Kaitlin O’Leary STUDENTS TEACHERS NEXT BACK HOME (MAIN MENU) • After completing this PowerPoint, students will be able to identify and describe key features of a plant. Students will then be able to answer the quiz questions at the end of the PowerPoint to 90%-95% accuracy. • In the classroom (as a group or individually) • Either bring in specimens for students to examine or plant a trip outside for observation • High school biology or botany class (grades 9-12) • http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/botany/plantparts.html#ste ms • http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/botany/leaves.html#leaves • http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/botany/buds.html#buds • http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/botany/roots.html#roots • http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/botany/flowers.html#flowe rs • http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/botany/fruit.html#fruit • http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/botany/seeds.html#seeds • http://www.missouriplants.com/Blueopp/Mimulus_ringens_stem.jpg • http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/higher/biology/images/transverse_st em.gif • http://phsgirard.org/APbiology.html • http://gansetter.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/cambium.jpg • http://content.answcdn.com/main/content/img/Gardeners/f0132.jp g • http://www.photodictionary.com/photofiles/list/3414/4541lilac_leaf.jpg • http://whatisphotosynthesis.net/img/photosynthesis1.png • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cb/Pineapple_a nd_cross_section.jpg • http://pcdn.500px.net/13683109/4604f3e200d6d9ded8adb4c22da1eb c9ada7aba7/4.jpg • https://www.webdepot.umontreal.ca/Usagers/geitmana/MonDepotPublic/g eitmannlab/images/StJean/Squares380/dicot_leaf.jpg • http://content.answcdn.com/main/content/img/Gardeners/f0231.jpg • http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/4800/4841/compound-leaf_2_lg.gif • http://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/984/flashcards/1214984/jpg/o pposite_leaf_arrangement1330046286954.jpg • http://www.il.mahidol.ac.th/emedia/plants/webcontent3/interactive_key/key/images/leaf/leaf_%20arr angement/alternate.jpg • http://www.ppdl.purdue.edu/PPDL/images/eupatorium.jpg • http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/botany/images/p14-1.gif • http://www.lorigail.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/spring-lilac-leafbud-1024x732.jpg • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/3JkglASy2yQ/TxHjLeMKQKI/AAAAAAAAAVY/4V0Vsrvlp4/s1600/Rose+Flower+Bud+02.jpg • http://www.uwgb.edu/biodiversity/herbarium/trees/axillary_lateral_bud0 2.jpg • http://www.thompsonmorgan.com/medias/sys_tandm/8796351430686.jpg • http://diettogo.com/data/fe/file/promo/broccoli.jpg • http://lasvegasfoodadventures.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/brusselssprouts.jpg • http://meantforsomethingbetter.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/treeroots.jpg • http://adeeperlookatplants.wikispaces.com/file/view/roots.gif/69637447/ 316x348/roots.gif • • • • • • • • http://www.cropsreview.com/images/root-1fibrous.jpg http://people.bridgewater.edu/~lhill/images/taproot.jpg http://staff.4j.lane.edu/~whitley/botany/images/root2.gif http://indianapublicmedia.org/eartheats/files/2010/11/SweetPotato-940x626.jpg http://gardeninggarden.com/wpcontent/uploads/2010/04/carrots.jpg http://nuwildroots.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/radish.jpg http://www.thompsonmorgan.com/medias/sys_tandm/8796419719198.jpg http://www.williamcullina.com/files/Download/claytonia_virginica_1 _5127.jpg • http://dbscience2.wikispaces.com/file/view/flower_parts.gif/73089 621/flower_parts.gif • http://www.freecomputerdesktopwallpaper.com/new_wallpaper/flo wer_2_nature_freecomputerdesktopwallpaper_1600.jpg • http://www.xtremepapers.com/images/gcse/biology/classification/ monocot_flower.png • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikibooks/en/b/b0/FlowerLab3.jpg • http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JSpEN7rJoRg/TlJle2P8tI/AAAAAAAAAoA/BVJG37yIw7A/s1600/Pollination+by+Ho ney+Bees.jpg • http://alafoto.com/wpcontent/uploads/pollen_grains_alafoto_04.jpg • http://media.web.britannica.com/eb-media/41/62941-004E3F5377B.jpg • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9e/Autumn_Re d_peaches.jpg • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_l9A07ECwvYM/S6pfcAgCG8I/AAAAAA AABjo/bIBwovaHaaU/s1600/6a00e54ffe2ad3883300e553b5a6f 68834-800wi.jpg • http://www.botanicalfeast.com/wp-content/figs.jpg • http://www.thefoodenquirer.com/wpcontent/uploads/2010/11/cutapple.jpg • http://extension.missouri.edu/explore/images/mg0003art01.jpg • http://www.eaglewoodgourmetfood.com/images/PlantGermination.j pg • http://www.raspberries.us/red-raspberries-636.jpg STUDENTS NEXT BACK HOME (MAIN MENU) STEMS LEAVES BUDS ROOTS FLOWERS FRUIT SEEDS QUIZ • Function: • Support leaves, buds, flowers, and fruits • Distribute water, minerals, and sugars throughout the plant • Vascular System: • Xylem • Phloem • Cambium • Function: transport food, minerals, sugars, and water throughout the plant. It also provides support to the plant • Xylem: conducts water and minerals • Phloem: conducts food and sugars • A meristem • Where cell division and growth occurs • Between phloem and xylem • Increases plant’s girth • Produces cells for xylem and phloem • Node: the area where leaves connect to the stem • Internode: the space between nodes (length varies) Stem Practice Quiz! Which of the following is the main function of the stem? A Reproduction B Photosynthesis C Support other parts of the plant D To produce pollen Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! What are the three parts of the stem? A xylem, phloem, cambium B flower, bud, node C cambium, xylem, anther Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! What is a node? A The space between where leaves connect to the stem B Where leaves connect to the stem C Where cell division and growth occurs Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! • Blade: part of the leaf on either side of the midrib. This is the largest part of the leaf Blade Midrib • Midrib: large leaf vein going down the center of the leaf Petiole • Petiole: stalk on leaf which attaches leaf to stem • Function: to absorb sunlight to be used for photosynthesis MONOCOT Monocot plant have parallel veins in their leaves. Dicot plants have netted venation in their leaves. DICOT Simple leaf: leaf blade is all one unit leaflets Compound leaf: has many leaflets attached to one petiole Rosulate Opposite Alternate Whorled Leaf Practice Quiz! What is the stalk on the leaf that attaches the leaf to the stem called? A Midrib B Petiole C Blade D None of the above Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! What venation do monocot leaves have? A Parallel B Netted C Both A and B Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Which of the following is a type of leaf that is a single unit (hint: without leaflets)? A Simple B Compound C Blade D None of the above Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Bud: undeveloped shoot that becomes a leaf or flower Leaf bud Flower bud Lateral buds: located on the side of the stem Terminal buds: located at the end of the stem Adventitious buds: located anywhere besides the lateral and terminal position Yes! Enlarged buds are frequently eaten as food. Examples: Cabbage Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Buds Practice Quiz! What is a bud? A A part of the stem that conducts water throughout the plant B An undeveloped shoot that becomes a leaf or flower C The area where leaves connect to the stem Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Which of the following is a type of bud? A Internode B Terminal bud C Anther bud Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Which of the following are buds that can be eaten? A Cabbage B Broccoli C Brussel Sprouts D All of the above Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! • Function: oTake up moisture and nutrients oProvide support and to anchor the plant oStore food • Primary root: (radicle root) the first root to grow from a plant embryo • Secondary root: (lateral root) a root that grows off Taproot: primary root grows downward into the soil • Fibrous root system: primary root is shorter and many secondary roots develop to create a fibrous root system • Meristem: • located at the tip of the root • responsible for creation of new cells and root growth • Zone of elongation: • cells created in meristem grow and elongate • Elongation pushes the root through the soil • Maturation zone: • Where cell differentiation occurs • Differentiation is when cells become specific tissues (i.e. cortex, epidermis, vascular tissue) Sweet potato Radish Carrot Parsnip Root Practice Quiz! Which of the following is a function of a root? A Store food B Reproduction C Photosynthesis D All of the above Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! What is a primary root? A A root that grows off another root B The first root to grow from a plant embryo C Both A and B Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! What is the zone of elongation? A Part of the root that is responsible for the creation of new cells B Part of the root where newly created cells grow and this causes the root to push through the soil C Where cell differentiation occurs Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! • Function: • Reproduction • Scent and appearance (color) attract pollinators • Pistil: • Female part • Egg is fertilized in the ovule • Ovule develops into a seed • Contains stigma, style, and ovary • Stamen: • Male part • Made up of stalk and anther • Stalk holds up anther (contains pollen) for pollen to be distributed by wind or organisms • Sepal: • Small leaf structures that protects the flower bud • Petals: • Colored and/or scented part of the plant • Attracts insects/bats/other organisms that distribute pollen • Number of petals is used for identification • Monocot: has three petals or petals in multiples of 3 (6, 9, 12, …..) • Dicot: has four or five petals or petals in multiples of four or five 1. Flower is pollinated • Pollen from another flower is transferred to this flower via wind, insects, etc. 2. Pollen sticks to stigma and travels down style to the ovules in the ovary where it fertilizes an egg Pollen grains on a flower’s stigma 3. Egg develops into a seed if the fertilization was successful Flower Practice Quiz! What is the function of a flower? A To stimulate plant growth B Reproduction C Absorption of moisture D None of the above Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Which of the following is the female part of the flower? A Pistil B Stamen C Petals D Sepals Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Which of the following is a possible number of petals on a monocot flower? A 2 B 5 C 9 D 7 Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! • Simple fruit: fruits that develop from one single ovary • cherries, peaches, peanuts, walnuts • Aggregate fruits: develop from a flower with many ovaries • Ovaries fertilized independently • Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries • Multiple fruits: developed from separate flowers that developed from one structure • Pineapple, fig, beet seed Ovules • Ovules: • contain DNA from both male and female parts of the plant • Seed • Ovary wall: • protects ovule (seed) • May be fleshy (apple or dry (maple fruit) • Same DNA as plant Ovary Wall Fruit Practice Quiz! What are ovules? A The part of the fruit that protects the seed B Seeds (contain DNA from both male and female parts C Part of plant that produces pollen D None of the above Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! What type of fruit is in the picture below? A Multiple fruits B Simple fruits C Aggregate fruit Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! What type of fruit develops from a single ovary? A Aggregate fruit B Simple fruit C Multiple fruits D All of the above Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! • Embryo: • a small, undeveloped plant within the seed • Dormant • Endosperm: • A food source for the embryo • Made up of proteins, carbohydrates, and/or fats • Seed coat: • Protects the seed • Germination: • When an embryo leaves dormancy and begins to grow normally • Proper environmental conditions for germination: • Oxygen • Correct temperature • Light Seed Practice Quiz! What part of the seed is the food source for the embryo? A Embryo B Endosperm C Seed coat D None of the above Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Which of the following is an environmental condition of germination? A Oxygen B CO2 C Light D A and C Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Watch this video before you take the final quiz to review! Quiz time! Good luck! Which of the following is part of the vascular system? A Xylem and cambium B Xylem and phloem C Phloem and cambium D All of the above Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Where is the meristem of a root located? A Middle of root B Tip of root C At surface of soil D None of the above Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! The picture to the left is an example of a ___________ leaf arrangement. A Opposite B Rosulate C Whorled D Alternate Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! What is the first step to a seed being created? A Pollen travels down the style B Pollination C Egg becomes a seed Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Where are lateral buds located? A At the end of the stem B On the side of the stem C Anywhere D Roots Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! The picture below is an example of what? A Multiple fruits B Single fruit C Aggregate fruit D None of the above Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Which of the following is a root that can be eaten? A Broccoli B Carrot C Parsnip D B and C Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Is the embryo in the seed actively growing BEFORE germination? A Yes B No Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Where does cell division and growth occur in the stem? A Phloem B Xylem C Cambium D Flower Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! The picture below shows a bud that can be eaten as food. A True B False Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Which of the following is the large leaf vein going down the center of the leaf? A Blade B Petiole C Midrib Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! The anther and stalk is part of the ________ of the flower. A Pistil B Petals C Stamen D Sepals Correct! Good job! Incorrect. Try again! Nice work! Take the quiz again! FINISH