We’ll show you another example where we name a compound with a multivalent metal. Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(II) ox ygen Total Positive Charge Au+ Au+ +2 O2– –2 We’re asked to name the compound with the formula Au2O. Total Negative Charge Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(II) ox ygen Total Positive Charge We see that gold Au+ Au+ +2 O2– –2 Total Negative Charge Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(II) ox ygen Multivalent + Metal Total Positive Charge Au Au+ +2 Has 2 charges so it’s a multivalent metal O2– –2 Total Negative Charge Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(II) ox ygen Multivalent + Metal Total Positive Charge Au O2– + Au A roman numeral MUST be used in–2 +2 the name. Therefore, a roman numeral must be used in the name. Total Negative Charge Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(I) ox ygen Total Positive Charge Au+ Au+ +2 O2– –2 We know the name of the metal is gold and it needs a roman numeral Total Negative Charge Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(I) ox ygen Total Positive Charge Au+ Au+ +2 O2– And we know that the name of the non-metal is oxygen –2 Total Negative Charge Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(I) ox ygen Au+ Au+ +2 O2– The ending needs to be changed to “ide” Total Positive Charge –2 Total Negative Charge But because this is a binary compound, the ending of the non-metal needs to be changed to ide. Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(I) ox ygen ide Total Positive Charge Au+ Au+ +2 So we replace “ygen” with “ide” O2– –2 Total Negative Charge Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(I) ox ide Total Positive Charge And the name is gold oxide. Au+ Au+ +2 O2– –2 Total Negative Charge Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(I) ox ide Au+ Au+ +2 roman numeral for charge on one Au ion ? Total Positive? Charge O2– –2 Total Negative Charge In order to find the roman numeral that goes in here, we must find the charge on one gold ion, is it positive 3 or positive 1? Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(II) ox ide Total Positive Charge Au+ Au+ +2 O2– –2 Total Negative Charge Here’s how we do it. The formula tells us we have 2 gold ions and one oxide ion. We start with the negative charge. Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(II) ox ide Total Positive Charge Au+ Au+ +2 O2– –2 The periodic table tells us the charge on one oxide ion is negative 2 Total Negative Charge Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(II) ox ide Total Positive Charge Au+ Au+ +2 O2– –2 Total Negative Charge There is only one oxide ion, (click) so the total negative charge is negative 2. Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(II) ox ide Total Positive Charge Au+ Au+ +2 O2– Therefore the total positive charge must be positive 2 –2 Total Negative Charge Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(II) ox ide Total Positive Charge Au+ Au+ +2 O2– –2 Total Negative Charge For the charges on 2 gold ions to add up to positive 2, each gold ion must have a charge of (click), positive 1. Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(I) ox ide Total Positive Charge Au+ Au+ +2 So we insert the roman numeral 1 in the brackets. O2– –2 Total Negative Charge Name the compound Au2O. Name: gold(I) ox ide Total Positive Charge Au+ Au+ +2 And the name of this compound is gold (I) oxide. O2– –2 Total Negative Charge