Quality and Process Capability

Rekayasa Kualitas
Materi ke – 2
Dasar Rekayasa Kualitas
Basics of Quality by Design
Quality Loss Function
Quality and Process Capability
Process capability
Basics of Quality by Design
A large amount engineering manufacture
products in conducting in experiments
Quality by design is one of such engineering
Customer’s perception of quality
( Sony television case in Japan and USA )
Basics of Quality by Design
Colour density
distribution of
Sony America
and Japan
(April, 1979)
Basics of Quality by Design
Basics of Quality by Design
Taguchi’s definition of quality
“ the quality of a products is the ( minimum )
loss imparted by the product to society from
the time the products is shipped “
What is loss – and who pays for it
Loss as additional manufacturing cost
Loss be paid by society
Basics of Quality by Design
Interpretation of loss
Quality loss function (QLF) is quantitative
evaluation of quality loss due to functional
m = target
y = hasil pengukuran
Δo = toleransi
Ao = jumlah kerugian
Basics of Quality by Design
Basics of Quality by Design
Interpretation of loss
A quality characteristics is the object of interest
of a product or process
Three types quality characteristics
• Nominal the best ( NTB )
• Smaller the better ( STB )
• Larger the better ( LTB )
QLF - Nominal the best ( NTB )
( One piece )
A measurable characteristics with a specific userdefined target value. ( Sony TV : 115 ± 20 volts )
QLF - Nominal the best ( NTB )
QLF - Nominal the best ( NTB )
( Many pieces )
QLF – Smaller the better ( STB )
( One piece )
QLF - Smaller the better ( STB )
( One piece )
QLF - Smaller the better ( STB )
( One piece )
QLF - Smaller the better ( STB )
( Many pieces )
QLF – Larger the better ( LTB )
( One piece )
QLF – Larger the better ( LTB )
( One piece )
QLF – Larger the better ( LTB )
( Many pieces )
L( y )  k x
 1 
2 
i 1  y i 
QLF – Asymmetric
Quality and Process Capability
Capability process
Quality and Process Capability
Capability process
Quality and Process Capability
Spec limit : fixed engineering limit for the product
Cp index
Cpk index
 Cpk is an important measure
 Cpk as a measure of quality
Quality and Process Capability
Quality and Process Capability
Quality and Process Capability
Cpk as a measure of quality
The convesional methods
Loss-by-defect = numbers of defect x cost of product
= proportion out of spec x total numbe x cost
of product
The quality loss function methods
Loss-by-dispersion =
A0 2
x numbers of
Quality and Process Capability
Cpk as a measure of quality
Example ( Sample 100.000 unit )
Quality and Process Capability
Cpk as a measure of quality
Quality and Process Capability
Cpk as a measure of quality
Quality and Process Capability
Cpk as a measure of quality
Case Study ( Tugas – 2 )
A spring is used in the operation of a camera shutter. The manufacturing process
suffers from a degree of variability, in terms of the spring constant (measured in
oz/in), which significantly effects the accuracy of the shutter times. The functional
limits for this spring constant are m±0.3oz/in (m=0.5oz/in), and the average cost for
repairing or replacing a camera with a defective spring is $20.
What is the loss function? Hence, what is the loss associated with producing a spring
of constant 0.25oz/in versus the loss associated with one at 0.435oz/in.
Next Week
The Design Process
 Principle of robust design in the
production process
 Robust design process
 Parameter design