CONSTRUCTION & FINAL ESTIMATES ISSUES Final Estimates Issues Prep & Doc Manual-Updates Review & Admin Manual-Updates Other Final Estimates Issues Specifications Changes Process Review Findings Specific Questions! Streamlining Final Estimates Streamline Contracts What’s New? Updates to the Prep & Doc Manual Chapter 3 “Documents” “Pay Items Eligible For Partial Payment” Automated Program for Stock Piled Material/Partial Payment Pilot program at District Level If/When Approved Training Prep & Doc Manual Continued Automated Fuel Report in SM Manual calculations Now automated with the new system, Must still enter manually for line item adjustment in site manager. Instructions available in the Prep & Doc Manual. 3 pay items 1. LS Clearing & Grubbing 2. Steel (LS)and 3. Optional Base (black option only). Automated Fuel Report in SM, Continues Prep & Doc Manual Continued What’s New? Review & Admin Manual Review & Admin Manual Continued… Specifications….. What’s New Piling: Clarification of Specs Specifications Piling Set Checks: Test Piles and Production Piles Test Piles/ payment Issues Example (1) Test Pile Concrete Test Pile Authorized Length 125' ITEM QUANTITY Actual Piling Dlv’d. 125' Pre-forming Set-Checks Redrive Splice Length 30’ 4 within 1 Working day 25’ Splice Splice (Driven) 0 25' Splice 1 Driving of Splice 1 Cut-Off 1 How Do we Pay for this? 3’ cutoff 125‘Test Pile Example (1) Test Pile (Solution) Concrete Test Pile Authorized Length 125' ITEM QUANTITY Actual Piling Dlv’d. 125' Pre-forming 30’ Set-Checks 4 within 1 Working day Redrive 0 Splice Length 25' Splice 1 0 25’ 30’ Driving of Splice 1 0 Cut-Off 1 0 3’ cutoff 125‘ 9’ 0 Test Pile = 159’ Production Pile = 30’ 25’ Splice Splice (Driven) 125‘Test Pile Example (1) Test Pile Concrete Test Pile Authorized Length 140' ITEM QUANTITY Actual Piling Dlv’d. 140' 0’ Pre-forming Set-Checks 4 within 1 Working day Splice Length 25' Splice 1 Not Driven Driving of Splice 0 Cut-Off 0 How Do we Pay for this? Cutoff Elevation 25’ Splice Splice 140‘Test Pile Example (1) Test Pile (solution) Concrete Test Pile Authorized Length 140' ITEM QUANTITY Actual Piling Dlv’d. 140' Pre-forming Set-Checks 0’ 4 within 1 Working day 140’ 0’ Cutoff Elevation 25’ Splice Splice 0’ Splice Length 25' 25’ Splice 1 Driving of Splice 0 30’ 0’ Cut-Off 0 0’ Test Pile = 140’ Production Pile = 55’ 140‘Test Pile Other F.E. Issues Plan Quantity Measurements Designer Quantities Only Errors/Field Revisions measured Findings @ Districts /Process Reviews Why Are we duplicating the work? What to Measure? Example On this Project, Designer missed a Turnout at Station 212+75.31 on the right side of the main roadway. The Pay Item Is Turnout Construction 286 1 (a Plan Quantity Pay Item) This is a Plan Error, so how do we measure and document this? Work Example Using the information provided on the slide and the handout (Form 700-050-61) Please sketch the turnout with dimensions, Show date, time and person taking measurements /calculations. Calculate total Area to the nearest Square Yard. All dimensions are in linear feet. Work Example (Plan Quantity Error) Area of Trapezoid = [(a + b) ÷2]h = SF Area of Rectangle = ( b X c) = SF Area of Square = SF = ( c X d) Area of ¼ of Circle = (πr2 ÷ 4) = SF a = 24’ b = 28’ c = d = 12’ r = 12’ π= 3.1416 What’s New…continued Unpaid Bills Building New Program System User Friendly Completed by 10/2012 approximately. FYI How would you pay for the following? FINAL ESTIMATES ISSUES Bituminous Adjustments Reminder: More than 365 days or 5000 Tons Added Polymer PG 76-22 –Bit Adjusted began on Contracts Let January 2007 and forward and using Polymer Index for adjustment Added AC Permeable Base, adjustment using AC index; for Contracts let July 2010 and forward, also for on-going projects. Bituminous Adjustments What do we look for? Contract Letting date Correct Index Plugged in How to spot check a certification/worksheet sheet Hands on problem Bituminous Adjustments Example Job let March 2009 Asphalt certification April 2010 Total Tons AC 3000 Extra Gallons ARMI 350 Total Tons Polymer 1500 Total Tons AC Permeable Base 1200 How to check for an accurate Worksheet or Certification? LS/DB Bituminous Adjustment Example This is one of the worksheet that the Contractor turned in How do we spot check? 1. First check the Gallons 2. Check to see if the Contractor used the correct Indexes and the price index difference. 3. Check the Total Monthly dollar amount Bituminous Example, continued….. How to check to see if we have the correct gallons for AC and Polymer? The formula for this is as follows: 6.25 X Tons X 2000 # /Ton = Gallons 100 8.58 #/Gal Or to simplify: you could use a short cut, for the liquid weight of 8.58 #/Gal, the constant will be 2.331 Gal/Ton Tons X 2.331 X 6.25 = Gallons Bituminous Example, continued….. 3000 Tons of AC and 350 Gallons of ARMI The Contractor’s gallons =43,706 + 350= 44056 Gallons Total AC To check for correct Gallons AC = 3000 Tons X 2.331 X 6.25 = 43,706 Tons, and 43,706 + 350 = 44,056 Gallons …correct Bituminous Example, continued….. The same goes for Polymer. Tons X 2.331 X 6.25 = Gallons 1500 X 2.331 X 6.25 = 21,853 Gallons, correct Bituminous Example, continued….. For AC Permeable Base, the formula has a slight change. As follows: Tons X 2.331 X 3 = Gallons Here we multiply by 3 instead of 6.25 (per Specifications) Gallons Permeable Base = 1200 X 2.331 X 3 = 8,392 Gallons, correct. Bituminous Example, Continued….. Checking the Indexes: 2009 (When Job was let) in March 2009 ; AC Price =1.6480 Certification turned in- cut off April 2010; AC price= 2.1700 Both are correct (Where do you go to check the indexes?) Fuel & Bit Index Fuel & Bit Index Bituminous Example, Continued….. Next, check to see if the Price Index Difference is correct. How is this done? Per Specs: 5% of index at time of bid is 0.0824 (1.6480 X 0.05 = 0.0824) And 1.6480 + 0.0824 = 1.7304 see notes April Index for AC is 2.1700 Therefore the Price Index Difference for AC = 2.1700 – 1.7304= 0.4396 (this is correct) Bituminous Example, continued….. The new total dollar amount is: 44,056 X 0.4396 = $19,367.02 The same calculations are applied to the polymer. Same for permeable Base except for calculating the Gallons you multiply by 3 instead of 6.25. See Hands on Work problem attached: Bituminous work problem # 1 This Conventional Project was let in March of 2011. You randomly picked out Contractor’s Worksheet No. 5 to check; period represents pay in Month of July 2012. You will need to check gallons, Total Gallons, Indexes (Current and Base), plus total dollar amount for AC, Polymer & AC Permeable Base. Index 2011 Index 2012 FORM 700-050-66 CONSTRUCTION 06/10 STA TE OF FLORIDA , DEP A RTM ENT OF TRA NSP ORTA TION CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION OF QUANTITIES BITUMINOUS AND POLYMER MATERIAL (CONVENTIONAL PROJECTS) CERTIFICATION NO. 5 FINANCIAL PROJECT ID. CONTRACTOR CONTRACT NO. 12345615201 MR. ASPHALT, INC. L1234 PERIOD REPRESENTED BY CERTIFICATION: FROM (MO/DAY/YR) 06/11/12 TO (MO/DAY/YR) 07/15/12 ASPHALT MATERIAL BASE PRICE INDEX: 1.0367 CURRENT PRICE INDEX: 2.6733 INDEX DIFFERENCE: TONNAGE GALLONS 1.5848 MONTHLY PAYMENT PAY ITEM NUMBER: 334- 1 1,000.0 14,569 $23,088.95 PAY ITEM NUMBER: 337- 7 1,000.0 14,569 $23,088.95 PAY ITEM NUMBER: 339- 1 500.0 7,284 $11,543.68 36,422 $57,721.58 2,000 $3,169.60 GALLONS OF ASPHALT CEMENT USED IN MIX: * ADDITIONAL GALLONS (ARMI): TOTAL GALLONS: 38,422 TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT: $60,891.18 POLYMER MATERIAL BASE PRICE INDEX: 2.6631 CURRENT PRICE INDEX: 3.3612 INDEX DIFFERENCE: TONNAGE GALLONS 0.5649 MONTHLY PAYMENT PAY ITEM NUMBER: 334- 1 400.0 5,828 $3,292.24 PAY ITEM NUMBER: 337- 7 400.0 5,828 $3,292.24 PAY ITEM NUMBER: TOTAL GALLONS OF POLYMER USED IN MIX: * 11,656 TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT: $6,584.48 ASPHALT MATERIAL (ASPHALT TREATED PERMEABLE BASE) BASE PRICE INDEX: 1.0367 CURRENT PRICE INDEX: 2.6733 INDEX DIFFERENCE: TONNAGE PAY ITEM NUMBER: 334- 1 550.0 GALLONS 1.5848 MONTHLY PAYMENT 3,846 TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT: $6,095.14 I certify that, based on my personal know ledge and w ell-founded belief follow ing my ow n reasonable investigation, the tons and gallons (metric tons and liters) represented by this Certification are true and correct. Contractor's Authorized Agent (Print Name & Co.) Contractor's Authorized Agent (Signature) * Calculations based on Specifications. $6,095.14 Tom Jones Date Bituminous work problem # 1 Continue Problem # 1 orms.shtm Go to the above link to get the latest form 700-05066 on the Construction Website. Fill out the form with the information provided in your handout (handout includes Contractor’s Certification). Spot check this certification. Streamlining The F.E. Process 2012 Streamline Contracts Goal of Streamline Contracts Specifications Final Estimates Process Final Acceptance DFEO Responsibilities - Closeout Manual Write Ups Streamline Contracts Goal of Streamline Contracts Simplify Administration by selecting minor projects (All jobs under $2,000,000 with less than 2,000 tons asphalt) No change to plans No reduction in Inspection Streamline Contracts Specifications Projects will be let as either LS or PQ How do you know you have a Stream Line Contract? SCOPE OF WORK - INTENT AND SCOPE SP0040100SLLS SP0040100SLPQ Streamline Contracts Specifications …continued MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT SP0090103SLLS SP0090103SLPQ Streamline Contracts Specifications ….continued Pay adjustments; VERY LIMITED Lump Sum – overbuild and foundations 1. Prices provided in Contract - Tables 9-2 and 9-3 2. Adjustments could be < or > the Contract amount; up to 105% of the original Contract amount. Examples provided in the Prep & Doc Manual Streamline Contracts Specifications ….continued Pay adjustments; VERY LIMITED Lump Sum – overbuild and foundations Continued…. 3. Failed Material: Remove/replace or leave in at no pay (FDOT discretion) For failures other than items listed in Section 9-2 on Lump Sum Projects; use the unit price as determined by using the six month State Wide Pay Item Averages. The dates will be the six months prior to the Letting Date This will eliminate the need, in most cases, to process a SA/WO Streamline Contracts Specifications …..continued Pay adjustments; VERY LIMITED….continued Plan Quantity – Each item on this contract will be Plan Quantity No Fuel and Bit, no CPF, no Spread Rate/ Thickness Adjustments on PQ or LS projects. Streamline Contracts Specifications …. continued Changed Verification Testing Frequency 120 – EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT 125 – EXCAVATION FOR STRUCTURES 160 – STABILIZATION 200 – ROCK BASE 346 – PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE Verification testing reduced to ½ of the standard verification testing frequency All the above Specification changes will also be affected by the reduced standard verification testing frequency. Streamline Contracts Final Estimates Process Typically the F.E. process is no different from other processes on regular projects with exception to the following: 1. Plan Quantity Projects Each pay item is Plan Quantity The Contractor will provide monthly & final Invoices Comp Book updated for plan errors or Engineer approved field revisions to the final pay quantity only. 2. Lump Sum Projects No change (1 LS Project, no pay items) Eliminated Tables 9-1 (deficiencies), and 9-4 (Quality). Streamline Contracts Final Estimates Process …… continued What about…… Asphalt Tickets? keep in file with the PA, unless needed to support any quantity changes/disputes Material delivery tickets? Keep in file with the PA, unless needed to support any quantity changes/disputes. Lot submittal packages? will not be needed Asphalt cover sheets? will not be needed Asphalt QC and roadway reports? Keep in file with PA, unless needed to support any quantity changes/disputes Core out reports? Keep in file with the PA. Streamline Contracts Final Estimates Process ……continued What about documents to support changes? Lump Sum Projects: for failing material left in place and not referenced in Section 92, or in Tables 9-2 and 9-3; such as fencing: use the 6 month Statewide Pay Averages (use the 6 months prior to letting) Field changes: supported by appropriate measurements Plan Quantity Changes: Either party will need to provide justification Plan Quantity will not be revised based solely on a particular method of construction that the Contractor selects. Changes will be handled separately Streamline Contracts Final Acceptance Project Administrator will need to do the following: 1. Upon Final Acceptance, send e-mail “Reminder Notice” of Section 9-8 to the Contractor, and copy in the DFEO 2. Also, with Reminder Notice Letter; PA will include Acceptance Letter* 3. No Offer of Final Payment to the Contractor on these types of Contracts 4. Submit F. E. Package to DFEO 5. Contractor needs to send Contract Documents and Final Invoice, listed in Section 9-8, directly to the DFEO.** 6. Final Invoice approved by Project Administrator Streamline Contracts DFEO RESPONSIBILITIES Closing the Contract Review Final Estimates Package in accordance with Chapter 14 of the R & AM.* Review contract documents – Section 9-8 All documents & Final Invoice complete & approved** Pay Final Invoice Close project Other Streamline PQ Concept Issues Plan notes added by design changing specifications: This should not happen. Contingency amounts being added to Plan Quantity Items: Same as above, this should not happen. These issues need to stop, and if they happen, please report them to the appropriate person and bring it to the attention of the responsible party so that these errors do not recur. Also, let the SCO know Estimates Bulletin: Streamline Contracts Prep & Doc. Manual Chapters Write-up Ch 7 – Final Measurement Ch 11 – Alternative Contracts Review & Admin Manual Chapter Write-up Ch 14- Post review Processing/Contract Closeout