Zone Reach Run Packages Jet Package • Hand off must be at full speed. • Ball snapped when motion is at tackles outside leg. • QB is responsible for the timing of the motion. • QB rocker weight with motion. • Multiple flanks. 18, 19 Reach - Over block Offensive Line Rules Coaching Points: #1 Back side - use zone cut on the back side. #2 Tackle and TE combination block use inside zone technique. #3 Get over block and lock on. Position Assignment Right Tackle Recognize front - Over Block “C” gap. Right Guard Recognize front - Over Block “B” gap. Center Recognize front - Over Block play side “A” gap. Left Guard Recognize front - Over Block back side “A” gap. Left Tackle Recognize front - Over Block play side “B ” gap. Tight End Combination the seven technique and climb to the backer. 18, 19 Reach Over block - Offensive Line Rules Front recognition and coaching points. Front side - Maintain leverage. Wider the alignment the deeper the drop step. Backside - Zone cut. 18, 19 Jet Snap the ball when the motion is at the outside leg of the Tackle. FS C C A The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. B M T N T SS $ X Y H Z Q T Position Assignment QB Call for snap when motion reaches outside leg of the tackle. Rocker step and attack the outside leg of the guard. TB Pull step, cross over and pin outside shoulder of the support player. Jet player The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Attack flank. Perimeter Blocking Schemes 28, 29 Crunch Position Assignment X Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Y 1st down linemen inside. Z Point defender inside. H Open pull kick out the support. T Open on Sprint relationship and take pitch. QB Catch the snap and shuffle and toss. 28, 29 QB Crunch Position Assignment X Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Y 1st down linemen inside. Z Point defender inside. H Open pull kick out the support. T Lead trash blocker. QB Catch the snap and run for flank. 18, 19 Cat - Speed Option Position Assignment X Cut off. Y Stalk #1, Z Stalk #2, H Rule of number three. Backer to near high safety. T Open hips and sprint flat for pitch relationship - 5 x 1 on 45% angle. QB Attack the outside shoulder of the”C” gap defender and execute option. 18, 19 Dog - Speed Option Position Assignment X Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Y Combo - 7 and climb to LB. Z Use Zack motion and run pitch path. 5 yards x 1 on a 45 degree angle. H Assume FB role in power - Log 1st man on or outside the tackle. T Open and drop step. Sprint to pitch relationship. QB Catch the snap and attack the outside shoulder of the “D” gap defender. Run Throws Bubble Screens Quick Screens 18, 19 Reach - Over block Offensive Line Rules Coaching Points: #1 Back side - use zone cut on the back side. #2 Tackle and TE combination block use inside zone technique. #3 Get over block and lock on. Position Assignment Right Tackle Recognize front - Over Block “C” gap. Right Guard Recognize front - Over Block “B” gap. Center Recognize front - Over Block play side “A” gap. Left Guard Recognize front - Over Block back side “A” gap. Left Tackle Recognize front - Over Block play side “B ” gap. Tight End Combination the seven technique and climb to the backer. 18, 19 Reach Over block - Offensive Line Rules Front recognition and coaching points. Front side - Maintain leverage. Wider the alignment the deeper the drop step. Backside - Zone cut. 70, 71 Bubble Screen. Position Technique Position Technique QB Open and throw quick. QB Open and throw quick. TB Block opposite the call. TB Push, Cross over cruise to catch. Look in and run. Y Block #1. Y Block #1. Z Block #2. Z Block #2. H Push, Cross over cruise to catch. Look in and run. H Push, Cross over cruise to catch. Look in and run. X Run skinny post. X Bock #1 12, 13 Barney If the “Away” backer has widened to a position where he can not be a run player execute the zone read. If the “Away” backer has tightened to a position where he can be a run player execute the Bubble Screen A A 70, 71 Force Position Technique QB Catch and throw to #1. TB Fake inside zone away from force. Y Block down on #2. Z Cut off. H Pull flat and kick out to stalk #1. Z One step up and two back. Catch and attack. 70, 71 Quad Position Technique QB Catch and throw to #1. TB Run ally blocking ILB to FS. Y Block down on #2. Z Cut off. H Pull flat and kick out to stalk #1. Z One step up and two back. Catch and attack. Milford Football Pull Schemes and Traditional Gun Run Plays Pull Scheme Traditional Menu • Trap Scheme • 10, 11 QB Trap • Dart Scheme • 14, 15 Dart back • 14, 15 QB Dart • Counter Scheme • 54, 55 Read • 54, 55 QB Milford Football 10, 11 QB Trap Trap Scheme • 10, 11 QB Trap We want to direct the QB Trap at a three technique when ever it is possible. Offensive Play Call • Hunt the three technique. • Run the trap at the three technique tackle or “B” gap bubble. • “Railroad, Railroad. • Veer call verses 30 or 30 stack defense. • “2 C” Call verse a Double Eagle or “A” gap are covered. • 2C = Double gap block by the Center and play side guard. Execution of the Trap. Hunt the B gap defender and trap him. 10, 11 Trap Offensive Line Rules Coaching Points: #1 Play side guard must recognize if the defense has employed a nose. #2 If there is no nose guard, pull and trap the 5 technique. #3 If the there nose lead or down block based on call of the center. Position Assignment Right Tackle Evasive to backer. Right Guard Nose - Lead / Down. Even Front - Pull and trap 5 Technique. Center Gap, Down Lead. Left Guard Pull and trap “A” gap wider. Left Tackle Recognize front - Zone Block play side “B ” gap. Tight End Front side - Zone Block play side “D” gap. Back side - Zone Block play side “C” gap. 10, 11 Trap - Offensive Line Rules Front recognition and coaching points. Utilizing the false pull when trapping the three technique. Identify and trap the three technique. Trapper will work inside out. False pull traps the play side end. Utilizing the traditional trap when facing a 30 front. Recognition of 30 defense. Make veer call. Guard and Tackle execute traditional trap with veer blocking on the front side. 10, 11 QB QB Trap Assignment Position Assignment X Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Y Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Z Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. H Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. T Open and pause, crossover and fake 12 or 13. Responsible for the QB/Tailback mesh. QB Create the mesh with a short jab step with the foot opposite the TB and a drop step of the near foot. Flash fake 12 or 13 and attack Down the midline and snug the power walls. Milford Football The Dart Package 14, 15 Dart Back 14, 15 QB Dart Dart Scheme Plays • 14, 15 Dart • 14, 15 Dart Back • 14, 15 QB Dart We want to direct The Dart at a “B” Gap Bubble when ever it is possible. 14, 15 Dart Offensive Line Rules Coaching Points: #1 Stay on combination block as long as possible. The counter fake will slow down the backside backer. #2 Use “Pop” step on the play side. Pick up spark games. #3 Plays side tackle - Collect the tackle if crosses your face and gap block. Collect “B” gap blitz if he is at heals depth. #4 Backside tackle must eye the tail of the tackle. If you see it - Isolate the LB. If turns away prepare to trap. Teach the Dart Scheme - In Three Parts Front side Tackle Combo Block Area and Pull Position Assignment Right Tackle Inside Pop step and fan block #2. Right Guard On, Gap, Lead to the backside LB. Center Gap, Post to the backside backer. Left Guard Reach, On, Down. Do not let “B” gap player cross your face. Left Tackle Pull and lead on the front side backer. Tight End Front side - Inside Pop step Fan block #2. Backside - Zone block “C” gap. 14, 15 Dart - Offensive Line Rules Front recognition and coaching points. Guard Use inside pop step technique on the front side verses all outside technique Tackle Use inside pop step technique on the front side verses an outside technique Execution of the dart scheme. Direct the play to the “B” gap Bubble Tight wrap pull. Keying the tackles tail for read. Post / Lead Double team to the backside backer. Pop step: Gap or Fan. Double Team • Post: • • Responsible for creating horizontal movement Step One: • • Near foot 45 degree gap technique- pound the ground. Up and down. Deliver on second step. • Post the chest • Pin the elbow • Stop penetration of the front side gap • Lead: • • 18” Split. Step One: • • • Opposite foot lead and pound the ground. Up and down. Contact on step two. Step Two: • Utilize turn combo to the backside backer • Eyes at pad level. 14, 15 Dart Back Backfield Assignment Position Assignment X Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Y Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Z Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. H Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. T Open and pause, crossover and plant. Take the ball and counter step. Attack the outside leg of the guard with shoulders square. Responsible for the QB/Tailback mesh. QB Create the mesh with a short jab step with the foot opposite the TB and a drop step of the near foot. Sit on the mesh with option mechanics. Give the ball and counter at the outside shoulder of the support player. 14, 15 QB Dart Backfield Assignment Position Assignment X Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Y Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Z Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. H Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. T Open and pause, crossover and fake 12 or 13. Attack the outside leg of the guard fill for the pulling tackle. Responsible for the QB/Tailback mesh. QB Create the mesh with a short jab step with the foot opposite the TB and a drop step of the near foot. Sit on the mesh with option mechanics. Fake 12 or 13 and attack the inside leg of the guard. 54, 55 Read- Offensive Line Rules Coaching Points: #1 Protect the penetration. #2 Get movement on the post / lead double team. #3 Back side guard must be on two different levels with the tackle slightly deeper than the guard. Position Assignment Right Tackle Gap, Lead, Backer. Right Guard Post, Gap, Down, Backer. Center Post, Gap, Down. Left Guard Pull and Trap “B” gap and widder. Left Tackle Pull and “Him” block front side backer. Tight End Reach 54, 55 QB Counter Backfield Assignment Position Assignment X Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Y Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Z Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. H Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. T Open and pause, crossover and fake 12 or 13. Responsible for the QB/Tailback mesh. QB Create the mesh with a short jab step with the foot opposite the TB and a drop step of the near foot. Flash fake 12 or 13 and attack the outside leg of the guard and snug the power walls. 54, 55 Read Backfield Assignment Backfield Rules in Brief All Outside Receivers use inside stalk technique. TB – Take a flat timing step and see the snap of the ball and he is responsible for the timing of the mesh point. The TB attack the outside leg of the guard and Snug power walls with shoulders square. QB – Receive the snap, pop and drop setting the angle of the mesh at 45 degrees. Read the outside shoulder of the EMOLS and replace the outside shoulder of the dive key on the keep read. Position Assignment X Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Y Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. Z Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. H Stalk Block - If you are on the dive side use inside leverage. If you you are on the read side use outside leverage. T Open and pause, crossover and attack the outside leg of the guard with shoulders square. Snug power walls with shoulder square QB Create the mesh with a short jab step with the foot opposite the TB and a drop step of the near foot. Sit on the mesh with option mechanics. Read the the outside shoulder of the defensive end. If it stays square give the ball to the tailback. If it commits across the TB path pull the ball and attack the outside shoulder of the support player. Misdirection Jet Packages Speed Sweep concepts with opposite blocking schemes Perimeter Blocking Schemes Jet Package • Hand off must be at full speed. • Ball snapped when motion is at tackles outside leg. • QB is responsible for the timing of the motion. • QB rocker weight with motion. • Multiple flanks. Ace Left, Block 55, 18 Jet Snap the ball when the motion is at the outside leg of the Tackle. Use Crack Scheme # 1 Stalk #2 Backer to near high safety. #3 Arc Support The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Position Assignment QB Call for snap when motion reaches outside leg of the tackle. Rocker step and attack the outside leg of the guard. TB Pull step, cross over and pin outside shoulder of the support player. Jet player The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Attack flank. Ace Left, Fake 18, 55 Q Snap the ball when the motion is at the outside leg of the Tackle. The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Position Assignment QB Call for snap when motion reaches outside leg of the tackle. Rocker step give the ball and attack the outside leg of the guard. TB Pull step, cross over and pin outside shoulder of the support player. Jet player The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Attack flank. Ace Left, Block 15, 18 Jet Snap the ball when the motion is at the outside leg of the Tackle. Use Crack Scheme # 1 Stalk #2 Backer to near high safety. #3 Arc Support The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Position Assignment QB Call for snap when motion reaches outside leg of the tackle. Rocker step and attack the outside leg of the guard. TB Pull step, cross over and pin outside shoulder of the support player. Jet player The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Attack flank. Ace Left, Fake 18 - 15 QB Dart Snap the ball when the motion is at the outside leg of the Tackle. Use Crack Scheme # 1 Stalk #2 Backer to near high safety. #3 Arc Support The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Position Assignment QB Call for snap when motion reaches outside leg of the tackle. Rocker step give the ball and attack the outside leg of the guard. TB Pull step, cross over and pin outside shoulder of the support player. Jet player The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Attack flank. Spread Left, Fake 18 - 11 QB Trap Snap the ball when the motion is at the outside leg of the Tackle. The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Position Assignment QB Call for snap when motion reaches outside leg of the tackle. Rocker step and attack the centers tail. TB Pull step, cross over and pin outside shoulder of the support player. Jet player The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Attack flank. Spread Left, Block 14, 18 Jet Snap the ball when the motion is at the outside leg of the Tackle. Use Crack Scheme # 1 Stalk #2 Backer to near high safety. #3 Arc Support The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Position Assignment QB Call for snap when motion reaches outside leg of the tackle. Rocker step give and inside leg of the guard. TB Pull step, cross over and pin outside shoulder of the support player. Jet player The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Attack flank. Spread Left, Fake 18 - 14 QB Dart Snap the ball when the motion is at the outside leg of the Tackle. The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Position Assignment QB Call for snap when motion reaches outside leg of the tackle. Rocker step and inside leg of the guard. TB Pull step, cross over and pin outside shoulder of the support player. Jet player The Motion player must be at top speed when the ball is snapped. Attack flank.