All physical constants are RATIOS Every RATIO is a RATIO between two charges These two charges move following the law of Sin and Cosine The sum of both functions represent the total field. LET US BEGIN TAKING A SNAP SHOT AT A WAVE MOVING AHEAD: WE HAVE FOUND THE TWO OPPOSED FORCES AT REST ONE TO THE LEFT : THE COSINE “Y “ at 180° = -1 ONE TO THE RIGHT: THE SIN “ Y” at 0° = 0 Cos Y=-1 Sin Y= 0 In Order to make it less abstract we put two opposite forces: Oxygen to the left and Hydrogen to the right Then let´s observe them move 45° Electricity Sin Y = + 0.70711 Cos Y= - 0.7011 Magnetism: Sin Y = + 0.70711 CosY = + 0.70711 OH-H H-OH Cos Y=-1 O- Sin Y= 0 H+ Now we have: ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM at an angle of 90° between them. And ionized Water as Hydrogen Hydroxide Electricity Sin Y = + 0.70711 CosY= - 0.7011 OH-H Cos Y=-1 O- Magnetism: Sin Y = + 0.70711 Cos Y = + 0.70711 H-OH Sin Y= 0 H+ GRAVITY: Sin 90°= 1 Cos 90°= 0 G= Sin Y + CosY = 1 + 0 = 1 And H2O WATER! (MATTER) Magnetism: Sin Y = + 0.70711 Cos Y = + 0.70711 Electricity Sin Y = + 0.70711 Cos Y= - 0.7011 H-OH OH-H Cos Y=-1 O- G Sin Y= 0 H+ •When the two polar forces oppose, at sin 0°=0, and Cos 180°= -1 , the resultant field is 100% an EMISSION FIELD. •When the two polar forces oppose at an angle of 90°, the resultant field is a MAGNETIC FIELD/ ELECTRICAL FIELD •When the two polar forces approach Sin 90°=1 and Cos 90°=0 both vectors add, changing direction 180°, thus the resultant force will oppose the emission field and it is called Gravity So Gravity is the sum: G = sin y + cos y G=1+0 Which means that the resultant force will be equal to 1, or almost one, as 0.981 . Now, G, the constant, the gravitational constant, in Newton´s equation: F=G (M1M2)/r2 Actually represents the sine added to the cosine of the angle equal to 90° G = Sin y + Cos y = 1 – 0 = 1 Note: We have divided G/10=0.981 So the Max Planck ´s equation : E= h h = Sin y + Cos y C/ Becomes the equation of the Unified Field: E= (Sin y + Cos y)x or E= (Sin y + Cos y)(C/) Magnetism Electricity Earth Gravity= 9.81 Nm 10 – 9,81 = 0.19 Sin 0.19 = 78.5° 79° Gravity at the northen hemisphere 11.5° 23° Ecliptic 78.5° 78.5° Sin 23°=0.391 Gravity at the southern hemisphere The two vectors of Gravity add, Giving as the result the inclination of axis of the Earth on Ecliptic Electricity Sin Y = + 0.70711 CosY= - 0.7011 1 2 =1.414….. + 1 The Pythagorean Monocord Magnetism: Sin Y = + 0.70711 CosY = + 0.70711 Pythagoras Monocord Ignis :Fire, Plasma Aer : Air, Gas Aqua: Water, Liquid Terra: Earth, Solid Mercury eccentricity= AC Phase angle Deg.: 0.21 22.33 78.14 F Venus eccentricity= AC Phase angle Deg.: Gravity (sin y) 0.38 Field (-cos y) -0.98 0.01 89.61 F Earth eccentricity= AC Phase angle Deg.: F Moon (a) eccentricity= AC Phase angle Deg.: -1.00 0.02 89.04 -1.00 0.03 -1.00 0.08 -1.00 0.09 -1.00 0.05 -1.00 0.06 -1.00 0.05 Cos y -0.997031 -0.6170 Cos y (grades) 174.64 -6.17 Nm Cos y -0.995629 -0.6156 Cos y (grades) 177.23 -6.16 Nm Cos y -0.998833 1.6412 Cos y (grades) 176.79 16.41 Nm Cos y -0.998431 -0.0684 Cos y (grades) 177.36 Field (-cos y) -0.68 Nm Cos y -0.998937 EM field -1.00 0.01 89.44 F -3.78 Nm EM field -6.89 Gravity (sin y) 1.12 Cos y (grades) 175.58 Field (-cos y) 87.36 F Neptune eccentricity= AC Phase angle Deg.: -0.999662 EM field 62.87 Gravity (sin y) 0.89 Cos y -0.3777 Field (-cos y) 86.79 F Uranus eccentricity= AC Phase angle Deg.: -0.19 Nm EM field 68.43 Gravity (sin y) 0.93 Cos y (grades) 178.51 Field (-cos y) 87.23 F Saturn eccentricity= AC Phase angle Deg.: -0.999861 EM field -39.79 Gravity (sin y) 2.64 Cos y -0.0189 Field (-cos y) 84.64 F Jupiter eccentricity= AC Phase angle Deg.: -1.00 Nm EM field 22.33 Gravity (sin y) 0.38 Cos y (grades) 179.04 Field (-cos y) 85.58 F Mars eccentricity= AC Phase angle Deg.: -0.999977 EM field 22.33 Gravity (sin y) 0.38 Cos y -0.1000 Field (-cos y) 88.51 F Moon (b) eccentricity= AC Phase angle Deg.: Cos y (grades) 179.61 -5.99 Nm EM field 38.46 Gravity (sin y) 0.62 -0.978636 -0.5987 Field (-cos y) 78.81 1.38 Gravity (sin y) 0.98 Cos y EM field 64.16 Gravity (sin y) 0.90 Cos y (grades) 168.14 -0.1089 Cos y (grades) 179.44 Field (-cos y) -1.09 Nm Cos y -0.999953 EM field -1.00 0.1200 1.20 Nm The eccentricity of planets´orbits it is related to the intensity of the emission field = Cos y Electric comets imply that the Sun is the center of an electric field. It is the most positively charged body in the solar system. A comet approaching the Sun from a much more distant region will carry far more negative charge than those orbiting closer to the Sun. David Talbott A proof of Mercury´s emission field It is obvious that at Sin y= 90°the Emission Field is at its Maximum and the Gravity Field, being equal to Cos y=0 is at its Minimum, so the Emission Field is at its Minimum at Sin y=270°=-1and the Gravity Field is at its Maximum at Cos y=270°=0 Thus: •The lesser the emission field the greater the gravity (mass) field: •E = (Sin y + Cos y)(C/) We have adopted the notation Where the Maximum EM Field “Repulsion” be expressed as A NEGATIVE VALUE/CHARGE إمام Sin y + Cos Y √2 1 1 إمام The Unified field A wave…….. EVERYTHING IS ELECTRIC AND EVERY PHENOMENON IN NATURE IS AN ALTERNATE CURRENT”…..AT DIFFERENT PHASE ANGLES BETWEEN THE TWO OPPOSITE FORCES In order to know how Energy develops following The Unified Field Law, let us do: E= (Sin y + Cos y)x E= (Sin y * ) + (Cos y * ) Thus, let us take some known frequencies; Sound frequencies and plot them: WE GET A LOGARITHM SPIRAL The perfect expression of Power from a Birkeland Current, or an Alternate Current or…… Andromeda galaxy, under IR light, where all the Suns look connected The FIBONACCI series The Way of Nature The Way of The Unifed Field! EMISSION FIELD 45 ° 45 ° Cos Y=-1 Sin Y= 0 180° GRAVITY FIELD Sin Y + Cos Y Adolfo Rios Pita Giurfa