Welcome Again SCM (Logistics Approach) Course Facilitator M.Tariq Yousafzai QUIZ 1 Bullwhip Effect Bullwhip Effect Amount of = inventory Tier 2 Suppliers Tier 1 Suppliers Producer Distributor Retailer Final Customer Inventories are progressively larger moving backward through the supply chain Warming up for another one… Disintermediation? Reducing one or more steps in a supply chain by cutting out one or more intermediaries Such as DELL Lets make you slightly dizzy Lead Time • How can we reduce the lead time? How well do you know yourself? • 1.Do you know exactly what you want to do after when you graduate? • 2.Do you know how your current studies relate to your personal/professional goals? • 3.Have you researched the industry/company you are interested in? • 4.Do you know what qualifications are required to enter the workforce? • 5.Have you identified/completed an internship opportunity to enhance your skills? • 6.Have you analyzed your strengths and weaknesses? • 7.Do you know which “life values” you cannot comprise when finalizing your career options? • 8.Can you explain why you are more qualified than others? • 9.Do you know what where you want to be 5 years from now? • 10.Can you tell me why I should hire you in 30 seconds? Which type are you? GROWL WOOF HOWL YAP, YAP How does it effect an interview? Interviewer Interviewee How should you react? ? ? ? The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model This model was attempts to integrate well known concepts of process reengineering, benchmarking, and process measurement into a cross functional relationship by: Capturing the “as is” state of a process and derive the “to be” future state (reengineering); -Quantify the operational performance of similar companies and establish internal targets based on “best-in-class” results (benchmarking); and, Characterize and describe the management practices and software solutions that will result in “best in class” performance (best practice analysis). SCOR is Based on Five Distinct Management Processes The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model • This model attempts to integrate well known concepts of process reengineering, benchmarking, and process measurement into a cross functional relationship by: – Capturing the “as is” state of a process and derive the “to be” future state (reengineering); – Quantify the operational performance of similar companies and establish “best of class” performance (benchmarking); and, – Characterize and describe the management processes that will result in “best in class” performance (best practice analysis). 你享来走或春 的受一出是暖 美大次户清花 丽自假外风开 芬然日 送的 芳带的 爽季 给郊 的节 游 金 秋 简单就是一种幸福 放下沉重的负累,敞开明丽的心扉,去过好你的每一天! MTO (Make to Order) Is a manufacturing process in which manufacturing starts only after a customer's order is received. (POD) Morning Meeting Forms of MTO vary, for example, an assembly process starts when demand actually occurs or manufacturing starts with development planning. . MTS (Made to Stock) 简单是一种幸福 The opposite business model is to manufacture products for stock MTS (Make to Stock), which is push-type production. There are also BTO (Build to Order) and ATO (Assemble To Order) in which assembly starts according to demand Assembling after receiving a customer's orders is "ATO (Assemble To Order)" and starting with development designing is "ETO (Engineer To Order)". Construction by general contractors and plant construction by engineering companies are categorized as ETO. Even if the production quantity increases, if push-type products that are manufactured by MTS can be manufactured by pull-type production such as MTO and ATO models using SCM software or information technology, then there will be greater business opportunities. Rush to the case study! •ATO (Assemble To Order) of computers by Dell Inc.and production of sports bicycle by National Bicycle Industrial Co., Ltd. are examples of creating a new business model by matching the diversification of products with ATO, BTO, ETO, and with new-style marketing TEAM HDX • Analyze the recomedations by Randall regarding the facility setup.Would You tell Limmer to follow this recommandations or go with another setup? Why? • What is your opinion of Krisheads selection of the labor cost KPI? Is it on target or somewhat flawed? • Should Limmer get on that flight to Jakarta? If he makes the trip, what should he investigate on his tour? • Develop a process map depicting product flows for the HDTV supply chain and note the potential problem areas and bottlenecks that may impact the success of Team HDX? Catnap Pet Products • Given its volume growth and supply chain process changes, what technology challenges will CPP face? • As the scope of CPP supply chain expands, which information technology capabilities will be most important for the company to pursue? • From an information sharing view point, how will the requirements of PETCO and TARGET differ from CPP’s current customer base? How should CPP respond to these requirements?