VASTU RESIDENCES & FLATS NORTH (KUBER) • OPTION FOR KITCHEN • TREASURY • MORE OPEN SPACE • MEDITATION ROOM •ENTRANCE •PORCH •BALCONIES, VERANDAH •UNDER GROUND TANK • AVOID BED ROOMS •AVOID TOILETS • AVOID BED ROOMS •AVOID KITCHEN •AVOID SEPTIC TANK • BATH ROOMS • DINNING ROOM •STORE ROOM FOR OIL, GHEE ETC. •STUDY ROOM •MORE OPEN SPACE •AVOID CELLAR • TOILETS •WARDROBES •DRESSING ROOM • BED ROOMS SLEEP WITH HEAD ON SOUTH OR EAST •STORE FOR HEAVY ITEMS •STAIR CASE BLOCK •STAIR CASE BLOCK •LIFT •OVER HEAD WATER TANK •AVOID CELLAR •AVOID WELL •AVOID CELLAR •AVOID WELL SOUTH (YAMA) • KITCHEN FACE EAST & COOK •AVOID UNDER GROUND TANK •AVOID WELL EAST (INDRA) WEST (VARUN) • AVOID WELL AS FAR AS POSSIBLE, VARRIOUS ROOMS SHOULD BE ORIENTED IN THE HOUSE AS PER GIVEN DIRECTIONS NORTH GRAIN STORE BED ROOM FOR YOUND COUPLE CATTLE SHED GRAIN STORE MEDUIOINE ROOM WEST ROOM FOR EXPRESSING SORROW PUJA ROOM ROOM SATR ROOM DINNING OPEN COURT YARD CHUMING CURO STUDY ROOM ROOM FOR WEAPONS EAST CATTLE SHED TOILET BED ROOM STORE FOR GHEE KITCHEN SOUTH THE DIAGRAM GIVEN ABOVE SHOWS THE PROPER ORIENTATION OF VARRIOUS ROOMS AS PER VASTU SHASTRA RESIDENCES & FLATS BATH ROOM NORTH •The mild rays of the morning sun East are beneficial for health •Water should drain out on the North or East side. PROPER SPACE FOR TOILET PROHIBITE D PLACE FOR TOILET SOUTH EAST WEST •The slope of the floor should be Towards North , East , or NE. PROHIBIT ED PLACE FOR TOILET LAYOUT OF A COLONY By Examining carefully, to have a general idea about the merits & demerits of different sites. Good sites ROAD To before use be MAIN ROAD NE Corner Rounded off - Rectification difficult rectified NW & SE Corner rounded off - can be considered ROAD MAIN ROAD very Corner off - to be ROAD SW Rounded avoided N W E S TOILET DETAILS •Wash basin & Mirror - North side wall - Good •Water Closet - South side wall – North South axis - Good •Slope towards - North – East Corner - Good N N S W E S N TOILET DETAILS PROPE R PLACE FOR TOILET PROPER PLACE FOR TOILET *W.C. should best facing south & north (N-S Axis) ·Floor of the Toilet should slope towards north or east or NE ·Water source should in the NE corner. SEPTIC TANKS •Septic Tank should not be directly touching the wall compound or the plinth of the House. It should be alleast 1 or 2 ft away. •Of the 3 parts of the septic tank water should be in the East and the excretion in the West. •The length of septic Tank should be E -W and the breadth S-N as far as possible. •ST should not be higher then the plinth level of the bldg. It should be at the ground level as far as possible . •The outlet of the ST should be in the North or West LOSS OF BUBG LOSS OF MONEY NW NE THE BEST MED IUM N W LOSS OF MENTLE PEACE SEPTIC TANK NOT AT THESE PLACES E LOSS OF FAME S LOSS OF HEALTH SW SE LOSS OF WIFE TOILET DETAILS W •Wash basin and mirror North side wall GOOD •Water closet towards South East wall BAD •Slope towards South-West Corner BAD E Wash basin and mirror South side wall BAD Water closet West side wall BAD Slope towards East Corner BAD W E BED ROOM •In the main SW corner of the SW side Bed room, heavy articles should be kept. The bed should be towards South or West of the SW corner. •While sleeping if head towards: West - Name, fame & prosperity East - Mental peace, increases liking for spiritualism South - Increases wealth & Prosperity North - No sound sleep & mental sickness increases •The dressing table should be to the east of the North direction. •TV, heater & Electrical Appliances should be to the South East. NORTH DRESSING TABLE TELEPPHONE WEST WINDOWS STOOL DOOR BEDS EAST T.V. WARDROBS SOUTH BED ROOM •* Main bed room for the head of the family should be South West direction. •* Bed room for un-married Children can be built on the East side. •* Bed room for Guest & Un-married Youths can be in the North West. •* Bed room for Young Couples is good in the North direction. •* Bed room of Head should be larger. NORTH SOUTH PROPER PLACE FOR BED ROOM PROHIBITED PLACE FOR BED ROOM in the South or POOJA ROOM •Toilet should not be above or below the worship room. •White or light yellow marble work in the worship room is auspicious. The colour of the walls should be white , light yellow or light blue. •It should have doors & windows in the North East •Lamp should be in the SE corner. •The Pooja Room should have a threshold. •The idol should be kept atleast an inch away from the wall. •The door of the pooja room should not be made of tin or iron grills. NORTH NE (ESHAN) PROPER PLACE FOR PUJA ROOM SOUTH STUDY ROOM •* The person should sit facing North or East side while studying. * The study table should not be placed touching the walls, it is inauspicious. * Water pot must be placed in North -East corner only. * Colour of the walls should be sky blue , Cream, light green or white * Book shell should be placed along the North or east wall N FLOWER POT W NORTH PE RC E DY SOUTH TABLE BOOK SHELF S E TREASURURY ROOM •The safe should be placed on a foundation. •The colour of the room - Yellow - increases wealth. •The safe should not be kept under beam. •Case box , safe , almirah should be placed along the South wall , such that it opens towards the North the man while opening it faces towards south •Treasury room should have a threshold of atleast 1" to 2". •The shape of the room preferably should be square or rectangle. PROPER PLACE FOR TREASURY ROOM NORTH (KUBER) SOUTH KITCHEN ROOM * Burner (Gas, Stove , Cooking range etc ) should be kept in the SE Corner of the room , such that while cooking the person face Towards East . * Water should be kept in NE. * Shelves for raw Materials , utensils, commodities etc should be kept on the South & West side N SINK & DRAINAGE BOARD SHELVE W E GAS CHULLAH NORTH S PROPE R SOUTH SEPLACE PROHIBITED PLACE FOR KITCHEN BASEMENTS ROAD NORTH – EAST CELLER IS GOOD N SOUTH-WEST CELLAR IS BAD W E S ROAD NORTH – WEST CELLER IS NOT GOOD SOUTH EAST CELLAR IS NOT GOOD DINING ROOM •While eating food the head of the family should sit facing East . Others can sit facing North , East or West However nobody should sit facing South. •There should be no Arches in the Room . •The Dinning table should be square or rectangular not be of any other irregular shape. shape . It should •There should not be any attached Toilet with this room . •Natural portraits & paintings makes the atmosphere happy. NORTH PROPER PLACE FOR DINING ROOM SOUTH LOCATION OF DOORS DOORS ON THE BASIS OF RASHI On the basis of Rashi of the house owner , door is Auspicious in the following direction RASHIS DIRECTION Cancer , Scorpion , Pisces East Virgo , capricom , Gemini South Libra , Acquarius , Taurus West Aries , Saggitarius , Leo North Direction North - No. Name of Deity Effect 27 Mukhya Gain of property & sons 28 Bhallat Enough property 29 Som Peace , progress & Religious Nature 2 Porianya Gain to females 3 Jayant Gain of wealth, favour of Govt. 4 Indra Gain of wealth & sons. South 12 Virhatkshat Wealth & sons West 21 Varun Prosperity & Happiness East - CONTD….NEXT SLIDE NORTH 24 25 26 30 31 32 1 23 22 20 5 19 6 18 7 17 16 15 14 13 SOUTH 11 10 9 8 BASEMENT CELLAR CELLAR ROAD GOOD N BAD W E S ROAD BAD GOOD LOCATION OF GATES AND WELLS W SITE G W BAD SITE SITE BAD SITE MADE GOOD MADE GOOD SITE W SITE BAD SITE BAD SITE MADE GOOD MADE GOOD (a) Bed room (Particularly master bed room) of building should be placed in the south-west. It can be slightly deviated towards south or west, If the placement is opposite the effect will be extremely bad, lime loss of children or financial loss or ill health, There are numerous such rules developed to deal with every possible situation of lay out of a building and its relation with the sit6e and surrounding roads. Because of the fact that stated cause and also the stated effect in a rule are repeatedly observable and testable phenomena, the statement giving cause- and - effect relationship between tow phenomena can be considered as a valid " hypothesis" for scientific investigation. (b) The slope of the site should run down south towards north with permissible slight deviation of the slope clock wise i.e. from S-W to N-E If this satisfied, then the occupant/owner will fetch wealth, health and fame, otherwise effect will be negative. (c) Highest part of the building should be at the south west and the lowest part at the north-east, If the rule is satisfied then it will cause owner/ occupant to uplift his health wealth and fame, This desired orientation of high-low line of building can be slightly deviated anti clock wise (from S to N to S-E to N-W) with out causing any ill- effect, But the effect will be just negative if the rule is grossly violated. 3. How a hypothesis is scientifically Proved Before proving a hypothesis scientifically it should first stated in ambiguous way, Once it is done it can be proved either (a) by deducting it logically from one or some established laws and theories of science, or (b) by testing the validity of the hypothesis by observing the phenomenon in a sufficient number of cases, It is seen that both the approaches are apparently used by the proponents to prove rules of vastu even though wrong fully. 3.1 Logical deduction and established laws of science First method of scientific acceptance of hypothesis is to prove the hypothesis based on accepted facts, laws of theories of science (i.e. scientific knowledge) following logical steps, If the logical deduction satisfies the hypotheses, we accept it Is " Vastu" Relevants In Modern Context ? 1. INTRODUCTION Practice of " Vastu Shastra" or "Vastu" in short which had been developed in ancient India is spreading like wild fire now-a-days is an elaboration of a small part of ancient practice of Vastu Shastra, This part was related to the fortune of occupants. owner of a building, Other parts which are found scientifically valid are normally ignored and not practiced now-a-days (e.g.) accurate determination of geographic north which may be different from magnetic north, Proponents of this part (called Vastu) of ancient vastu, Shastra hail from various professions like law, medicine, Civil Engineering or architecture, Most of them normally practice as "Vastu Pandits" applying certain accepted rules with some variations, The term " Vastu in this paper refers to those rules which are practiced by "Vastu It is always advocated by the propoments of the shastra that any Vastu rule can be proved to be scientific, based on the present day knowledge of science even though these rules are out-come of revealation by regent visionaries of ancient India, While trying to prove any vastu rule scientifically they resort to unscientific approach. This recent development totally related to the practice of architecture calls for serious investigation from the part of architect revealing the scientific status of this subject. This is because any untruthful guidance to the people of planning of their building may lead to wastage in term of design quality as well was money. 2. Cause-and-effect relationship Vastu rules are primarily based on " Cause-and-effect" relationship. I restrict myself here only to vastu rules related to residential building and its site planning including orientation. Any of the rules contains tow distinct parts of physically testable phenomena. First part is related to some kind of planning aspect of the building/house which is considered as a "Cause" and the second part is related to some kind of well being of the owner/occupant of the building/house "effect" of first. Vastu Rule = Cause + Effect. Where, cause = geometrical properties of plan particularly in relation to north direction. Let me cite here few of the vast number of commonly followed vastu rules to give an idea about the nature of the rules. Even if we accept all above queries answered satisfactorily , one question still remains : Why matching of the magnetic field of both earth and human body will cause "disturbed sleep, tension and other connected problems" and why this will not be true when orientation of a person in other direction ? (In this connection it is to note that there is no mention of magnet in the original books on vastu . In the original vastu shastra geographic North is used instead of magnetic north. Magnetic North may be different in orientation) declination from place to place and time to time . At present however in India magnetic North geographic North. approximately matches with the (b) Vastu and Sun rays : "Vastu and the science of climatology" The sun emits two types of rays ; ultra violate and infrared . These rays have various effects on the human body and environment . This is one of the basic principal of the vastu shastra . The sun emits ultra violet rays in the morning hours , which have good effect on human body and the environment - surrounding to him . These rays have tendency to kill bacteria . This is way the kitchen is preferred in eastern side . It is also good to have morning rays fall on our eye and which is why the kitchen platform should be oriented towards eastern side so that while cooking food ultraviolet rays will enter the eyes . The sun emits infra red rays during evening hours which are harmful . Water bodies placed at South West corners are therefore not desirable the reflected infra red rays from the water body in this direction enter the house and have adverse effect on human body . Criticism : (i) In the morning sun emits more ultra violet rays than any other time of a days (the statement actually made is "the sun emits ultra violet rays in the morning hours" which is not true and , therefore modified to retain the sense ) and (ii) the sun emits more infra red rays in the evening made is "the sun emits infra - red rays during evening hours". Let us check the truthfulness of these two statements on which conclusions are dependent. The amount of radiation received just outside the atmosphere of the earth on a plane perpendicular to the sun rays is 1353 watt. per sq. M on the average which is called "solar constant". This value , however may vary due to change in sun - earth distance in a year and also due to solar activity . But this variation is not significant and can be ignored . If sun rays enter directly from the zenith , radiation value on the surface of the earth will lie within a range of 800-950 watt / sqm depending upon the presence of turbidity in the air . 3.1.1 Vastu rules and established laws of science Proponents of vastu rule tend to prove the rules based on the deductive approach from modern laws of science but without following any logical steps. Some sort of falacy is always used to arrive at the conclusion, Let us take examples from book/ journals under wide circulation in the market, Below two examples are accepted as valid scientific proof of vastu rules in almost all books on vastu, But all there are founded on wrong notion of scientific knowledge. (a) Human body as a magnet " Human body itself acts as a magnet with the head, the heaviest and important part of the body, as the North pole. If the head is directed towards the North while sleeping, the North le of the earth and that of the human body repel each other affecting the blood circulation, causing disturbed sleep, tension and other connected problems. Criticism: It is well established fact that nervous system of the human body communicates with the help of electric impulses , thus producing electro - magnetic field around the part of the body . Muscles also produce electrical potential . Activity of human being is primarily controlled by the electrical and chemical activity of the body . Any movement of charge , however small will produce electrical field around the direction of movement, Again any surrounding magnetic field will, thus have an effect on the electrical activity of parts of human body, But investigation of the statements quoted in the above paragraph generates certain questions: (i) Where it is proved that the entire human body the net result of these tiny magnetic fields distributed within the human body is equivalent to a magnet matching the sized of a human body? (ii) Why " heaviest and important part of the body" (i.e. head) should be have as North pole, It is to note that " the heart is the most powerful source of electric and magnetic fields in the organism" and also that" in the eye the magnetic filed induction is significantly higher that that of the brain. (iii) Moreover, North pole of a magnet is not repulsed by the North pole of the earth as claimed here, On the contrary, North pole of the earth attracts North pole of all magnets, (For this reason we find North pole of a magnetic needles pointing North pole of the earth. In fact North pole of any magnet is North seeking pole . The Ten Commandments of Vastu Shastra 1. The main water source or a water feature should be towards the North-East. 2. The kitchen, Generator room, furnace or boiler should be towards the South-East. 3. The guestroom, store or children's bedroom should be towards North-West. 4. The guestroom, store or children's bedroom should be towards South-West. 5. The centre should be light and airy. The Ten Commandments of Vastu Shastra 6. There should be more open space towards the North and East as compared to the South and West. 7. The South and West floor levels should be higher than the North and East. 8. The South and West boundary walls should be higher than the North and East walls. 9. The entrance is preferred from the North or East. 10. You should sleep with your head towards the South and raise the headside by 3".