HSE KPI Data Collection Tool Briefings

HSE KPI Data Collection Tool
• Why is Network Rail introducing this system
• Data Input Levels
• System and Navigation
• Help
• Setting PM Delegates and NR Data Inputters
• Setting Project Data Requirements and Status
• Setting Data Requirements at Supplier Level
• Setting Data Requirements at Purchase Order Level
• Submitting Project Level Data (Method 1 and 2)
• Appointing a Supplier Manager
• Approving or Rejecting Data
• Reports
• Timelines
Why is Network Rail introducing this system
• Data is not collected at a consistent level of granularity
• NR Project Managers do not always take ownership of the data
• Data collection is cumbersome and inefficient
• Industry criticism that data is manipulated
– “Industry regulator, the Office for Rail Regulation (ORR) has described
Network Rail's reporting of RIDDOR (Reporting of injuries, diseases and
dangerous occurrences regulations) incidents as "obscure and wrong.“
Unite Publication Sep 2010
– “The ORR has confirmed that there had been a pattern of reporting
accidents within Network Rail that were simply not credible, with the ratio of
major to minor accidents at Network Rail being 1:1.12 compared with the
industry template of 1:30”.
ORR Statement Sept 2010
Data Input Levels
There are four data levels of which three are Mandatory. From the lowest
level to the highest they are;
1. Purchase Order Level (PO Level)
This data is submitted by the Contractor for each PO. Live Purchase Orders are
automatically extracted from Oracle Projects. In the case of multiple POs being
raised with the same contractor on one project it is permissible to combine them
2. Supplier Level
This data is input by the NR project team to reflect the performance of a Supplier.
This is not a mandatory level and is only currently required for Crossrail
3. Project Level
Is data is input by the Project Manager, his delegate or nominated Data Inputter.
It reflects the achievements of the Network Rail delivery team
4. Programme Level
This data is input by the Programme Administrator. Typically someone from
HSEA or Project Controls
System and Navigation
• System
– The system is fed with reference data from Oracle Projects
– The data is held external to Network Rail. It is immediately captured by the
server as it is input
– You are able to close down the application and still be logged in when the
application is reopened
– You do not access the system through Connect and can therefore access it
from any PC
• Navigation
– The back button, usually at the top left of your screen will operate and not freeze the
– There are many hyperlinks and filters to shortcut steps
– There is usually more than one way to achieve the desired activity
• For immediate help reference the User Guide attached to the
HELP tab on the menu bar
• Where available, click on the question mark button for further
detailed descriptions
• A FAQ sheet will be attached to the HELP tab. This will be
generated as calls for help are received.
• Contact your Programme Administrators for guidance. Contact
details of these will appear on the HELP tab
• The Application is not supported by Network Rail IM. For system
faults the service desk is provided by On-trac 0191 305 1155
Setting PM Delegates and NR Data Inputters 1 of 2
• The Project Manager named within Oracle Projects will receive an automated
email confirming that he has a Project, and/or Purchase Order for which KPI
data is likely to be required
• The Project Manager can delegate his duties which include:
– Create one or more Project Manager delegates (They delegate cannot
further delegate)
– Create one or more Network Rail data inputters
– Set the Project and Supplier HSE Data Requirement and Status
– Submitting Project Level Data
– Submitting Supplier Level Data (Crossrail only at present)
– Appoint a Supplier Manager responsible for PO level data submission
– Accepting or rejecting PO Level Data from the Contractor
• The delegate can reject the nomination
• The PM can nominate a data Inputter who cannot reject the nomination.
Setting PM Delegates and NR Data Inputters 2 of 2
1. Select Project
2. Select Filter projects
3. Enter Filter Details
4. Apply Filter
5. Hover over Actions
6. Select “Manage Users Roles”
7. New Window (Not shown)
8. Select the Role you want (Not
9. Select Existing or Create New User
10. Enter specific details
11. Select Apply
Setting Project Data Requirements & Status 1 of 2
•HSE Data Requirement
– The default set to each project is that HSE Data is required
– Some Projects are purely set up for Sponsor Contingency, Capital
Payments and for other reasons whereby HSE KPI Data will not be
required. The HSE Data Requirement for these projects should be set to
not required
•Project Status
– Active (Default)
– Inactive e.g. awaiting further financial authority, vacant possession etc
– Completed, This allows immediate data submission
– Closed i.e. no further KPI data is to be submitted for this Project
NB Any Requirement or Status applied at Project Level will automatically be
applied to Supplier and PO level beneath it
Setting Project Data Requirements & Status 2 of 2
1. Select Project
2. Select Filter projects
3. Enter Filter Details
4. Apply Filter
5. Hover over Actions
6. Select Edit Details
7. Reference Slide 9 and Select
appropriate Data Requirement
8. Reference Slide 9 and Select
appropriate Status
9. Select Apply
Setting Data Requirements at Supplier Level
1. Select Project
2. Select Filter projects
3. Enter Filter Details
4. Apply Filter
5. Click on the Project Name
6. Hover over relevant Actions
7. Select Edit Details
8. Reference Slide 9 and Select
appropriate Data Requirement
9. Reference Slide 9 and Select
appropriate Status
10. Select Apply
NB Setting at Supplier level will affect all
POs raised for that supplier
Setting Data Requirements at PO Level
Follow steps 1 to 5 from the
previous slide
6. Click on the Supplier
7. Hover over Actions against the
required PO Description
8. Select Edit Details
9. Select the Data Requirement
10. Select Update
Submit Project Level Data Method 1
1. Select Project
2. Select Filter projects
3. Enter Filter Details
4. Apply Filter
5. Hover over Actions
6. Select Submit KPI
7. Click on the Project Description
8. New window pops up
9. Either Enter Data or confirm no KPI
Data submission required
10. Select Submit Data (Not Shown)
Submit Project Level Data Method 2
1. Click on Submissions
2. Click on All Submissions
3. Filter if necessary
4. New Window appears listing all
required submissions
5. Choose the submission you wish
to complete
6. Enter Data as per slide 13
Appointing a Supplier Manager 1 of 3
• You can do this at either Supplier or PO
level. If you do it at Supplier level that
person will be appointed to all the POs
raised for that contractor on the project.
• Appointing at PO level means that you
can have multiple Supplier Managers.
• A Supplier Manager can reject the
nomination by the NR PM
• A Supplier Manager can set up Supplier
Data Inputters. They can not reject the
• Do not set a NR Supplier Data Inputter
as the Supplier Manager
Appointing a Supplier Manager 2 of 3
At Supplier Level
Select Projects
Filter if required
Select the required project
Hover over Actions on the required Supplier
Click on Manage User Roles
Select Supplier Manager
Warning Window pops up
Click on Continue
Enter Supplier Manager’s details (Not
NB This Supplier Manager will be appointed
to all POs raised on this project for this
Appointing a Supplier Manager 3 of 3
At PO Level
Select Projects
Filter if required
Select the required project
New Window pops up
Select the required Supplier
New Window pops up
Select the required PO by clicking on the
Hover over the Actions
Click on Manage User Roles
10. Create the Supplier Manager (Not Shown)
Approving or Rejecting Data
Select Submissions
Select Review Submissions
New Window pops up
Select Submitted data
New Window pops up
Accept or reject the KPI data in groups or
Enter reason for rejection
Submit Review (Not Show)
NB You can not submit the review unless
all the data has been either accepted or
NB2 Clicking Actions > Review KPI
• Data Input Requirements
– Click on Reports tab
– Select KPI Data Requirements for a complete list of the data
requirements. A useful extract to put into your tender
requirements. Particularly if combined with the Calendar
• To view previous submissions
– Click on Submissions
– Click on Completed Submissions
• You can access the system
calendar by Clicking on Calendar on
the Menu Bar
• Key Activities
– OP Data upload Mon week 4
– Project set up Tues to Fri Week 4
– Early bird data submission Wed week 4
to Sunday week 1
– Latest On Time data submission
Mon Week 1
– PM Approval Tues week 1
– Board Report Extract Wed Week 1
– Late submission deadline Sat week 4