Solution for Bridges Design and Analysis The state-of-the-art technology for the civil engineering world Main Features • • • • • • • Concrete Creep and Shrinkage Bridge layout modeling (in plan and elevation view) Utilities for generating common bridge sections and layout design Geometric and finite element model generation with both Beams (1D) and Solid elements (3D) Loads Generation • Overloads • Moving loads (vehicle’s editor) • Utility for Prestressing forces input • User loads Automatic Loads combination Simulation of the construction process Concrete Creep and Shrinkage • • Effects of Creep and Shrinkage relative to concrete maturity can be easily considered Allows to obtain the deformed shape as well as the forces, moments and stresses in the model Bridge Layout Modeling • This utility allows to generate the geometry and the finite element model of the bridge from common engineering blueprints. It works as a “layout program”, allowing to define the layout design in both plan and elevation views • The procedure used for the bridge layout definition is the following: • Definition of the mileage points (MP’s) that represent the structure axis • Definition of plan and elevation layout • All the input data to create the layout and their corresponding results can be later retrieved with a single command (~CFGET) Bridges Layout in Plan View • In plan view, the mileage points line is a succession of userdefined stretches: • straight segments • circular arcs • clothoid arcs (xf ,y f ) Rf ycl Ri Clothoid axis s s = s + Long (xi ,yi ) xcl i Caso R i =/ R f : Definition of the section elements Bridge Layout in Elevation View • In elevation view, the mileage points line is a succession of userdefined stretches: • straight segments • parabolic arcs z Parabolic fillet zf z i sf s if Straight section si Straight section ii f s f i s L T Vertical fillet Bridge Cross Sections • This module includes a library of typical bridge cross sections, which are defined by the outline of the section: • Slab cross sections • Box cross sections BTOP TTOP RS DEPTH BM y DEPTH TBOT TF a2 BBOT z B t 22 Trapezoidal section with flanges Rectangular section p22 BTOP BTOP TTOP TTOP TS DEPTH TM BM1 BBOT 1 vU 1 vUr vCU vCUr hCU BM2 TBOT t 21 p21 PS DEPTH BBOT hCUr hUr hU t 31 t 41 b1 1 Polygonal section with two bends Trapezoidal section s31 hL hCL hCLr axis BTOPL BM2L DEPTHL TML BM1L vL BTOPR TMR BM1R p12 p11 a1 PA Polygonal Asymmetric with two bends Bridge Section Types DEPTHR TBOTR BBOTR 1 TTOPR BM2R TBOTL BBOTL vCL Note: The upper line (deck) is always horizontal. The slope must be later defined with the section’s bank. vCLr t 11 1 a0 /2 Tri-cell box section definition Slab Concrete Sections • It’s possible to define holes • The sections can be symmetric or asymmetric • Sections and the hole diameters might vary along the bridge Box Sections with Variable Depth • Any generic box section can be easily defined • All the necessary input parameters can be introduced either by menu or using the corresponding command (allows performing a parametric design of cross sections, creating macros, etc). y a2 z t 22 p22 t 21 1 vU 1 vUr p21 vCU vCUr hCU hCUr hUr hU t 31 t 41 b1 1 s31 hL hCL vL vCL 1 p12 p11 a1 hCLr vCLr t 11 1 a0 /2 Tri-cell box section definition Assigning Attributes • For the automatic generation of the geometrical and FEM model, the defined cross sections are assigned to the mileage points (MP’s) forming the bridge layout • The transition of sections between MP’s can be defined using straight segments and splines Trans = 0 Section's transition definition Trans=1 Assigning Attributes • The cross sections may have the following attributes: • Offsets • Banks • Skew • Hollow or solid sections MP,s line y Zoffs Yoffs P z Bank (Rotation's center P) Model Generation • Once the layout and cross sections are defined the geometrical and FEM model generation can be automatically performed by the program Model Generation • Once the layout and cross sections are defined the geometrical and FEM model generation can be automatically performed by the program Model Generation • Just by specifying an element type, a Solid finite element model or a Beam finite element model can be generated Solid element model Beam element model (shape option) Model Generation • From this version on, generation of Box Bridges using SHELL elements is supported Model Generation • From this version on, generation of Box Bridges using SHELL elements is supported Model Generation • • • Allows for a trial and error process using beam elements (less CPU and engineer time). Automatic discretization of the beam element cross- sections into points and tessella (allows for analyzing the section’s internal behavior using beam elements) More accurate design can be performed using SOLID elements by only changing the element type and running the analysis again. Suspension Bridges Wizard Suspension Bridge Generator windows can generate 3D models for: • Concrete Suspension Bridges (with a CivilFEM bridge section) • Steel Suspension Bridges (with a CivilFEM 3D steel truss pattern) • Generic Suspension Bridges (with a CivilFEM generic cross section) • Mixed section, two types of section: - Concrete slab over I-section steel beams - Concrete slab over a steel box section Suspension Bridges Wizard • By using this Wizard it is possible to easily introduce the number of segments and the corresponding data to generate the entire bridge model for both 3D beams and solid elements. Suspension Bridges Wizard • Concrete Suspension Bridges Wizard • Both concrete and steel truss suspension bridge models are automatically generated for any generic configuration by just inputting a few parameters. • Steel Suspension Bridges Wizard • Steel Suspension Bridges Wizard • Any generic cross section from library and/or any 2D defined using CivilFEM with ANSYS meshed drawing (capture utility) can be used as a bridge cross section • Optimization of the geometry and initial tensions of cables Suspension Bridges Wizard • Mixed Section (type 1) Bridge section is composed of a concrete slab over I-section steel beams: bSlab/2 z fSR hBeam fSL bSlab tSlab y tWeb tFL nB bB Suspension Bridges Wizard • Mixed Section (type 1) Suspension Bridges Wizard • Mixed Section (type 1) Suspension Bridges Wizard • Mixed Section (type 1) Example Suspension Bridges Wizard • Mixed Section (type 2) Bridge section is composed of a concrete slab over a steel box section: bSlab/2 fSL z bSlab fSR tSlab y tboxL alphaL tboxR tboxB hBox alphaR Suspension Bridges Wizard • Mixed Section (type 1) Suspension Bridges Wizard • Mixed Section (type 1) Suspension Bridges Wizard • Mixed Section (type 2) Example Supported Bridges Wizard • Same parameters used in suspension bridges are also employed here, but only the bridge deck is generated. Suspension Bridges Wizard • Supported Bridge Examples Cable Stayed Bridge Wizard • Generation window Cable Stayed Bridge Wizard • Model generation • Cable arrangements: HARP TYPE FAN TYPE (XT, ZT) (XT, ZT) XR1 XL... XL2 XL1 z x ZT1 ZT2 ZT2 ZT3 ZT3 ZT... ZT... XR... XR1 XL... ZB... ZB2 (XB, ZB) XR2 ZT1 ZB1 XL2 XL1 z ZB... ZB2 x (XB, ZB) ZB1 XR2 XR... Cable Stayed Bridge Wizard • Model generation • Towers: Unlimited in number, variable cross sections, vertical or inclined with multiple cable arrangements Cable Stayed Bridge Wizard Cable Stayed Bridge Wizard • Model Generation • Different boundary conditions and connection between towers and deck Cable Stayed Bridge Wizard • Nonlinear Construction Process Analysis: Y Y X Z Y X Z X Z MN Y X Z MX Cable Stayed Bridge Wizard • Nonlinear Construction Process Analysis: Cable Stayed Bridge Wizard • Nonlinear Construction Process Analysis: • Cable force optimization: Deflection Cable Stayed Bridge Wizard • Nonlinear Construction Process Analysis: • Cable force optimization: Bending Moment Arch Bridge Wizard • Arch Bridge Generator (Beam Model) Arch Bridge Wizard • Depending on the position of the bridge deck compared to the arch, there are different cases: Arch Bridge Wizard • Beam Model Arch Bridge Wizard Arch Bridge Wizard • Shell Model Bridge Components • CivilFEM with ANSYS allows a detailed analysis of piers, cross bracings, diaphragms, etc. Special Features • Any of the bridge parameters (layout, sections, dimensions, etc.) can be easily parameterized by the user, allowing very fast sensitivity analysis, making use of some advanced features: • Log files the program stores in a file all the orders executed by the program during a job. This file can be edited by the user at any time and the model can be executed again by just reading it • Macros (APDL) • Customization: users are able to create their own windows, commands, etc, customizing the program as much as possible to their own needs Loads Generation • CivilFEM automatically generates the loads corresponding to the various load hypotheses over a 2D or 3D structure, such as: • Moving loads (traffic loads) • Surface loads (Overloads) • Prestressing tendons • Any kind of “user defined” loads • “Smart” load combination of all the load steps generated during the analysis Loads Generation (Traffic Loads) • With the vehicle editor it is possible to create, import from library, modify, copy, delete and list vehicles Vehicle library: just choose the vehicle and the corresponding properties are automatically defined Property window Loads Generation (Traffic Loads) • Allows considering the braking or starting load (horizontal) for each vehicle wheel • One or more vehicles can be used at the same time Loads Generation (Traffic Loads) • Two different types of vehicles: Rigid (truck) or flexible (train, adaptable to the path) • User friendly path definition: road surface and road axis are automatically detected by the program Assembly the bridges nodes and elements, where the loads are applied The tangency occurs in the point (xLoc, yLoc) of the vehicle Vehicle trajectory Assembly the bridges nodes and elements, where the loads are applied Vehicle trayectory Dist Lines component line components KP,s MP,s Trajectory definition (Rigid vehicle) Trayectory definition (adaptable to the trajectory) Loads Generation (Surface Loads) • Definition of an overload grid over the deck • Automatic load generation and combinations of all possible load case scenarios Assembly with the bridges nodes and elements over which the surface load will be applied Overload grid s1 dm d2 d1 Definition of surface loads KP,s Lines component Loads Generation (Prestressing Cables) • Definition of points along the cable’s path (automatic adjustment of the points using splines) • Introduce the tensile force at specific locations in the tendon’s path • Automatic transfer of the cable action to the structure: • the program calculates an equivalent system of forces at each node of the element that equilibrate the system P' 1 P' P N O T1 P2 P1 Pk PN Pk+1 R 1 z MR z Pk+2 MR fz T2 c.d.g. MR R x Transmision of the cable actions to the model 3D spline generation K x R 2 y y fy fx K K Loads Generation - Notes • In addition to the automatic loads generation explained here, any other “user-defined” load can be applied to the structure such as wind loads, snow, seismic (automatic definition of spectrum according to codes) and so on. • The automatic load generation feature, although is inside the bridges module, can be applied to any other type of structure simply by defining the surface over which the loads are to be applied. Dynamic Analysis • A transient analysis can be automatically performed. • It is also possible to input speeds in the definition of the moving loads Load Combination - Example • Where must be located the two engines to obtain the maximum stresses at point P? • What is the maximum bending moment at section A-A ? • What are the corresponding concomitant values? A ----- A P Load Combination • In the bridge analysis process, a great number of load steps are generated, which later on have to be combined looking for the worst case scenario. CivilFEM includes functionalities that can automatically handle all possible load cases • Obtains the envelop that considers the worst case scenario for each structural point by specifying a target • Concomitance at both global and element levels • Variable load coefficients can be defined • Combining the moving loads (traffic loads) • The program automatically combines them as an “incompatible” load (which is the same as saying that a vehicle can only be located at one position at the same time) Load Combination • Combining the surface loads (overloads) • CivilFEM will automatically combine them as a “compatible” load (these loads will then be allowed to be located at any possible position over the surface) OBJECTIVE: To obtain the envelop of maximum vertical displacements at all nodes Load Combination • Combining the prestressing cable loads • The program automatically combine them as an “addition” load (adds all the loads and apply them at the same time) • Combining “user-defined” loads • The same procedure is applied simply by defining the combination rule to be used (compatible, incompatible, addition, selection, etc) to find the combined results Checking & Design • Serviceability Limit State • Cracking checking according to codes Checking & Design • Ultimate Limit State • Check and design of the bridge reinforcement according to codes, taking into account all the loads applied to the structure. Simulation of Construction Process • The bridges module allows to simulate multiple types of construction process Normal Procedure Simulation of Construction Process • Cantilever construction Sections Not builded zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 10 12 3 2 2 1 1 2 13 14 15 3 1 Not live support Live cable H Bridge section axis Z Y Steps X Y Pile section axis Bridge plant Pile Section: AreaU, I yyU ,I zzU , AreaB, I yyB Live pile support ,I zzB ,H z Puente construido mediante dovelas yuxtapuestas: Situación después del step #3 16 Simulation of Construction Process • Push launching 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 En la etapa inicial nacen cuatro secciones y solo una de ellas está "empujada" (la una) 4 En la segunda etapa se empuja una nueva sección (la 2), la sección 1 ha llegado a un apoyo intermedio que al final de la construcción ocupará la 4 5 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 En la tercera etapa nace la sección 5, pero no se empuja ninguna nueva 6 5 4 En la cuarta etapa el puente está completo, pero tan solo se empujan dos secciones.. 6 5 4 En la última etapa el puente está completo. Las secciones 4 y 1 alcanzan sus apoyos definitivos. Proceso constructivo de un puente empujado 3 Bridge Postprocessing • CivilFEM with ANSYS performs a wide range of postprocessing calculations: load combinations, results displays, check and design processes, etc. Bridges and Nonlinearities Module