Trade-offs between target hardening and overarching protection N. Haphuriwat, V.M. Bier Advisor: Yeong-Sung Lin Presented by I-Ju Shih 1 2011/5/30 Agenda Introduction The model Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity results and discussion Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin Conclusions Future research directions 2 2011/5/30 Agenda Introduction The model Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity results and discussion Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin Conclusions Future research directions 3 2011/5/30 Introduction In principle, defenders concerned about protecting multiple targets could choose to protect them individually (through target hardening), or collectively (through overarching protections). Game theory has been widely used in the study of resource allocation. Major (2002) allows the attacker to choose the level of attack effort to spend on each target, while the defender chooses how much to spend on protecting each target. Woo (2002) provides a methodology for estimating the likelihood that each target will be attacked. 4 2011/5/30 Introduction Azaiez and Bier (2006) apply game theory to model optimal investments in both series and parallel reliability systems. Heal and Kunreuther (2007) study a model in which there are multiple targets, with each defender simultaneously allocating resources to protect her own target. They also explore tipping effects, and cascading effects. Zhuang et al. (2007) consider the case when players have different discount rates. 5 2011/5/30 Introduction Zhuang and Bier (2007) consider the case when the defender must allocate her resources to protect against both natural disasters and terrorism. Bier et al. (2007) model a scenario where the defender’s target valuations are common knowledge, but the defender does not know the attacker’s target valuations. Wang and Bier (2009) consider a dynamic game in which the defender is uncertain about the attacker’s target valuations. Zhuang et al. (2010) use a signaling game to model resource allocations over multiple time periods, allowing the attacker to update his knowledge based on the defender’s signals. defender signals—truthful disclosure, secrecy, and deception. 6 2011/5/30 Introduction One form of overarching protection is border security, due to concerns about illegal immigration and smuggling. Bier and Haphuriwat, (2009) apply a game-theoretic model to analytically determine conditions under which partial inspection is sufficient to deter smuggling attempts. Haphuriwat et al. (2011) revise the model in Bier and Haphuriwat(2009), to address the case of a single attacker attempting to smuggle in multiple nuclear bombs. 7 2011/5/30 Introduction(game theory) 1. 賽局的要素: 參與者(Player)、採取的行動(Strategies)、 報酬(payoff)以及資訊(information) 2. 賽局的分類: 依各參與者的行動是同時或依序可分為 同時賽局(simultaneous game,又稱靜態賽局) 順序賽局(sequential game,又稱動態賽局) 依各參與者的利益是相衝突或互利可分為 定和賽局(constant-sum game)-payoff加起來為一個定數 零和賽局 (zero-sum game)-策略組合payoff的和為0 非零和賽局(nonzero-sum game)-策略組合payoff的和不為0 8 2011/5/30 Introduction(game theory) 2. 賽局的分類: 依賽局是否重複可分為 一次性賽局(one-shot game) 重複賽局(repeat game) 依參與者是否瞭解賽局要素所包括的所有知識可分為 完全訊息賽局-賽局規則成為共有知識的賽局 不完全訊息賽局-賽局規則並未成為共有知識的賽局 不完全訊息的賽局又可分為 a. 傳訊(signals)-參與者未共享資訊時,策略性的將自己所知的資 訊傳達給其他參與者 b. 篩選(screening)-刻意採取一些作為,好揭露對方所隱藏的真正 意圖 9 2011/5/30 Introduction(game theory) 2. 賽局的分類: 按照參與者之間是否合作可分為 合作賽局 非合作賽局 3. 賽局的解:當賽局中的參與者都覺得不需要改變策略時, 此時就是均衡,且一場賽局中可能有不只一個均衡。 4. 賽局的表現方式: 標準型 10 展開型 2011/5/30 Introduction(game theory) 賽局依參與者的互動關係可分為靜態與動態賽局,根據 訊息的掌握又可分為完全訊息賽局與不完全訊息賽局, 而形成下列4種不同的賽局,其分別對應不同的均衡 11 2011/5/30 作者及年份 賽局類型 Model特點 Azaiez and Bier (2006) 一回合完全訊息的 動態賽局 在series、parallel的系統及混和型的系 統下,最佳的資源分配情形。 Zhuang et al. (2007) 一回合完全訊息的 靜態賽局 考慮不同的參與者在投資安全上有不 同的折扣率,且只有防禦者的賽局。 Zhuang and Bier (2007) 一回合完全訊息的 靜態以及動態賽局 防禦者分配資源在防禦自然災害和恐 怖份子上,並考慮同時行動與兩階段 行動的情形。 Bier et al. (2007) 一回合完全訊息的 動態賽局 防禦者對於目標價值評估為大家都知 道的資訊。 Bier et al. (2008) 一回合完全訊息的 動態賽局 防禦者對於攻擊者價值評估的不確定 性為two-parameter Rayleigh distribution。 Wang and Bier 多回合不完全訊息 的動態賽局 (2009) 12 防禦者可以在做資源分配的決策前, 基於實際的觀察前一回合的攻擊,更 新關於攻擊者對於target價值評估的資 訊。 Zhuang et al. (2010) 多回合不完全訊息 的動態賽局 攻擊者可以利用防禦者的信號去更新 他的資訊,並假設防禦者公開的資訊 可能是真實披露、保密或欺騙3種情形。 Hausken and Bier (2011) 一回合完全訊息的 靜態及動態賽局 考慮多個攻擊者以及同時行動、防方 2011/5/30 先動和攻方先動的情形。 Introduction For simplicity, this paper applies game theory to the problem of discrete attacker target choice, and neglects the defender’s uncertainty about the attacker’s objectives. This paper considers only a single defender and a single attacker, assumes that the defender’s defensive resource allocation is fully disclosed, and consider a single-period game rather than a dynamic game. In the model, the attacker is assumed to attack the target that would result in the highest expected damage, after observing any defensive investments. The defender chooses how much to spend both on target hardening and on overarching protection in order to minimize expected damage against both an intentional attack and a natural disaster, subject to a budget constraint. 13 2011/5/30 Introduction This paper hypothesizes that target hardening will tend to be more desirable when the number of targets to be protected is relatively small, when the cost effectiveness of defensive investment is high, and when there are relatively few highvalue targets. By contrast, border security and other forms of overarching protection are hypothesized to be more desirable when there are large numbers of comparably-valued targets to be protected. 14 2011/5/30 Agenda Introduction The model Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity results and discussion Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin Conclusions Future research directions 15 2011/5/30 The model This paper considers investments in all-hazards protection as well as investments in protection from intentional threats, patterning our model roughly on that in Zhuang and Bier (2007). This paper allows the targets to be heterogeneous in value. The attacker is assumed to attack the most attractive target, taking into account any defensive investments that have been made. This paper assumes that all intentional threats originate externally to the system, and must penetrate any overarching defenses in order to be effective. 16 2011/5/30 The model 17 2011/5/30 The model This paper assumes that the attacker and the defender have the same valuations Vj for all targets, that the attacker can observe the defensive allocations cj, and that the attacker will choose to attack the target j* with the highest expected damage; i.e., . This paper also assumes that the natural disaster will affect only a single target (and omit the possibility of multiple attacks, or natural disasters affecting multiple targets). This model is designed to apply to situations in which both natural disaster and intentional attack are relatively unlikely. 18 2011/5/30 The model the defender’s optimization problem 19 2011/5/30 The model This paper represents the success probability of an attack and the failure probability of all-hazards protection by power-law functions; i.e., where are positive-valued parameters that determine the cost effectiveness of defensive investment. 20 2011/5/30 The model Unfortunately, the Hessian of the Lagrangian of this optimization problem is not positive semidefinite, implying that the problem is not convex. Hence, this paper solves this problem by numerical approximation using the branch-and-reduce optimization navigator (Sahinidis and Tawarmalani, 2002) in the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). 21 2011/5/30 Agenda Introduction The model Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity results and discussion Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin Conclusions Future research directions 22 2011/5/30 Sensitivity analysis This paper used simulation to generate randomly sampled data sets from distributions of target values Vj with specified parameters. The distribution characteristic that had the strongest relationship to the desirability of target hardening was the ratio of the 95th percentile to the 50th percentile, sometimes called the ‘‘range factor’’. Bier et al. (2008), considering the top ten urban areas in the US, yielded range factors of 1.92 for air departures and 2.03 for average daily bridge traffic, respectively. Willis et al. (2005), considering the 46 urban areas in the US that received 2004 funding from the Urban Areas Security Initiative, yielded range factors of 24.14 for property damage, 55 for fatalities, and 59 for injuries, respectively. 2011/5/30 23 Sensitivity analysis 24 2011/5/30 Sensitivity analysis Therefore, this paper considers range factors of 1.2, 3, 30, and 60 in their sensitivity analysis. This paper chose to generate data sets from distributions that generate exclusively positive target valuations; in particular, the Pearson, beta, gamma, and lognormal distributions. In the sensitivity analysis, this paper considers only intentional attacks, in order to focus on the trade-offs between target hardening and overarching protection. ω = 0, dN+1 = 0, and QN+1 = 1, ρ = 1 25 2011/5/30 Sensitivity analysis With regard to the success probability of attacks, this paper holds the parameter κj in the success-probability function constant for all targets j, and also for overarching protection. αj in this success-probability function is the same for all targets. i.e., αj = α for j = 1,. . . ,N They selected values of the parameters κj, α, and αN+1 based on the range of cost effectiveness used in Bier et al. (2008); in particular, they let κj = 7, and let the parameters α and αN+1 take on values of 50, 200, and 600. 26 2011/5/30 Sensitivity analysis The primary output of interest in the sensitivity analysis is the optimal percentage investment in target hardening. To keep the number of sensitivity runs manageable, they began by simulating 200 sets of target valuations for each sensitivity run from a given distribution. 27 2011/5/30 Agenda Introduction The model Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity results and discussion Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin Conclusions Future research directions 28 2011/5/30 Sensitivity results and discussion 29 2011/5/30 Sensitivity results and discussion 30 2011/5/30 Sensitivity results and discussion 31 2011/5/30 Agenda Introduction The model Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity results and discussion Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin Conclusions Future research directions 32 2011/5/30 Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin The Office of Justice Assistance is responsible for distributing federal funds to protect critical infrastructure within the state of Wisconsin against both natural disasters and intentional threats . In FY 2007, the Office of Justice Assistance requested funding for thirteen different types of defensive investments from the Department of Homeland Security. 33 2011/5/30 Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin They assume that investment in Catastrophic Planning and Preparedness is a form of overarching protection that can protect against all hazards. They treat investment in Infrastructure Protection as a form of target hardening that can protect only against terrorism. They assume that investment in the Wisconsin Statewide Intelligence Center provides overarching protection against terrorism, but not against natural disasters. 34 2011/5/30 Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin 35 2005年 2007年 2011/5/30 Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin They used sensitivity analysis to explore the effects of different possible parameter values. For the probabilities of intentional attack and natural disaster, this paper considers the entire range between zero and one, with 0.1 increments. In order to get similar behavior as in Bier et al. (2008), they allowed the values of αj, αN+1, and ηN+1 to range over 0.18, 0.6, and 2.4, to represent high, moderate, and low levels of cost effectiveness, respectively. 36 2011/5/30 Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin Thay use the same cost effectiveness level for all targets (i.e., αj = α for j = 1,. . . ,N), and set κj and γN+1 equal to 7. For convenience, they fix the total budget at 1.0. They compare the defender’s expected loss from the actual historical budget-allocation decision with that from the optimal decision obtained by solving the model. They consider the case when the allocations to different investment types are as specified (i.e., cN+1 = 0.25 and dN+1 = 0.35), but the allocation of the remaining budget to individual targets is chosen optimally while keeping ∑cj =0.4. 37 2011/5/30 Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin Letting T be the total resources allocated to target hardening, they also consider cases when the defender optimally allocates resources among the three types of investments (T, cN+1, and dN+1), but either sets cj = δjT for j = 1,. . . ,N, where δj represents the actual fraction of the total resources for target hardening received by target j in 2007, or sets cj = T/N for j = 1,. . . ,N (i.e., equal allocation of resources for target hardening). 38 2011/5/30 Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin optimizing Infrastructure Protection only 39 2011/5/30 Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin Letting all targets receive either their actual historical percentage allocations, or equal allocations. The expected losses of both suboptimal strategies were quite similar to those obtained from the fully optimal strategy. As in the fully optimal solutions, however, Infrastructure Protection again receives less than 10% of the available funding, with Catastrophic Planning and Preparedness receiving most of the budget. 40 2011/5/30 Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin This paper conducted an analysis where target attractiveness is represented by the exponent of those risk scores yielding a range factor of 5.4 (compared to only 1.16 for the untransformed risk scores). 41 2011/5/30 Agenda Introduction The model Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity results and discussion Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin Conclusions Future research directions 42 2011/5/30 Conclusions This paper has applied game theory to model resource- allocation problems with two levels of protection, in which the inner level represents hardening of individual targets, and the outer level is overarching protection. This paper studied how the tradeoff between target hardening and overarching protection depends on various parameters. The results showed that as the number of targets increases, target hardening becomes less desirable. Moreover, investment in target hardening increases as target hardening itself becomes more cost effective. 43 2011/5/30 Conclusions The results for how investment in target hardening depends on the distribution of target valuations turned out to be more complicated than we had expected. Since the valuations of the critical assets in Wisconsin were quite similar, the optimal budget allocation devoted most of the budget to overarching protection. 44 2011/5/30 Agenda Introduction The model Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity results and discussion Protecting critical assets in Wisconsin Conclusions Future research directions 45 2011/5/30 Future research directions It may be worthwhile to extend the model to consider forms of overarching protection that provide less than 100% protection. Moreover, this model could be made more realistic by adding more detail within the broad categories of intentional attacks and natural disasters. However, perhaps the major need for this paper’s method to be applicable in practice is better techniques for quantifying key parameters of the model, such as target valuations and the cost effectiveness of defensive investments. 46 2011/5/30 Thanks for your listening. 47 2011/5/30