1. Prerequisites 1.1.The Schrödinger Equation for molecules All properties of a molecule (= M nuclei + n electrons) can be evaluated if we find the wavefunction (R1,….Rm, x1, x2,..., xn) by solving the Schrödinger equation (SE): H =E. H= Ttot + Vtot= (TN + Te )+ (VeN + Vee + VNN) Rj are the nucleus coordinates, xi= (ri, σi) the electronic coordinates (ri=spatial coordinates, σi=spin coordinate). The total kinetic operator of the molecule is composed of a part for the nuclei TN and one for the electrons Te. The total potential energy operator is the sum of the electron/electron (Vee), electron/nucleus (VeN) and nucleus/nucleus (VNN) interactions. 2 ˆ Ttot = 2 Vˆtot 1 4 0 n M i=1 j 1 2 M j=1 j 2 2 2 mj 1 Z je + 4 0 ri R j n i=1 i>i i i=1 mi n 2 e2 1 + ri ri ' 4 0 M j=1 j j 2 Z j Z j e R j R j' Mj is the mass of the nucleus j and mi is the electron mass. Zj is the number of protons in the nucleus j and e is the charge of an electron. Solving with the best approximation the SE is the challenge of quantum chemistry (W. Kohn and J. Pople: Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1998). http://staffwww.itn.liu.se/~xavcr/TNE078/ 1.2. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation The electrons are much lighter than the nuclei (me/mH1/1836) their motion is much faster than the vibrational and rotational motions of the nuclei within the molecule. A good approximation is to neglect the coupling terms between the motion of the electrons and the nuclei: this is the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. The Schrödinger equation can then be divided into two equations: 1) One describes the motion of the nuclei: the “nuclear Schrödinger equation” (see next slide). The eigenvalues of this nuclear part of the SE gives the discrete energetic levels of the vibration and rotation, translation of the molecule. The vibrational and rotational spectroscopies are used to observe transition between these energetic levels. 2) The other one describes the motion of the electrons around the nuclei whose positions are fixed. This electronic part of the SE is the “electronic Schrödinger equation”: Tˆ Vˆ e ˆ elect(R, r) = E (R) elect(R, r) V eN ee elect The knowledge of the electronic wavefunction is necessary to understand chemical bonding, electronic and optical properties of the matter. 2. Molecular Vibrations 2.1. The electronic Schrödinger equation Tˆ Vˆ e eN Vˆee elect(R, r) = Eelect elect(R, r) R The nuclear coordinate R appears as a parameter in the expression of the electronic wave function. An electronic wave function elect(R,r) and an energy Eelect are associated to each structure of the molecule (set of nuclei coordinates R). For each variation of bond length in the molecule (each new R), we can solve the electronic SE and evaluate the energy that the molecule would have in this structure, i.e. Etot(R)=Eelect+VNN(R): the molecular potential energy curve Etot(R) is obtained (see Figure). D0 The molecule is the most stable (minimum of energy) for one specific position of the nuclei: the equilibrium position Re. The zero energy corresponds to the dissociated molecule. The depth of the minimum, De, gives the bond dissociation energy, D0, considering the fact that vibrational energy is never zero, but ½ħ : D0=De- ½ ħ Appendix: More on The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation After solving the electronic Schrödinger equation Eelect(R,r) for a specific position of nuclei, one can estimate the total energy for fixed nuclei: Etot(R) = Eelect(R,r) + VNN(R) Varying the position of nuclei and solving the electronic SE allows to calculate potential felt by the nuclei: potential energy surface Etot(R)=f(R). Since electrons move faster than nuclei, the nuclei feel this average potential Etot(E)=f(R) created by the surrounding electrons. The nuclear Hamiltonian describing the motion of nuclei in this average field of electrons is: Hnucl(R) = TNN (R) + Etot(R) Thus, the nuclear Schrödinger equation is Hnucl(R)ψnucl(R)=Eψnucl(R) The nuclear wavefunction ψnucl(R) describes vibration, rotation, translation motions of the molecule. The eigenvalue of that equation is the total energy in the BO approximation of the total Schrödinger equation: Htot =Etot since Hnucl includes the nuclear energies TNN, VNN and the electronic energies Tee and Vee, as well as VeN (indirectly in the calculated potential Etot(R) estimated after solving the electronic SE). In the BO approximation: tot (R,r)=ψnucl(R)* ψelect(R, r) 2.2. Diatomic molecules A. The harmonic approximation: F V kx x V 1 2 kx 2 x= R-Re = the deformation of the bond k= the force constant of the bond 1 2V 2 V V ( x) V (0) x 2 x ... 2 x 0 x 0 Zero of energy: V(0)=0 Energy minimum 1 2V V ( x ) 2 2 x 2 x 0 2V k 2 x 0 V 1 2 kx 2 The steeper the walls of the potential (the stiffer the bond), the greater the force constant. B. The Schrödinger equation The relative motion of 2 atoms of masses m1 and m2 with a parabolic potential energy is a problem mathematically equivalent to the motion of an effective mass meff in the harmonic potential. This is described with the Schrödinger Equation: 2 2 1 2 kx E 2 2 m eff x 2 meff m2 m1 m1 m2 meff is the effective mass (or reduced mass). The eigenvalues or permitted vibrational energy levels are: 1 E ; 0,1,2,... 2 1/ 2 k m eff C. The form of the wavefunctions 1/ 4 ( x) N H ( y )e y Hermite Polynomial 2 /2 ; 2 x y and mk Gaussian-type function N is the normalization constant The higher the quantum number , the larger the number of nodes in the wavefunction D. Quantum behavior of the oscillator The probability to find an oscillator (in its ground state: =0) beyond the turning point xtp (the classical limit), is: P 20 ( x) dx 0.08 xtp 1 V Vmax E kxtp2 2 Quantum behavior Quantum behavior Classical behavior xtp 0 -xtp 1/ 2 2E xtp k 0 xtp Quantum behavior xtp Classical behavior In the harmonic approximation, a diatomic molecule in the vibration state = 0 has a probability of 8% to be stretched (and 8% to be compressed) beyond its classical limit. These tunnelling probabilities are independent of the force constant and the mass of the oscillator. This effect will be significant in some electron transfer reactions 2.3. Anharmonicity An simple analytical expression, called the Morse potential, represents the main features of the real potential for a molecule: - close to the minimum potential of depth De, the potential is close to be harmonic. - for large displacement, the potential represents the bond dissociation V hcD e 1 e a ( R Re ) 1/ 2 meff 2 a 2hcD e 2 1/ 2 k 2hcDe The Schrödinger equation can be solved with the Morse potential and the permitted energy levels are: 2 1 1 E hc~ hcxe~ ; 0,1,2,... max 2 2 a 2 ~ xe 2meff 4 De When increases, the second term becomes quickly more negative than the first term the energy levels become less widely spaced at high excitation 2.4. Vibrations in polyatomic molecules A. Number of vibrational modes A molecule composed of N atoms. The total number of coordinates to specify the locations of N atoms is 3N (e.g: x, y, z per atom). But, we are interested with the relative motion of these atoms with respect to each other, we can remove the 3 coordinates (Xc.m, Yc.m, Zc.m) of the center of gravity, which characterize the translation of the molecule. we can remove the 3 angular coordinates (, , ) which specify the global rotation of the molecule in the space. (2 angles are enough for linear molecules) The remaining coordinates are directly related to the vibrations between atoms. There are 3N-6 displacements of the atoms relative to one another: these are the 3N-6 independent vibrational modes (3N-5 for linear molecules) B. Combinations of displacements L Example: CO2 3 atoms, 3N-5= 4 modes R 2 modes can describe the variation of the CO bond lengths (stretching modes) and 2 modes the variations of the bond angles (bending modes). If the stretching modes are L and R (each bond is considered separately), then one see that if one is excited, it gives the energy to the other mode. The modes are not independent. Stretching 1 symmetric 2 It’s possible to find specific modes that are independent, that is if one is excited, it does not excite the other: these are the normal modes. For CO2, these are: 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each normal mode q behaves like an independent harmonic oscillator (approximation), so has a series of terms Gq() where ~q is the wavenumber of the mode q and depends on the force constant kq and the effective mass of the mode mq. 1 Gq ( ) ~q ; 0,1,2,... 2 1 k q ~ q 2c mq 1/ 2 Stretching Anti-symmetric 3 4 3. Electron Transfer (ET) 3.1. Model system: H2, H*2+ H2+, H*2 The position of the molecules is fixed. The only structural parameter that can change is the bond length. 2 diatomic molecules Transition state or coincidence event geometry Total energy of the system composed of 2 molecules: H2, H*2+ H2+, H*2 The process by which the reactants become products depends on precisely how the barrier is passed over, tunneled through, or otherwise avoided. This is the topic of ET kinetics and rate theory. Figure by F. Barbara et al., J. Phys. Chem. 100, 13148 (1996). The internal reorganization energy (i) i reflects the energy released upon geometric changes in the two molecules after the electron transfer. (i ↔ electron-vibration coupling): H2 gives 2 , H2* gives 1 H2 + H*2+ H2+ + H*2 q H*2← H*2+ Potential energy curve of one molecule H2 in the neutral state and its ionized state H2+. H2 H2+ H H i= 1+ 2 Interatomic distance q 3.2. Marcus theory: ET from a donor (D) to an acceptor (A) (Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1992) G= Gibbs energy D + A D+ +A- G G= H+T S Reactants Products Reorganization energy G# G° Activation energy i s Internal + External Geometry Solvent Generalized coordinates (solvent + D + A) ket = A exp -G# / kT -(G°+ )2 / 4 kT = (42/h) HRP2 (4kT)-1/2 exp Ket is the rate of electron transfer A. Solvent Reorganization Example: a self-exchange reaction Fe*2+ + Fe3+ Fe*3+ + Fe2+ The solvent molecules rearrange to screen at best the charges. This phenomenon is accompanied with a reorganization energy s B. Two expected regimes for ET from Macrus theory G G G G* G° G* G°= Q G° G° = (b) G°= (c) G°> G° > Activationless case (kET independent on T) ed ert No rm a v In l log (kET) ket G° < (a) G°< G° < Thermodynamically favorable, but not kinetically favorable: the reaction is blocked -G° C. Marcus Theory / The Inverted Region Validity: The inverted region predicted by Marcus is demonstrated experimentally Limit: The evolution of the rate with G0 is not exactly following a parabola Figure by J.R. Miller et al., JACS, 106, 3047 (1984) ket = A exp -(G°+ )2 / 4 kT Failure of Marcus’ theory: if T 0, kET 0: not observed experimentally because it is assumed that the barrier is crossed… while nuclar tunnel effects occurs 3.3. Quantum Mechanical Corrections: Vibronic Theory Considering that the nuclei can tunnel through the barrier, the rate of electron transfer becomes according to the golden rule: Energy match criterion Electronic coupling Overlap of the vibrational wavefunctions Reactants Figure by DeVault, D. Quantum Mechanical Tunneling in Biological Systems; Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, 1984). Products 4 2 2 1 H rp krp h 4s kT Frank-Condon FC term S i 1 2 Marcus-Levich-Jortner Theory: (G 0 s ' ) 2 S ' exp(S ) exp '! 4s kT ' Huang-Rhys factor 3.4. Distance Dependence of ET Rates A.Tunnelling If the energy E of the electron is below a finite barrier of potential V, the wavefunction of the electron is non-zero inside the barrier and outside the barrier. there is certain probability to find the electron outside the barrier, even though according to classical mechanics the electron has insufficient energy to escape: this effect is called “tunnelling”. X=0 X=L wavefunction Even though valence electrons in molecular orbitals are not represented by this simple plane-wave, their wavefunction also undergoes an exponential-type decay towards the outside of the molecule. R0 D A R k ET H RP 2 V0 = donor/acceptor electronic coupling matrix element at van der Waals separation R0. is a constant that determines the rate of falloff of HRP with distance [0.8-1.2 Å-1]. According to the Marcus-Levich-Jortner expression: if s is small, the (FC) term does not change much with R. KET decreases exponentially with R 4. The Semiconducting Phase: Undoped Conjugated Materials A. Polymers with chromophoric pendant groups Microscopic disorder B. Molecular crystals poly(N-vinylcarbazole) C. Conjugated polymers 4.1. Introduction: classes of solids σ = electrical conductivity Eg = Band gap 1 S (Siemens)=1/ Ω For Eg> ~2eV Insulator For 0< Eg < 2eV Semiconductor For Eg0 Metal σRT < 10-10 Ω-1cm-1= 10-10 S/cm 10-10 S/cm < σ RT < 102 S/cm σRT > 102 S/cm A. Definitions The mobility of the charge carriers is the average speed of diffusion ||, or net drift velocity, of the charge carrier (cm/s) as a function of applied electric field (V/cm) = ||/E in cm2/Vs is positive even though e- and h+ travel in opposite direction. || The electrical conductivity σ can be defined as a sum of two terms: σ = (ne e + pe h ) in 1/Ωcm n and p = density of charge carriers (n for electrons and p for holes) in cm-3 e = unitary charge (C) E B. Temperature dependence The behavior of the electrical conductivity () vs. Temperature (T) of solids is one criterion used to classify them as: metal: decreases as T is raised semiconductor: increases as T is raised Note that an insulator appears as a semiconductor with very low conductivity. Metals The excitation energy can be provided via an chem/kT increase of temperature. The population of the orbitals is given by the Fermi-Dirac distribution: P 1 e E chem / kT 1 chem is the electron chemical potential, that is -EF for metals (T=0) When T increases, the charge carrier density increases…. However the conductivity decreases because there are more collisions between the transported electrons and the nuclei (phonon scattering) less efficient transport. Semiconductors In order to have a net electrical current: electrons must jump from filled levels to empty levels across the band gap If Eg is not too large, upon applying an external electric field, few electrons at room T have the necessary energy to jump from valence band to conduction band Thermal energy: kT; at 300K, kT~0.025 eV~0.6 kcal/mol In crystals of intrinsic inorganic semiconductors, the band gap can be small, thermal excitations promote e- to the conduction band. The concentration in charge carriers produced is proportional to exp(-Eg/2kBT), leading to an increase of σ with T. The delocalized electrons/holes are not strongly bound to each other because of the high dielectric constant and participate efficiently to the electrical current. In undoped conjugated polymers, Eg is large. So, the thermal excitation are negligible, i.e the concentration of carrier does not increase with T. However, the conductivity increases with T like in organic crystals. This is the subject of this chapter. C. Undoped Conjugated Polymers From the order of magnitude of the band gap and the conductivity, most undoped conjugated polymers are rather like ”insulators” However, these organic polymers do have a conjugated π-system: As a result, they have a low ionization potential (usually lower than ~6eV) And/or a high electron affinity (lower that ~2eV) They will be easily oxidized by electron accepting molecules (I2, AsF5, SbF5,…) and/or easily reduced by electron donors (alkali metals: Li, Na, K) Charge transfer between the polymer chain and dopant molecules is easy (see next chapter on doped polymers) 4.2. Mobility vs. Molecular Order A. Molecular Crystals Molecular order can be controlled via deposition conditions Charge carrier mobility depends strongly on the molecular order pentacene Dimitrakopoulos & Mascaro, IBM J. Res. Dev. (2001) 45 11 slow transport slow transport Anisotropy of the charge transport Fast transport tetracene Fast transport Layer structure; thickness of a monolayer = 1 to 3 nm. Charge carrier mobility is anisotropic: High mobility along the layers Sexithiophene Crystal structure pentacene sexithiophene B. Conjugated Polymers The mobility is limited by the slowest steps (bottle neck): At the macroscopic scale: defects and lack of crystallinity are the limiting parameters. At the microscopic scale: the mobility is limited by π-π interchain rather than intrachain transport (fast). The challenge: to create order on the macroscopic scale and maximize the interchain transport Self-Organized Polymer Thin Films Direction of the current flow measured in a FET High regioregularity (96%) Low regioregularity (81%) Film formation mechanisms are not understood! Poly-3-hexylthiophene (spin-coated on SiO2/Si substrates) H. Sirringhaus et al., Nature 1999, 401, 685 4.3. π-π intermolecular interactions due to the overlap between π-orbitals of adjacent molecules creation of a narrow π-band in the neutral ground state of the organic crystal. 2tLUMO W=4tLUMO Electron mobility 2tHOMO W=4tHOMO Hole mobility By J.Cornil et al., Adv. Mater. 2001, 13, 1053 The strength of the interaction, i.e. the electronic coupling, is measured by the transfer integral: t = <Psi/H/Psi> “t” is estimated from the splitting of the frontier levels in a dimer 4.4. Charge transport mechanism Carrier residency time, τ, on a molecule: τ ↔ 1/kET and W↔ 4t W= full effective bandwidth If W > 0.1–0.2 eV, τ < time for a molecular vibration (10-14 s) the molecules do not have the time to geometrically relax and trap the charge: This is a condition for a band like motion. Temperature Band regime Hopping Regime Vibrations introduce a loss of coherence among the interacting units, leading to a decrease of W upon temperature increases. Upon temperature increase, charge carriers can go from band motion to hopping regime Hopping Regime μ ÷ f(T) exp(-Ea/kbT) Ea = activation energy Temperature Band regime (diffusion limited) μ ÷ T-n , n>1. Holstein’s theory for transport in one dimension Band motion regime in molecular crystals 4.5. The fundamental events in Hopping transport A. Electron-Phonon Coupling R E H2C===CH2 LUMO= 2* -1 Ionization GS 2|| ReqGS Req-1 HOMO= 1 Relaxation effects R An electron injected in the LUMO introduces antibonding character between the 2 carbon atoms the C=C bond length increases. ReqGS < Req-1 B. Charge carriers: radical-cation or polarons Molecular crystal Example of positive polaron created after electron injection from an electrode In the hopping regime, the polaron is a localized charge associated with a structure distortion on one molecule or part of one conjugated chain Screening of the surrounding electron density Conjugated polymer Example of positive polaron created after hole injection from an electrode + C. The localized polaron hopping events b) E An electron (Self-exchange) = polaron hop a) transfer between two similar molecules Charged E In the self-exchange model, the electric kET field is neglected. The presence of an electric field would 2 stabilize one of the potential well. A+B However, this model gives the main Neutral molecular parameters governing the hopping transport. AB+ Q 1 At high temperature, the motion of the carriers can be modeled by a sequence of uncorrelated hops, which gives a mobility: Q || a = average spacing between molecules or chain segments E The rate for electron transfer kET is given by the semi-classical theory of electron transfer (see previous chapter) Two major parameters determine the self-exchange ET rate and ultimately the charge mobility: 1) The electronic coupling between adjacent molecules/segments represented by the transfer integral t (or HRP), which needs to be maximized 2) The reorganization energy, , which needs to be small for efficient transport The transfer integral t estimated from the splitting of the frontier levels in a dimer 2tLUMO kET for an negative polaron hop electron mobility 2tHOMO kET for an positive polaron hop hole mobility Distance dependence of ”t”(HRP) is exponential as demonstrated for other ET (see previous chapter): t= By J.Cornil et al., Adv. Mater. 2001, 13, 1053 Example: pentacene There are significant electronic splittings only along the a axis and the d1 and d2 axes. Interactions between molecules located in adjacent layers (along c) are negligible charge transport has a dominant two-dimensional character and takes place within the layers in directions that are nearly perpendicular to the long molecular axes. J. Cornil et al (2001) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123, 1250–1251. The internal reorganization energy (i) i reflects the geometric changes in the molecules when going from the neutral to the ionized state or vice versa. (i ↔ electron-vibration coupling) i= 1+ 2 i (defined in the ET theory) corresponds to the polaron binding energy (Epol= 2~ i/2) defined in transport theory of solids Internal reorganization energy vs. molecular size For those three molecules, the polaron (charge+ structure distortion) is delocalized over the whole molecule. To modify slightly many bond-lengths cost less than modifying a lot few bondlengths (see the shape of the Morse potential) The larger the molecule, the lower the reorganization energy By V. Coropceanu et al. Theor Chem Acc (2003) 110:59–69