
Probability of Compound Events
Shantanu Dutt
ECE Dept.
Uinv. of Illinois at Chicago
Basics—Mutually Exclusive Events
p(A) will denote prob. of event A.
Two events A, B are mutually exclusive (ME) if one
event happening precludes the possibility of the
other. In other words p(both A and B happens) =
p(A I B) = 0.
E.g., Event Di is a stranger’s b’day being on the i’th
day of the week, 1 <= i <= 7. p(Di) = 1/7 for each i.
However, given that the event D4 has happened
(the stranger’s b’day is found to be on Thurs), the
prob. of the other events are 0. Thus the Di’s are
Another ex. is blocks of code in an if-then-else
chain. The event that a particular block Bj will be
executed in the current pass through the if-thenelse chain is ME w/ the execution of other blocks
If A and B are ME, then the p(either A or B
happens) = p(A U B) = p(A) + p(B); see Fig. 1
If A, B are not ME, then p(AUB) = p(A) + p(B) – p(A
I B), since we are counting the event p(A I B)
twice in p(A) + p(B); see Fig. 2.
Similarly, p(A U B U C) = p(A) + p(B) + p(C) – p(A I
B) – p(B I C) – p(A I C) + p(A I B I C), since we
included p(A I B I C), 3 times in p(A) + …+ p(B)
but also excluded it 3 times in – p(A I B) – p(B I
C) – p(A I C), and so need to add it back once; see
Fig. 3.
The general formulation for p(Ui=1n Ei) is obtained
from a generalization of the above –inclusionexclusion pattern and is formally called the
inclusion-exclusion principle; see
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Basics—Mutually Exclusive Events
Two events A, B are independent if any one of the
events happening does not affect the probability
of the other. This is expressed as P(A/B) = P(A),
and P(B/A) = p(B), where p(A/B) is the probability
of event A happening given that B has happened.
E.g., Event A = it rains today; Event B = there are
dark clouds in the sky; Event C = it is very sunny;
Event D = today is Wed.
Then A and D are independent, i.e., P(A) is not affected
by D happening, or p(A/D) = p(A). Also, p(D/A) = p(D).
Similarly B and D, and C and D are independent.
But A and B are not independent, and statistics will tell
us that p(A/B) > p(A), and p(B/A) > p(B)
Similarly, A and C are not independent, and p(A/C) <
p(A) and p(C/A) < p(C)
If A and B are independent, then p(A I B) =
p(A)*p(B). Otherwise, p(A I B) = p(A)*p(B/A) =
p(B)*(A/B). E.g., in above ex., say, p(A) = 0.2 and
p(B) = 0.25. Then p(A I B) will be much higher
than p(A)*p(B) = 0.05, since the probability that
both A and B happens will be very close to p(A) =
0.2 (i.e., p(A/B) is close to 1), since if it is raining it
is very likely that the clouds are very dark
The determination of whether 2 events are
independent are determined logically based on
the given even scenario OR statistically.
Similarly the formulation of p(A/B) is determined
based on the underlying p(A) and p(B)
formulations OR from statistics.
Once independence or non-independence and
p(A/B) are determined by non-probabilistic
methods, p(A I B) can be determined.
Fig. 4: Note that if A I B is not
empty it does not have any
bearing on whether A and B
are indep. or not, which are
determined by other means.
Exclusive Atomic Events
Scenario: There is a box w/ a red ball in it. A group of n randomly
picked individuals are picked and placed equidistant from the box.
At the count of 3, they are to rush to the box and take the ball out.
Clearly, only one person can get the ball. See Figs. 5 and 6.
The atomic event Ei is person i gets the ball, 1 <= i <= n. p(Ei) = 1/n.
Also, since only one person can get the ball, the Ei’s are pair-wise
mutually exclusive (i.e., ME wrt to each other).
Hence the prob. that either person i or person j gets the ball p p(Ei
U Ej) = p(Ei) + p(Ej) = 2/n. Similarly, the prob. that any person in a
subset of k people gets the ball = k/n.
Consider event (Ei)’ = event that i does not get the ball. p((Ei)’) = 1
– p(Ei) [by definition of the complement event] = (n-1)/n.
(Ei)’ and (Ej)’ are not ME (both can happen), and they are also not
independent. The latter is so, since if Ei does not get the ball, then
the prob. of Ej increases to 1/(n-1), i.e. p(Ei/(Ej)’) = 1/(n-1) != p(Ei).
Thus p((Ei)’/(Ej)’) = 1 - p(Ei/(Ej)’) = 1 – (1/(n-1)) = (n-2)/(n-1) !=
Thus p((Ei)’ I (Ej)’) = p((Ej)’)*p((Ei)’/(Ej)’) = ((n-1)/n)*((n-2)/(n-1)) =
Prob. that one of person i or j gets the ball = p(Ei U Ej) can also be
derived as (whether these events are ME or not): 1 – prob.(none of
them get the ball) = 1- p((Ei)’ I (Ej)’) = 1 - (n-2)/n = 2/n
If 2 events A, B are not ME then p(AUB) = 1 –p(A’ I B’) is an easier
derivation than determining p(AUB) using the inclusion-exclusion
principle, especially if the number of events in the union is > 2.
For A, B, C, p(AUBUC) = 1 - p(A’ I B’ I C’) = 1 – p(A’/ B’ I C’) *p(B’ I
C’) = 1 - p(A’/ B’ I C’) )*p(B’/C’)*p(C’).
For the above scenario, this is 1 – (1-p(A/ B’ I C’))*(n-2)/n = 1-(11/(n-2)*(n-3)/n = 1 – (n-3)/n = 3/n
Thus for the ex. in Fig. 5, p(E1 U E3) can be obtained as either:
p(E1)+p(E3) (as they are ME) = 2/3 or the more general (since ME
atomic events are rare), 1 –p(E1’ I E3’) = 1 – p(E1’/E3’)*p(E3’) = 1 –
(1-p(E1/E3’)*(1-p(E3)) = 1-(1-1/2)(1-1/3) = 1-(1/2)*(2/3) = 2/3
p(E2)=1/3 p(E3)=1/3
Fig. 5: Three
for a single
Fig. 6: Three
ME events
ME Events
Exclusive Atomic Events (cont’d)
Scenario: In an indirect tree topology, the top switch (see Fig. 7) is the
sole communication route between the (P/2)-processor subsets on its
left and right subtree. We need to know the message load on this
switch, when each processor sends a msg. to another random
processor. We do this by focusing on a single processor v (=4 in Fig. 7)
and determining what the prob. is of its msg. going to the (P/2)-proc.
subset on the other side of the tree.
The atomic events are {Mi: proc. i gets the msg. from v}, w/ only Mv =
f, since v does not send a msg. to itself. For other Mi’s, q = p(Mi) =
1/p-1 (=1/5 in Fig. 7), as the msg. is sent to a random dest. & thus the
prob. distr. is uniform.
The events Mi are also clearly ME, as there is only 1 msg. and only 1
proc. will get it.
Thus p(M1 U M2) = p(M1)+p(M2) = 2/(p-1) (=2/5 in ex.). In general,
p(a proc. in the other (P/2)-proc. subset getting the msg. from v) =
p(M1 U M2 … U MP/2) = p(M1)+p(M2)+…p(MP/2) = (p/2)*q (= 3/5 for
the Fig. 7 ex.)
Similarly, p(a proc. in the other (P/4)-subset within v’s (P/2)-subset
getting the msg.) = (p/4)*q.
Also, as in the prev. “ball-grabbing” scenario, Mi’s are not
independent, buy similarly, p(M1 U M2 … U MP/2) can also be derived
as 1 – p(M1’ I M2’ I …. I M’P/2 ) = 1 –
(p(M1’)*p(M2’/M1’)*p(M3’/(M1’ I M2’))* …. *p(M’P/2/(M1’ I M2’ ….
M’(P-1)/2)) = 1 – [(p-2)/(p-1)]*[(p-3)/(p-2)]*…..*[(p-p/2 -1)/(p-p/2)] = 1 –
(p/2 – 1)/(p-1) = (p/2)/(p-1) = (p/2)*q.
Thus the msg load (or prob.) on the top switch in a random msg.
pattern is p*(p/2)*q = p2q/2. On the switch below the root/top one,
msg load is (p/2)*(p/4)*q = p2q/8. Thus msg load on the top switch is 4
times that of the switch below it, and so on, leading to the rationale
for a fat-tree topology in which the switch size and # of links doubles
(or increases by a factor > 1 and <= 2) so that msg. latency is not high
due to contention/collision. It doubles instead of increasing by a factor
of 4, as msg. patterns are mostly not random but more structure and
more localized (e.g., in recursive reduction—what is the relative load
Top switch in
an indirect tree
p(Mi) =
P/2 processors
P/2 processors
Fig. 7: Scenario in which proc. 4 sends a
single message to a random destination.
Q: What is the prob. of the msg. going
through the top switch?
M2 M3 M4 M5
ME Events
Fig. 8: Five ME events
Non-ME Atomic Events
Scenario: In an indirect tree topology, the top switch (see Fig. 9) is
the sole communication route between the (P/2)-processor subsets
on its left and right subtree. We need to know the message load on
this switch, when each processor sends a msg. to another random
processor. We consider the left (P/2)-subset sending msg. randomly
and determine the prob. of at least 1 msg reaching the right (P/2)subset. This will be representative of the load on the top sw.
Assume we did not do the previous analysis for a single-proc. msg.
The atomic events are {Mi,j: proc. i gets the msg. from j}, w/ only Mj,j
= f, for each j, since a proc. does not send a msg. to itself. For other
Mi,j’s, p(Mi,j) = 1/p-1 = q (=1/5 in Fig. 9), as the msg. is sent to a
random dest. & thus the prob. distr. is uniform.
The events Mi,j for a constant j are clearly ME, as there is only 1 msg.
from j and only 1 proc. will get it.
However, all Mi,j’s (i.e., when both i & j are variables) are not ME’s as
more than one (in fact up to P/2) of these events can happen
Thus p(at least 1 msg. coming to left (P/2)-subset from right (P/2)subset) = p(Ui in left, j in right Mi,j) != Si in left, j in right p(Mi,j). Further, using
the union/sum approach w/ the inclusion-exclusion principle
becomes very cumbersome (though it will yield the correct result).
However, using the “complement of the intersection of the
complements” approach, p(Ui in left, j in right Mi,j) = 1 – p(Ii in left, j in right
(Mi,j)’) = 1 – p(Ii in left (I j in right (Mi,j)’) ).
Let Mi be the event that i gets at least 1 msg from the left. Thus
p((Mi)’) = p(i gets no msgs from the left) = p (I j in right (Mi,j)’) ).
Event (Mi,j)’ = i does not get a msg. from j. Any two events (Mi,j)’ and
(Mi,k)’ , j != k, are independent as the occurrence of one does not
affect that of the other. Thus p((Mi)’) = p (I j in right (Mi,j)’) = P j in right
p((Mi,j)’) = P j in right (1- (1/(P-1)) = P j in right (P-2)/(P-1)
= [(P-2)/(P-1)]P/2
Top switch in
an indirect tree
p(Mi,j) =
P/2 processors
P/2 processors
Fig. 9: Scenario in which processors in the
left (P/2)-proc. subset sends one message
each to a random destination. Q: What is
the prob. of at least msg. going through the
top switch? This prob. is representative of
the msg. load on the top switch under this
Non-ME Atomic Events (contd.)
Event (Mi,j)’ = i does not get a msg. from j. Any two events (Mi,j)’ and
(Mi,k)’ , j != k, are independent as the occurrence of one does not
affect that of the other. Thus p((Mi)’) = p (I j in right (Mi,j)’) = P j in right
p((Mi,j)’) = P j in right (1- (1/(P-1)) = P j in right (P-2)/(P-1)
= [(P-2)/(P-1)]P/2
Top switch in
However, (Mi)’ and (Mk)’, i != k, are not independent: no msgs. recvd
an indirect tree
at i (i.e., (Mi)’ occurring) increases Mk, since it increases each
component Mk,j to (1/p-2), and thus decreases (Mk)’.
Thus p(Mi’ I Mk’) = p(Mi’)*p(Mk’/Mi’)
p(Mi,j) =
p(Mk’/Mi’) = p (I j in right (Mk,j)’/Mi’). Each p(Mk,j)’/Mi’) is indep.
across changing j’s.
Thus p (I j in right (Mk,j)’/Mi’) = P j in right p((Mk,j)’/Mi’) = P j in right (1(1/(P-2)) = P j in right (P-3)/(P-2) = [(P-3)/(P-2)]P/2
Thus p(Mi’ I Mk’) = p(Mi’)*p(Mk’/Mi’) = [(P-2)/(P-1)]P/2 * [(P-3)/(P1
2 3 4
5 6 7 8
2)]P/2 = [(P-3)/(P-1)]P/2
Extrapolating in an obvious way, p(Ii in left (I j in right (Mi,j)’) )
P/2 processors
P/2 processors
= p(Ii in left Mi’) = [(P-1 – (P/2))/(P-1)] P/2 = [(P/2)-1)/(P-1)] P/2
Fig. 10: Scenario in which processors in the
left (P/2)-proc. subset sends one message
p(Ui in left, j in right Mi,j) = 1 – p(Ii in left, j in right (Mi,j)’) = 1 – p(Ii in left (I j in
each to a random destination. Q: What is
P/2 .
right (Mi,j)’) ) = 1 - [(P/2)-1)/(P-1)]
the prob. of at least msg. going through the
For the ex. in Fig. 9 this prob. = 1 – (2/5)3 = (125 – 8)/125 = 117/125 =
top switch? This prob. is representative of
the msg. load on the top switch under this
For Fig. 10 it is 1 – (3/7)4 = (2401 – 81)/2401 = 2320/2401 = 0.966
Similarly, p(a proc. in one of the (P/4)-subset within the left (P/2)subset getting at least msg. from its other (P/4)-subset) [this will be
via its 2nd topmost switch = 1 - [(3P/4)-1)/(P-1)] P/4 = (for Fig. 10) 1 –
(5/7)2 = 24/49 = 0.49 (almost ½ of that for the top switch). Thus again,
load (in terms of prob. of >= 1 msg. through it) on the top switch is
about 2X that of switch below it and so forth
Non-ME Atomic Events (contd.)
Via union and incl-excl principle p(at least 1 msg. to left from right for
Fig. 9 ) = (see Fig. 11) p(M1)+p(M2)+p(M3) – p(M1 I M2) – p(M1 I
M3) – p(M2 I M3) + p(M1 I M2 I M3). This will be very involved:
Each component is quite involved, e.g., p(M1) = 1 – p(M1’) (which
itself is using the compl. of compl. approach) = 1 - [(P-2)/(P-1)]P/2 =
(for Fig. 9) = 1 – (4/5)3 = (125 – 64)/125 = 61/125 = p(M2) = p(M3)
p(M1 I M2) = p(M1) - p(M1 I M2’) ; p(M1 I M2’) = p(M2’) – p(M1’ I
From earlier, p(M1’ I M2’) = [(P-3)/(P-1)]P/2 = (3/5)3 = 27/125
Thus p(M1 I M2’) = p(M2’) – [(P-3)/(P-1)]P/2 = [(P-2)/(P-1)]P/2 - [(P3)/(P-1)]P/2 = (4/5)3 - (3/5)3 = (64-27)/125 = 37/125
p(M1 I M2) = p(M1) - p(M1 I M2’) = 61/125 – 37/125 = 24/125
p(M1 I M2 I M3) = p(M1) - p(M1 I (M2 I M3)’)
p(M1 I (M2 I M3)’) = p(M1 I (M2’ U M3’)) = p((M1 I M2’) U (M1 I
M3’)) = p(M1 I M2’) + p(M1 I M3’) - p(M1 I M2’ I M3’)
p(M1 I M2’ I M3’) = p(M2’ I M3’)*p(M1/(M2’ I M3’))
p(M1/(M2’ I M3’)) = 1 - p(M1’/(M2’ I M3’)) = 1 – [1- (1/(P-3))] P/2 =
1 – [(P-4)/(P-3)] P/2 = 1 – (2/3)3 = (27-8)/27 = 19/27
 p(M1 I M2’ I M3’) = p(M2’ I M3’)*p(M1/(M2’ I M3’)) =
 p(M1 I (M2 I M3)’) = p(M1 I M2’) + p(M1 I M3’) - p(M1 I M2’ I
M3’) = 37/125 + 37/125 - (27/125)*(19/27) = 74/125 (27/125)*(19/27)
 p(M1 I M2 I M3) = p(M1) - p(M1 I (M2 I M3)’) = 61/125 –
74/125 + (27/125)*(19/27) = 0.152 – 13/125 = 0.048
Thus p(M1UM2UM3) = p(M1)+p(M2)+p(M3) – p(M1 I M2) – p(M1 I
M3) – p(M2 I M3) + p(M1 I M2 I M3) = 3*61/125 - 3*24/125 +
0.048 = 3*37/125 + 0.048 = 0.888 + 0.048 = 0.936 (same as in prev. slide)
Top switch in
an indirect tree
p(Mi,j) =
P/2 processors
P/2 processors
Fig. 9: Scenario in which processors in the
left (P/2)-proc. subset sends one message
each to a random destination. Q: What is
the prob. of at least msg. going through the
top switch? This prob. is representative of
the msg. load on the top switch under this
M1 I M2
M1 I M2 I M3
M1 I M3
M2 I M3
Fig. 11 Non-ME events Mi for left
processors 1-3 for scenario of Fig. 9