Creating a Data Dictionary for Your Local Data USACE SDSFIE Training Prerequisites: Preparing Your Local Data US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG® Video sequence 2 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Important Note Video demonstrates one method of creating a template for a data dictionary Organizations that already have a data dictionary can skip to slide 35 to see the suggested format, designed to facilitate adaptation development Other formats are acceptable 3 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Objectives Understanding how to export and zip up an XML schema from a geodatabase Understanding how to use the SDSFIE Website to create a Validation Report Understanding how to download and extract the compressed report Understanding the content of the Validation Report and how to reformat it to create a Source Data Dictionary 4 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® THE DATA DICTIONARY CREATION PROCESS 5 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Creating a Data Dictionary Clean up database Export data into XML Workspace Document Zip up XML Workspace Document Submit .zip file for validation on 6 of 44 Download, and open validation output in Excel Reformat sheets to create Data Dictionary Template BUILDING STRONG® EXPORT DATA INTO XML WORKSPACE DOCUMENT 7 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Export Steps Right click on geodatabase Select Export Select XML Workspace Document In options GUI that appears: ► ► ► ► specify Schema Only uncheck Export Metadata box Click the folder icon to “Specify output XML file” location In the “Save As” window: • Navigate to the file location and type in the file name • Click the Save button Press the Next button Press the Finish button Refresh the specified folder location to see the XML file ► 8 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Export Steps Right click on geodatabase 9 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Export Steps Select Export 10 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Export Steps Select XML Workspace Document 11 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Export Steps In options GUI that appears: ► Specify Schema Only 12 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Export Steps In options GUI that appears: ► Uncheck Export Metadata 13 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Export Steps In options GUI that appears: ► Click the folder icon to “Specify output XML file” location 14 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Export Steps ► In the “Save As” window: • Navigate to the file location and type in the file name • Click the Save button 15 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Export Steps ► Press the Next button 16 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Export Steps Press the Finish button 17 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Export Steps Refresh the specified folder location to see the XML file 18 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® ZIP UP XML WORKSPACE DOCUMENT 19 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Creating a compressed file The Validation Service on requires that an XML file that is in a compressed format, using WinZip’s de facto standard, the “.zip” file. Note that this task is NOT accomplished in ArcCatalog. This task is accomplished, typically, within a Windows Explorer interface, aka a file manager window. (This is NOT the Internet Explorer web browser.) 20 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Steps to Create a .zip File Here are the steps for creating a .zip file: Step 1. Open a Windows Explorer interface Step 2. Right click on your XML Workspace Document (e.g., one named “DistrictData.xml”) Step 3. From the menu, select “WinZIP”, then “Add to Archive” Step 4. In the interface that appears, navigate to the desired folder location, provide a file name (e.g.,, and save the .zip file in that location Alternatively, open the WinZip program to create the .zip file and save it with the desired name and file location 21 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® SUBMIT .ZIP FILE FOR VALIDATION ON SDSFIEONLINE.ORG 22 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® The Validation Serice Workflow Step 1: Log in to and navigate to Validate tab of Models and Workflows page Step 2: Select SDSFIE Data Model to validate against (e.g., USACE HQ 3.1) Step 3: Select software Platform used to create schema format (i.e., ESRI) Step 4: Specify zip file “Package” to be uploaded (e.g., Step 5: Execute the Validate process 23 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Step 1. Log on to, and navigate to Validate tab of the Models and Workflows page 24 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Step 2: Select “USACE HQ 3.1” as the SDSFIE Data Model to validate against 25 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Step 3: Select software Platform used to create schema format (i.e., ESRI) 26 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Step 4: Navigate to and select the the zip file “Package” to be uploaded (e.g., 27 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Step 5: Execute the Validate process 28 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® DOWNLOAD, AND OPEN VALIDATION OUTPUT IN EXCEL 29 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Download, Extract, Open in Excel, and Save as *.XLSX Workbook File Step 1: After the validation service is finished, download the the report file Step 2: Extract the report file from its compressed format, and save it in desired folder Step 3: Open the report file in Excel Step 4: Save the report file as an Excel workbook 30 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Step 1. After the validation service is finished, download the the report file 31 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Step 2: Extract the report file from its compressed format, and save it in desired folder Step 2a: Click on the words “Extract all files” Step 2b: Click the “Browse” button Step 2d: Click “Extract” Step 2c: Navigate to desired folder to save the file, and click “OK” 32 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Step 3: Open the report file in Excel The validation report, in XML format, is now saved Step 3a: Start the Excel program, and select “Open” from the File menu Step 3b: Navigate to the proper folder, select the report file, and click “Open” 33 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Step 4: Save the report file as an Excel workbook After Step 3, the report is open in Excel, in XML format Step 4a: From Excel’s File menu, select “Save As” After Step 4, the report is open in Excel, in .xlsx format Step 4b: • In the “Save as type” box, select the first choice on the list:“Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)” • In the “File Name” box, provide a simpler file name (e.g., DataDictionary.xlsx) • Click the “Save” button 34 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® REFORMAT SHEETS TO CREATE DATA DICTIONARY TEMPLATE 35 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Spreadsheets in the Validation Report Wookbook Spreadsheets in Validation Report: • Summary • Geometry Types • Attribute Types • Domains • Domain Values • Thematic Packages • Object Types • Object Types with Attributes • Feature Types • Feature Types with Attributes • Attribute Relationships For the Data Dictionary development, we are initially concerned only with the model elements that require definitions. 36 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Overview of Validation Report Wookbook Report breaks down your model elements into categories, and uses color codes to highlight each type. Profiled Elements: • Present in USACE HQ Adaptation • Not present in your geodatabase • Ignore for now Modified Elements: • Present in USACE HQ Adaptation • Present in your geodatabase, altered in some way from the USACE HQ model Extended Elements: • Not present in USACE HQ Adaptation • Present in your geodatabase Unchanged Elements: • Present in your geodatabase, same exact format as found in the USACE HQ model 37 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Steps for Reformatting Validation Report Wookbook into Data Dictionary Step 1: Ascertain the types of model elements for which you will need to develop definitions Step 2: Move, hide, and/or delete extraneous information ► Delete unneeded spreadsheets, or move to another workbook ► Hide unneeded records – those that are “Profiled” ► Hide unneeded columns – USACE HQ 3.1 Step 3: Identify missing definitions to be populated to complete Data Dictionary 38 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Characteristics of a Very Simple, Example Geodatabase: No Feature Datasets (“Thematic Packages”) Contains 3 Feature Classes from SDSFIE 3.0 Gold model – “DredgingEvent” ► One from SDSFIE 2.6 model – “soil_sample_point” ► One custom – “BorrowAreas” ► One No Domains, and thus, no Domain Values No Object Tables No Attribute Rleationships 39 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Step 1: Ascertain the types of model elements for which you will need to develop definitions Only 2 spreadsheets in Validation Report need to be retained in this example: • Feature Types • Feature Types with Attributes 40 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Step 2: Move, hide, and/or delete extraneous information Removed from view all extraneous information • Moved extraneous spreadsheets to separate workbook • “Hide” columns B–E that contained USACE HQ 3.1 info • “Hide” rows 6–245 that contained profiled Feature Types 41 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Step 3: Identify missing definitions to be populated to complete Data Dictionary Similarly reformatted “Feature Types with Attributes” spreadsheet, and then: • Deleted text in “Description” column which indicated that no definition was present • Highlighted in yellow to indicated that definitions need to be provided • Saved as new workbook “ DataDictionary2.xlsx 42 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Review Understanding how to export and zip up an XML schema from a geodatabase Understanding how to use the SDSFIE Website to create a Validation Report Understanding how to download and extract the compressed report Understanding the content of the Validation Report and how to reformat it to create a Source Data Dictionary 43 of 44 BUILDING STRONG® Next steps Videos should be seen next are ► Local Data Requirements and Definitions Contact with comments or additional information 44 of 44 BUILDING STRONG®