Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Programming is like writing a recipe… Ingredients (values & variables) Directions (statements) Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Programming languages Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Tools Web Browser • We will use Google Chrome with built-in developer tools Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Editor • JavaScript (JS) programs are stored in text files with .js file extension or embedded in HTML documents • Use your favourite text editor to create and edit JS • We will use Chrome's console and JSFiddle (online editor) Console • Right-click in Chrome and select Inspect Element or select View > Developer > Developer Tools from the menu Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber • Select the Console tab from the top of the developer tools panel • Type in and hit return to run (evaluate) statements Values • Numbers – Integers (whole numbers) e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 – Floats (fractional numbers) e.g. 3.14 • Strings – "A string of characters" – 'This is also a string, but in single quotes' – "Escape quotes with backslash like this: \" "; • Booleans – true – false Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Numeric operators • • • • • • • Addition: 5 + 3 Subtraction: 7 – 6 Multiplication: 5.3 * 2.7 Division: 20 / 4 Modulo: 8 % 2 Increment: 5++ Decrement: 2-- Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Try evaluating some numeric expressions using the console String operators • Concatenation // Evaluates to "this is a concatenated string" "this is " + "a concatenated string" • What happens if you add a number to a string? "Here is a string with a number " + 7 Try it in the console! Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Variables Store a value with a name for reference elsewhere in the program Declaration: var myVariable; Assignment statements: myVariable = true; Declaration and initial assignment: var x = 0; var myString = "This is a string"; Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Assignment shorthands Shorthands for variable assignment include: += -= Experiment with variable *= declarations and /= assignment statements using %= the console x += 3 is equivalent to x = x + 3 Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Statements • Optionally separated by semi-colons • Use curly braces { } to group statements into blocks var radius = 3; var circumference = 2 * Math.PI * radius; console.log("result is " + circumference) Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Comments // This is a comment until the end of this line only var aVariable = "Not a comment"; /* * * */ // // This is a comment spanning several lines, until the star slash Use comments to disable/enable statements var anotherVariable = "Disabled code"; Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Functions • A block of statements that can be named and called • Can take parameters e.g. radius • Can perform an action or return a result (or both!) function calculateCircumference (radius) { var circumference = 2 * Math.PI * radius; return circumference; } // The function is called elsewhere in the program, we pass in the value 3 for the radius var myCircumference = calculateCircumference(3); Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Evaluating a function via the console • Use the console to evaluate the calculateCircumference function • We can call the function with different values and combine it with other statements • The console is great for experimenting however our code is lost when we restart the browser Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Built-in libraries • Math.PI is a constant (a variable that never changes value) from the built-in Math library. Some additional Math functions: – – – – – – Math.round(4.7) Math.sqrt(9) Math.max(1,5) Math.min(6,7) Math.floor(5.6) Math.random() Experiment with these functions using the console • console.log() is a built-in function (in Chrome) that prints values to the console Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Comparison operators • Expressions based on comparison operators evaluate to a boolean: – Equal: • 3.5 == 2 // (evaluates to false) – Not equal: • "aString" != "anotherString" // (true) – Greater than / (or equal): • 6 > 6 // (false) • 6 >= 6 // (true) – Less than / (or equal): • 5 < 3 // (false) • 5 <= 3 // (false) Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Boolean operators • Combine boolean expressions using logical operators: – AND && – OR || – NOT ! Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Conditional statements Implement alternative behaviours based on conditions if (temperature < 20) { console.log("It is cold"); } else if (temperature >= 20 && temperature < 29) { console.log("It is warm"); } else { console.log("it is hot"); } Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber JSFiddle • Online editor and development environment, allows code to be saved and shared • Great for prototyping Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Exercise: Dice game • Using JSFiddle, write a function that generates a random number between 1 and 6 to simulate the toss of a die var diceToss = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + 1); • If the number is 6, the game is won. Print a message to the console indicating whether the game was won or lost. if (diceToss == 6) { console.log("Hooray, you won!"); ... Sample solution: Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Loops While loop var maxLimit = 20, counter = 0, value = 0; while (value != 6 && counter < maxLimit) { // ensure variables in loop condition can change } For loop for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ // print 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.9 console.log(i); } Update the dice game to keep rolling until the result is 6. Display the number of rolls it took to win. Sample solution: Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Exercise: Using the DOM • We can access the HTML elements on a web page via the DOM (Document Object Model) • Modify the dice game to display the message on the HTML page instead of the console: – Create a div element to display the result: <div id="result"></div> – Update element content within the script: document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = ... Sample solution: Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Arrays An ordered list of values var myArray = [1,6,10]; var anotherArray = ["first value", 5, "third value", false]; // Access values – indexed from 0 myArray[0] // 1 mnotherArray[2] // "third value" Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Objects • Objects have – State (variables) – Behaviour (functions) • Many built-in types are objects e.g. Array, String var anArray = new Array() anArray.push("red") // behaviour, anArray is ["red"] anArray.length // state, it is 1 anArray.push("blue") // anArray is ["red","blue"] anArray.length // value of length is now 2 var myString = "here's a string" myString.length // 15 myString.split(" ") // ["here's", "a", "string"] myString.toUpperCase() // "HERE'S A STRING" Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) var myMovies = [ { name: "The Hobbit", year: "2013", director: "Peter Jackson", stars: ["Ian McKellen", "Martin Freeman", "Richard Armitage"] }, { name: "Star Trek", year: "2009", director: "J. J. Abrams", stars: ["Chris Pine", "Zachary Quinto", "Leonard Nimoy", "Zoe Saldana"] } ] Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Including scripts using JSFiddle • Developers often make use use of libraries or frameworks when developing web applications • In addition to code, Libraries and frameworks often provide a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to control the appearance of content created • In JSFiddle, we can select from a set of popular JS libraries under Frameworks and Extensions or link to arbitrary scripts or CSS files under External Resources • Content Distribution Networks provide hosted versions of many popular JS libraries and frameworks. We will use Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Exercise: Working with maps • We will use the leaflet library to create a map • Create a JSFiddle and include leaflet JS and CSS from CDNJS • Add HTML element to contain the map <div style="width:100%;height:400px" id="map"></div> • Add JS to render the map var map ='map').setView( [-27.48,153.02], // lat long for South Bank 14 // zoom level ); // create tile layer using Open Street Map tiles L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png') .addTo(map); Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Exercise: Working with maps (continued) • Add a marker: L.marker([-27.48,153.02]).addTo(map) .bindPopup('South Bank, Brisbane') .openPopup(); • Explore the leaflet documentation for more options – Sample solution: Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Exercise: Data Visualisation • We will use the Rickshaw charting library, based on the Data-Driven Documents (D3) framework, to draw a chart to visualise some data Average rainfall in mm per year per state NSW & Year ACT 2005 498 NT 477 QLD 478 SA 206 TAS 1250 VIC 616 WA 306 2004 493 637 610 214 1223 578 463 2003 484 686 518 260 1227 611 388 Data source: e/Rainfalldistribution/index.aspx?Menu=Level1_3_1_2 Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Exercise: Data visualisation (continued) • Create a JSFiddle based on the D3 framework • Add CDNJS links to external resources (Rickshaw JS and CSS) to the fiddle • Fork this JSFiddle containing the raw data in JSON format: Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber Exercise: Data visualisation (continued) • Create a Graph object using the data: var graph = new Rickshaw.Graph( { // attach the graph to the chart element element: document.querySelector("#chart"), // render as a stacked area chart renderer: 'area', series: chartData }); graph.render(); • Look at the Rickshaw docs to find out how to customize the graph e.g add hover tips, legend: – Sample solution: Intro to JavaScript Anna Gerber