A Roadmap to Evolution of Self-organising LTE

A Roadmap to Evolution of Self-Organising LTEAdvanced Cellular Networks
Dr. Hafiz Yasar Lateef
Research Scientist
• The Transition From Conventional Network Operation to SelfOrganising Networks (SON)
• Self-Organising Networks Use Cases and Functional Scope
• Self-Organising Functions Interdependencies & Conflicts
• Self-Coordination Framework
• Trigger-Condition-Action Policy for MRO & MLB
• Future Work
Conventional Cellular Networks
Manual Network Operation
Fig. 1. Manual Network operation of Cellular Networks
Next Generation Cellular Networks
Fig. 2. Network Management with Closed-Loop Automation
Cellular Networks Planning Cycle
Fig. 3. Network Planning, Optimisation & Operation Cycle
NGMN Recommendations for SON
Fig. 4. Overview of the NGMN Top Operational Efficiency Recommendations for
SON Standardisation in 3GPP
Fig. 5. Roadmap for SON Standardisation in 3GPP (Courtesy of [7])
SON Standardisation in 3GPP
Fig. 6. RAN2 & RAN3 activities (Courtesy of [7])
SON Standardisation in 3GPP
Fig. 7. SA5 activities (Courtesy of [7])
High Level Operational Life Cycle without
SON Co-ordination
Fig. 8. High Level Operational Life Cycle of Cellular Networks (Courtesy of [7])
High Level Operational Life Cycle with
SON Co-ordination
Fig. 9. High Level Operational Life Cycle of Cellular Networks with SON Co-ordination
(Courtesy of [7])
SON Use Cases
Fig. 10. Self-configuration, Self-Optimisation & Self-healing Use Cases
Super KPI & Business Impact
Qualitatively, the overall performance of the network
can be described by a ‘Super KPI’ like
P = x . “Coverage” + y . “Capacity” + z. “Quality”
where the weights x, y, and z depend on the business
targets of the operator as well as on specific area,
maturity of the network layer, time of day, and so on.
Autonomous Networks & SON
Fig. 11. Autonomous networks & SON
Role of SON Functions in Operation &
Maintenance of Cellular Networks
Fig. 12. Location of SON Functions in 3GPP OAM Architecture
SON Functional Scope
Fig. 13. SON Functional Spatial Scope Vs SON Function Spatial Execution
Self-Organising Functions Inter-Dependencies
SO functions may have complex relations and parameter/logical
inter-dependencies which can induce conflicts among SO
functions and eventually undermine the network operation.
Fig. 14. Shared Configuration Parameters between different SON Functions
SON Conflicts Classification
• Therefore, coordination among SO functions is essential for
not only to avoid objective/parameter conflicts but also to
ensure the stable operation of wireless networks.
• It is also vital to figure out the optimum way of designing
Self optimization algorithms in conjunction with self coordination for efficient radio resource management and
reduced operational expenditures (OPEX).
Self-Organising Function Conflicts
Fig. 15. Conflict between CCO & ICIC SO functions.
SON Conflicts Classification
• SO functions conflicts are categorised into
the following five primary categories:
• (A) Key Performance Indicator Conflict;
• (B) Parameter Conflict;
• (C) Network Topology Mutation Conflict;
• (D) Logical Dependency Conflict;
• (E) Measurement Conflict.
• NTM: Network Topology Mutation
SON Conflicts Classification
• Network topology mutation conflict occurs due to
the change in network conditions by addition/
removal of eNB/ HeNB/ Relay.
• HeNBs are frequently switched on/off or relocated
which will continuously disturb the optimum
configuration of SO functions.
• Similarly, mobile relays can effect coverage area in a
random pattern and will cause a NTM conflict for
CCO function.
Mobility Load Balancing
Fig. 16. Mobility Load Balancing-Traffic Steering Decisions
Mobility Load Balancing
Fig. 17. Negotiation of Handover Parameters (Courtesy of [7])
SON Conflict Resolution
Fig. 18. Conflict between Mobility Load Balancing & Mobility Robustness Optimisation
(Courtesy of [7])
Trigger-Condition-Action Policy
• Trigger-Condition-Action (TCA) based policy is quite
useful in designing conflict free SO functions as it
provides a holistic picture of all the possible triggers, SO
functions conflicts, necessary conditions to be checked
and the corresponding actions to be executed.
• TCA policies are the keys to design conflict free
“decision tree logic” or “joint optimisation algorithms”
for SO functions such as MRO, MLB, CCO and EE.
MLB Trigger Condition-Action Policy
MRO Trigger Condition-Action Policy
Future Research Challenges
• Most of the previous research work has focused on
condition for MRO.
• However, MRO function for inter-frequency, interRAT handover conditions in both connected and idle
mode has been unrevealed.
• More specifically, optimum configuration of CIO,
TTT, filter co-efficient, cell reselection thresholds
and priorities for inter-frequency, inter-RAT
handover conditions in both connected and idle
mode needs to be identified.
Future Research Challenges
• It must be mentioned here that most of the
previous research work has focused on intrafrequency connected mode mobility load balancing.
• However, MLB function for inter-frequency, interRAT cases in connected, idle and transition mode
has been unrevealed.
• More specifically, optimum configuration of CIO,
TTT, filter co-efficient, BB thresholds and absolute
priorities for inter-frequency, inter-RAT mobility
load conditions in connected, idle and transition
mode needs to be identified.
Optimum Interactions Between Self Optimisation &
Self Co-ordination Functions
• If self optimisation and self co-ordination functions are
executed independently, then the algorithm part of self
optimisation functions will always be executed irrespective
of the subsequent acknowledgment or rejection of the
action request by the Self Co-ordination function.
• Moreover, based upon the rejected action requests,
numerous self optimisation algorithms might have been
executed without any performance gains.
• The above mentioned facts drive for finding optimum
interactions between self optimisation and self coordination functions.
Hafiz Yasar Lateef, Ali Imran, Adna Abu-dayya, “A Framework for Classification of
Self-Organising Network Conflicts & Coordination Algorithms,” submitted to
PIMRC’ 13.
Osianoh Glenn Aliu, Ali Imran, Muhammad Ali Imran and Barry Evans. " A Survey
of Self Organisation in Future Cellular Networks", Accepted in IEEE Journal of
Survey and Tutorials on Communications.
3GPP TS 32.500, "Telecommunication management; Self-Organizing Networks
(SON); Concepts and requirements," v. 10.0.0, June 2010.
NGMN, "Recommendation on SON and O&M Requirements," Requirement
Specification, www.ngmn.org, version 1.23, Dec. 2008.
NGMN, "Use cases related to Self Organising Network, Overall Description,"
White Paper, www.ngmn.org, version 2.02, Dec. 2008.
3GPP, "TR 36.902 - Self-configuring and self-optimizing network (son) use cases
and solutions,". Technical Specification, 2010.
Seppo Hämäläinen Cinzia Sartori, Henning Sanneck. "LTE Self-Organising
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WILEY, 2011.
Thank You!