2 Force Systems Force, Moment, Couple and Resultants 1 Force Definition F F • Force is a vector quantity (why?) • Force is the action of one body on another. [Statics] • Force is an action that tends to cause acceleration of an object. [Dynamics] • The SI unit of force magnitude is the newton (N). • One Newton is equivalent to one kilogram-meter per second squared (kg·m/s2 or kg·m · s – 2) Examples of mechanical force include the thrust of a rocket engine, the impetus that causes a car to speed up when you step on the accelerator, and the pull of gravity on your body. Force can result from the action of electric fields, magnetic fields, and various other phenomena. 3 FORCE SYSTEMS F Force is a vector Line of action is a straight line colinear with the force Force System: concurrent if the lines of action intersect at a point FA FB y FC FD x parallel if the lines of action are parallel coplanar if the lines of action lie on the same plane pararell coplaner ? 4 Writing Convention Hand Print Scalar F Vector F F F Unit Vector iˆ Magnitude of Vector F In this course, you have to write in this convention. iˆ i same symbol i F F F Recommended Style FORCE SYSTEMS Vector (2D&3D) Basic Concept 2-D Force Systems 3-D Force Systems Moment Moment Couple Couple Resultants Resultants 7 Free Vectors: associated with “Magnitude” and “Direction” parallelogram Magnitude: Vector : | V | or V V or V V1 V W V1 ( a 0) M | M | b | V | V2 | W | a | V | V =V1 ( 1)V2 V1 V aV V V1 V2 V2 V2 : Direction W (V V1 V2 ) V V1 V2 Representation (b 0) AB B A + V2 V2 V1 A (B C ) ( A B) C a(bA) (ab )A (a b )A aA bA a( A B ) aA aB triangle A A eˆ Aeˆ eˆ A A A (unit vector of A) 8 Vector Operation Commutative Addition #5 R AB B A 9 Vector Operation Associative Addition #6 R A B C ( A B ) C A (B C ) 10 wrt = with respect to Operation Scalar Multiplication #2 a(bA) (ab )A associative (a b )A aA bA distributive wrt scalar addition a( A B ) aA aB distributive wrt vector addition A A eˆ Aeˆ eˆ unit vector of A 11 Vector Component Resolution of a Vector | A | ? | B | ? A vector may be resolved into two components. R AB 13 Basic relations of Triangle (C/6, law of cosine, sine) Law of cosine a c a b 2ab cos 2 b c 2 2 Law of sine a b c sin sin sin 14 2 Hint V V2 a 1 V1 b c Given V, and , find V1 ,V2 Law of cosine V1 ___ (Law of sine) V2 ___ (Law of sine) c2 a 2 b2 2ab cos Law of sine a b c sin sin sin 15 Vector Component and Projection b R Fb R F1 , F2 : vector components of (along axis a and b) F1 F2 R F2 F1 a Fa Fa : projections of Fb R (onto axis a and b) Fa Fb R (generally) special case: = projection vectors are orthogonal to each other Fa , Fb R b Fb : orthogonal projections & vector components Fa a 16 Rectangular Componentsiˆ • Most commonly used y vector component = vector projection Fx F cos ˆj Fy ˆj Fy F sin F Fx F Fx Fy F Fx iˆ Fy ˆj F Fx2 Fy2 iˆ x tan | Fy / Fx | 1 Fx , Fy vectorcomponentsof F (in x and y directions) Fx , Fy scalar componentsof F (in x and y directions) 17 Fx=? Fy=? F y F F ( cos ) F cos p x Fy F cos(p ) x Fx F sin(p ) = F sin Fx F cos y minus (>90) F Fy F sin x F y y Fx F cos Fy F cos( ) Fy F sin Fx F sin( ) x 18 EXAMPLE 2-1 Given the magnitude of the tension in the cable, T = 9 kN, express T in terms of unit vector i and j AB 102 62 11.662 m T (9 cos) ˆi (9 sin) ˆj 10 ˆ 6 ˆ 9 i 9 j 11.662 11.662 y T ˆj 3 S.F. ˆi x 7.72 iˆ 4.63 ˆj 7.7 iˆ 4.6 ˆj Correct? kN ANS 19 We are using robot arm to put the cylindrical part into a hole. Determine the components of the force which the cylindrical part exerts on the robot along axes (a) parallel and perpendicular to arm AB (b) parallel and perpendicular to arm BC 15 15 par per 30 par 60 Defining direction 45 per 30 15 15 P = 90 N arm AB P = 90 N Pper P cos45 90cos45 63.64N ( ) Ppar P sin45 90sin45 63.64 N ( arm BC ) Ppar P cos30 9cos30 7.794 N ( ) Pper P sin30 9sin30 4.5N ( ) ANS ANS 20 2/2 Combine the two forces P and T, which act on the fixed structure at B, into a single equivalent force R Graphics P=800 N (8cm) R T=600 N (6cm) R 525 N (5.25cm) Geometric 6sin 60o tan 40.9o o 3 6cos60 R Vector Component (Algebraic) T 600(cosiˆ sin ˆj ) R P T 346iˆ 393 ˆj R2 P2 T 2 2PT cos R 524 N P 1 P 800iˆ 49o T R sin sin 48.6o T R 3462 ( 393) 2 524 N tan 1 393 48.6o 346 Correct? Point of application is B 21 Example Hibbeler Ex 2-1 #1 Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. Two forces is not acting at the same point. FR F12 F22 2F1F2 cos Geometric 213 N F2 F 150 212.55 R sin sin sin sin115 22 39.101 39.1 Vector Component (Algebraic) Geometric Good? (get full score?) - more explanation - mark answer direction of iˆ , jˆ ? - 5S.F. Then 3S.F. FR F12 F22 2F1F2 cos 213 N F1 100cos15iˆ 100sin15 jˆ N F 150sin100 iˆ 150cos10o jˆ N 2 F2 F 150 212.55 R sin sin sin sin115 39.101 39.1 FR F F1 F2 122.64iˆ 173.60 jˆ N tan 1 FRy FRx tan1 173.60 54.761 122.64 23 Good Answer Sheet Geometric Using the law of cosine: O FR F F 2F1F2 cos 2 1 2 2 1002 1502 2(100)(150)cos115 FR 212.55 213 N # Applying the law of sine: F2 F 150 212.55 R sin sin sin sin115 39.101 39.1 # 24 Point of Application 25 Vector Example Hibbeler Ex 2-6 #1 F1 (600 cos30iˆ 600 sin30 jˆ) N F ( 400 sin 45iˆ 400 cos 45 jˆ) N 2 26 Vector Example Hibbeler Ex 2-6 #2 FR F1 F2 FR (600cos30iˆ 600 sin30 jˆ) ( 400 sin 45iˆ 400cos 45 jˆ) F 236.77iˆ 582.84ˆj N R FR 236.772 582.842 629.10 629 N # tan1(FRy FRx ) tan1(582.84 236.77) 67.891 67.9 # 27 • Reference axis (very very important) R2 F12 F22 2F1F2 cos – Many problems do not come with ref. axis. – Assignment based on convenience/experience • Vector summation (addition) – Three ways to be mastered 1. Graphically 2. Geometrically F2 sin( ) Originally pass through O y F2 F1 F2y F1y R Ry 3. Vector component (algebraically) R F1 F2 ( F1xiˆ F1 y ˆj ) ( F2 xiˆ F2 y ˆj ) Rxiˆ Ry ˆj ( F1x F2 x )iˆ ( F1 y F2 y ) ˆj Rx F1x F2 x Fx Ry F1y F2 y Fy R sin o x F1x F2x Rx The calculations do not reveal the point of application of the resultant force. In case where forces do not apply at the same point of application, you have to find it too! 28 Recommended Problem 2/9, H2-17, 2/12, 2/26, H2-28 29 Three Dimensional Coordinate System y ˆj z Real-life Coordinate System is 3D. kˆ iˆ Introduce rule for defining the 3rd axis - “right-hand rule”: x-y-z - for consistency in math calculation (cross vector) x How does 2D differs from 3D? y 2D z x 31 Rectangular Components (3D) ˆj z kˆ Fz kˆ z x Fx iˆ F Fy ˆj projection & component y Fx F cos( x ) Fy F cos( y ) nˆF Fz F cos( z ) y F Fx2 Fy2 Fz2 F Fxiˆ Fy ˆj Fz kˆ nˆF F F (cos xiˆ cos y ˆj cos z kˆ) x (maybe +/-) - cos(x), cos(y), cos(z) : “directional cosines” of F - iˆ cos2(x)+cos2(y)+cos2(z) =1 def nˆF cos xiˆ cos y ˆj cos z kˆ nˆ F is a unit vector in the direction of F - If you known the magnitude and all directional cosines, you can write force in the form of iˆ ˆj kˆ directional cosine Method 32 Example Hibbeler Ex 2-8 Find Cartesian components of F cos2 x cos2 y cos2 z 1 cos2 cos2 60 cos2 45 1 cos2 1 4 1 cos 2 1 cos 2 1 2 cos1( ) 60° or 120 z x y F F cos x iˆ F cos y jˆ F coszkˆ (200 cos 60iˆ 200 cos 60 jˆ 200 cos 45kˆ ) N (100iˆ 100 jˆ 141.42kˆ ) N F (100iˆ 100 jˆ 141kˆ ) N # 33 Given the cable tension T = 2 kN. Write the vector expression of T 1) directional cosine method z B y Real directional cosine x A T T (cosx ˆi cosy ˆj cosz kˆ ) cos x length of AB 1.2 length of AB 1.22 0.52 (0.4 0.3)2 1.3 x directionl cosine = -0.92 B x A cos x 0.92 34 z B B y y A x z B y A cos y 0. 5 0 .5 0.38 lengthof AB 1.3 y B z z A A cos z x Thus, 0 .1 0 .1 0.08 lengthof AB 1. 3 T 2 (0.92 iˆ 0.38 ˆj 0.08 kˆ ) kN ANS 35 Directional Cosines by Graphics A cos x x A cos y Ay A cos2(x)+cos2(y)+cos2(z) = 1 cos z Az A 36 - Usually, the direction of force is not given using the directional cosines. Need some calculation. - Two examples (a) Two points on the line of action of force is given (F also given). rAB rB rA z Two-Point Method F B (x2, y2, z2) A (x1, y1, z1) B y x F F nˆF rA x1iˆ y1 ˆj z1kˆ r x iˆ y ˆj z kˆ 2 2 Position vector 2 rAB ( x2 x1 )iˆ ( y2 y1 ) ˆj ( z2 z1 )kˆ nˆ AB ( x2 x1 )iˆ ( y2 y1 ) ˆj ( z2 z1 )kˆ ( x2 x1 )2 ( y2 y1 ) 2 ( z2 z1 ) 2 ( x2 x1 )iˆ ( y2 y1 ) ˆj ( z 2 z1 )kˆ FF ( x2 x1 ) 2 ( y2 y1 ) 2 ( z2 z1 ) 2 37 z 2) 2-point construction 0.5 B y 0.4 rAB F F nˆF A 1.2 0.3 x A ( x1, y1, z1 (1.2,0,0.3 B ( x2 , y2 , z2 (0,0.5,0.4 x2 x1 iˆ ( y2 y1 ˆj ( z2 z1 kˆ ( rAB F FnˆF F F 2 2 2 rAB ( x2 x1 ( y2 y1 ( z2 z1 0.0 1.2 iˆ ( 0.5 0.0 ˆj ( 0.4 0.3 kˆ ( F 2 2 2 2 ( 0.0 1.2 ( 0.5 0.0 ( 0.4 0.3 ( F 2 0.92iˆ 0.38 ˆj 0.08kˆ Ans kN 38 T Write vector expression of . Also determine angle x, y, z, of T with respect to positive x, y and z axes Consider: T as force of tension acting on the bar T T nˆ where nˆ = unit vector from B to A 4ˆi 7.5ˆj 5kˆ 4 2 (7.5) 2 5 2 0.41ˆi 0.76ˆj 0.51kˆ Thus cos x 0.41 T 10 ( 0.41ˆi 0.76ˆj 0.51kˆ ) kN x 66 cos y 0.76 y 139 cos z 0.51 z 59 ANS 39 Vector Example Hibbeler Ex 2-9 #1 Determine the magnitude and the coordinate direction angles of the resultant force acting on the ring FR F F1 F2 (60 jˆ 80kˆ ) (50iˆ 100 jˆ 100kˆ ) (50iˆ 40 ˆj 180kˆ ) lb FR 502 ( 40)2 1802 lb 191.05 191 lb # 40 Vector Example Hibbeler Ex 2-9 #2 uFR FR FR 50 ˆ 40 ˆ 180 ˆ i j k 191.05 191.05 191.05 0.26171iˆ 0.20937 jˆ 0.94216kˆ cos uFR x 0.26171 cos uFR y 0.20937 cos uFR z 0.94216 74.8 102 19.6 # 41 Vector Example Hibbeler Ex 2-11 #1 Specify the coordinate direction angles of F2 so that the resultant FR acts along the positive y axis and has a magnitude of 800 N. FR (800 ˆj ) N F1 F1 cos x1iˆ F1 cos y 1 jˆ F1 cos z1kˆ (300 cos 45iˆ 300 cos 60 jˆ 300 cos120kˆ ) N (212.13iˆ 150 jˆ 150kˆ ) N F2 F2 x iˆ F2 y jˆ F2 z kˆ 42 Vector Example Hibbeler Ex 2-11 #2 FR F1 F2 800 ˆj 212.13iˆ 150 jˆ 150kˆ F2 x iˆ F2 y jˆ F2 z kˆ 800 ˆj (212.13 F2x )iˆ (150 F2 y ) jˆ ( 150 F2 z )kˆ 43 Vector Example Hibbeler Ex 2-11 #3 x dir. 0 212.13 F2 x y dir. 800 150 F2 y z dir. 0 150 F2 z F2 x 212 N F2 y 650 N F2 z 150 N x dir. 212.13 700 cos 2 y dir. 650 700 cos 2 z dir. 0 700 cos 2 # 2 108 2 21.8 2 77.6 # 44 Force Example Hibbeler Ex 2-15 #1 The roof is supported by cables as shown. If the cables exert forces FAB = 100 N and FAC = 120 N on the wall hook at A as shown, determine the magnitude of the resultant force acting at A. 45 Force Example Hibbeler Ex 2-15 #2 rAB (4 0)iˆ (0 0) jˆ (0 4)kˆ m 4iˆ 4kˆ m rAB 42 ( 4)2 5.6569 m FAB rAB 100 N ( ) rAB 4 4 iˆ kˆ ) 5.6568 5.6568 (70.711iˆ 70.711kˆ ) N 100( FAB 46 Force Example Hibbeler Ex 2-15 #3 rAC (4 0)iˆ (2 0) jˆ (0 4)kˆ m 4iˆ 2 jˆ 4kˆ m rAC 42 22 ( 4)2 6 m FAC rAC 120 N ( ) rAC 4ˆ 2ˆ 4 ˆ i j k) 6 6 6 (80iˆ 40 jˆ 80kˆ ) N 120( FAC 47 Force Example Hibbeler Ex 2-15 #4 FR FAB FAC (70.711iˆ 70.711kˆ ) N (80iˆ 40 ˆj 80kˆ ) N (150.711iˆ 40 ˆj 150.711kˆ ) N FR (150.711)2 (40)2 (150.711)2 N 216.86 217 N # 48 (b) Two Angles orienting the line of action of force are given (, ) Othorgonal projection Method Resolve into two components at a time kˆ Fz ˆj z F Fy Fx y Fz = F sin() Fxy = F cos() Fxy iˆ Fx = Fxy cos() = F cos() cos() x Fy = Fxy sin() = F cos() sin() 49 z Fz F Fx 65o x 50o F y y Fxy Fz F sin50o 3.83 kN Fxy F cos50o 3.21 kN Fx Fxy cos65o 1.36 kN Fy Fxy sin65o 2.91 kN F Fx iˆ Fy ˆj Fz kˆ 1.36iˆ 2.91 ˆj 3.83kˆ kN Ans 50 CAB tan 1 10 81.5o 1.5 z y TAB C A 15o TZ x B T Tz T sin 15o 207N TAB T cos15o 773N Ty TAB cos81.5o 115N Tx TAB sin 81.5o 764N T Tx iˆ Ty ˆj Tz kˆ 764iˆ 115 ˆj 207 kˆ N Ans 51 2/110 A force F is applied to the surface of the sphere as shown. The 2 angles (zeta, phi) locate Point P, and point M is the midpoint of ON. Express F in vector form, using the given x-,y- z-coordinates. 52 Recommended Problems • 3D Rectangular Component: 2/99 2/100 2/107 2/110 53 Vector Operation Products 1. Dot Products AB 2. Cross Products AB 3. Mixed Triple Products A (B C ) 55 scalar product P Q PQ cos P kˆ Q ˆj iˆ iˆ iˆ ˆj ˆj kˆ kˆ 1 (unit vector) iˆ ˆj ˆj iˆ 0 iˆ kˆ kˆ iˆ 0 ˆj kˆ kˆ ˆj 0 ( three orthogonal vector ) A B ( Ax iˆ Ay jˆ Az kˆ) (Bx iˆ By jˆ Bz kˆ) Ax iˆ Bx iˆ Ax iˆ By jˆ Ax iˆ Bz kˆ Ay jˆ Bx iˆ Ay jˆ By jˆ Ay jˆ Bz kˆ Az kˆ Bx iˆ Az kˆ By jˆ Az kˆ Bz kˆ A B Ax Bx Ay By Az Bz Example : P 2iˆ 3 jˆ 4kˆ Q 4iˆ 2 jˆ 5kˆ P Q ? PQ ? 56 Application of Dot Operation • Angle between two vectors • Component’izing Vector U U// eˆ P Q PQ cos P Q cos | P || Q | 1 U U // U U Example : U 2iˆ 3 jˆ 4kˆ ( 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ i j k 3 U // (eˆ Uˆ ) eˆ eˆ U = U (eˆ Uˆ ) eˆ U// ,U ? which direction? eˆ T (T eˆ)eˆ T (T eˆ)eˆ 57 z Fz F Fx 65o x 50o F y y Fxy Fz F sin50o 3.83 kN Fxy F cos50o 3.21 kN Fx Fxy cos65o 1.36 kN Fy Fxy sin65o 2.91 kN F Fx iˆ Fy ˆj Fz kˆ 1.36iˆ 2.91 ˆj 3.83kˆ kN Ans 58 CAB tan 1 z y 10 81.5o 1.5 TAB C A TZ 15o x B T T Tx iˆ Ty ˆj Tz kˆ 764iˆ 115 ˆj 207kˆ N which direction?? eˆ T (T eˆ)eˆ (T eˆ)eˆ Txz 764iˆ 207kˆ Ans Txz Tx2 Tz2 791.55 N 59 “Cross Product” of Vectors A B magnitude : AB sin right-hand rule (A then B) B eˆ A C=A B def = 1 ( AB 2 ) AB ( | A| | B |sin ) eˆ C line which are perpendicular with both vectors 60 Operation Cross Product A B ? B A A B ? Laws of Operations C AB B A • Commutative Law is not valid AB B A ( AB B A (B A) ? ( B ) A ? B A B A B ( A) ? • Associative wrt scalar multiplication B A C a( A B ) (aA) B A (aB ) ( A B )a • Distributive wrt vector addition A (B C ) ( A B ) ( A C ) 61 x-y-z complies with right-hand rule y ˆj z kˆ iˆ x iˆ ˆj kˆ iˆ ˆj kˆ iˆ kˆ iˆ ˆj + kˆ ˆj iˆ iˆ ˆj ˆj kˆ kˆ 0 62 How to calculate cross product U U x iˆ U y ˆj U z kˆ V V x iˆV y ˆj V z kˆ U V (U x iˆU y ˆj U z kˆ) (V x iˆV y ˆj V z kˆ) U V (iˆ iˆ) U V (iˆ ˆj ) U V (iˆ kˆ) x x x y x z U V ( ˆj iˆ) U V ( ˆj ˆj ) U V ( ˆj kˆ) y x y y y z U V (kˆ iˆ) U V (kˆ ˆj ) U V (kˆ kˆ) z x z y z z U V (U y V zU z V y )iˆ (U x V zU z V x) ˆj (U x V yU y V x)kˆ This term can be written in a determinant form 63 Cross Product iˆ ˆj kˆ U V U x U y U z Vx Vy Vz - - Vz Vx - ˆj ˆj iˆ kˆ iˆ Ux U y Uz Ux U y Vx Vy + Vy + + U V (U y VzUz V y)iˆ (U z V xU x V z) ˆj (U x V yU y V x)kˆ 64 Why cross product? • Mathematical Representation of Moments, Torque • Perpendicular Direction • Area Calculation nˆOABC B A B A z C A y A B Area = A? B B O x 65 Mixed Triple Product iˆ ˆj kˆ U (V W ) (U x iˆ U y jˆ U z kˆ ) Vx Vy Vz W x Wy Wz (U x iˆ U y jˆ U z kˆ ) (VyWz VzWy )iˆ (VxWz VzWx ) jˆ (VxWy VyWz )kˆ U (V W ) Ux (VyWz VzWy ) Uy (VxWz VzWx ) Uz (VxWy VyWz ) Ux Uy Uz Ux U (V W ) Vx Vy Vz Wx Wy W x Wy Wz Vx Uy Vy Uz W x Wy Wz Wz U x Uy Uz Vz Vy Vz Vx U (V W ) W (U V ) V (W U ) 66 nˆ Why mixed triple product? M O ,F • Mathematical Representation of Moments along the axis. M o,F , F r O • Volume Calculation Volume : C ( B A) A C nˆOABC B C ( B A) Volume must always + 67 Vector Operation Product Summary Dot Product Scalar Cross Product Vector Mixed Triple Product Scalar 68 69 Homepage URLs Statics official HP http://www.lecturer.eng.chula.ac.th/fmekmn/ (User: Prince Password: Caspian) Session 1 HP http://pioneer.netserv.chula.ac.th/~lsawat/course/statics/ http://blackboard.it.chula.ac.th/ (after the end of registration period) 72 FORCE SYSTEMS Vector Basic Concept 2-D Force Systems 3-D Force Systems Moment Moment Couple Couple Resultants Resultants 73 Force Definition F F • Force is a vector quantity (why?) • Force is the action of one body on another. [Statics] • Force is an action that tends to cause acceleration of an object. [Dynamics] • The SI unit of force magnitude is the newton (N). One newton is equivalent to one kilogram-meter per second squared (kg·m/s2 or kg·m · s – 2) Examples of mechanical force include the thrust of a rocket engine, the impetus that causes a car to speed up when you step on the accelerator, and the pull of gravity on your body. Force can result from the action of electric fields, magnetic fields, and various other phenomena. 74 Force Force Representation • Vector quantity – Magnitude – Direction – Point of application Use different colours in diagrams • Body outline blue • Load red • Miscellaneous black (dimension, angle, etc.) F 10 N 75 Type of Forces F External force F Applied force Reactive force Force Internal force Stress Strain Concentrated Contact force Force Force Body force Distributed 76 Force Cables & Springs k spring constant T T s F Cable in tension F ks 77 2/2 Combine the two forces P and T, which act on the fixed structure at B, into a single equivalent force R Graphical P=800 N (8cm) R T=600 N (6cm) R 525 N (5.25cm) Geometric 6sin 60o tan 40.9o o 3 6cos60 R T R sin sin R 524 N 48.6o T R P T 346iˆ 393 ˆj P 800iˆ T 600(cosiˆ sin ˆj ) R2 P2 T 2 2PT cos P 1 Algebraic 49o R 3462 ( 393) 2 524 N tan 1 Correct? 393 48.6o 346 Point of application is B 78 F2 How to add sliding vectors (forces)? F2 R R is applied at Principle of Transmissibility F1 A A R F1 F2 F1 point A Point of application Not OK. ! Still OK. R Point of Application is wrong A F1 R A F1 F2 79 Special case: Addition of Parallel Sliding Force F F F1 F2 F1 F F2 F F F2 F1 F1 F R2 F2 R1 line of action Point of application R2 R R1 R2 R R1 R This graphical method can be used to find Line of action The better and efficient way will be discussed later, when we learn the concept of “moment”, “couple”, and “resultant force” y T Ty 60 Tx Move all forces to that concurrent point T1 200iˆ 346 ˆj VD1 N x T1x T1 cos60o 200 N T1 y T1 sin60o 346 N T2 400iˆ N R T1 T2 600iˆ 346 ˆj N R Rx2 Ry2 693 N Point of application, But no physical meaning tan 1 346 =29.97o 600 Application Point Ans 81 F2 A How to add sliding vectors (forces)? F2 F1 A R F1 R F1 F2 R is applied at point A Point of application There is better way to find the point of application (or line of action), but you have to learn the concept of moment and couples first. 82 Moment In addition to the tendency to move a body, force may also tend to rotate a body about an axis From experience (experiment) magnitude depends only on “F” and “d” M Fd (magnitude) summation M Fd i i i Direction moment axis Moment is a vector 84 z Moment Definition • Moment is a vector quantity. – Magnitude – Direction – Axis of Rotation • • • • • • (MO )z O y x dy Fx The unit of moment is N·m The moment-arm d (perpendicular distance) The right-hand rule determined by vector cross product Sign convention: 2D +k or CCW is positive. Moment of a force or torque 85 Mathematical Definition (3D) from A to point of application of the force M A,F r F Moment about point A : F M -Direction: right-hand rule -Point of application: point A X r A d -Magnitude: | r || F | sin Fd (Unit: newton-meters, N-m) r F F 2D - 2D, need sign convention and be consistent; e.g. + for counterclockwise and – for clockwise + MFd d 86 can be used with Varignon’s Theorem (Principle of Moment) more than 2 components M r F1 r F2 * O Same? Yes ! F1 F2 ) M r (F ** O ( r F1 r F2 r F1 F2 r F The moment of a force about any point is equal to the sum of the moments of the components of the force about that point sum of moment (of each force) = moment of sum Fy Useful with rectangular components (of all force) F Fx d2 Mo = -Fxd2+Fyd1 y + O d1 x 87 Principle of Transmissibility & Moment Principle of Transmissibility is based on the fact that “moving force along the line of action causes no effect in changing moment” O F M r convenient M r F X A d position vector: from A to any point on line of action of the force. Y Z rAX F rAY F - direction: same - magnitude: O Sliding force has the same moment M = Fr sin = Fd 88 Sample 2/5 Calculate the magnitude of the moment about the base point O of 600N force in five different ways. 2m 2m 4m A 400 Solution I: 2D Scalar Approach d 4 cos40o 2 sin 40o 4.35 m 2610 O x Solution II: 3D Vector Approach MO r F ( CW ( 2610kˆ N-m N-m Ans CW or CCW? Correct? 600N 2iˆ 4 ˆj 600 cos 40o iˆ sin 40o ˆj M O F d 600 4.35 O d 400 y 600N 4m A CW 89 2m A F2 4m F1 400 600N O B F1 F2 d1 2m A 4m 400 600N O Solution III: Varignon’s theorem Solution IV: Transmissibility + F1 600cos40o 460N F2 600sin 40o 386N MO 460(4) 386(2) 2610 N-m (CW) d1 4 2 tan40o 5.68 m MO F1d1 2610 N-m (CW) C F1 d2 F2 Solution V: Transmissibility d2 2 4 cot 40o 6.77 m MO F2d2 2610 N-m (CW) 90 EXAMPLE 2.8 In raising the flagpole, the tension T in the cable must supply a Moment about O of 72 kN-m. Determine T. tan 1 25.981 43.898 12 15 30sin 60 30 m 12 m 25.981m d o 60 15 m 72 Td T (12)sin 43.898 T 8.65 kN ANS 91 Moment Example Hibbeler Ex 4-7 #1 Determine the moment of the force about point O. F (400 sin30iˆ 400 cos30 jˆ) N (200iˆ 346.41jˆ) N Correct? iˆ , ˆj ? 92 Moment Example Hibbeler Ex 4-7 #2 3D Vector Approach iˆ r ˆj kˆ MO r F 0.4 0.2 0 200 346.41 0 0.4 0.2 200 346.41 kˆ N-m N-m 98.564kˆ 98.6kˆ N m Ans F (400 sin30iˆ 400 cos30 jˆ) N (200iˆ 346.41jˆ) N r (0.4iˆ 0.2 jˆ) m Scalar Approach (Varignon’s theorem) MO 400 sin 30(0.2) 400 cos 30(0.4) 40 138.56 98.564 N m MO 98.6kˆ N m # 93 Couple - Couple is a summed moment produced by two force of equal magnitude but opposite in direction. M = F(a+d) – Fa = Fd d a F + magnitude does not depend on distance a (point O), i.e. any point on the body has the same magnitude. F Couple Fd O Effect of Pure Rotation - tendency to rotate the “whole” object. - no effect on moving object as translation. 2D representations: (Couples) C C couple is a free vector C 94 Force-couple systems - Line of action of a force on a body may be changed if a couple is added to compensated for the change in the tendency to rotate of that body. C ? C rBA F No changes in net external effect B A F Principle of transmissibility F B F d A F B F C A Force-couple system The direction and magnitude of Force can not be changed, only line of action (i.e. only change to other pararell line) Procedure may be reversed to combine a force with a couple 96 C r F from new location (B) to old location (A) B B r A F A No Moment: Principle of Transmissibility C F B B A F F A C F A Principle of Transmissibility B is based on the fact that moving force along the line of action causes no effect in changing moment A B F 97 Why using equivalent system? B B A F C A Principle of transmissibility Force-couple system All force systems are equal. real (physical) system F In the viewpoint of Mechanics, Result of force to these systems are equal M equivalent system equivalent system 98 Understanding Force-Couple system Moment about point B of force F = tendency of force F to rotate the object at point B couple occurs when moving Force F from A to B ( couple occurs when moving Force F parallel to its line of action to the point B) 0 Equivalent System M A, F 0 M B ,F rBA F M D ,F rDA F B B F D A F C D A M A rAB F MB C C M D rDB F C 99 Be careful of the direction of moment P 70m P Vector Diagram F 12m F CW CCW F 12 P 70 3600 70 P P 51.42 kN Ans 100 2/11 Replace the force F by an equivalent force-couple system at point O. F 50 kN 50 kN y 20 0.25 m 10 250 mm. 0.1m 25 x 50 kN M 20 Couple occurred when moving F to O = Moment of F about O + M o F cos 20 (0.1cos 25 0.25cos10 ) F sin 20o (0.1sin 25o 0.25sin10o ) 17.3 N-m F 17.1iˆ 46.9 ˆj kN CCW Correct? Ans 101 Engine number 3 fails. Determine the force-couple system on the body about point o. Moving all 3 forces to point O F y o (direction: left) R F 90 90 90 270 kN couples occuring when moving forces. y sum of moments? M o 90(21) 90(12) 90(21) x R 1080 kN m (CW) ANS Sum of couples M Got the meaning? 102 Resultant Example Hibbeler Ex 4-14 #1 Replace the current system by an equivalent resultant force and couple moment acting A. FRx Fx FRx 100 400 cos 45 FRx 382.84 N FRy Fy FRy 600 400 sin 45 FRy 882.84 N 103 Resultant Example Hibbeler Ex 4-14 #2 F F 2 F 2 Rx Ry R FR ( 382.84)2 ( 882.84)2 FR 962.27 962 N tan 1 FRy FRx # 882.84 tan 382.84 1 66.556 66.6 # MR M A A MRA 100(0) 600(0.4) 400 sin 45(0.8) 400cos 45(0.3) MRA 551.13 551 N m # 104 b cos20 b exactly cancelled D 20o 60 N-m 300N 300 b cos 20o 60 b 0.213 m Ans 105 2/6 Simplest Resultant • Resultant of many forces-couple is the simplest force-couple combination which can replace the original forces/couples without changing the external effects on the body they act on F1 F2 R F2 y F3 y F3 F2 y R1 Ry F3 Point of application -Add two at a time get line of action of R -Add many do not get line of action of R F1 F1 y R F1x R F1 F2 F3 ... F R ( Fx ) 2 ( Fy ) 2 x F2 x Rx F3 x Rx Fx , Ry Fy tan1 (Ry / Rx ) 107 Easier way to get a resultant + its location F1 arbitrary d1 O d3 F2 F1 F1d1 O d2 F3 1) Pick a point (easy to find moment arms) R d=Mo/R F2d2 F2 F3 R F O Mo=(Fidi) F3d3 2) Replace each force with a force at point O + a couple 3) Add forces and moments (forces + couples : same procedures) 2D O any forces + couples system resultant single-force system (no-couple) or single-couple system where Mo=Rd R 0 4) Replace force-couple system with a single force 3D any forces + couples system single-force + special single-couple (wrench) 108 2/87 Determine the resultant and its line of action of the following three loads. why? Move 3 forces to point O, Sums their force and couples M O R (force-couple system) Note: R is the same regardless with the location point we move the force to Note: M depends on the location where we move the force to M = -2.4*0.2cos20 -1.5*0.12cos20 -3.6*0.3cos20 kN-m R = ( 2.4cos20 -1.5sin20 -3.6cos20 ) i +( -2.4sin20 -1.5cos20 +3.6cos20 ) j kN 109 At point O (0,0) R 1.64 iˆ 0.99 ˆj kN M Sys 1 O R M = -1.635 kN-m P M 1.635 kˆ kN At point X (x,y) 0M N couples cancelled Correct? O (0,0) 0 M ( xiˆ yjˆ) R P (x,y) 0 M ( xiˆ yjˆ) R Sys 2 O R R M N P ( xiˆ yjˆ) R M r (0 x)iˆ (0 y) ˆj Two equivalent systems Pick Point O Moment at any point must be the same on both system ( xiˆ yjˆ) (1.64iˆ 0.99 ˆj) 1.635kˆ 0.99 x 1.64 y 1.635 ( line of action ) 110 At point O (0,0) M O R R 1.64 iˆ 0.99 ˆj kN P d M = -1.635 kN-m M 1.635 kˆ kN Manually Canceling Couples d |M | |R| | 1.635 | ( 1.64) ( 0.99) 2 2 How to find line of action ? How to locate Point P O (0,0) tan 1 Ry Rx tan 1 0.99 31.118o 1.64 d 0.853 m P (d sin , d cos ) (0.441, 0.73) y yP tan x xP O or d y (0.73) 0.99 x 0.441 1.64 y( P 1 )x tan x2 y 2 d 2 111 Equivalent System Equivalent System Definition Sys 2 Sys 1 O R M O R P Two force-couple systems are equivalent (FR )system I (FR )system II (MRO )system I (MRO )system II 112 A car stuck in the snow. Three students attempt to free the car by exert forces on the car at point A, B and C while the driver’s actions result in a forward thrust of 200 N as shown in picture. Determine 1) the equivalent force-couple system at the car center of mass G 2) locate the point on x-axis where the resultant passes. ( F ˆi ( F ˆj R ( 400 200 200 250sin30 ˆi ( 350 250cos30 ˆj R x R y R 925 ˆi 567 ˆj y M G x + MG 350(1.65) 250sin30 (0.825) 690 N m 113 For line of action of resultant y y R 925 ˆi 567 ˆj R 925 ˆi 567 ˆj b 690 N m G G x x Sys II Sys I ( xiˆ y ˆj ) (925 iˆ 567 ˆj ) 690 kˆ Couple Cancellation kˆ : 567 x 925 y 690 At y = 0; x = +1.218 m. ANS If you want to find only b (not line of action itself) Two equivalent systems (2D) + or - , you have to find out manually Ry (b) | MG | 567(b)=690 b=1.218 m 0 M ( xiˆ yjˆ) R Two equivalent systems Moment at point G must be the same on both system M G ,SysII M G ,SysI ( xiˆ yjˆ) R M 114 Determine the resultant R (vector) and the point on x and y axes which R must pass. y + G ( F ( F ( 25 20sin 30 iˆ R x ˆi y ˆj ( 20cos 30 30) ˆj x M o 25(5) 30(9) (20cos30 )(9) (20sin 30 )(5) 351 kN m 15 ˆi 47.3 ˆj 115 y y R 15 ˆi 47.3 ˆj 351 kN m O x O x For line of action of resultant r R Mo (x ˆi y ˆj) (15ˆi 47.3 ˆj) 351kˆ 47.3 x 15 y 351 If y = 0; x = 7.42 m. x = 0; y = -23.4 m. ANS 116 117