Regular and Irregular Plurals State Content Standard: WA 1.5 – Identify and correctly use regular plurals and irregular plurals. Learning Objective: Today we will write and use regular and irregular plurals. Activate Prior Knowledge Vowels a e i o u Consonants – All the other letters of the alphabet b c d f g h j k lm n p q r s t v w x y z Concept Development Today we will be working with words that end with a y to write them in their plural form. Ex. lady boy daisy There will be two types of plural forms. Some will be regular plurals and others will be irregular plurals. A regular plural is a word that you add an “s” to at the end. When words end in a vowel and a y, we add “s” at the end to make it plural. Ex. t oy + s = toys Non - examples book + s = books car + s = cars Checking for Understanding TPS – Why did I just add an s to tray to make it plural? tray + s = trays Irregular plurals are words that are not typical, usual, or common because they change spelling when talking about more than one. When words end in a consonant and a y we drop the y and add “ies” to make the word plural. Ex. strawber ry/ + ies = strawberries Non - examples book + s = books car + s = cars Checking for Understanding TPS – Why did I cross out the y and add “ies” to make it plural? puppy + ies = puppies Importance Why are we learning about regular and irregular plurals? To be able to write a plural correctly. Skill Development 1. 2. 3. 4. Look at the word. Underline the last two letters. Ask yourself: vowel – y ? = s Ask yourself: consonant – y ? = ies Make the word plural. 1. 2. 3. 4. Look at the word. Underline the last two letters. Ask yourself: vowel – y ? = s Ask yourself: consonant – y ? = ies penny penny + ies = pennies Make the word plural. 1. 2. 3. 4. Look at the word. Underline the last two letters. Ask yourself: vowel – y ? = s Ask yourself: consonant – y ? = ies berry berry + ies = berries Make the word plural. 1. 2. 3. 4. Look at the word. Underline the last two letters. Ask yourself: vowel – y ? = s Ask yourself: consonant – y ? = ies k ey key + s = keys Make the word plural. 1. 2. 3. 4. Look at the word. Underline the last two letters. Ask yourself: vowel – y ? = s Ask yourself: consonant – y ? = ies monkey monkey + s = monkeys Closure • What do you do if a word ends with a consonant and a y? Drop the y and add “ies.” • Why is it important to learn regular and irregular plurals? To learn to write a plural correctly. Make the word plural. 1. 2. 3. 4. Look at the word. Underline the last two letters. Ask yourself: vowel – y ? = s Ask yourself: consonant – y ? = ies baby baby + ies = babies Make the word plural. 1. 2. 3. 4. Look at the word. Underline the last two letters. Ask yourself: vowel – y ? = s Ask yourself: consonant – y ? = ies sky sky + ies = skies Make the word plural. 1. 2. 3. 4. Look at the word. Underline the last two letters. Ask yourself: vowel – y ? = s Ask yourself: consonant – y ? = ies day day + s = days Make the word plural. 1. 2. 3. 4. Look at the word. Underline the last two letters. Ask yourself: vowel – y ? = s Ask yourself: consonant – y ? = ies fly fly + ies = flies Make the word plural. 1. 2. 3. 4. Look at the word. Underline the last two letters. Ask yourself: vowel – y ? = s Ask yourself: consonant – y ? = ies la dy lady + ies = ladies Make the word plural. 1. 2. 3. 4. Look at the word. Underline the last two letters. Ask yourself: vowel – y ? = s Ask yourself: consonant – y ? = ies daisy daisy + ies = daisies Make the word plural. 1. 2. 3. 4. Look at the word. Underline the last two letters. Ask yourself: vowel – y ? = s Ask yourself: consonant – y ? = ies country country + ies = countries