Chapter 21 Economic Growth Reading • Essential reading – Hindriks, J and G.D. Myles Intermediate Public Economics. (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005) Chapter 21. • Further reading – Barro, R.J. (1990) “Government spending in a simple model of endogenous growth”, Journal of Political Economy, 98, S103 – S125. – Barro, R.J. (1991) “Economic growth in a cross section of countries”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106, 407 – 444. – Barro, R.J. and Sala-I-Martin, X. (1995) Economic Growth (New York: McGraw-Hill), – Lucas, R.E. (1990) “Supply-side economics: an analytical review”, Oxford Economic Papers, 42, 293 – 316. – Slemrod, J. (1995) “What do cross-country studies teach about government involvement, prosperity, and economic growth”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 373 - 431. Reading – Solow, R.M. (1970) Growth Theory: An Exposition (Oxford: Oxford University Press). – Stokey, N.L. and Rebelo, S. (1995) “Growth effects of flat-rate taxes”, Journal of Political Economy, 103, 519 – 550. • Challenging reading – Aghion, P. and Howitt, P. (1998) Endogenous Growth Theory (Cambridge: MIT Press), – Chamley, C. (1981) “The welfare cost of capital income taxation in a growing economy”, Journal of Political Economy, 89, 468 – 496. – Chamley, C. (1986) “Optimal taxation of capital income in general equilibrium with infinite lives”, Econometrica, 54, 607 – 622. – De La Croix, D. and Michel, P. (2002) A Theory of Economic Growth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Reading – Dowrick, S. (1993) “Government consumption: its effects on productivity growth and investment” in N. Gemmel (ed.) The Growth of the Public Sector. Theories and Evidence (Aldershot: Edward Elgar). – Easterly, W. (1993) “How much do distortions affect growth?”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 32, 187 – 212. – Easterly, W. and Rebelo, S. (1993) “Fiscal policy and economic growth”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 32, 417 – 458. – Engen, E.M. and Skinner, J. (1996) “Taxation and economic growth”, NBER Working Paper No. 5826. – Jones, L.E., Manuelli, R.E. and Rossi, P.E. (1993) “Optimal taxation in models of endogenous growth”, Journal of Political Economy, 101, 485 – 517. – Judd, K. (1985) “Redistributive taxation in a simple perfect foresight model”, Journal of Public Economics, 28, 59 – 83. Reading – King, R.G. and Rebelo, S. (1990) “Public policy and endogenous growth: developing neoclassical implications”, Journal of Political Economy, 98, S126 – S150. – Levine, R. and Renelt, D. (1992) “A sensitivity analysis of crosscountry growth models”, American Economic Review, 82, 942 – 963. – Mendoza, E., Milesi-Ferretti, G.M and Asea, P. (1997) “On the ineffectiveness of tax policy in altering long-run growth: Harberger's superneutrality conjecture”, Journal of Public Economics, 66, 99 – 126. – Pecorino, P. (1993) “Tax structure and growth in a model with human capital”, Journal of Public Economics, 52, 251 – 271. – Plosser, C. (1993) “The search for growth”, in Federal Reserve of Kansas City symposium series, Policies for Long Run Growth, 57 – 86, (Kansas City). Introduction • Economic growth is the basis of increased prosperity • Growth comes from capital accumulation and innovation • Taxation can affect incentives but can also finance productive public expenditure • The level of taxes has risen in most countries • This raises questions about the effect of taxation on growth Exogenous Growth • Exogenous growth theory developed in the 1950s and 1960s • The theory assumes technical progress occurs exogenously – It does not try to explain technical progress • In the Solow growth model capital and labor are combined with constant returns to scale and there is a single consumer • Growth occurs through capital accumulation Exogenous Growth • Assume a production function Yt = F(Kt, Lt) where Kt and Lt are capital and labor inputs at time t • Let the saving rate be fixed at s, 0 < s < 1 • Investment at time t is It = sF(Kt, Lt) • With depreciation rate d capital stock at t + 1 is Kt+1 = It + [1 – d]Kt = sF(Kt, Lt) + [1 – d]Kt • This capital accumulation equation determines the evolution of capital through time Exogenous Growth • Constant returns imply Yt = LtF(Kt/Lt, 1) = Ltf(kt), kt = Kt/Lt • In terms of the capital-labor ratio the capital accumulation condition becomes [1 + n]kt+1 = sf(kt) + [1 – d]kt • A steady state is achieved when the capitallabor ratio is constant • The steady state capital-labor ratio k is defined by sf(k) - [n + d]k = 0 • This is interpreted as the long-run equilibrium Exogenous Growth kt 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 Figure 21.1: Dynamics of the capital stock 49 46 43 40 37 34 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 0 1 • Fig. 21.1 plots the evolution of kt assuming that f(kt) = kta • This gives the capital accumulation equation kt+1 = (skta + [1–d]kt)/(1 + n) • Using k0 = 1, n = 0.05, d = 0.05, s = 0.2 and a = 0.5 the figure plots kt for 50 years • The steady-state level is k =4 t Exogenous Growth • The determination of the steady state is shown in Fig. 21.2 • The steady state is at the intersection of (n + d)k and sf(k) • Consumption is the difference between f(k) and sf(k) • In the steady state consumption per capita Ct/Lt is constant • This places a limit on the growth of living standards Output f k Consumption n d k sf k k Capital Figure 21.2: The steady state Exogenous Growth • Policy can affect the outcome by changing the saving rate, s, or shifting the production function, f(k) • But a one-off change cannot affect the long-run growth rate • A sustained increase in growth can only come through continuous upward movement in f(k) • This can occur through technical progress – But the cause of the progress requires explanation Exogenous Growth • For each saving rate there is an equilibrium k • Consumption is given by c(s) = f(k(s)) – [n + d]k(s) • c(s) is maximized by s* which solves f′(k(s* )) = n + d • The level of capital k* = k(s*) is the Golden Rule capital-labor ratio • This is shown in Fig. 21.3 Output f k Consumption k* n d k Capital Figure 21.3: The Golden Rule Exogenous Growth • To see the effect of the saving rate assume y = k a, a < 1 • The steady state then satisfies ska = [n + d]k so k = (s/(n + d))1/(1-a) • Consumption is plotted as a function of s in Fig. 21.4 • The saving rate can have a significant effect on consumption c s Figure 21.4: Consumption and the saving rate Exogenous Growth • The Chamley-Judd results shows that there should be no tax on capital income in the long-run • Table 21.1 reports the welfare cost of imposing a capital tax • The increase in consumption arises from removal of the tax • The welfare cost is large as a percent of the tax revenue Initial tax rate (%) Increase in Welfare cost consumption (% of tax (%) revenue) 30 3.30 11 50 8.38 26 Source: Chamley (1981) Table 21.1: Welfare cost of taxation Endogenous Growth • Endogenous growth models explain the causes of growth through individual choices • There are several explanations available • These include: – The AK model assumes constant returns – Human capital can be incorporated alongside physical capital – Technological innovation can introduce new products – The government can provide a productive public input Barro Model • The Barro model includes public expenditure as an input Yt AL1ta Kta Gt1a • The public input is financed by a tax on output t 1 ] 1a a 1a ALt Kt Gt rt Kt wt Lt • The utility function of the consumer is 1 C 1 t t U 1 t 1 Barro Model • Profit-maximization determines the demand for capital and labor • The model can be solved explicitly • The growth rate of consumption can be written as Ct 1 Ct Ct 1/ 1 1 ]aA 1a ] a 1a ] 1/ 1 • Taxation has both a positive and a negative effect Barro Model • With a productive public input there is a role for taxation • Taxation finances the public input and can generate growth • Raising the tax rate too high reduces growth • This identifies the concept of an optimal size of public sector Ct 1 Ct Ct Figure 21.5: Tax rate and consumption growth Policy Reform • There is significant research on the form of the best tax system for economic growth • Much of this has focused on the effect of the corporate tax – In 2002 the top rate was 40 percent in the US, 30 percent in the UK and 38.4 percent in Germany – These values are above the optimal value of zero • Simulations have considered the welfare effect of reforming the tax system Policy Reform • There is a distinction between level and growth effects • In Fig. 21.6 the move from a to c is a level effect • The increase along a to e is a growth effect • Taxation can have level and growth effects Output 3 2 d c e 1 b a t0 t1 Time Figure 21.6: Level and growth effects Policy Reform Author Features Utility Parameters Initial Tax Rates and Growth Rate Final Position Additional Observations Lucas (1990) Production of human capital did not require physical capital =2 a = 0.5 Capital 36% Labor 40% Growth 1.50% Capital 0% Labor 46% Growth 1.47% 33% increase in capital stock 6% increase in consumption King and Rebelo (1990) Production of human capital requires physical capital (proportion = 1/3) =2 a=0 Capital 20% Labor 20% Growth 1.02% Capital 30% Labor 20% Growth 0.50% Labor supply is inelastic Jones, Manuelli and Rossi (1993) Time and physical capital produce human capital =2 a= 4.99 a calibrated given Capital 21% Labor 31% Growth 2.00% Capital 0% Labor 0% Growth 4.00% 10% increase in capital stock 29% increase in consumption Pecorino (1993) Production of human capital requires physical capital =2 a = 0.5 Capital 42% Labor 20% Growth 1.51% Capital 0% Labor 0% Growth 2.74% Capital and consumption different goods, consumption tax replaces income taxes Figure 21.7: Growth effects of tax reform Empirical Evidence • There has been considerable empirical investigation of the relation between taxation and growth • The prediction of theory is ambiguous – Consider the model of a productive public good – Relation between tax and growth was non-monotonic – A similar outcome will apply for many models • This motivate the analysis of empirical evidence Empirical Evidence • A first view of the data is shown in Fig. 21.8 • This plots the US growth rate (lower line) and tax revenue as a proportion of GDP (upper line) • The trend lines show a steady rise in tax but a very minor decrease in growth • There is no obvious relation 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -51950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 -10 -15 Source: US Department of Commerce Figure 21.8: US tax and growth rates Empirical Evidence • Fig. 21.9 reports tax and growth data for the UK • Tax revenues have grown • The trend line for GDP growth is upward sloping • The figure provides evidence of a positive relation • The difficulty in this analysis is constructing the counterfactual 25 20 15 10 5 0 1910 -5 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 -10 -15 Source: Feinstein (1972), UK Revenue Statistics, Economic Trends Figure 21.9: UK tax and growth rates Empirical Evidence • It should be the marginal rate of tax that matters • Fig. 21.10 illustrates the problem of defining the marginal rate of tax • There is no single rate with a non-linear tax • The construction is further complicated by deductions and incentives • Many definitions of the marginal rate have been used in empirical work Post-Tax Income Gradient 1 t 2 Gradient 1 t1 Gradient 1 Y1 Y2 Yˆ Pre-Tax Income Figure 21.10: Average and marginal tax rates Empirical Evidence • The figure shows GDP and tax rates for a crosssection of countries • It shows the negative relation reported by Plosser • This has been presented as evidence of a general effect Average Per Capita GDP Growth 1960-7 2004 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 Average Tax Rates 30 40 Empirical Evidence • But the downward trend is driven by the outliers • Three countries that are unusual – Korea – Czech Republic – Slovak Republic • The negative relation almost disappears when these are removed Average Per Capita GDP Growth 7 1960-2004 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 Average Tax Rates 40 Empirical Evidence Average Per Capita GDP Growth 1960-2004 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 y = -0.0025x + 2.7234 Average Per Capita GDP Growth 7 1960-2004 6 2 R = 0.0002 y = -0.0707x + 3.8778 R2 = 0.136 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 Average Tax Rate Without Outliers 30 0 10 20 30 Average Tax Rates With Outliers 40 Empirical Evidence 14 12 Growth rate rate of of GDP GDP per per capita capita Growth • Data on expenditure and growth for OECD • No strong relationship is apparent • Linear trend line shows weak negative • Polynomial shows observations around a maximum 10 8 6 4 R2 = 0.0128 R2 = 0.0454 2 0 -2 0 10 20 20 30 30 -4 -6 Government GDP Government expenditure expenditure as as aa proportion proportion of of GDP 40 40 Empirical Evidence • Slemrod (1995) suggests two structural relations – Taxation causes distortions and lowers GDP – Growth in GDP raises demand for expenditure • Estimation has not resolved simultaneity • If expenditure is chosen to maximize the rate of growth – For similar countries observations clustered round the maximum – If countries are different no meaningful relationship Empirical Evidence • Easterly and Rebelo show that the negative relation virtually disappears when initial GDP is added to regression • They also consider alternative definitions of the marginal tax rate and a range of determinants of growth (school enrolments, assassinations, revolutions, war casualties) • Conclude there is little evidence of a link between tax rates and growth Empirical Evidence • Are there any variables correlated with growth in cross-country data? • Barro (1991) – – – – – Initial GDP (-) Education (+) Government consumption (-) Deviation from PPP (-) Revolutions (-), Assassinations (-) • Robustness tests reduced the set of variables to: East Asian dummy, Investment price, Years open, Primary schooling, Fraction Confucion Empirical Evidence • The evidence that taxation reduces growth is weak • Personal and corporate income taxes have the strongest negative effect • No empirical variable can summarise the tax system • There is an absence of structural modelling • Causality is unclear