StreamX10: A Stream Programming Framework on X10 Haitao Wei 2012-06-14 School of Computer Science at Huazhong University of Sci&Tech Outline 1 Introduction and Background 2 COStream Programming Language 3 Stream Compilation on X10 4 Experiments 5 Conclusion and Future Work 2 Background and motivition Stream Programming A high level programming model that has been productively applied Usually, depends on the specific architectures which makes it difficult to port between different platforms X10 a productive parallel programming environment isolates the different architecture details provides a flexible parallel programming abstract layer for stream programming StreamX10:try to make the stream program portable based on X10 Outline 1 Introduction and Background 2 COStream Programming Language 3 Stream Compilation on X10 4 Experiments 5 Conclusion and Future Work 4 COStream Language stream FIFO queue connecting operators operator Basic func unit—actor node in stream graph Multiple inputs and multiple outputs Window – like pop,peek,push operations Init and work function composite Connected operators—subgraph of actors A stream program is composed of composites COStream and Stream Graph Composite Main{ Composite MyOp(output Out ; input In){ graph stream<int i> S = Source(){ state :{ int x;} param stream attribute:pn graph init :{x=0;} work :{ S[0].i = x; stream<int j> Out = Averager(In){ operator work :{ int sum=0,i; x++; } window S:tumbling,count(1); for(i=0;i<pn;i++) composite sum += In[i],j; Out[0].j = (sum/pn); } } streamit<int j> P = MyOp(S){ window In: sliding,count(10),count(1); param Out:tumbling,count(1); pn:N } () as SinkOp = Sink(P){ } } state :{int r;} S work :{ r = P[0].j; println(r); } window P:tumbling,count(1); } } Source push=1 peek=10 pop=1 P Averager pop=1 Sink push=1 6 Outline 1 Introduction and Background 2 COStream Programming Language 3 Stream Compilation on X10 4 Experiments 5 Conclusion and Future Work 7 Compilation flow of StreamX10 Phrase Function Translates the COStream syntax into abstract syntax tree. Front-end Instantiation Instantiates the composites hierarchically to static flattened operators. Constructs static stream graph from flattened operators. Static Stream Graph Scheduling Calculates initialization and steady-state execution orderings of operators. Partitioning Performs partitioning based on X10 parallelism models for load balance. Generates X10 code for COStream programs. Code Generation The Execution Framework activity activity activity threads pool Place 0 Place 1 Local buffer object Data flow intra place Place 2 Global buffer object Data flow inter place The node is partitioned between the places Each node is mapped to an activity The nodes use the pipeline fashion to exploit the parallelisms The local and Global FIFO buffer are used 9 Work Partition Inter-place 10 Comp. work=10 1 2 5 Comp. work=10 5 5 2 2 5 5 2 5 Comp. work=10 2 1 10 Speedup:30/10 =3 Communication:2 Objective:Minimized Communication and Load Balance (Using Metis) 10 Global FIFO implementation push peek/pop 0 Producer 1 … copy n 0 0 1 … n 1 … n copy Place0 Consumer Place1 Local Array DistArray Each Producer/Consumer has its own local buffer the producer uses push operation to store the data to the local buffer The consumer uses peek/pop operation to fetch data from the local buffer When the local buffer is full/empty is data will be copied automatically 11 X10 code in the Back-end //main.x10 control code public static def main( ) { ... finish for (p in Place.places()) async at (p) { switch({ case 0: val a_0 = new Source_0(rc);; break; case 1: val a_2 = new MovingAver_2(rc);; break; case 2: val a_1 = new Sink_1(rc);; break; default: break; } } … } //Source.x10 code ... def work(){ ... push_Source_0_Sink_1(0).x=x; x+=1.0; Define the work function pushTokens(); popTokens(); } public def run(){ initWork();//init Call the work function in //initSchedule initial and steady schedule for(var j:Int=0;j<Source_0_init;j++) work(); //steadySchedule for(var i:Int=0;i<RepeatCount;i++) for(var j:Int=0;j<Source_0_steady;j++) work(); flush(); } ... Spawn activities for each node at place according to the partition 12 Outline 1 Introduction and Background 2 COStream Programming Language 3 Stream Compilation on X10 4 Experiments 5 Conclusion and Future Work 13 Experimental Platform and Benchmarks Platform Intel Xeon processor (8 cores ) 2.4 GHZ with 4GB memory Radhat EL5 with Linux 2.6.18 X10 compiler and runtime used are 2.2.0 Benchmarks Rewrite 11 benchmarks from StreamIt 14 The throughputs comparison Throughputs of 4 different configurations (NPLACE*NTHREAD=8) Normalized to 1 place with 8 threads 10 9 Throughput normalized to 1 place with 8 threads 8 7 • for most benchmarks, CPU utilization increases from 24% to NTHREADS=8 NPLACES=1, NPLACES=2, NTHREADS=4 89% ,when places varies from 1 to 4, except for the benchmark NPLACES=4, NTHREADS=2 with low computation/communication ratio NPLACES=8, NTHREADS=1 • benefits are little or worse when the number of places increases from 4 to 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 Observation and Analysis The throughput goes up when the number of places increases. This is because that multiple places increase the CPU utilization Multiple places show parallelism but also bring more communication overhead Benchmarks with more computation workload like DES and Serpent_full can still benefit form the number of places increasing 16 Outline 1 Introduction and Background 2 COStream Programming Language 3 Stream Compilation on X10 4 Experiments 5 Conclusion and Future Work 17 Conclusion We proposed and implemented StreamX10, a stream programming language and compilation system on X10 A raw partitioning optimization is proposed to exploit the parallelisms based on X10 execution model Preliminary experiment is conducted to study the performance 18 Future Work How to choose the best configuration (# of places and # of threads) automatically for each benchmark How to decrease the thread switching overhead by mapping multiple nodes to the single activity 19 Acknowledgment X10 Innovation Award founding support QiMing Teng, Haibo Lin and David P. Grove at IBM for their help on this research 20