Summary of the Cardiac Cycle Assessed at the bedside by noting: • Peripheral pulse at radial artery (heart rate and force) • Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (will be discussed later) • Jugular venous pulse observation • Apex beat (displacement on the left identifies left V hypertrophy) • Heart sounds When pathology is suspected more specialized tests are carried out: • Echocardiography (non-invasive): Observing movement of the valves and walls of the heart (valve lesions, myocardial infarction, cardiac hypertrophy of different origin) • Cardiac catheterization (invasive) Heart Sounds. The common heart sound are: • The first heart sound is due to the closing of the AV valves • The second heart sound is due to the closing of the aortic and pulmonary valves Heart Sounds Sound Characteristics Associated events S1 First heart sound (sounds like “lub”) Two bursts, a mitral M1 and a tricuspid T1 components Closure of mitral & tricuspid valves S2 Second heart sound (sounds like “dub”) An aortic A2 and a pulmonary P2 component Closure of aortic and pulmonary valves OS Opening Snap Opening of a stenotic mitral valve S3 Third heard sound Diastolic filling gallop or V or protodiastolic gallop S4 Fourth heart sound Atrial sound that creates an atrial or presystolic gallop Note that a physiological S3 sound is present in some normal individuals, particularly children. Occurs in early diastole with rapid filling of the ventricles; When present S4 coincides with atrial contraction but usually it is abnormal Location of the sounds on the chest Each valve is best heard by a stethoscope from 4 distinct areas: Mitral valve: Mid clavicular line of the 5th left intercostal space Tricuspid valve: 5th interspace at the left sternal edge Aortic valve: 2nd interspace at the right sternal edge Pulmonary valve: 2nd interspace at the left sternal edge Heart Murmurs: Abnormal heart sounds heard on auscultation which are due to faulty valves. • Incompetence: Failure of the valve to seal properly (valve may be torn, perforated, affected by rheumatic fever or a failing heart may be enlarged) such that it becomes leaky allowing blood to regurgitate through it • Stenosis: The open valve is narrowed so that a higher pressure gradient is needed to drive blood through (cicatrization after rheumatic or other infection) • Defective valves can be congenital or acquired. Abnormal valve causes blood turbulence which sets up high frequency vibrations which are heard as murmurs through the stetoscope Rheumatic heart disease Heart Murmurs (cont.) • Benign Systolic Murmur • Aortic stenosis: Systolic murmur. Due to narrowing of the aortic valve when the flow during ejection becomes turbulent. Heard during ejection (systolic murmur) as ejection waxes and wanes (a crescendo – decrescendo murmur). Loudest over aortic area Aortic stenosis murmur Mitral Stenosis • left atrial pressure is elevated with mitral stenosis induce hypertrophy of the left atrial muscle. • Elevated left atrial pressure is reflected back into the pulmonary bed and, if high enough, causes pulmonary congestion and "shortness of breath.“ • A diastolic murmur associated with turbulent flow through the stenotic mitral valve can often be heard. If a murmur heard during C and increased A. Thewas aortic valve opens at D2 which and closes at 7then decreased in volume, which of the following valve defects is Thetoaortic valve opens at 3 and closes at 5 mostB. likely be present? C. The mitral valve opens at 2 and closes at 5 A) Aortic incompetence B) Aortic stenosis D. The mitral valve closes at 3 and opens at 5 C) Mitral stenosis E. The mitral valve closes at 3 and opens at 7. D) Mitral incompetence The Atrial and Central Venous Pressure (CVP) waves • Since there are no valves between the jugular veins (JV), v. cavae ant the RA, the right JV are communicated with the RA. • Changes in pressure in the RA produces a series of pressure changes which are reflected in the central veins and recorded from the JV: a, c and v waves. • CVP is the pressure in the vein at the entrance of the RA • a wave is due to increase in pressure caused by atrial systole • av descent (minimum) is due to relaxation of the right atrium and closure of the tricuspid valve • c wave is caused in the RA by the tricuspid valve bulging back into the atrial chamber as it closes. In the internal JV the c wave (c = carotid) is caused partly by expansions of the carotid artery • X descent is a sharp fall in the pressure caused by atrial relaxation • v wave. As the atria fill, A pressure rises producing v wave (v = ventricular systole which is occurring at the same time) • Y descent is a fall in pressure due to the rapid emptying of the atria after the AV valve opens Fig. 13. Jugular venous pressure changes caused by cardiac cycle Clinical examination of the JVP • JP of the internal jugular vein can be assessed by expecting the right side of the neck of a recumbent subject(45 degrees). Two sudden venous collapses (the X and Y descent) should be seen and measured externally on the right side of the neck- positive JVP • In right-side cardiac failure there is a positive JVP due to accumulation of blood into the failing RV and RA Cardiac Cycle Left ventricular pressure-volume changes during one cardiac cycle KEY Left ventricular pressure (mm Hg) EDV = End-diastolic volume ESV = End-systolic volume Stroke volume 120 D ESV 80 C One cardiac cycle 40 EDV B A 0 65 100 Left ventricular volume (mL) 135 Cardiac Cycle KEY EDV = End-diastolic volume ESV = End-systolic volume Left ventricular pressure (mm Hg) 120 80 40 A 0 65 Left ventricular volume (mL) 100 135 Cardiac Cycle KEY EDV = End-diastolic volume ESV = End-systolic volume Left ventricular pressure (mm Hg) 120 80 40 EDV B A 0 65 Left ventricular volume (mL) 100 135 Cardiac Cycle KEY EDV = End-diastolic volume ESV = End-systolic volume Left ventricular pressure (mm Hg) 120 80 C 40 EDV B A 0 65 Left ventricular volume (mL) 100 135 Cardiac Cycle KEY EDV = End-diastolic volume ESV = End-systolic volume Stroke volume 120 D Left ventricular pressure (mm Hg) ESV 80 C One cardiac cycle 40 EDV B A 0 65 Left ventricular volume (mL) 100 135 Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output • Stroke volume – Amount of blood pumped by each ventricle during one cardiac cycle – EDV – ESV = stroke volume. (135 mL - 65 mL = 70 mL) • Cardiac output – Volume of blood pumped by each ventricle per minute(not the total amount of blood pumped by the heart) – CO = HR SV • CO = 72 beats/min x 70 mL/beat • = 5040 mL/min (or approx. 5/L min) Average = 5 L/min Ejection Fraction – is the fraction of the enddiastolic volume that is ejected with each beat, that is, it is stroke volume (SV) divided by enddiastolic volume (EDV), is a commonly used measure of cardiac performance. stroke volume / end diastole volume X 100%, normal range, 55-65%. Measurement of cardiac output by the Fick principle -The Fick principle can be expressed by the following equation: Cardiac output = _____O2 Consumption ______ [02]pulmonary vein -- 02]pulmonary artery -The equation can be solved as follows: 1. Oxygen consumption for the whole body can be measured. 2. Pulmonary vein [02] can be measured in a peripheral artery. 3. Pulmonary artery [02] can be measured in mixed systemic venous blood. -For example, a man has a resting O2 consumption of 250 ml/min, a peripheral arterial O2 content of 190 ml/L of arterial blood, and a 140ml /L of venous blood. What is his cardiac output? Cardiac output = ____250 ml/min _______ (190 ml / L arterial bl.- 140 ml/L of venous bl.) = 5000 ml/min or 5.0 L/min (typical value for a 70-kg male) CO Cardiac output (ml/min) = HR Heart rate (beats/min) 25 X SV Stroke volume (ml/beat) Factors Affecting Cardiac OutputAll factors that control HR and SV will influence CO physiology 26 Question time• Incorrect statement about effect of Parasympathetic stimulation of the heart isA) Decreases heart rate by acting on SA node B)Enhances potassium permiability hyperpolarizing the SA node membrane C)Influences AV node decreasing its excitability,prolonging transmission through it. D)Causes decrease in contractile strenght of ventricular muscle. Factors Affecting Heart rate 1. Autonomic innervation • Sympathetic stimulus increases heart rate Ex. During fight or flight response • Parasympathetic stimulation decreases heart rate,dominant during resting conditions. • Balance of symp. & parasymp. 2. Hormones – Epinephrine : Increases heart rate Factors that Affect Cardiac Output EXTRINSIC INTRINSIC A. Intrinsic regulation of stroke volume • Intrinsic regulation is due to the intrinsic ability of the heart to adjust its SV in responses to changes in the input (venous return/ EDV-?) • This property of the heart is called the Frank-Starling Law of the Heart. Simply stated the law says that within defined limits the heart will pump whatever volume of blood is received •This intrinsic control depends on the length- tension relationship of cardiac muscle. Question time again- In skeletal muscle the resting muscle length is approximately the optimal length at which maximal tension can be developed during a subsequent contractionA)True B)False. Fig. -. Frank-Starling Law of the heart. The graph illustrates the relationship between SV and changes in ventricular end-diastolic volume. The insets showing diagrammatic sarcomeres, illustrate the relationship between end-diastolic volume and myofilament overlap. Length-force relationships in intact heart: a Frank-Starling curve Optimal Length Figure 14-28 Preload and afterload of the heart • The force of contraction of cardiac muscle is dependent upon its preloading and afterloading • In vivo the preload is the degree to which the myocardium is stretched before it contracts • The afterload is the resistance against which blood is expelled (the blood pressure) • The Frank-Starling Law of the heart can be restated as: increasing preload increases the force of contraction Factors affecting end-diastolic volume, e.g. the degree to which cardiac muscle is stretched Increase • Stronger atrial contraction • Increased total blood volume • Increased venous tone • Increased pumping action of skeletal muscle • Increased negative intrathoracic pressure Decrease • Standing • Increased intrapericardial pressure(Cardiac tamponade) • Decreased ventricular compliance B. Extrinsic Regulation of Stroke Volume • Any changes in the strength of cardiac contraction that occur independently of changes in EDV are referred to as changes in myocardial contractility • A change in myocardial contractility (Inotropism) is mechanistically different from the altered vigor of contraction seen with changes in muscle length • Changes in contractility are direct result of changes in the rate and extent of Ca2+ movement into the cytoplasm • Increased firing of cardiac sympathetic nerve results in in both the rate (chronotropic action) and extent (inotropic action) of myocardial contractions Relationship between contractility and intracellular Ca2+ : contractility is a result of cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration. This is the result of both release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and influx of Ca2+ from the extracellular space. Increased Ca2+ results in activation of additional crossbridges (indicated in red) Fig. . Changes in SV due to changes in contractility are mechanistically different from those occurring as a result of EDV. The two mechanisms can operate simultaneously to SV (lower panel). EDV = end- diastolic volume; ESV = end-systolic volume; SV = stroke volume (Human Physiology) sympathetic Fig. 14. Effect of changes in myocardial contractility on the FrankStarling curve. The curve shifts downward and to the right as contractility is decreased. The major factors influencing contractility are summarized on the right (dashed lines indicate portions of the curve where maximum contractility has been exceeded). W.Ganong. Review of Medical Physiology Afterload and Cardiac Performance • Afterload: all the factors that impede fiber shortening, in this case it would be all the factors that impede the ejection of blood from the ventricle. What the heart has to pump against • • • • Volume of blood in the arterial circulation Pressure in aorta at onset of ejection (DAP) Compliance of aorta Size of outflow orifice Factors that affect stroke volume. Pressure-Volume Loops Provide Information Regarding Ventricular Performance Normal P-V loop Increased Afterload Increased Preload Increased Contractility 1. The figure below shows pressure volume loops for two situations. When compared with loop A, loop B demonstrates (A) Increased preload (B) Decreased preload (C) Increased contractility (D) Increased afterload (E) Decreased afterload Stroke volume Stroke volume Frank-Starling curve In Heart Failure- Which of the following would cause a decrease in stroke volume, compared with the normal resting value? (A) Reduction in afterload (B) An increase in end-diastolic pressure (C) Stimulation of the vagus nerves (D) Electrical pacing to a heart rate of 200 beats/min (E) Stimulation of sympathetic nerves to the heart Myocardial Hypertrophy Concentric • Cross sectional area of a muscle increases when repeatedly exposed to an elevated work load over a sustained period of time • In cardiac muscle this can be the result of increased wall tension caused by increased preload or increased after load . eccentric 50 Changes in the radius of the ventricles (curvature of the ventricle) can affect ventricular pressure (Laplace’s Law) and efficiency of the heart as a pump • The pressure generated in a sphere is directly proportional to the wall tension (T) developed, and inversely related to the radius of the sphere (r) (Law of Laplace) P = 2T/r • In normal conditions, during ejection phase of cardiac cycle the volume of blood in the V falls, and the r of the V decreases. As the radius falls, the tension in the V walls is more effective in ventricular pressure • In chronic cardiac failure the contractility is reduced and the heart becomes less effective as a pump and dilates radius of the ventricles and reduces its curvature, and ejection gets more difficult as it proceeds Point Y in the figure below is the control point. Which point corresponds to a combination of increased contractility and increased ventricular filling? (A) Point A (B) Point B (C) Point C (D) Point D (E) Point E Summary of the regulation of Cardiac Output The Cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped by each ventricle and equals the product of heart rate and stroke volume • Heart rate is by stimulation of the sympathetic nerves to the heart (NE) and by epinephrine (E); it is by stimulation of the parasympathetic nerves to the heart • Stroke volume is increased mainly by an in enddiastolic volume (the Frank-Starling mechanism) and by an in contractility due to sympathetic-nerve stimulation or to epinephrine. Afterload can also play a significant role in certain situations Swollen legs A 47 year old woman was brought to the hospital because of severe shortness of breath and swelling of her lower body. Over the last year *she had noticed periods of shortness of breath while doing her housework (exertional dyspnea). She also had shortness of breath while lying down (orthopnea). The patient often awoke at night with a sensation of not getting enough air and she had to sit or stand to obtain relief (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea). #More recently she noticed swelling first of her lower extremities and then of her lower abdomen. The swelling was worse through the day and decreased overnight. She reported awakening three to four times a night to urinate. The patient did not remember any ill health before these problems began. Physical examination revealed a woman sitting up in bed in mild to moderate respiratory distress. Her blood pressure was 100/70, pulse was 120 and weak. Respirations were 26 per minute and labored. There was jugular venous distension, even while she was sitting. Palpation of the sternum revealed a restrosternal lift. Auscultation of the heart revealed an opening snap and a long diastolic rumble at the apex. Auscultation of the lungs revealed crackles halfway up the lungs. There was also severe lower extremity edema. During her hospitalization, as part the work-up, the following studies were done. O2 consumption(VO2) Arterial-venous O2 content difference Heart rate Mean Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure Right Ventricular Systolic pressure End-Diastolic pressure Right Ventricular End Diastolic volume Patient Normal 188 ml/min 5.3 ml/dl blood 200-250mL/min 3.0-5.0 ml/dl blood 122 25 mm Hg 60-100 beats/min <15 mmHg 80 mm Hg 16 mm Hg <28mmHg <8mmHg 140 ml/m2 60-88mL/m2 •Use the data in the table above to calculate cardiac output and ejection fraction · Evaluate the mean electrical axis of the heart using the ECG shown overleaf