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Vastu Shastra: Principles of Design and Harmony

Vastu Shastra a refined combination of ancient Hindu traditions developed as an art,
analyzed as a science, and interpreted astrologically can lead the way into healthy
living. Roughly translated Vastu means land to live on and Shastra has reference to
harmony and balance of man with nature. Vastu Shastra teaches us on how we can lay
out our house design so that we as human beings can get the maximum benefits of the
natural forces given-off by nature. Basically, this system deals with the five elements in
Indian Mythology namely, air, water, earth, fire, and sky which are believed to be
sources of natural power.The creation of space represented by the sky, the air inherent
in space, or vacuum, the earth which is the solid surface, the water which comprises ¾
of the earth’s surface and the fire which is natural to the sun.
• Sky something that denotes space, a vacuum endless and infinite yet holds an
unimaginable power that can reach our earthly existence.
• Air the gasses biologically needed by all living things on earth whether for subsistence
or for ecological balance.
• Water believed to be rainfall from the skies which filled up the gaps and low lying
areas of the Earth.
• Earth that which was formed out of the molten rocks and which attracts all other
elements because of its great magnetic force.
• Sun the bearer of fire and the main source of life on earth. It plays an important part in
vastu shastra since it is worshipped as the personification of God being the potential
source of creation.
The invisible powers emanating from these elements can come in all directions. It is a
must therefore to know where we can position our property, our house as well as our
physical beings in order to receive the natural life forces.
Vastu Shastra suggestions in Architecture
1. Square, rectangle plot or home are best.
2. Purchase the land facing proper directions i.e North, South, East and West.
3. Boundary wall should be around the building and also keep vacant space around the
building in all the four sides.
4. Keep vacant space as much as you can in North and East directions.
5. Better place for dug Well, under ground water tanks or boring etc. are north, north northeast, east north-east.
6. Don’t make any pillar, beam, stairs or kitchen and toilets also in the center of building
(Brahm Sathal).
7. There shouldn’t be any pit or uneven space at the Center place (Brahm Sathal)
8. The best option for heavy construction should be in the South, south-west and West
9. Mirror is very important in home, North and East direction are best and avoid in South,
South-West and West.
10. For better health and to have sound sleep head should face South direction.
11. Kitchen are best South and South-East and always keep your face in East direction while
12. Worship, Pooja room, meditation place be in North-East direction. Meditation results are
excellent in this direction.
13. There shouldn’t be any obstruction in front of main gate of building.
14. Kitchen or toilets neither facing nor adjoining each other.
15. Don’t keep Broken mirrors, out of order watches/clocks and wastage material in home
because these things always gives negative vibrations.
16. Avoid toilets in South-West, North-East, North-North-East. Toilets seat are adjusted in
such a way that during excretion your face should be in North or south facing.
17. Pits and slope in South direction causes health problems for members of family, similarly
slope in south direction of building causes financial problems for members of family.
18. Tulsi plants are considered good at resident.
19. On Sunday while mopping your home add some sea-salt in it this will remove the
negative energy.
Vastu Shastra is an antique science which is mainly used for architecture and construction
purpose. Vastu Shastra is a traditional approach which is helpful for us. In this Shastra there
are some concepts and geographical notations. According these concepts Vastu provides
design and direction of a building or a house so to get more health and wealth.