pipe & express it in terms of Q For the loop: The difference is known: Hardy Cross Method 3- If the first Q assumptions were incorrect, Compute a correction to the assumed flows that will be added to one side of the loop & subtracted from the other. ► Suppose we need to subtract a ∆Q from the clockwise side and add it to the other side for balancing head losses. Then ► After applying Taylor`s series expansion & math manipulations for the above relation: 4- After balancing of flows in the first loop, Move on to the next one Hardy Cross Method Given info: --- Example 8.11