Cambridge, 19-12-2013 GPU enhanced neuronal networks (GeNN): Overview and New Developments Thomas Nowotny Centre for Computational Neuroscience & Robotics Sussex Neuroscience Engineering & Informatics, University of Sussex Part I GENN OVERVIEW Introduction Fuelled by the games industry, graphics adaptors have become very powerful and are now using massively parallel graphical processing units (GPUs) They offer a new platform for HPC NVIDIA® TESLA C2050, (Image from NVIDIA product website) From: Herb Sutter, “The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software” NVIDIA® CUDATM CUDATM= “Common Unified Device Architecture” Was introduced by NVIDIA® to allow main stream developers to use massively parallel graphics chips for GPGPU without the restrictions of shaders The first CUDA SDK was released Feb 2007 (according to Wikipedia) CUDATM is supported on all newer NVIDIA cards The CUDATM API Each thread executes what is called a “kernel”, defined by a C-like function CUDA is a Single-Instruction-Multiple-Data (SIMD) environment Communication between threads is through shared memory spaces dV = -V ... dt Block 1 Block 2 Model n2 Block 3 Grid 1 n1 Block 4 Isyn= … Synapse Blocks Grid 2 nsyn Issues to consider Correct parallelization Code structure Synchronization Atomics (no synchronization between blocks!) Block size, number & alignment (unrolling) loops Memory access patterns Use of different memories Memory bank access conflicts Coalesced memory access Host to/from GPU data transfers CUDA memory architecture “Local Memory” Device memory Constant memory Texture memory Shared memory GPU registers Graphics adaptor Random Access Memory (RAM) Cache/Registers Host computer Program / CPU Kernel / GPU GPU Neural Network Simulators Nageswaran et al. (UC Irvine, 2009): General simulator for Izhikevich neurons with delay, optimized for Izhikevich's thalamocortical model (C++ library) Fidjeland et al. (Imperial, 2010) - Nemo: General simulator for Izhikevich neurons with delay, optimized for Izhikevich's thalamocortical model (C++ library) Goodman & Brette (Ecole Normale Sup., 2009): GPU extensions to the Brian simulator (one-timestep grids with partial CPU involvement) Mutch et al. (MIT, 2010) CNS simulator: Simulator for layered “cortical networks”, models can be defined by the user (used exclusively through a MatLab interface) GeNN: Taking code generation seriously The GPU enhanced Neuronal Network simulator Provides a simple C++ API for specifying a neuronal network of interest Generates optimised C++ and CUDA code for the model and for the detected hardware at compile time (e.g. grid/block organisation, HW capability, model parameters) GeNN can offer a large variety of different models – only the used ones actually enter the generated code Users can define their own model equa The generated code is compiled with the native NVIDIA compiler nvcc (and all its optimisations). GeNN flowchart Example: Insect olfaction model Performance GPU AL-MB: 50 % all-to-all Individual conductances CPU spikes communicated to host (dotted) spike # communicated to host (solid) Examples of code-gen benefits Synaptic connectivities: GeNN model.addSynapsePopulation("PNKC", NSYNAPSE, DENSE, INDIVIDUALG, "PN", "KC", myPNKC_p); model.addSynapsePopulation("PNLHI", NSYNAPSE, ALLTOALL, INDIVIDUALG, "PN", "LHI", myPNLHI_p); model.addSynapsePopulation("LHIKC", NGRADSYNAPSE, SPARSE, INDIVIDUALG, "LHI", "KC", myLHIKC_p); Each connectivity type can generate entirely different code: DENSE SPARSE Post gsyn ID nsynapse connectivity matrix npre-neuron npost-neuron npre-neuron Pre # sparse matrix representation Examples of code-gen benefits New neuron models: GeNN int newModel= nModels.size(); n.varNames.push_back(tS("V")); n.varTypes.push_back(tS("double")); n.pNames.push_back(tS("tau")); n.simCode= tS(“$(V) = $(V) + DT/ $(tau)* (- 40.0*$(V))"); nModels.push_back(n); GeNN model.addNeuronPopulation("gp", 1000, newModel, p, ini); Part II NEW DEVELOPMENTS SpineML Courtesy of Dr. Alex Cope SpineML is an XML-based description format for networks of point neurons It is a proposed extension of the NineML format, including the description of neural dynamics, network structure, and experimental procedures. SpineML acts as an exchange format between creation tools and simulators, as well as between collaborators working on a shared model For more details see: Richmond P, Cope A, Gurney K, Allerton DJ. "From Model Specification to Simulation of Biologically Constrained Networks of Spiking Neurons" Neuroinformatics. 2013 SpineCreator SpineCreator is one tool that can be used to author SpineML models A Graphical User Interface allows models to be specified without any programming Some features: Graphing 3d visualisation Extensible simulator support Version control support Available at Courtesy of Dr. Alex Cope SpineML and GeNN Courtesy of Dr. Alex Cope SpineML can use code generation for simulator support, so it is very easy to add support for GeNN XSLT translation scripts transform the model into GeNN user files, and the GeNN standard toolchain compiles and runs the simulation Support for new neuron types (and soon synapses and weight update rules) is supported through XSLT translation to GeNN system files BRIAN2 interface BRIAN is a popular simulator for neuronal networks ( BRIAN2 is in active development and will be entirely codegeneration based Users will be able to choose target devices, including Python (as before), C/C++, Android and GPU/GeNN Proof of concept BRIAN2 from brian2 import * from brian2.devices.genn import * set_device('genn'); ##### Define the model tau = 10*msecond eqs = '’’dV/dt = (-40*mV-V)/tau : volt # (unless-refractory)''' threshold = 'V>-50*mV' reset = 'V=-60*mV' refractory = 5*msecond N = 1000 ##### Generate genn code G = NeuronGroup(N, eqs, reset=reset, threshold=threshold, name='gp') M = SpikeMonitor(G) G2 = NeuronGroup(1, eqs, reset=reset, threshold=threshold, name='gp2') # Run the network for 0 seconds to generate the code net = Network(G, M, G2)*second) GeNN // setp 1: add variables n.varNames.clear(); n.varTypes.clear(); n.varNames.push_back(tS("V")); n.varTypes.push_back(tS("double")); n.varNames.push_back(tS("lastspike")); n.varTypes.push_back(tS("double")); n.varNames.push_back(tS("not_refractory")); n.varTypes.push_back(tS("bool")); // step2: add parameters n.pNames.clear(); n.pNames.push_back(tS("tau")); n.pNames.push_back(tS("mV")); // step 3: add simcode n.simCode= tS(" $(not_refractory) = ($(not_refractory)) || (!(false));\n\ const double _V = $(V) * exp(-(DT) / $(tau)) - 40.0 * $(mV) + 40.0 * $(mV) * exp((DT) / $(tau));\n\ $(V) = _V;\n\ "); // step 4: add thresholder code n.thresholdCode= tS(" const double _cond = $(V) > -50 * $(mV);\n\” ); // step 5: add resetter code n.resetCode= tS(" \n\ $(V) = -60 * $(mV);\n\ "); nModels.push_back(n); from brian2 import * from brian2.devices.genn import * set_device('genn'); ##### Define the model tau = 10*msecond eqs = '’’dV/dt = (-40*mV-V)/tau : volt # (unless-refractory)''' threshold = 'V>-50*mV' reset = 'V=-60*mV' refractory = 5*msecond N = 1000 ##### Generate genn code G = NeuronGroup(N, eqs, reset=reset, threshold=threshold, name='gp') M = SpikeMonitor(G) G2 = NeuronGroup(1, eqs, reset=reset, threshold=threshold, name='gp2') # Run the network for 0 seconds to generate the code net = Network(G, M, G2)*second) BRIAN2 // setp 1: add variables n.varNames.clear(); n.varTypes.clear(); n.varNames.push_back(tS("V")); n.varTypes.push_back(tS("double")); n.varNames.push_back(tS("lastspike")); n.varTypes.push_back(tS("double")); n.varNames.push_back(tS("not_refractory")); n.varTypes.push_back(tS("bool")); // step2: add parameters n.pNames.clear(); n.pNames.push_back(tS("tau")); n.pNames.push_back(tS("mV")); // step 3: add simcode n.simCode= tS(" $(not_refractory) = ($(not_refractory)) || (!(false));\n\ const double _V = $(V) * exp(-(DT) / $(tau)) - 40.0 * $(mV) + 40.0 * $(mV) * exp(-(DT) / $(tau));\n\ $(V) = _V;\n\ "); // step 4: add thresholder code n.thresholdCode= tS(" const double _cond = $(V) > -50 * $(mV);\n\” ); // step 5: add resetter code n.resetCode= tS(" \n\ $(V) = -60 * $(mV);\n\ "); nModels.push_back(n); GeNN Summary GeNN is a code-generation based simulator targeting GPUs with NVIDIA CUDA. The native C/C++ interface is flexible and convenient for expert users. A SpineCreator – SpineML – GeNN pipeline has been prototyped and will be used in the Green Brain project. A BRIAN2 – GeNN interface is in development and will hopefully be released with 1st release of BRIAN2. Acknowledgments Ramon Huerta, Alex Cope, Esin Yavuz, James Turner NVIDIA (professor partnership: 2x Quadro FX 5800 cards) & hardware donation for Green Brain Funders: