Author: Mark Twain
Kelsey Anderson
Craig Brinkerhoff
Alex Markoski
Christie Raymond
Huck goes to the
Phelps’s farm to save
Jim but is stopped by
A woman mistakes
him for her nephew
Tom and takes him
The woman talks to
Huck about what took
him so long to arrive
When the woman’s husband
arrives, they play a trick on him,
making Huck hide right before
he was going to expose the truth
Huck learns that these are Tom
Sawyer’s relatives
Huck heads up to town to find
the real Tom Sawyer
Aunt Sally (Phelps)
Has been waiting for a
cousin to come (Tom
A co-owner of the
Phelps’s plantation
Jokester, animated
Terrified of snakes
Uncle Silas (Phelps)
Has been going to
town everyday waiting
for Tom to arrive
An owner of the Phelps
Worried, anxious
“Good gracious! Anybody hurt?”
“No’m. Just a n*****” (Twain 197)
- The dialogue is between Aunt Sally and Huck.
- Huck interpreted the word “anyone” into “human” or
“anybody important”.
- He responds showing that he, again, has taken two steps
forward and two steps back, and his racist ways still remain
- Huck shows that it really doesn’t matter if a black
person gets killed or hurt by making that comment;
He is being nonchalant.
-Huck could have said “no” plain and simple, but he
decided to add that little bit; Does that make him
more believable?
“kind of faint dronings and bugs and flies in
the air that makes it seem so lonesome and
like everybody’s dead […] it makes you feel
mournful […] it makes a body wish it were
dead too” (Twain 195).
- When he arrives, he feels like he can feel all the
deaths that he has encountered in the past, like they
are sort of haunting him and following him and it
makes him feel lonely and out of sorts, especially with
out Jim.
- One of those times where he is looking back on his
journey and wishing that he didn’t have to move on.
- This seems like a major turning point for Huck.
Huck meets up with Tom
Sawyer and convinces
Tom he isn’t a ghost;
They decide to tell the
family that Huck is Tom.
Tom tricks Aunt Sally into
thinking he is a stranger,
and then kisses her and
says that he is Sid
Tom and Huck sneak out
of their window and find
a mob around the King
and Duke (tarred and
Tom Sawyer
Nephew of Uncle Silas
Agrees to help get Jim
back (becoming less
racist? Or is he just up
for an
Pretends to be Sid
Sawyer (hasn’t left his
lying ways)
“ I know what you’ll say. You’ll say it’s
dirty, low-down business; but what if it is?
I’m low down; and I’m a-going to steal
him […] I couldn’t believe it. Tom Sawyer
was a N***** STEALER!” (Twain 202)
- Huck assumes that Tom is going to think that freeing
Jim is just dirty business, but Tom actually wants to
help– should not surprise readers since Tom is always
up for an adventure.
-Tom doesn’t realize though that this is a serious
matter and is dangerous, he is just looking at the
adventure part like a little kid would (shows his
maturity level).
- Huck is saying that he is going to do it because he
wants his friend back (doesn’t just come out and say
it) but at the end says the n-word showing digression.
“It was a dreadful thing to see. Human
beings can be awful cruel to one another
[…] it don’t make no difference whether
you do right or wrong, a person’s
conscience just goes for him anyways”
(Twain 206)
- Huck plainly states that humans are truculent to one
another, but little does he know that what he is saying
relates directly back to racism (parallelism with the town
and the duke and king).
- The second part of the quote talks about how no
matter what decisions are made, the conscience is
going to continue to pester, so there is no use in having
one; he doesn’t understand that is what the conscience
does (reason why Huck makes a variety of decisions).
Huck and Tom devise a
seemingly elaborate plan
to rescue Jim after they
find him.
Huck has a great plan to
get Jim out of the window,
but Tom insists they dig him
out for a week (Huck
The slave with the keys took
Huck and Tom to Jim’s
“cage” and all three
blame what the slave
heard on his witch troubles.
Huck and Tom reveal
their plan to Jim and
he understands it.
One of the Phelps’s
slaves that frees the
dogs and watches
over Jim
Thinks he is being
harassed by witches
that make him hear
and see things
“Tom told me what his plan was, and I see in a
minute it was worth fifteen of mine for style, and would
make Jim just as free a man as mine would, and
maybe get us all killed besides. So I was satisfied, and
said we would waltz in on it” (Twain 208).
- This plan is so much more complicated than Huck’s
and yet they decide to go with it, which shows how
they are setting themselves up to fail.
- It kind of seems like they are not taking Jim’s
freedom seriously and almost playing around, and the
readers can see that Huck is beginning to lose his
focus and revert to his old ways (because of Tom).
- Tom’s plan almost amuses Huck.
“Here was a boy that was respectable
and well brung up; and had a
character to lose […] and knowing and
not ignorant” (Twain 208)
- This is the complete opposite of Tom.
- Tom is a liar and a trickster and does not have
manners, his character was already corrupt, and he
got his research and information out of children’s
adventure books.
- Huck uses these reasons to try to talk Tom out of
stealing Jim with him or else he is going to go to hell,
but Tom doesn’t listen. Huck is looking out for Tom.
Huck and Tom head into
the woods to make a
sort of soft lantern, and
Tom expresses his
dissatisfaction of how
easy and boring this
rescue is (wants to make
it harder).
Tom insists on making a
shirt journal for Jim, who
cannot write, as well as
digging him out with
common table knives,
not the tools provided.
“Jim’s a n*****, and wouldn’t understand the reasons
for it, and how it’s a custom in Europe” (Twain 214).
“It ain’t no use to try to learn you nothing, Huck” (Twain
- Tom says both of these.
- Tom at first is racist towards Jim thinking he is dumb
and would not understand reasons for cutting a leg
off, and then to his own best friend and same race he
says pretty much the same thing thinking that Huck
will never understand and has no sense.
- This shows that it really doesn’t matter the race
because both races don’t understand, which is
proving that what Tom is saying isn’t valid.
"It don't make no difference how foolish it is, it's
the right way . . . . And there ain't no other way,
that ever I heard of, and I've read all the books
that gives any information about these things”
(Twain 217).
- Huck is able to make minor alterations to Tom’s
plans, but Tom is so steadfast that that is the right thing
to do and that they have to do it that way.
- This shows how absolutely ridiculous Tom sounds and
that it doesn’t matter how drastic or how stupid it
After digging a little, Tom says
they can use the good tools
but they are going to tell
everyone that they used
They got into Jim’s cabin and
told him that they would free
him, but he had to keep a
shirt journal in blood, and take
the ladder out of the pie, ect.
The dogs sneak through the
hold the boys dug and Tom
convinces the slave that it was
the witches again, and that he
will make him a witch pie to
get rid of them.
“I don’t care shucks for the morality of
it, nohow. When I start in to steal a
n*****, or a watermelon, or a Sundayschool book, I ain’t no ways particular
how its done so it’s done” (Twain 219).
- Here Huck is saying that whether it’s the right thing to
do or not, he doesn’t care, and he is not going to
even acknowledge the morality of stealing Jim.
- He doesn’t care about how he steals him he just
cares about how it is going to help him or someone
else, in this case Jim.
“He told him everything. Jim he
couldn’t see no sense in the most of it,
but he allowed we was white folks and
knowed better than him” (Twain 221)
- Tom was telling Jim his plan, and Jim didn’t really
understand it because it was so elaborate.
- He didn’t question anything because he though that
if they were white, they knew what they were doing,
and I have to trust them.
- Twain says that because Jim has been oppressed for
so long, that he is racist towards himself.
The adults talk of the
clothes missing from the
clothes line, and soon
realize here is a lot of stuff
Huck and Tom play tricks
on them by stooping up
the rat holes for the
Uncle and stealing then
replacing spoons for the
The boys have a hard
time baking the pie, so
they put the ladder
inside the pie.
“So I smooched one, and they come out
nine, same as the other time. Well, she
was in a tearing way– just a-trembling all
over, she was so mad” (Twain 227).
- This is the part where Huck and Tom are pranking Aunt
-They can see that Aunt Sally is getting really frustrated
and mad, but they continue anyways
- Readers may have thought that after the incident with
Jim, Huck may have given up or at least reduced his
pranking, but we see that he has digressed and has not
made much progress at all.
- One reason may be that Tom has returned, and it
reminds him of home when they would play together
“I’d ‘a’ got up and obeyed her if I’d ‘a’ been dead”
(Twain 226)
- Huck shows his growing respect for authority and the
fact that even if he was dead on the ground, hearing
that woman yell and order him would make up obey.
- It is also out of fear that Huck obeys Aunt Sally. He
sees her getting madder and madder and he doesn’t
want to bother her.
THEME #1: People often
distract themselves from what
they really want
Huck really wants to steal Jim out, but ends up
getting wrapped up in Tom’s ideas and how to
make things more difficult; he forgets that Jim
can’t just stay there forever and that they don’t
have 37 years to goof around.
Tom wants to make this really complicated and
challenging and this ends up distracting him
because he is so obsessed with the plan.
THEME #2: Don’t always believe
what people say.
People are extremely gullible and don’t really think for
themselves, and they believe what everyone tells
Tom listens and has extremely stiff interpretations of
books and has to do exactly what they say which
makes their lives a lot more complicated when trying to
rescue Jim because they feel like they need an
elaborate escape method.
The Phelps believed everything that Huck and Tom said
and never questioned it even though most of what is
said is a lie.
Huck knows how to think for his own and not fall into
the idea of accepting all that is said (questions Huck).
THEME #3: People often find humor
in other’s pain.
The king and the duke are tarred and feathered and
are being humiliated publically, and all people can
do is laugh and cheer them on. Huck is one person
that actually acknowledges the pain and has pity for
Huck and Tom play a practical joke on Aunt Sally, and
progressively the reader sees her getting increasingly
angry, but Huck and Tom get enjoyment and
entertainment out of it. They are enjoying watching
someone else suffer.
QUESTION 1 : Tom feels like
he must go by what he has
learned in books. Why would
he feel this? How has Tom
been shaped by
literature/media/society? Is
it a good thing or a bad
thing to be influenced?
QUESTION 2: Huck meets a
farmer/preacher and talks to
Nat about witches. Where do
you think Huck is right now in
terms of religion? Has he
become more or less religious?
What do you think Twain is
trying to portray about religion
through Huck?
Thank You!