M/G/1 variants and Priority Queue

M/G/1 variants and Priority Queue
Cheng-Fu Chou
Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLab, CSIE, NTU
HW. 1 M/G/1 with bulk service
 Consider an M/G/1 system with bulk service.
Whenever the server becomes free, he accepts 2
customers from the queue into service simultaneously,
or , if only one is on queue, he accepts that one; in
either case, the service time for the group (of size 1
or 2) is taken from B(x). Let qn be the number of
customers remaining after the nth service instant. Let
vn be the number arrivals during the nth service.
Define B*(s), Q(z), and V(z) as transforms associated
with the random variables x, q, v as usual. Let r= lx/2
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Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
– Using the method of imbedded Markov chain, find
E(q) in term of r, P(q=0) =p0.
– Find Q(z) in term of B*(.), p0, p1= P(q=1)
– Express p1 in terms of p0
(a) E[q]= r + (2(1-p0)+l2E[x2]-4r2)/(4(1-r))
(b) Q(z)= B*(l-lz) (p0(1-z2)+p1z(1-z))/(B*(l-lz)-z2)
(c) p1 = 2(1-p0-r)
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(a) Clearly wecan write
 qn  2  vn 1 qn  2
qn 1   qn  1  vn 1 qn  1
qn  0
 n 1
Introducing thefunction
 2 k2
 2, k  
k 0  k  2
We haveq n 1  q n -  2,q n  v n 1 , lettingn   and
q  q - E[ 2,q ]  v
E[ 2,q ]    2,k P[q  k ]
k 0
 P [q  1]   2P [q  k]
k 2
 p1  2(1- p 0 - p1 )
So, v  E[ 2,q ]  2 - 2p0 - p1
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Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
HW2 M/G/1 (service time)
 Consider an M/G/1 queueing system in which service is
given as follows. Upon entry into service, a coin is
tossed, which has probability p of giving Heads. If the
result is Heads, the service time for that customer is
0 seconds. If Tails, his service time is drawn from the
following uniform distribution:
f(x)=1/(b-a), if a<x<b; otherwise f(x)=0
– Find the average service time x
– Find the variance of service time
– Find the expected waiting time
– Find W*(s)
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M/G/1 with vacations
 Consider a first-come-first-served M/G/1 queue with
the following changes. The server serves the queue as
long as someone is in the system. Whenever the system
empties the server goes away on vacation for a certain
length of time, which may be a random variable. At the
end of his vacation the server returns and begins to
serve customers again: if he returns to an empty system
then he goes away on vacation. Let
– F ( z) 
f j z j be the z-transform for the number
of customers awaiting service
j 1
when the server returns from vacation to find at
least one customer waiting
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Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
(a) Derive an expression which gives qn+1 in term of qn,
vn+1 and j
(b) Derive Q(z) in term of p0
(c) Show that p0 = (1-r)/F1(1), r = lx
(d) Assume now that the service vacation will end
whenever a new customer enters the empty system.
For this case find F(z) and show that when we
substitute it back into our answer for (b) then we
arrive at the classical M/G/1 solution.
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(a) Clearly,if q n  0, q n 1  q n  1  v n 1
as for theusual M/G/1 system
If q n  0 theservergoes on vacation and does
not begin servinguntil thereare f  1 in thesystem.
T hus,q n 1  f - 1  vn 1 for q n  0.
Let  f,k
k k  0
f k  0
q n 1   f,k  1  v n 1
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(b) We have
 f, qn -1 v n 1
Q n 1 (z)  E[zq n1 ]  E[z
 E[zv n1 1 ]E[z f, qn ]
by indepenedence of vn 1 , f, q n . Lettingn   we find
Q(z) 
and E[z
 f, q
E[z f, q ]
]  E[z ]p[q  0]   z k p[q  k ]
k 1
 F(z)p0  [Q(z)- p 0 ]
p 0 (1- F(z))
Q(z)  V(z)
and V(z)  B * (l - lz)
V(z) - z
p (1- F(z))
Q(z)  B * (l - lz) 0
B * (l - lz) - z
Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
P. 9
(c) From (b), we have
p (1- F(z))
Q(z)  V(z) 0
V(z) - z
T o determinep 0 , we evaluatetheabove eqn. at z  1
(using L' Hospitalrule).T hen,
p 0 (1- F(z))
 lim
V(z) z 1 B * (l - lz) - z
p 0 (-F(1) (1))
p 0 F(1) (1)
B * (0)(-l ) - 1
1- l x
1- r
p 0  (1)
F (1)
Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
P. 10
(d) In t hiscase, f1  1 and f k  0 for k  1.
So, F(z)  z and F(1) (1)  1, p 0  1 - r .
(1- r )(1- z)
Q(z)  B * (l - lz)
B * (l - lz) - z
which is t heP - K t ransform equat ion for M/G/1
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Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
M/G/1 with vacations
 At the end of each busy period, the server goes on
vacation for some random interval of time
 A new arrival to an idle system rather than going into
service immediately, waits for the end of the vacation
x3 x4 v1 v2 v3 x5
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 Let v1, v2, …, be the duration of successive vacations
taken by the server and they are i.i.d. r.v.
 Observation
– A new arrival to the system, waits for the
completion of the current service or vacation
o So, the waiting time formula W = R/(1-r) is still
– R is the mean residual time for completion of the
service or vacation
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 By using the same graphical argument
time t
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 Residual service time for an
M/G/1 system with vacations
– M(t): # of services
completed by time t
– L(t) : # of vacations
completed by time t
1M (t ) 1 2 1 L (t ) 1 2
R   r (t )dt   xi   vi
t i 1 2
t i 1 2
M (t )
L (t )
1 2
1 2
M(t) i 1 2
L(t ) i 1 2
L(t )
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T akinglimit as t  
L(t) 1  r
t(1- r )
λ x 2 ( 1  ρ)v 2
R  * 
W 
1  r 2(1  r ) 2v
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Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
M/G/1 with feedback queue
 Consider an M/G/1 system in which a departing
customer immediately joins the queue again with
probability p, or departs forever with probability q =
1- p. Service is FCFS, and the service time for a
returning customer is independent of his previous
service time. Let B*(s) be the transform for the
service time pdf and let B*T(s) be the transform for a
customer’s total service time pdf.
(a) Find B*T(s) in term of B*(s), p and q
(b) Find QT(z)
(c) Find N, the average number of customer in the
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(a) Conditioning on thenumber of return t rips, we have
B*T ( s | exactlyn return t rips)  (B* (s))n 1
B ( s )   BT* ( s | exactlyn return t rips)p(exactly n rest urn trips)
n 0
n 0
n 0
  (B* (s))n 1 qpn  qB* ( s ) [ pB* ( s )]n
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Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
(b) In determining the number in the system, we may
assume that a customer cycles backs directly into
service instead of to the tail of the queue. This is
allowed due to the “memoryless” selection of a new
service time each time a customer returns in addition
to the independence of the feedback decision. Thus,
we may consider our queue as an M/G/1 system with
B*T(s) as the transform for the service time.
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(1  rT )(1  z )
QT ( z )  B (l  lz ) *
BT (l  lz )  z
whereBT 
and rT 
1  pB ( s)
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(c) For M/G/1, N  r 
l x
2(1  r )
l xT
So, N  rT 
2(1  rT )
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Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
Priority Queue
 M/G/1 system with n different priority classes
– class 1 > class 2 > class 3 >…
– Arrival rate: lk
– Mean service time: xk = 1/mk
– Second moment of service time: xi 2
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Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
Nonpreemptive priority
 A customer undergoing service is allowed to complete
service without interruption even if a customer of
higher priority arrives in the meantime. A separate
queue is maintained for each priority class
– Goal: find an equation for average delay for each
priority class
– Total n classes
– NQk: average number on queue for class k
– Wk: average queueing time for class k
– rk = lk/mk: system utilization for class k
– R: mean residual service time
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 Assume that
 W1  R 
N Q1
overall system
utilization is less
By Lit tle's result
than 1, i.e., r1  r2
...  rn < 1
N Q1  λ1W1,W1 
1  ρ1
W2  R 
W2 
1 1 1 2 1
NQ 
N Q  λ1W2
R  ρ1W1
W2 
( 1-ρ1 )(1-ρ1-ρ2 )
Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
P. 24
T hederivationis similar for all priorityclasses k  1
Wk 
(1- r1 - r 2 - ...- r k -1 )(1- r1 - ...- r k )
 T heavg. delay per customerof class k is
Tk 
 wk
Moreover,themean residual service timeR
1 n
R   li xi2
2 i 1
 Wk 
 i i
i 1
2(1- r1 - r 2 - ...- r k -1 )(1- r1 - ...- r k )
Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
P. 25
 Consider a nonpreemptive system and 2 customer
classes A and B with respective arrival and service
rate lA, mA, and lB, mB .
If mA > mB show that the average delay per customer
(avg. over both classes)
T = lATA + lBTB/(lA+lB) is smaller when class A with
higher priority (class A > class B) than the case when
class B with higher priority ( class B > class A)
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Preemptive resume priority
 Service of a customer is interrupted when a higher
priority customer arrives and is resumed from the
point of interruption once all customers of high
priority have been served.
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, where R k 
1 - r1 - ...- r k
 i i
i 1
 k 1 
3. Tk 
   r i Tk
m k 1 - r1 - ...- r k  i 1 
T1 
1  r1   R1
1  r1
1  r1  ......- r k   Rk
Tk 
1  r1  ......- r k -1 1  r1  ......- r k 
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CASE Study
 DTMC for Slotted Aloha
 CTMC for Wireless handoff model
 DTMC for 802.11 Model
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Slotted Aloha Model
 The Aloha network was developed to provide radiobased data communication.
– Slotted system
– Collision or perfect reception
– Consider m users, n of which are currently
backlogged. Each of the m-n unbacklogged users is
assumed to transmit independently in each slot
with probability a, while each backlogged user
transmits independently in each slot with
probability b
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Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
DTMC for Slotted Aloha
Let thenumber of backlogged users, n, denotethestateof theDT MC.
Let A(i,n) denotetheprobability thati unbacklogged users attempt totransmit
in a slot whentheDT MCis in staten and B(i, n) be thecorresponding probability
for backlogged users.
m  n
1  a m n i a i , 0  i  m -n
A(i, n)  
 i 
n i
B(i, n)   1  b  b i , 0  i  n
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DTMC for Slotted Aloha
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Wireless Handoff Model
 Consider the performance model of a single cell in a
cellular wireless communication network.
– New calls arrive in a Poisson stream at the rate l1
– Handoff calls arrive in a Poisson stream at the rate
– An ongoing call (new or handoff) completes service
at the rate m1
– The mobile engaged in the call departs the cell at
the rate m2
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 There are a limited number of channels, n, in the
channel pool.
 When a handoff call arrives and an idle channel is
available in the channel pool, the call is accepted and a
channel is assigned to it. Otherwise, the handoff call
is dropped.
 When a new call arrives, it is accepted provided g+1 or
more channel are available in the channel pool;
otherwise the new call is blocked. Here, g is the
number of guard channels used to give priority to
handoff calls.
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CTMC for Handoff Model
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Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
DTMC for Memory Interference in
Multiprocessor System
 The processors’ ability to share the entire memory
space provides a convenient means of sharing
information and provides flexibility in memory
 The price of sharing is the contention for the shared
 To reduce contention, the memory is usually split up
into modules, which can be accessed independently
and concurrently with other modules
 When more than one processor attempts to access to
the same module, only one processor can be granted
access, while other processors must await their turn
in a queue.
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 The effect of such contention, or interference, is to
increase the average memory access time.
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Memory modules
Interconnection network
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 The time to complete a memory access is a constant
and all modules are synchronized
 Processors are assumed to be fast enough to generate
a new request as soon as their current request is
 A processor cannot generate a new request when it is
waiting for the current request to be completed
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 The operation of the system can be visualized as a
discrete-time queueing network
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 The memory modules are the servers and the fixed
number, n, of processors constitute the jobs or
customers circulating in this closing queueing network.
 Let qi denotes the probability that a processor
generated request is directed at memory modules i, i=
1, 2, …, m.
 Consider a system with 2 memory and 2 processors
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P. 42
Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
Memory Referencing Behavior
 In the renewal model, the successive intervals
between references to a given page were assumed to
be i.i.d. r.v..
 We consider a special case of the renewal model,
where the intervals are geometrically distributed.
This is known as the independent reference model
(IRM) of program behavior.
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Cheng-Fu Chou, CMLAB, CSIE, NTU
Independent Reference Model
 A program’s address space typically consists of
continuous pages represented by the indices 1,2,…,n.
 To study a program’s reference behavior, it can be
represented by the reference string w=x1, x2,…,xt.
 Successive references are assumed to form a
sequence of i.i.d. r.v. with
P(xt = i) = bi, 1  i  n.
 The interval between 2 successive references to page
i is geometrically distributed with parameter bi.
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LRU model
 Assume that a fixed number, m (1m n), of page
frames have been allocated to the program.
 The state of the paging algorithm at time t, denoted
by q(t), is an ordered list of the m pages in main
 If the next page referenced (xt+1) is not in main
memory, then a page fault occurs. This will, in general,
require the replacement of an existing page from main
memory. We will assume that the rightmost page in
the ordered list q(t)
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LRU model (cont.)
 If the next page referenced (xt+1) is in main memory,
no page fault (and replacement) occurs, but the q(t) is
updated to q(t+1)
 We can see that the sequence of states q(0), q(1),
…,q(t),… forms a DTMC with the state space
consisting of n!/(n-m)! Permutations over {1,2,…,n}
 Assume that the main memory is preloaded initially
with m pages.
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LRU model Example
 Consider the LRU paging algorithm with n=3 and m=2.
 Let q(t) be ordered by the recency of usage, so that
q(t) = (i,j) implies that page indexed i was more
recently used than page j, and page j will be the
candidate for replacement.
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