JavaBeans - Event Handling and Properties

JavaBeans Event Handling
and Properties
Event Handling and
 Handling Bean Events
 Event Objects, Listeners, and Sources
 Event Adapters
 Property Management
 Indexed, Bound and Constrained Properties
 Introspection - Design Patterns
 Explicitly Defining Bean Information
Java Event Model
 Events Are Objects In Java
 JavaBeans Model based on Event Handling
introduced in Java 1.1 API
 Event Objects Are Generated By Components
for Communication between Beans
 Events Propagate from Source to Target
Listener Objects
 java.util package provides base classes
Event Objects
 Base class: java.util.EventObject
 public EventObject(Object source)
 Encapsulates information about event
 References Source of Event
 Create Event-Specific Subclasses of
EventObject Example
public class VoltsChangedEvent extends java.util.EventObject
protected double theVolts;
public VoltsChangedEvent(Object source, double volts)
theVolts = volts;
public double getVolts()
return theVolts;
AWTEvent Classes
 KeyEvent
 MouseEvent
 ContainerEvent
 ComponentEvent
 ActionEvent
 ItemEvent
 WindowEvent
 AdjustmentEvent
 java.beans package
 Sent when bound or constrained properties are
 JavaBeans must generate and send
PropertyChangeEvent objects
Listener Objects
 Listeners receive events from source objects
 Methods are invoked on the listener and event
object is passed as a parameter
 To receive event notification, a class
implements a listener interface
 Listener Interface Base class:
An event fired by a source object will cause the
associated method of the listener object to be
EventListener Example
public interface VoltsChangeListener
extends java.util.EventListener
void voltsChanged(VoltsChangedEvent e);
Some AWT Listener
Interfaces & Methods
 ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e);
 ItemListener
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e);
 MouseListener
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e);
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e);
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e);
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e);
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e);
Java Beans Listeners
 java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
 Bound Properties
 public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e);
 java.beans.VetoableChangeListener
 Constrained Properties
 public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) throws
Event Sources
 Objects that fire events
 Register and Unregister Listeners
 Registration Design Patterns
public void addEventNameListener (EventNameListener l);
public void removeEventNameListener (EventNameListener l);
public EventNameListener[] getEventNameListeners ();
Unicast and Multicast Event
 Multicast - Multiple Listeners Registered with
Single Event Source
 Unicast - Only one Listener Registered with
Single Event Source
 Unicast Registration Design Patterns
public void addEventNameListener (EventNameListener l)
throws java.util.TooManyListenersException;
public void removeEventNameListener (EventNameListener l);
public EventNameListener getEventNameListener ();
Event Source Example
import java.util.Vector;
public class Battery
protected double currentVolts = 12.0;
private Vector voltsChangeListeners = new Vector();
public Battery(double initVoltage)
{ currentvolts = initVoltage; }
public Battery() {}
Event Source Example Continued
public synchronized void
addVoltsChangeListener(VoltsChangeListener l)
if (!voltsChangeListeners.contains(l))
public synchronized void
removeVoltsChangeListener(VoltsChangeListener l)
if (voltsChangeListeners.contains(l))
Event Source Example Continued
public synchronized VoltsChangeListener[]
return (VoltsChangeListener [])
new VoltsChangeListener[
Event Source Example Continued
protected void notifyVoltsChange()
VoltsChangedEvent e =
new VoltsChangedEvent(this, currentVolts);
Vector v;
synchronized(this) {
v = (Vector) voltsChangeListeners.clone();}
int cnt = v.size();
for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
VoltsChangeListener list =
} // delimits Class definition
Registering an AWT
Listener Object
 Use the add<event>Listener() method to
register a qualified listener with a specific
source object
 Appropriate add<event>Listener() methods are
available to source components which trigger
the specific events
 This example shows that the argument of the
method is the listener object
The Recharger Class
public class Recharger implements VoltsChangeListener
protected Battery theBattery;
public Recharger(Battery b)
theBattery = b;
public void voltsChanged(VoltsChangedEvent e)
// turn the charging switch on or off
Event Adapters
 Listener code could get unmanageable
 Listener may want to receive several different
event source objects
 Listener may want to listen to several objects
generating the same event
Handling Events with
Event Source
Fire Event
Event Adapter
Event Listener
Single Instance Generic
Event Listener
Event Source
Event Source
Event Source
Implementing a Dispatch
Table using Java Reflection
 Target makes an instance of the Adapter
 Adapter discovers the target class at runtime
 Adapter discovers the target methods at
 Adapter can invoke the target method
Finding the Class
Battery b = new Battery(12.5);
Recharger rech = new Recharger(b);
try {
Class theClass = rech.getClass();
catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {}
Class theClass = Recharger.class;
Finding the Method
 Assume a setName method for the Recharger
class with the following signature:
void setName(String s);
Battery b = new Battery(12.5);
Recharger rech = new Recharger(b);
try {
Class theClass = rech.getClass();
Class paramClasses[] = { java.lang.String.class };
java.lang.reflect.Method m =
Object param[] = { new String(“Recharger One”) };
m.invoke(rech, param);
catch(Exception e) {}
Generic Voltage Adapter
 Handles multiple Battery objects as event
 Maps to arbitrary target object, an instance of
 Dispatch methods all have the same signature:
public void <methodName> (VoltsChangedEvent e);
Voltage Adapter Example
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
public class GenericVoltageAdapter
implements VoltsChangeListener
protected Object theTarget;
protected Class theTargetClass;
protected final static Class paramClass[] =
{ VoltsChangedEvent.class };
protected Hashtable map = new Hashtable();
public GenericVoltageAdapter(Object target)
theTarget = target;
theTargetClass = target.getClass(); }
Voltage Adapter Example Continued
public void registerEventHandler
(Battery bat, String methodName) throws NoSuchMethodException
Method m = theTargetClass.getMethod(methodName, paramClass);
map.put(bat, m);
public void voltsChanged(VoltsChangedEvent e) {
try {
Method m = (Method)map.get(e.getSource());
Object params[] = { e };
m.invoke(theTarget, params);
catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(e);} }
Revised Recharger Class
public class Recharger
protected Battery battOne;
protected Battery battTwo;
protected GenericVoltageAdapter voltAdapter;
public Recharger(Battery b1, Battery b2)
battOne = b1; battTwo = b2;
voltAdapter = new GenericVoltageAdapter(this);
voltAdapter.registerEventHandler(battOne, “volts1”);
voltAdapter.registerEventHandler(battTwo, “volts2”);
// do something specific to battery1 changes
public void volts1(VoltsChangedEvent e) { }
// do something specific to battery2 changes
public void volts2(VoltsChangedEvent e) { }
Properties in JavaBeans
 Data Portion of Bean
 Define Behavior and State
 Exposed to Visual Programming Tools for
 Can Be Any Data Type
 NOT a one-to-one correspondence between
Properties and data members of a class
Accessor Methods
 Getter and Setter Methods
 Only Getter -> Read-only property
 Only Setter -> Write-only property
 Design Patterns:
public void set<PropertyName> (<PropertyType> x);
public <PropertyType> get<PropertyName>();
 Boolean Property Design Pattern for Getter:
public boolean is<PropertyName>();
Accessor Methods Example
import java.util.Vector;
public class Battery
protected double currentVolts = 12.0;
private Vector voltsChangeListeners = new Vector();
// Constructors Here
public double getCurrentVoltage() {
return currentVolts; }
public void setCurrentVoltage(double v) {
currentVolts = v;
// other processing
Indexed Properties
 Ordered collection of values associated with one
 Implemented as an array
Design Patterns for accessing all elements:
public void set<PropertyName> (<PropertyType>[] x);
public <PropertyType>[] get<PropertyName>();
Design Patterns for accessing single element:
public void set<PropertyName> (int index, <PropertyType> x);
public <PropertyType> get<PropertyName>(int index);
Indexed Properties Example
public class Recharger
protected Battery[] battArray;
public void setBatteries(Battery[] b) {
battArray = b; }
public Battery[] getBatteries() {
return battArray; }
public void setBatteries(int index, Battery b) {
battArray[index] = b; }
public Battery getBatteries(int index) {
return battArray[index]; }
Bound Properties
 Support change notifications
 Non-specific property binding
 PropertyChangeEvent
 PropertyChangeListener
Design Patterns for registering and unregistering
listeners for Bound Properties
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l);
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l);
 Constructor
PropertyChangeEvent(Object source, String
propName, Object oldValue, Object newValue);
public Object getNewValue();
public Object getOldValue();
public Object getPropagationId();
public String getPropertyName();
public void setPropagationId(Object propID);
public interface PropertyChangeListener
extends EventListener {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e);
Bound Property Example
import java.util.Vector;
import java.beans.*;
public class Battery
protected double currentVolts = 12.0;
protected Vector propChangeListeners = new Vector();
public Battery(double initVoltage)
{ currentvolts = initVoltage; }
public Battery() {}
Bound Property Example Continued
public synchronized void
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
if (!propChangeListeners.contains(l))
public synchronized void
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
if (propChangeListeners.contains(l))
Bound Property Example Continued
protected void notifyVoltsChange()
PropertyChangedEvent e =
new PropertyChangedEvent(this, “CurrentVoltage”,
null, new Double(currentVolts));
Vector v;
synchronized(this) {
v = (Vector) propChangeListeners.clone();}
int cnt = v.size();
for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
PropertyChangeListener list =
} // delimits Class definition
Revised Recharger Class
public class Recharger implements PropertyChangeListener
protected Battery theBattery;
public Recharger(Battery b)
theBattery = b;
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
if(e.getSource() == theBattery &&
e.getPropertyName() == “CurrentVoltage”)
{ Battery b = (Battery)e.getSource();
Object o = e.getNewValue();
double newVoltage;
if ( o == null ) newVoltage = b.getCurrentVoltage();
else newVoltage = ((Double)o).doubleValue(); }
import java.util.Vector;
import java.beans.*;
public class Battery extends PropertyChangeSupport
protected double currentVolts = 12.0;
public Battery(double initVoltage){
currentvolts = initVoltage; }
public Battery() { super(this);}
public double getCurrentVoltage() {
return currentVolts; }
protected void notifyVoltsChange() {
firePropertyChange(“CurrentVoltage”, null,
new Double(currentVolts)); }
Constrained Properties
Enable Outside Party Validation
 VetoableChangeListener
Design Patterns for registering and unregistering
listeners for Constrained Properties
public void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener l);
public void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener l);
Design Patterns for setting and getting Constrained
public <PropertyType> get<PropertyName>();
public void set<PropertyName>(<PropertyType> v) throws
Using Bound &
Constrained Properties
When Change is Vetoed, New Event must be
 Listeners cannot assume universal acceptance
of constrained property
Properties can be both Bound and Constrained
 Fire VetoableChangeEvent
 Change Property Value if no veto
 Fire PropertyChangeEvent
 Manages Constrained Properties
 Manages Firing of Events
Constrained Property
public class Recharger implements PropertyChangeListener
protected Battery theBattery;
protected double minVoltage = 12.0;
protected VetoableChangeSupport;
public Recharger(Battery b)
theBattery = b;
vSupport = new VetoableChangeSupport(this);
public void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener l)
public void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener l)
Constrained Property
Example - Continued
public double getMinimumVoltage()
return minVoltage;
public void setMinimumVoltage(double v) throws PropertyVetoException
if (v < 6.0) throw new PropertyVetoException();
new Double(minVoltage), new Double(v));
minVoltage = v;
} // delimits class definition
Listeners for Specific
Design Patterns for registering and
unregistering listeners for specific Bound
public void add<PropertyName>Listener(PropertyChangeListener l);
public void remove<PropertyName>Listener(PropertyChangeListener l);
Design Patterns for registering and
unregistering listeners for specific
Constrained Properties
public void add<PropertyName>Listener(VetoableChangeListener l);
public void remove<PropertyName>Listener(VetoableChangeListener l);
 Beans expose information about how they work
 Application builder tools analyze these features
 Low-Level Services: Reflection Facilities
 High-Level Services: Limited to Public
Properties, Methods, and Events
 Design Patterns
Design Patterns Review
 Property Design Patterns
 Simple
public <PropertyType> get<PropertyName>();
public void set<PropertyName>(<PropertyType> x);
 Boolean
public boolean is<PropertyName>();
 Indexed
<PropertyElement> get<PropertyName>(int i);
void set<PropertyName>(int i, <PropertyElement> x);
<PropertyElement> [] get<PropertyName>();
void set<PropertyName>(<PropertyElement>[] x);
Design Patterns Review Continued
Event Design Patterns
 Multicast
public void add<EventListenerType>(<EventListenerType> x);
public void remove<EventListenerType>(<EventListenerType> x);
public <EventListenerType>[] get<EventListenerType>s();
 Unicast
public void add<EventListenerType>(<EventListenerType> x)
throws TooManyListeners;
 Method Design Patterns
 None specified
Explicitly Providing Bean
 Alternative to Automatic Introspection
 Option for controlling Bean Information
 Can be used in combination with Automatic
 BeanInfo interface
The Introspector
 java.beans.Introspector class
 Obtains Bean Information
 Two-tier approach
 Looks for explicit information
 Uses Reflection Techniques combined with
Design Patterns
The BeanInfo Interface
 Implemented by Bean Information Class
 Methods gather information about Bean
 Design Pattern:
 JavaBean class name: Car
 Associated BeanInfo class name: CarBeanInfo
 Advantage: Bean does not carry extra baggage
 Disadvantage: Tight Coupling Relying on
Design Pattern
BeanInfo Interface Methods
public BeanInfo[] getAdditionalBeanInfo(): returns additional
BeanInfo objects relevant to the main Bean
public BeanDescriptor getBeanDescriptor(): returns Bean Descriptor
public int getDefaultEventIndex(): returns default event index
public int getDefaultPropertyIndex(): returns default property index
public EventSetDescriptor[] getEventSetDescriptors(): returns event set
public Image getIcon(int iconkind): returns specified icon
public MethodDescriptor[] getMethodDescriptors(): returns method
public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors(): returns property
SimpleBeanInfo class
 Implements BeanInfo interface
 Derive your own BeanInfo class by
extending SimpleBeanInfo
 Additional convenience method:
public Image loadImage(String resourceName);
Bean Descriptor
 Describes class that implements the
 Constructor:
public BeanDescriptor(Class beanClass);
 Some FeatureDescriptor methods:
public void setDisplayName(String dispName);
public String getDisplayName();
Bean Descriptor Example
import java.beans.*;
public class RechargerBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo
public BeanDescriptor getBeanDescriptor()
BeanDescriptor bd = new BeanDescriptor(Recharger.class);
bd.setDisplayName(“Simulated Recharger”);
return bd;
Setting Bean Icons
 Icons used in Palettes or Tool Bars
 Four supported .GIF formats
16 x 16 color
32 x 32 color
16 x 16 monochrome
32 x 32 monochrome
import java.beans.*;
import java.awt.Image;
Setting Bean Icons Example
public class RechargerBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo
public Image getIcon(int iconKind)
if(iconKind == BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16) {
Image img = loadImage(“recharger.gif”);
return img; }
return null;
 Handling Bean Events
 Event Objects, Listeners, and Sources
 Event Adapters
 Property Management
 Indexed, Bound and Constrained Properties
 Introspection - Design Patterns
 Explicitly Defining Bean Information