Mitosis Flipbook

Mitosis Flipbook
By Trevor
This is where cell performs normal functions and grows. As it grows in size, it will transition
into late interphase. In late interphase, DNA will replicate. While this occurs, the DNA
molecule unwinds using the help of an enzyme, new bases pair with ones on the original
DNA, and two new identical DNA molecules are created.
Early Prophase
In this phase, the replicated chromosomes will coil into an X shape. As this occurs, the
nucleolus will disappear and the spindle fibres start to be formed.
Late prophase
In this phase, after the spindle fibres are formed, the spindle fibres will attach to
centromeres of chromosomes.
In this phase, the X shaped chromosomes will align at the equator of the cell.
In this phase, the X shaped chromosomes will be pulled apart by the spindle fibres. When this
happens, the X shaped chromosomes split in two, becoming sister chromatids. Each sister
chromatid head to opposite poles of the cell.
In this phase, the cells begin to separate. When this happens, spindle fibres will disappear and a nuclear membrane
will form around each of the separated set of chromosomes. This is also where the nucleolus reappears inside each
of the nuclear membranes.
This is where the cell membrane pinches together and divides the cell’s cytoplasm
and organelles. Once this happens, they then form into two daughter cells. The
whole process then repeats.