group housing of pregnant sows as applicable from 1 January 2013 Committee for the Common Organisation of the Agricultural Market Market Situation for Sheep & Goat 20 March 2014 DG AGRI C3 20 March 2014 Development of the EU average market price for Heavy and Light Lamb carcass 750 €uro / 100kg 650 550 450 350 Light L 28 Average EU Heavy Lamb Average Light L 28 Average EU Heavy Lamb Average 250 | DG AGRI C3 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 20 March 2014 | 2014 | Heavy Lamb prices in the EU 2011 - 2014 2011 550 2012 2013 €uro/100kg 2014 500 450 400 350 1 DG AGRI C3 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 20 March 2014 43 46 49 52 Light Lamb prices in the EU 2011 - 2014 2011 700 2012 €uro/100kg 2013 2014 650 600 550 500 1 DG AGRI C3 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 20 March 2014 46 49 52 Community average and international market prices for Heavy Lamb carcases €uro / 100kg 550 450 350 250 150 | DG AGRI C3 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 EU Heavy Lamb Average N. Zealand (avg N&S island) Uruguay AUS 20 March 2014 | Exchange rate NZ$ & AUS$ - Euro quotation: 1st day of the month 1 Euro = .....…Nw. Zealand $ 2,5 2,25 2 1,75 1,5 NZ$ 1,25 AUS$ 1 I 2004 I 2005 I 2006 I 2007 I 2008 I 2009 I 2010 I 2011 I 2012 I 2013 I 2014 I DG AGRI C3 20 March 2014 DG AGRI C3 Fresh or chilled sheep legs Frozen sheep legs Frozen lamb carcasses and half-carcasses Fresh or chilled sheep legs Frozen lamb carcasses and half-carcasses Frozen sheep legs 20 March 2014 Dec-14 Nov-14 Oct-14 Sep-14 Aug-14 Jul-14 Jun-14 May-14 Apr-14 Mar-14 Feb-14 Jan-14 Dec-13 Nov-13 Oct-13 Sep-13 Aug-13 Jul-13 Jun-13 May-13 Apr-13 Mar-13 Feb-13 Jan-13 Dec-12 Nov-12 Oct-12 Sep-12 Aug-12 Jul-12 Jun-12 4.342 4.000 3000 3.000 2000 2.000 1000 1.000 0 0 € by tonne 4.060 3.755 3.998 3.581 3.825 5.255 4.865 7.164 7.246 7.038 7.013 6.646 6.708 6.622 6.719 6.261 5.810 4.734 4.840 5.781 5.767 5.486 5.234 5.384 5.540 5.762 5.469 5.597 5.711 5.550 5.602 5.870 5.950 6.222 4.720 3.945 4.529 3.9054.296 3.563 3.674 4.209 3.849 4.126 3.8904.303 4.090 4.226 4.281 4.316 4.142 4.247 3.9614.427 3.747 4.464 3.9884.396 4.136 4.446 4.426 4.578 6.054 5.755 5.303 4.911 4.118 4.708 4.139 4.403 4000 May-12 4.618 4.546 5.897 6000 Apr-12 Mar-12 5000 4.954 7000 Feb-12 Jan-12 In tonnes SHEEP & GOAT PRODUCTS IMPORTED FROM NEW ZEALAND Fresh or chilled sheep legs, Frozen sheep legs & Frozen lamb carcasses and half-carcasses (EU_28 - Total Trade) 8.000 7.000 6.000 5.000 EU import of sheep & goat meat and live animals Trade figures (Comext) Origins New Zealand 2010 2011 tonnes % 211.450 82,7% 2012 tonnes % 192.989 82,2% tonnes 2013 % 170.113 84,7% tonnes Jan-Jan 14 % 178.696 84,4% tonnes % Compared to Jan-Jan 13 12.663 83,6% + 0,9% Australia 22.046 8,6% 21.098 9,0% 17.632 8,8% 19.645 9,3% 1.851 12,2% + 0,3% Uruguay 4.533 1,8% 4.975 2,1% 3.505 1,7% 3.265 1,5% 419 2,8% + 81,1% Chile 5.856 2,3% 5.317 2,3% 3.225 1,6% 3.984 1,9% 118 0,8% - 36,1% Iceland 2.382 0,9% 2.073 0,9% 1.102 0,5% 1.441 0,7% 35 0,2% +++ For.JRep.Mac 2.663 1,0% 3.055 1,3% 2.527 1,3% 2.666 1,3% 32 0,2% + 56,6% Argentina 5.982 2,3% 4.301 1,8% 1.943 1,0% 1.115 0,5% 24 0,2% - 84,1% 0 0,0% 0 0,0% 90 0,0% 0 0,0% 12 0,1% +++ 786 0,3% 890 0,4% 894 0,4% 902 0,4% 12 0,1% - 60,3% Brazil Other Origins EXTRA EU % change DG AGRI C3 255.697 234.697 200.940 211.714 15.154 - 8% - 14% + 5% + 1,0% 20 March 2014 EU imports of sheep & goatmeat and live animals Trade figures (COMEXT) EU IMPORTS of Sheet & Goat (Tonnes cwe %) 13.103 14.999 15.154 1.846 1.851 823 16.000 72.799 14.000 4.839 8.000 DG AGRI C3 12.663 12.557 11.879 New Zealand 73.248 67.352 8.582 6.634 12.000 10.000 Jan-Jan 12 EU IMPORTS of Sheet & Goat (1000 EUR %) Jan-Jan 13 Australia Uruguay 6.000 Iceland 70.000 60.000 50.000 In Tonnes cw e 40.000 65.643 62.222 58.641 20.000 2.000 10.000 0 0 Jan-Jan 12 Other origins New Zealand Jan-Jan 13 Australia Uruguay in 1000 EUR 30.000 4.000 Jan-Jan 14 Chile 80.000 Jan-Jan 14 Chile 20 March 2014 Iceland Other origins EU-28 Imports of Sheep and Goat products 50.000 45.000 40.000 30.000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 | Jan06 2006 | Jan07 2007 | Jan08 FRESH DG AGRI C3 2008 | Jan09 2009 | Jan10 2010 FROZEN | Jan11 2011 | Jan12 2012 | Jan13 2013 OTHERS 20 March 2014 0 | Jan14 in Tonnes cwe 35.000 EU exports of sheep & goat meat and live animals: Trade figures (COMEXT – tonnes cwe) Destinations Hong Kong 2010 2011 tonnes % 2012 tonnes % tonnes 2013 % tonnes Jan-Jan 14 % tonnes Compared % to Jan-Jan 13 1.350 5,3% 4.404 10,9% 14.014 25,2% 23.125 31,1% 1.973 36,1% + 22,1% 674 2,7% 1.707 4,2% 13.628 24,5% 23.389 31,4% 1.808 33,1% + 51,2% Ghana 2.530 10,0% 1.813 4,5% 2.271 4,1% 3.139 4,2% 233 4,3% - 10,3% Sw itzerland 2.213 8,8% 2.661 6,6% 2.846 5,1% 3.239 4,4% 214 3,9% - 48,3% Lebanon 2.418 9,6% 2.774 6,8% 2.336 4,2% 2.403 3,2% 157 2,9% - 68,8% Jordan 4.408 17,5% 5.836 10,5% 7.032 9,4% 147 2,7% +++ Libya Algeria 5.235 12,9% 102 0,4% 0 0,0% 276 0,5% 1.355 1,8% 132 2,4% +++ 0 0,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0% 399 0,5% 102 1,9% + 186,5% Tunisia 141 0,6% 60 0,1% 1.512 2,7% 893 1,2% 79 1,4% +++ Guinea 0 0,0% 17 0,0% 12 0,0% 425 0,6% 78 1,4% +++ 414 1,6% 392 1,0% 565 1,0% 1.117 1,5% 68 1,2% + 14,2% 0 0,0% 4 0,0% 35 0,1% 129 0,2% 63 1,2% +++ 62 0,2% 2 0,0% 45 0,1% 106 0,1% 54 1,0% +++ 176 0,2% 7.539 10,1% 50 306 0,9% 5,6% + 100,0% + 26,2% Thailand Ivory Coast Canada Congo (Dem. Rep.) Philippines Other Destinations 0 0,0% 10.934 43,3% 0 0,0% 21.510 53,0% 75 0,1% 12.112 21,8% EXTRA EU 25.247 40.579 55.563 74.467 5.463 + 61% + 37% + 34% + 20,4% % change DG AGRI C3 20 March 2014 EU exports of sheep & goatmeat and live animals Trade figures (COMEXT ) EU EXPORTS of Sheep & Goat (Tonnes cwe) 25.000 6.000 5.463 4.536 EU EXPORTS of Sheep & Goat (1000 EUR) 19.378 5.000 1.230 974 3.547 15.403 4.000 20.000 1.938 1.196 2.000 1.019 1.000 1.616 155 367 0 Jan-Jan 12 Hong Kong Libya DG AGRI C3 Jan-Jan 13 Ghana Switzerland Jan-Jan 14 Turkey Other destinations 10.000 6.926 3.425 5.000 0 Jan-Jan 12 Hong Kong 3.946 2.902 757 Libya Jan-Jan 13 Ghana Switzerland Jan-Jan 14 Turkey 20 March 2014 Other destinations 1,000 EUR 3.000 1.808 Tonnes cw 15.000 3.353 EU-28 Exports of Sheep and Goat products 10.000 9.000 8.000 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 | Jan06 2006 | Jan07 2007 LA DG AGRI C3 | Jan08 2008 | Jan09 FRESH 2009 | Jan10 2010 | Jan11 FROZEN 2011 | Jan12 2012 | Jan13 2013 OTHERS 20 March 2014 0 | Jan14 in Tonnes cwe 7.000 Export of live sheep, in heads excluding pure-bred breeding 2010 2011 2012 2013 240.000 200.000 = 652 933 heads = 1 467 049heads = 1 625 062heads = 1 863 071heads A = LIVE LAMBS "SHEEP UP TO A YEAR OLD" B = LIVE SHEEP excl. A 160.000 120.000 80.000 40.000 0 | DG AGRI C3 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 20 March 2014 2014 DG AGRI C3 20 March 2014 15.154 5.463 74.467 211.714 200.940 234.697 255.697 288.621 284.778 284.927 302.577 297.381 289.855 307.025 296.239 298.057 292.804 281.728 279.774 280.884 282.624 271.034 IMP ORTS 55.563 40.579 25.247 14.032 9.951 10.824 6.097 7.127 6.683 6.550 6.753 6.207 5.610 4.794 4.232 4.198 7.993 6.983 EU Sheep and Goat Meat Trade Balance, tonnes cwe 350.000 EXP ORTS 300.000 250.000 200.000 150.000 100.000 50.000 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 JanJan 14 0 UTILISATION OF SHEEPMEAT AND GOATMEAT TARIFF QUOTAS IN 2014 EU-28 : January > December 2014 Reg. 1354/2011 Period: 01/01/2014 - 17/3/2014 COUNTRY GROUP No 1 2 3 TOTAL DG AGRI C3 CN CODES 0204 0204 0210 99 0210 99 0210 99 0104 10 0104 10 0104 20 21 29 60 30 80 90 Unit: tonnes cwe ORI GI N ORDER NUMBER Argentina Australia New Zealand Uruguay Chile Norway Greenland Faeroes Turkey Others Erga Omnes 09.2011 09.2012 09.2013 09.2014 09.1922 09.0781 09.0693 09.0690 09.0227 09.2015 09.2016 23.000 19.186 228.254 5.800 7.200 300 100 20 200 200 200 22.853 15.398 198.179 4.813 6.980 300 100 20 200 188 98 147 3.788 30.075 987 220 0 0 0 0 12 102 1% 20% 13% 17% 3% 0% 0% 1% 0% 6% 51% 206 3.785 37.290 534 394 0 0 0 0 0 200 Iceland 09.0790 1.850 1.765 85 5% 4 Erga Omnes 09.2019 92 92 0 0% 0 286.402 250.986 35.416 Annual quota Balance (remaining amount) Actual import Quota use % 20 March 2014 12% 1/1/2013 19/3/2013 42.412 Import price of certain New Zealand Lamb products into the EU compared to the NZ and EU heavy carcase price the graph concerns 84% of the total fresh and frozen lamb imports from NZ (by weight) and 78% of the total Sheep & Goat imports from NZ 1.400 02042300 Boneless (Fresh) Unit value in €/ 100kg 1.200 Max import Price of main NZ lamb products (fresh & frozen) 1.000 Min import Price of main NZ lamb products (fresh & frozen) 800 600 AVG EU Heavy lamb carcase price 400 AVG NZ carcase price 200 0 | DG AGRI C3 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 20 March 2014