Vector equation of a line 1 A plane starts a journey at the point (4,1) and moves each hour æ5æ along the vector æ æ. æ2æ a) Find the plane’s coordinate after 1 hour. (9,3) b) Find the plane’s coordinate after 2 hours. (14,5) c) Find the plane’s coordinate after t hours. æxæ æ4æ æ5æ æ æ = æ æ+ tæ æ Vector equation æyæ æ1æ æ2æ Parametric equation 4 (4,1) 2 5 10 A coordinate on the line. x = 4 + 5t, y = 1 + 2t The vector part of the line. Vector equation of a line 2 Find the vector and parametric equations of the straight line that passes through A(x1,y1) and B(x2,y2). Find the vector that connects A to B. æx - x æ 1 AB = b - a = æ 2 æ æy2 - y1æ Vector equation will be: æx æ æx - x æ 1 æ 1 æ+ tæ 2 æ æy1 æ æy2 - y1 æ Or using the B coordinate and the vector BA. æx æ æx - x æ 2 æ 2 æ+ sæ 1 æ æy2 æ æy1 - y2 æ Parametric equation will be: ( ) ( ) + s( x - x ), y = y + s( y - y ) x = x1 + t x2 - x1 , y = y1 + t y2 - y1 x = x2 1 2 2 1 or 2 Find the vector and parametric equations of the straight line that passes through A and B that have position vectors æ1æ and æ6æ. ææ ææ æ3æ æ2æ Vector equation: æ6æ æ-5æ æ1æ æ 5 æ æ æ+ tæ æ or æ æ+ sæ æ æ2æ æ 1 æ æ3æ æ-1æ Parametric equation: x = 1 + 5t, y = 3 - t x = 6 - 5s, y = 2 + s or Shortest distance problems Find the shortest distance between Any point on the line will have the the point P(12,4) and the straight coordinates: line with the vector equation, x = 1 + 3t, y = -3 + 5t æ1 æ æ æ+ æ-3æ æ3æ tæ æ æ5æ (the parametric equation of the line) Find the vector QP. The shortest distance from any point to a line will make an angle of 90o. The vector QP and vector part of the line meet at 90o.So the dot product of the vectors will be 0. 33 - 9t + 35 - 25t = 0 æ11 - 3t æ æ3æ æ æ· æ æ = 0 34t = 68 æ 7 - 5t æ æ5æ t =2 Q(x,y) P(12,4) (1,-3) æ12æ æ 1 + 3t æ æ11 - 3t æ QP = p - q = æ æ- æ æ= æ æ æ 4 æ æ-3 + 5t æ æ 7 - 5t æ Use this to find the magnitude of QP. æ11 - 3t æ æ 5 æ æ æ= æ æ æ 7 - 5t æ æ-3æ QP = 34 Intersecting lines Vector lines can intersect, although Write down two vector line they do not have to. equations. æ13æ æ-4æ Example æ2æ æ1æ 2 ships plan to meet at a buoy (B). S1 = æ æ+ tæ æ S2 = æ æ+ uæ æ æ10æ æ 1 æ 3 3 æ æ æ æ Ship 1 starts at (2,3) and moves along the vector æ1æ . Ship 2 starts B has coordinates (x,y). ææ æ3æ at (13,10) and moves along the vector ææ-4ææ. æ1 æ B S2 ( x =)2 + t = 13 - 4u ( y =)3 + 3t = 10 + u Solving this gives t=3, u=2. Check this out with both lines gives the coordinates: B (5,12) S1 Questions 1. Find the shortest distance from the point P(20,3) to the straight line with parametric equations, 2. Two ants set off to meet each other at point M. The first ant starts at (7,1) and the second ant starts at (18,13). The ants are x = 1 + 4t, y = -5 + 3t moving along the vectors, Make Q be the point on the line æ1æ æ-3æ where QP and the line meet at 90o. A1 = æ æ, A2 = æ æ æ2æ æ-1æ Find the vector QP. a) Find the coordinates of M. Find the value of t using the dot M (12,11) product. b) Find the distance that the first Find the numerical coordinates of ant covers. Q. 5 5 Find the magnitude of QP. QP=5 c) Find the distance that the second ant covers. 2 10