MATLAB introduction Motivation A fundamental activity of engineering is to describe the world around us using mathematics. We use mathematical models to describe physical systems (modeling). Examples: • Flow of water through orifice – 1st order differential equation • Free oscillation of a mass on a spring – 2nd order differential equation • Current in electrical circuits (RLC) – 2nd order differential equation • Vibration of circular membrane – Bessel functions • One-dimensional heat flow – partial differential equation (temperature depends on both position and time) MATLAB provides the tools to solve mathematical models in a programming environment that includes graphing capabilities. Outline • Examine basic commands typed at the command prompt • Arrays • Equations • Polynomials • Plotting • Systems of equations • M-files • Decision-making • Loops • Polynomial fitting Outline • Examine basic commands typed at the command prompt • Arrays • Equations • Polynomials • Plotting • Systems of equations • M-files • Decision-making • Loops • Polynomial fitting Command prompt Start MATLAB by double-clicking on icon or selecting application from the Start menu. The MATLAB desktop will be launched. Command prompt “>>”. Can type commands here (or) write and save your own programs (using m-files). Let’s begin with command prompt. Type the following and hit Enter. Command prompt The variable “a” is assigned (“=”) the value of the square root (“sqrt”) of 243 and the result is echoed to the screen. To clear the variable, use the “clear a” command. Note that it disappears from the Workspace area. “clear all” removes all variables from the Workspace area. Outline • Examine basic commands typed at the command prompt • Arrays • Equations • Polynomials • Plotting • Systems of equations • M-files • Decision-making • Loops • Polynomial fitting Command prompt To clear the text from the Command Window, use “clc”. Next, define an array (or matrix; MATLAB = matrix laboratory). The same 1x5 (row x column) array could be defined as shown. Default step size is 1. Command prompt Individual elements of arrays are identified by their index (or indices). For a 1xn array, it is only necessary to use the column index since there is just one row. Array size is 1x6 (2 rows, 6 columns). 3rd column in “a” is “7”. Can also access using both indices: (row, column) = (1, 3). Command prompt For mxn arrays (two-dimensional), we must use both the row and column indices to access individual elements. Array size is 2x6 (2 rows, 6 columns). (row, column) = (1, 3) entry is “7” (row, column) = (2, 5) entry is “15” To define a 2-row array, we used a semicolon to mark the end of first row. Both rows must have same number of columns. Command prompt An error is generated if the two rows do not have the same number of columns. “CAT” refers to concatenation (or joining arrays). Error because there are 6 columns in the 1st row and 7 columns in the 2nd row. Command prompt Define array with steps of 0.5 (1x9 array). Previously defined a row array. Can also define a column array (5x1). Semicolon marks the end of each row. Command prompt Let’s define and add two row arrays. Square each element of the “a” array. The “.” tells MATLAB to perform the squaring operation “^2” term-by-term. Add the corresponding elements. The first element of “a” is added to first element of “b”. Command prompt Let’s define and add two other arrays. Dimensions are: (rows, columns) = (1, 5) Use the transpose operator (single quote) to convert row array into column array. Dimensions are now: (5, 1) Oops! Arrays must have the same dimensions to be added. You can learn more in a Linear Algebra course. Command prompt MATLAB has many functions that complete specific tasks. My favorite is “why”. Not very useful, but fun! Outline • Examine basic commands typed at the command prompt • Arrays • Equations • Polynomials • Plotting • Systems of equations • M-files • Decision-making • Loops • Polynomial fitting Command prompt Let’s define an equation. As an example, consider the volume, V, of a circular cylinder. h V πr 2h Use a radius, r, of 8 and a height, h, of 15. r is defined in MATLAB using “pi”. Use “*” for multiplication and “^” for power. 3.015910 3 V = 3015.9 (MATLAB uses scientific notation; value following “e” gives the power of 10). Command prompt Given the volume, V, calculate the radius. r V πh Used the “sqrt” function. Original “r” value is overwritten (same value in this case). Note that when using a semi-colon to end a statement (“r = 8;”), the assignment is not echoed to the Command Window. Outline • Examine basic commands typed at the command prompt • Arrays • Equations • Polynomials • Plotting • Systems of equations • M-files • Decision-making • Loops • Polynomial fitting Command prompt Can describe polynomials (often used to fit experimental data) by defining an array of the polynomial coefficients (highest power to lowest). For a second-order polynomial, we can use the quadratic equation to determine the two roots (x values where y(x) = 0). y ax bx c 2 x1,2 b b2 4ac 2a MATLAB has a function “roots” that can be used to find the roots of nthorder polynomials. Consider the example: x1,2 y 1x2 15x 50 15 152 4 1 50 15 5 2 1 2 1 x1 5 Let’s complete the same example using MATLAB. x 2 10 Command prompt Use indices of array to call specific value; a = y(1), b = y(2), c = y(3). y ax2 bx c 1x2 15x 50 Used the “roots” command to find two values of x where y(x) = 0. Same result as quadratic equation. Command prompt y 1x3 7x2 40x - 34 Can also separate elements of row array using commas rather than spaces. The roots are: x1,2 3 5i x3 1 ( i 1) Command prompt y 5x 4 110x2 200 y 5x4 0x3 110x2 0x 200 The roots are: x1,2 20 i x1,2 2 i y 5x4 110x2 200 5x2 10 x2 20 0 Can factor this polynomial to x 2 20 x 2 2 check the result: Command prompt Let’s look more closely at accessing individual elements of arrays using indices. Step size is -2. 3 ba The “.^3” gives the term-by-term cube. The first element of “a” is 10. The first element of “b” is: b1 a1 10 1000 3 3 Command prompt If the “.^” operator is not used, we get an error. This is because the “^3” is attempting to perform: “a*a*a”. The “^” operator requires square arrays; this means that the number of rows and columns must be equal (mxm arrays). Command prompt We can also access ranges of elements. This lists the 5th to 8th elements of “a” and “b”. b8 a8 - 4 -64 3 3 Command prompt The “find” function is used to identify the indices (not values) of particular elements. It can be used with the relational operators: >, >=, <, <=, ==, ~=. The “;” suppresses output to Command Window for “a”. Find indices of all “b” values > 0. This is the first 5 elements of “b”. Show “b” values with indices of 1 through 5. Outline • Examine basic commands typed at the command prompt • Arrays • Equations • Polynomials • Plotting • Systems of equations • M-files • Decision-making • Loops • Polynomial fitting Command prompt Consider the cosine function: y 5 cosx First, define x and then calculate y. 2π Step size in x is: 10 Range is -2 to 2. Trigonometric functions require inputs in radians ( rad = 180 deg), not degrees, for MATLAB. In this case, it would be better to graph the data to see the result. Use the “plot” function to graph (x, y) data. Command prompt Figure window 5 4 3 2 1 y Individual points are connected by line segments. 0 The x axis limits are set between -2 and 2 using “xlim”. -1 Let’s plot only the points next; no line segments. -4 -2 -3 -5 Set using “xlabel”. -6 - 2π -4 -2 0 x 2 4 6 2π Command prompt Many figure windows can be opened at the same time (1, 2, 3, …). Command prompt 5 4 3 We might like to have higher resolution in x values so the points are closer together and the cosine function is “smoother” when graphed. 2 1 y Now only the (x, y) points are shown – red circles are specified by “ro”. 0 -1 2π x step size 10 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -4 -2 0 x 2 4 6 Command prompt 5 4 3 2 1 y 2π Step size in x is now: 100 0 -1 Graph looks more continuous. -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -4 -2 0 x 2 4 6 Command prompt 5 y1 4 y2 3 2 Can plot multiple curves in the same graph. Used blue squares for y1 (larger step size in x1) and red line for y2. Added “legend” to identify two different curves on single plot. y 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -4 -2 0 x 2 4 6 Command prompt Type “help plot” to learn more. ‘bs’ = blue square ‘r^’ = red triangle (pointing up) ‘k:’ = black dotted line Command prompt 1.5708 1.5708 Plot “a + b”. 1.5708 Let’s use the plotting function to verify identities. π sin -1 x cos -1 x 2 a sin x -1 a+b 1.5708 π 1.5708 2 1.5708 1.5708 2π x step size 10 1.5708 b cos x -1 1.5708 1.5708 1.5708 -6 -4 -2 0 x 2 4 6 Command prompt Use “exp” function for exponential. 300 250 coshx a ex e e 2 x x coshx 200 (a + b)/2 Let’s again use the plotting function to verify identities. b e-x (a + b)/2 150 100 50 Plot (a + b)/2 and compare to cosh. 0 -6 -4 -2 0 x 2 4 6 Command prompt (x, y) = (0, 3) 20 0 y 51st y element -20 -40 -60 Find the maximum value of y using “max”. 2 y -4x 3 -80 -100 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 x 1 2 3 4 5 Command prompt 20 0 y -20 y ax2 bx c -4x2 0x 3 Roots are x = 0.866, -0.866. -40 -60 -80 -100 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 x 1 2 3 4 5 Command prompt y 4x2 3 120 100 y 80 60 (x, y) = (0, 3) 40 20 Find minimum using “min”. 0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 x 1 2 3 4 5 Outline • Examine basic commands typed at the command prompt • Arrays • Equations • Polynomials • Plotting • Systems of equations • M-files • Decision-making • Loops • Polynomial fitting Command prompt Can use MATLAB to solve systems of linear equations. 2x1 9x 2 5 3x1 4x 2 7 Write in vectormatrix form. 2 9 x1 5 3 - 4 x 7 2 Vector-matrix form can be represented compactly as: Ax = b 2 9 A 3 4 x1 x x 2 5 b 7 Can determine x using the inverse of the A matrix: x = A-1b Perform this operation in MATLAB. 1 x1 2 9 5 x 3 - 4 7 2 Command prompt Define the “A” matrix. Note the use of the semicolon to give the 2nd row. The “inv” function calculates the inverse of a square matrix (the number of rows is equal to the number of columns). This is more Linear Algebra. 2.3714 x 0.0286 Check this result. 2x1 9x 2 5 3x1 4x 2 7 22.3714 90.0286 5 32.3714 40.0286 7 Outline • Examine basic commands typed at the command prompt • Arrays • Equations • Polynomials • Plotting • Systems of equations • M-files • Decision-making • Loops • Polynomial fitting M-file Rather than typing at the command prompt (>>), can write a program to execute series of commands. This is an m-file in MATLAB. Click to begin new m-file. The Editor screen is launched. We can now type commands in a single program (saved as _____.m) and execute this new program when we are ready. M-file Let’s write a program (tank.m) to solve the following problem. A water tank consists of a cylindrical base of radius r and height h and has a hemispherical top (also radius r). The tank is to be constructed to hold V = 500 m3 of fluid when filled. The surface area of the cylindrical part is 2rh and its volume is r2h. The surface area of the hemispherical top is 2r2 and its volume is 2r3/3. The cost to construct the cylindrical part of the tank is $300/m2 of surface area; the hemispherical part costs $400/m2. Plot the cost versus r for 2 r 10 m and determine the radius that results in the minimum cost. Compute the corresponding height h. r 2π r 3 V 3 h π r2 C 3002π rh 400 2π r 2 h M-file Click to execute the m-file. This also saves the program. Define step/range for r. “h” is an array. Must use “.” for term-by-term power and division. Same for “C”. Find the index of “C” where it is equal to its minimum value. “%” for comments. Determine “r”, “h”, and “C” at this index. Plot “C” as function of “r”. Note that you need to have your m-file in the current directory to execute it. M-file 5 1.6 x 10 1.5 cost ($) 1.4 The minimum cost is $91394 for a radius of 4.92 m and height of 3.2949 m. 1.3 1.2 (4.92, 91394) 1.1 1 0.9 2 3 4 5 6 radius (m) 7 8 9 10 M-file The aorta is the largest artery in the body, originating from the left ventricle of the heart and bringing oxygenated blood to all parts of the body in the systemic circulation. The aorta extends down to the abdomen, where it branches off into two smaller arteries. The blood pressure in the aorta during systole (the period following the closure of the heart’s aortic valve) can be described using: yt e-8t sin 9.7t 2 where t is time in seconds and y(t) is the pressure difference across the aortic valve, normalized by a constant reference pressure (y is unitless). M-file 100 steps per cycle yt e sin 9.7t 2 -8t Use “.*” for element-byelement multiplication because t is an array. This is an oscillating function (sine wave) that decays exponentially. We must decide on step size to plot the function. 9.7 1.54 cycles/s (Hz). 2π 1 1 0.648 s. The time for one full cycle (or period) is: f 1.54 Oscillating frequency is 9.7 rad/s. This is: f M-file 1.2 5 steps per cycle 1 0.8 0.6 y(t) 100 steps per cycle 0.4 0.2 0 Red square with dotted line -0.2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 time (s) 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Outline • Examine basic commands typed at the command prompt • Arrays • Equations • Polynomials • Plotting • Systems of equations • M-files • Decision-making • Loops • Polynomial fitting Decision-making The usefulness of computer programs is increased by using decision-making functions. This enables operations to be completed that depend on the results of calculations. The relational operators make comparisons between arrays. The result of using relational operators is 1 if true and 0 if false. 56 False = 0 5 5 True = 1 5 ~ 5 False = 0 operator meaning < Less than <= Less than or equal to > Greater than >= Greater than or equal to == Equal to ~= Not equal to Can compare arrays in element-byelement fashion. Let’s consider some examples… Decision-making x = [6 3 9] x = [6 3 9] y = [14 2 9] y = [14 2 9] 9<9, false = 0 6<14, true = 1 Decision-making x = [6 3 9] x = [6 3 9] y = [14 2 9] y = [14 2 9] 9~=9, false = 0 6~=14, true = 1 Decision-making Can also compare arrays to a scalar. x = [6 3 9] x = [6 3 9] 8 9>8, true = 1 6>8, false = 0 8 Decision-making The logical operators also make comparisons between arrays. The result of using logical operators is again 1 if true and 0 if false. operator name definition ~ NOT “~A” returns an array with the same dimensions as “A”; the new array has ones where “A” is zero and zeros where “A” is nonzero & AND “A&B” returns an array the same dimensions as “A” and “B”; the new array has ones where both “A” and “B” have nonzero elements and zeros where either “A” or “B” is zero | OR “A|B” returns an array the same dimensions as “A” and “B”; the new array has ones where either “A” and “B” have nonzero elements and zeros where both “A” or “B” is zero Look at some examples in MATLAB… Decision-making z = ~x = ~[0 3 9] ~x(3) = ~9 = 0 ~x(1) = ~0 = 1 NOT “~A” returns an array with the same dimensions as “A”; the new array has ones where “A” is zero and zeros where “A” is nonzero Decision-making z = ~x > y = ~[0 3 9] > [14 -2 9] ~x = ~[0 3 9] = [1 0 0] 1 > 14, false = 0 0 > -2, true = 1 NOT z = [1 0 0] > [14 -2 9] Decision-making z = ~(x > y) = ~([0 3 9] > [14 -2 9]) [0 3 9] > [14 -2 9] [0>14 NOT 3>-2 9>9] [0 1 0] ~[0 1 0] Decision-making z=0&3=0 “A&B” returns an array the same dimensions as “A” and “B”; the new array has ones where both “A” and “B” have nonzero elements and zeros where either “A” or “B” is zero z=2&3=1 AND Decision-making “z” has same dimensions as “x” and “y” 5 & 2, true = 1 AND 0 & 5, false = 0 Decision-making “x” dimensions are 1x4 “y” dimensions are 1x5 AND “x&y” gives error Decision-making z=0|3=1 “A|B” returns an array the same dimensions as “A” and “B”; the new array has ones where either “A” and “B” have nonzero elements and zeros where both “A” or “B” is zero z=2|3=1 OR Decision-making “z” has same dimensions as “x” and “y” 5 | 2, true = 1 0 | 5, true = 1 0 | 0, false = 0 OR Decision-making These results are typically summarized in a truth table. NOT, AND, OR x y ~x x|y x&y T T F T T T F F T F F T T T F F F T F F Decision-making We already introduced the “find” function. “find(x)” is used to compute an array containing the indices (not values) of the nonzero elements of “x”. x = [-2 0 4] y = find(x) Nonzero “x” elements are “-2” and [4] x(1) = -2, nonzero x(y) = [-2 4] x(2) = 0 x(3) = 4, nonzero y = [1 3] 1st element of x is nonzero; index is 1 for 1st element 3rd element of x is nonzero; index is 3 for 3rd element Decision-making x = [6 3 9 11] y = [14 2 9 13] index = find(x < y) This finds the indices of the comparison (x < y) where the values are true (1). x = [6 3 9 11] 6<14 3<2 True False y = [14 2 9 13] 9<9 11<13 False True “find” returns the indices 1 and 4 where the comparison is true (1) Decision-making x = [5 -3 0 0 8] y = [2 4 0 5 7] 5&2 -3&4 0&0 0&5 8&7 True True False False True “find” returns the indices 1, 2, and 5 where the comparison is true (1) x([1 2 5]) = [5 -3 8] y([1 2 5]) = [2 4 7] Decision-making Consider a projectile that is launched with a speed v0 at an angle A (relative to the horizontal). Its height, h, and velocity, v, depend on the time since launch (at t = 0). v(t) v0 A h(t) ht v 0 t sinA 0.5gt 2 v t v 0 2v 0 gt sinA g2 t 2 2 The time is takes to hit the ground is obtained by setting h(t) = 0 and solving for the time, thit. t hit v 0 sinA 0.5g Decision-making Let v0 = 20 m/s and A = 40 deg (g = 9.81 m/s2). Find the times (between t = 0 and thit) when the height is no less than 6 m and the speed is simultaneously no greater than 16 m/s. v <= 16 m/s v0 A h>=6m Solve for v and h as a function of time. Use relational and logical operators to find times when height and velocity conditions are both true. Need to select step size for t. Choose thit/100. Write program (m-file) to complete this task. Plot v and h versus t to check results. Decision-making Use “find” to determine indices of time where h >= hlim and v <= vlim. Define “t_true” where conditions are satisfied using “index”. Find first and last values of “t_true”. Use “subplot” to make figure with 2x1 panels. Plot lines at hlim and vlim using “line” function. Decision-making Find the times (between t = 0 and thit) when the height is no less than 6 m and the speed is simultaneously no greater than 16 m/s. 10 h(t) 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 20 For the specified conditions, the velocity limits the range. v(t) 19 t1 = 0.8649 s 18 t2 = 1.7560 s 17 16 15 0 0.5 1 1.5 time (s) 2 2.5 Decision-making The conditional statements if, else, and elseif also enable decision-making in programs. if logical expression The basic structure of the if statement is: statements end Consider the case that it is only desired to calculate the square root of x if x is greater than or equal to zero. The logic is: if x >= 0, then calculate y = sqrt(x). If x is negative, take no action. if x >= 0 y = sqrt(x); end if statements may also be nested. There can be multiple statements within the if statement. There is only one (y = sqrt(x);) here, however. if logical expression 1 if logical expression 2 statements end end Decision-making When more than one action can occur as the result of a decision, use else and elseif statements along with the if statement. if logical expression statements 1 The basic structure of the else statement is: else statements 2 end Consider the case that y = sqrt(x) for x >= 0 and that y = ex-1 for x < 0. if x >= 0 y = sqrt(x); else y = exp(x) – 1; end Decision-making The elseif statement enables an additional decision to be made with an if statement. The basic structure of the elseif statement is: Consider the case that y = ln(x) for x > 10, y = sqrt(x) for 0 <= x <= 10, and y = ex-1 for x < 0. y ln x , y x, y e x 1, if x > 10 x 10 0 x 10 x0 if logical expression 1 statements 1 elseif logical expression 2 statements 2 else statements 3 end If not true, then x is <= 10. y = log(x); elseif x >= 0 If not true, then y = sqrt(x); x is < 0. else y = exp(x) – 1; end Decision-making Consider the previous example and write an m-file to determine the result based on the selected x value. Request “x” value from the user. Calculate “y” based on “x” input. Display text and “y” to Command Window. Decision-making x 10 y lnx 0 x 10 y x x0 y ex 1 Outline • Examine basic commands typed at the command prompt • Arrays • Equations • Polynomials • Plotting • Systems of equations • M-files • Decision-making • Loops • Polynomial fitting Loops A loop is a structure used to repeat a calculation (or group of statements) a number of times. The for loop is used when the number of repetitions is known beforehand. The while loop is used when the loop continues until a specified condition is satisfied. for counter = m:s:n statements end “m” is the starting value of the loop counter “s” is the step size of the counter “n” is the final value of the loop counter Example: Write an m-file to compute the sum of the first 15 terms of the series 5k2 – 2k, where k = 1, 2, 3… Use a for loop to complete the task. Loops Initialize “total” value to zero. Loop counter is “k”. Update “total” value each repetition. Display results in Command Window. Loops Free vibration of a single degree of freedom spring-mass-damper system can be expressed as: - x ζω x x0 ζωn t 2 1 0 n 0 xt e cos ωn 1 ζ t φ where φ tan cosφ ω 1 ζ 2 x 0 n c k ζ ωn 2 km m c = 50 N-s/m k = 1106 N/m x(t) m = 2 kg x0 x0 Initial displacement of mass from equilibrium position x 0 x 0 Initial velocity of mass Let initial displacement be 5 mm = 0.005 m and initial velocity be zero. Write m-file to plot x(t) in time steps of 0.0001 s for 0.5 s. Loops Use “round” to round number of repetitions to nearest integer. Use counter “cnt” to index “t” and “x” and write arrays. Loops Exponentially decaying cosine wave. Converted “x” from m to mm. Outline • Examine basic commands typed at the command prompt • Arrays • Equations • Polynomials • Plotting • Systems of equations • M-files • Decision-making • Loops • Polynomial fitting Polynomial fitting We use mathematical models to describe physical systems (modeling). This often takes the form of collecting data and fitting a function, such as a polynomial, to the data. Regression analysis is finding the polynomial that best fits the data in a least squares sense. Example: Fit x/y data with a line (1st order polynomial) x y 0 2 5 6 10 11 y mx b Find m and b for least squares best fit to values of y (dependent variable) at x locations (independent variable). Best fit is provided by the line that minimizes the sum of the squares in the vertical (y-direction) differences between the line and data points. These differences are the residuals. Polynomial fitting The sum of the squares of the residuals is: 3 J mx i b - yi m 0 b - 2 m 5 b - 6 m 10 b - 11 2 2 2 2 i1 Values of m and b that minimize J are found from: J 0 m J 0 b J 125m2 30mb 280m 3b2 38b 161 J 250m 30b 280 0 m J 30m 6b 38 0 b Write in vector-matrix form: 250 30 m 280 30 6 b 38 Determine [m b]T using the inverse of the 2x2 matrix. Perform this operation in MATLAB. Polynomial fitting Solve for m and b: The best fit line is: 1 m 250 30 280 b 30 38 6 m = 0.9 x y b = 1.8333 0 2 5 6 10 11 y fit 0.9x 1.8333 Find J – the sum of the squares of the residuals. Polynomial fitting Find J from the residuals. y fit 0.9x 1.8333 No other straight line will give a smaller J. x y yfit (yfit-yi)2 0 2 1.8333 0.0278 5 6 6.3333 0.1111 10 11 10.833 0.0278 J 0.1667 y fit 0.9x 1.8333 Polynomial fitting 11 data 10 fit 9 8 y 7 Minimized vertical distance (residual) using least squares fitting. 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 y fit 0.9x 1.8333 5 x 6 7 8 9 10 x y 0 2 5 6 10 11 Polynomial fitting MATLAB can complete this task using the function “polyfit”. The format for the function call is: x – independent variable p = polyfit(x, y, n) y – dependent variable n – order of the polynomial fit p – row array that contains the polynomial coefficients in descending powers Example: Fit x/y data with line (1st order polynomial) x y 0 2 5 6 10 11 y a1x a2 Find a1 and a2 for least squares best fit to values of y (dependent variable) at x locations (independent variable). Polynomial fitting p – row array that contains the polynomial coefficients in descending powers y a1x a2 Best fit line 3 J a1xi a2 - yi 2 i1 x y yfit (yfit-yi)2 0 2 1.8333 0.0278 5 6 6.3333 0.1111 10 11 10.833 0.0278 Polynomial fitting Example: Bacterial growth Bacterial growth is the division of one bacterium into two daughter cells in a process called binary fission. Providing no mutational event occurs, the resulting daughter cells are genetically identical to the original cell. Hence, "local doubling" of the bacterial population occurs. Both daughter cells from the division do not necessarily survive. Video t (min) Bacteria (ppm) t (min) Bacteria (ppm) 0 6 10 350 1 13 11 440 2 23 12 557 3 33 13 685 4 54 14 815 5 83 15 990 6 118 16 1170 7 156 17 1350 8 210 18 1575 9 282 19 1830 Polynomial fitting 1st order fit to data Best fit line 19 J a1t i a2 - bacteriai i1 2 Polynomial fitting Large residuals with structure Polynomial fitting 2nd order fit to data Best fit quadratic 19 J a1t i a2 t i a3 - bacteriai i1 2 2 Polynomial fitting Residuals reduced, but some structure remains. Polynomial fitting 3rd order fit to data Best fit cubic 19 J a1t i a2 t i a3 t a4 - bacteriai i1 3 2 2 Polynomial fitting Smallest residuals with little structure. Polynomial fitting 2000 500 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 500 1500 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 -200 -400 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 time (min) 14 16 18 20 50 0 -50 -100 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 10 12 time (min) 14 16 18 20 10 residual (ppm) 0 500 0 0 fit 1000 100 200 residual (ppm) residual (ppm) fit 1000 0 20 400 -600 1500 bacteria (ppm) bacteria (ppm) bacteria (ppm) 1000 0 data data fit -500 2000 2000 data 1500 5 0 -5 -10 -15 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 time (min) 14 16 18 20 1st order fit 2nd order fit 3rd order fit J = 7.9736x105 J = 1.6776x104 J = 580.936 ppm Best fit for this data set Summary • Examined basic commands typed at the command prompt • Arrays • Equations • Polynomials • Plotting • Systems of equations • M-files • Decision-making • Loops • Polynomial fitting More information is available from: William J. Palm III, A Concise Introduction to MATLAB, McGraw-Hill, 2008.