The Song Dynasty

By Olivia
960-1279 A.D.
Song Dynasty Location
 The song Dynasty was located in China, near Beijing
and Linan.
Northern Song Dynasty
960-1127 A.D.
Southern Song Dynasty
1127-1279 A.D.
Song Dynasty Rulers
 The emperor of the Song Dynasty was
named Zhao Kuangyin.
 A dynasty is a series of rulers from the same
Accomplishments of the Song
 In the time the Song Dynasty ruled, they accomplished
many things.
 They established a permanent standing navy
 They saw the first use of gunpowder
 And they found out where the True North was by using
a compass.
Downfall of the Song
 A lot of things led to the end of the Song Dynasty.
 One of the ways was because the emperor of the Song
was too strong and he did not treat women fairly.
 Another reason was because the army did not get paid
a fair amount
 Also a large bureaucy and constant war cost too much
 And last, the Song army was run by civilians and
became ineffective.
Fun Facts
 The Song Dynasty can also be spelled Sung Dynasty.
 Paper money was also know as “banknotes”
 The Song Dynasty consisted of the Northern Song and
the Southern Song Dynasty.
 The Song Dynasty was also considered another “golden
age” after the Tang Dynasty.
 The Northern Song lasted from 960 A.D. until 1127 A.D.
 The Southern Song lasted from 1127 A.D. until 1279 A.D.,
the end of the Song Dynasties.
My Sources
 These websites helped me get all the Song Dynasty information:
 Grant Hardy, The Song Dynasty, World Book, March 15,2010
 Song Dynasty, Wikipedia, March 17, 2010
 Dr. Karen Carr, Sung Dynasty,, March 16, 2010
 Where was the Song dynasty located?, WikiAnswers, March 17, 2010