지난 주 • 1주차 • • • • 산업공학이란? ERP/SCM 이란? Operations Management란? Innovation의 예 • 2주차 • Demand Management • 데이타 SNU MAI LAB 0 ERP: Mfg Plan’g and Control(MPC)에 근거하여 Demand Management SNU MAI LAB Contents for demand management Demand Mgt and MPC Environment Communication with other MPC Modules Forecasting Models Conclusion SNU MAI LAB 2 MPC Concept 중심에는 Business Plan, Sales and Operation Plan, Master Production Schedule, Material Requirement Plan이 존재한다. 즉 4단계의 Plan을 통해 생산계획이 이루어진다. MPC(Mfg Planning and Control) 의 기본적 개념이다. 1. Front End는 MPS까지, 2. Engine은 MRP까지, 3. Back End는 두 개의 PO(Production Order와 Purchase Order)가 존재. 1. Frond End의 좌우에는 Demand(Management)와 Resource(Plan)이 존재 2. MRP엔진의 좌우에 PS(Planning and SchedulingRCCP,DCCP,APS)와 MD(Master Data-BOM,IR,R)가 존재. 그림? SNU MAI LAB 3 Manufacturing Planning and Control Business Plan Front End Resource Planning Sales & Operation Plan Demand Management Master Production Scheduling PS MD (planning & scheduling) (master data) RCCP Engine (rough cut capacity planning) DCP Material Requirement Planning (detailed capacity planning) (inventory record) (advanced planning & scheduling) Back End SNU MAI LAB B/M IR APS Purchasing Order Routing Production Order Outsourcing Manufacturing Execution System [by 이재봉,박진우] 4 MPC Concept Flow Shop, Repetitive Shop, Job Shop, Project Shop Lean Manufacturing(JIT: Just In Time)의 적용 범주? MRP의 적용범주? SNU MAI LAB 5 Demand Mgt and MPC Environment Customer Order Decoupling Point Independent Demand vs. Dependent Demand MTS(Make To Stock), ATO(Assemble To Order), MTO(Make To Order) and ETO(Engineer To Order)의 MPC환경이 존재 예: 양복점 또는 피자가게의 MTS, ATO, MTO, ETO SNU MAI LAB 6 Demand Mgt and MPC Environment: MTS Final Goods Inventory, How much and when to order Physical Distribution Considerations: -Plant Warehouse, Distribution Centers, Local Warehouse -VMI(Vendor Managed Inventory) Balancing the Level of Inventory vs. Level of Service Better Forecast, Rapid Transportation, Speedy and More Flexible Manufacturing SNU MAI LAB 7 Demand Mgt and MPC Environment: ATO, MTO, ETO ATO: Personal Computer, Car, Some Industrial Products Configuration Management, Modules, Options Components Inventory Advantage over MTS(예: Computer) 4 processor options, 3 hard disk options, 4 CD-DVD options, 2 speakers, 4 monitors 374 final products vs. 17 components ETO: 설계 능력 및 설계 용량 SNU MAI LAB 8 Communication with Other Modules: Pyramid Forecasting Aggregation에 따른 Variance의 변화는? SNU MAI LAB 9 Forecasting Models Simple Models vs. Complicated Models Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing, Holt Winters, HW Seasonal, … 예측 주체: 비전문가, 마케팅 전문가, 예측전문가 SNU MAI LAB 자료 소스: KAIST 전덕빈 교수 10 Forecasting Models 수요예측 정보의 소스: 1. Data(주로 시계열), 2.상식, 3.지식(소비자에 대한, 그리고 이론지식), 4.경험(영업 담당자), 5. 환경(신상품, 기술혁신, 경쟁, 규제완화, 고객 행태 및 구매력 변화) 모델: 시계열 모델 (Time Series, BJ) vs. 인과관계 모델(Regression, Econometric, Causal Rel.) SNU MAI LAB 자료 소스: KAIST 전덕빈 교수 11 Forecasting Models Time Series Model The general representation of an autoregressive model, well-known as AR(p), is where the term εt is the source of randomness and is called white noise. It is assumed to have the following characteristics: With these assumptions, the process is specified up to second-order moments and, subject to conditions on the coefficients, may be second-order stationary. If the noise also has a normal distribution, it is called normal or Gaussian white noise. In this case, the AR process may be strictly stationary, again subject to conditions on the coefficients. Regression Model In the more general multiple regression model, there are p independent variables: where xij is the ith observation on the jth independent variable, and where the first independent variable takes the value 1 for all i (so is the regression intercept). The least squares parameter estimates are obtained from p normal equations. The residual can be written as The normal equations are In matrix notation, the normal equations are written as where the ij element of X is xij, the i element of the column vector Y is yi, and the j element of n×1, and is . Thus X is n×p, Y is is p×1. The solution is For a derivation, see linear least squares, and for a numerical example, see linear regression (example). SNU MAI LAB 12 Conclusion Supply Chain의 가장 중요한 부분 모델과 실제 경험 부분은 수업 중 강의 내용과 위키피디아 자료 및 별도의 비공개 핸드아웃 참조할 것. SNU MAI LAB 13 비행기 승객 데이터 SNU MAI LAB 14