Zsolt Harsányi Vice-President of CLIMMAR Hungary My professional career Agricultural Mechanical Engineer 1 year at a state enterprise company as a service engineer At 1991 set an own business – AXIÁL Ltd. – as an entrepreneur Member of the MEGFOSZ’s presidency since 1998 Vice-president of CLIMMAR since 2002 1991-2011. Motto of AXIÁL Ltd. “Service is more important than profit, profit is not the goal, but the result of service.” (Henry Ford) OWNER: HARSÁNYI FAMILY Profile of AXIÁL Ltd. • Sale of agricultural and construction machines • Supplying spare parts for agricultural and construction machines • Repair of agricultural and construction machines Employee number of AXIÁL 31. 08. 2011 15 premises 550 employees 320 pcs own vehicles 13 million kms/year Completeness can be fullfilled only with us Subsidiary in Hungary More than 200 pcs machines! ANNUAL RENTAL AGREEMENT! Our Suppliers AXIAL’s total turnover of 1991-2010 Source by Axiál AXIÁL’s turnover in 2010 132,4 m€ Source by Axiál 50 LE< Tractor sales in Hungary related to western brands in 2010 In Hungary: 519 pcs AXIÁL 26 % 134 pcs Source: Dr. Nagy Béla SZIE, Gödöllő and by Axiál Harvester machine sales of Axial pcs In Hungary: 66 pcs 41% 27 pcs Source by Axiál Sale of agricultural telescopic loaders in Hungary in 2010 In Hungary: 110 pcs 40 % 44 pcs Source: Dr. Nagy Béla SZIE, Gödöllő and Axiál Construction department 2010 40 % TARGET: • PRODUCT RANGE ENLARGEMENT • STRENGTHEN OUR POSITION 20% Used machine situation of 2010 Turnover 16 m€ 76 % (729 pcs) domestic sales Sparepart sales in 2010 68 m€ Dominant market share! 21 451 partners! Service in the foreground Party of five Machine - Spareparts - Service - Financial Services – Machine rentals Our foreign subsidiaries OSIRON UA SK A Szombathely SLO HR YU RO Slovakia 1994. 6 premises 86 employees Romania 2003. 12 premises 83 emloyees Axiál in the agricultural production 2700 ha in Beled 10 300 kgs milk/2010/lactation/700 cows Axiál in the agricultural production 7000 ha and 2000 sows in Hódmezővásárhely 9 350 kgs milk/2010/lactation/1500 cows Hungarian Agriculture 2,5 % GDP 4,5 million hectares plough-land 10 million inhabitants 170 000 employees in agriculture of this Gross branch average income in 2010: 21.000,- RUB Foreign trade balance of Hungarian agriculture: + 1-2 billion €/year Territorial financial aid: 170,- €/ha Hungarian sugar industry - 1990 12 pcs sugar works 400.000 t sugar/year/86.000 ha - 2011 1 pc sugar works 100.000 t sugar/year/14.000 ha Hungarian agricultural machine investments in nominal values 1991-2010 Prognostic Source: Dr. Hajdú József FVM MGI, Gödöllő and by Axiál 50 LE< Tractor sales in Hungary related to western brands in 2000-2010 pcs + 1-2000 pcs Belarus/year Source: Dr. Nagy Béla SZIE, Gödöllő and by Axiál Harvester machine sales in Hungary 1998-2010 Source: Dr. Nagy Béla SZIE, Gödöllő and by Axiál Agricultural machine organizations in Hungary - MACHINE MANUFACTURING : MEGOSZ National Union of Agricultural Machines - MACHINE DISTRIBUTION: MEGFOSZ National Union of Agricultural Toolsand Machine Distributors MEGOSZ Type: labour civil organization Year of formation: 1991 Number of members : 22 businesses Website: www.mezogepgyartok.hu Official paper of the Union: MEGOSZ Aims of the organization: - professional representation of interests - Increasing the social judgement of research, development, manufacturing and distribution of agricultural machine branch in its all verticum - Harmonizing of interests MEGFOSZ Type: labour civil organization Year of formation: 1999. Number of members: 65 businesses The three biggest businesses: 2/3 parts of circulation Tractor statistics made by MEGFOSZ It gived by the members: - type of the machine - postal code - HP Situation in Hungary - Supplying members with information - Exhibiton organize - Lobby Our aim is uppositioning of Hungarian agricultural machine service We are learning from CLIMMAR The next annual congress of CLIMMAR is in autumn Future of the agricultural motorization Increasing power Future of the agricultural motorization RTK – GPS Future of the agricultural motorization Engine emission change Future of the mechanization: TIER 4 engine Future of the agricultural motorization SCR Future of the agricultural motorization Elektronics To operate the advances in technology Concentration The 5 biggest manufacturer give 90 %of harvesters and 80 % of tractors produced in the World Future of the agricultural motorization It needs more and more educated operators and service CLIMMAR is an international organization organizing national associations which are engaged in agricultural motorization Allemagne CLIMMAR was created in 1953 Irlande Autriche Italie Belgique Luxembourg Danemark Pays Bas Espagne Portugal Finlande France Royaume Uni Suède Grèce Tchéquie Hongrie Suisse Source: Climmar Congress Beijing 2008 by Gilbert Daverdisse Contacts with USA CLIMMAR The European association of Agriculture and Garden-Machinery Dealers and Service- figures & ratios for average dealer and member 2007/08 companies: Members Contact No Contact Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D CLIMMAR OBJECTIVES to make the profession known to defend our interests to inform the members to quote the second-hand machines to train the managers to negociate with unions and management to promote the dealerships to let our messages be known Involvement in training Dealers and Reparateurs of Agricultural Machinery in Europe 2008: 23.300 Companies F 19,3% GB 4,3% DK 0,7% HUN 4,1% I 9,4% E 17,2% D 16,7% L 0,1% CZ 1,5% CH B 3,6% 1,7% Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D S A 0,6% 2,4% PL P 11,2% 2,8% IRL 1,2% LV NL 0,2% 3,0% Employees in agriculture-machinery companies (dealers and reparateurs) in Europe 2008: 200.800 F 17,4% GB 10,0% HUN E 2,3% 15,4% I DK 13,9% IRL 1,7% 1,5% D 16,4% CZ 0,3% CH 3,3% Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D B S 0,6% A 1,7% 2,1% NL PL 8,2% P 2,5% 2,2% L 0,1% National turnover of the agriculture machinery companies (dealers and reparateurs) in Europe 2007: 36.2oo.ooo.ooo EURO F 18,0% GB 20,7% E 11,1% HUN 1,2% I 6,9% DK 3,9% D 14,9% Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D IRL 0,8% CZ 0,1% S B CH A 2,3% 2,0% 1,7% 2,0% PL 5,5% L NL 0,2% P 4,0% 4,8% Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D CLIMMAR S PL P NL L IRL I H GB F DK D CZ CH B A 0 1,8 3,1 5 8,6 7,3 6,9 6,3 4,9 7,8 8,5 7,9 7,5 10 12 11,1 12,7 15 Beschäftigte / Employees Employees per company / Beschäftigte pro Betrieb 2007 20 20 21,3 25 25 Turnover per employee / Umsatz pro Beschäftigtem 2007 325 239 268 300 180 92 59 100 96 110 150 121 164 200 186 250 169 1.000 EURO 350 339 333 400 374 400 450 486 500 CLIMMAR S PL P NL L IRL I H GB F DK D CZ Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D CH B 0 A 50 Brut and net wages of an average master / Brutto- und Nettojahresgehalt von Meistern 2008 60000 50000 EURO / year 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 A Nettogehalt B 22379 CH 37270 Bruttogehalt 34890 43062 43847 Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D CZ 14000 D DK F GB I 19576 25500 25887 27000 29400 33752 56100 32359 36000 41100 IRL L NL 34500 P CLIMM PL S 12231 18708 17955 28903 34706 AR 24217 Invoice hour tariff of workers and masters / Verrechnungssätze von Gesellen und Meistern 2008 70 60 EURO / h 50 40 30 20 10 0 A B CH D DK F GB I IRL L NL S CLIMMAR Tarif worker 46 32 55 42,7 52,8 35 54 35 40 41 45 56 43 Tarif master 52 43 60 46,1 58,4 45 54 45 50 42,5 45 62 48,2 Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D The World 2008 Data of German HAG Congress: - German hourly rate of service in the agriculture: average: 41,9 €/h (between 38,0 – 45,5 €/h) - German hourly rate of service in the car industry: average: 56,5 €/h (between 49,75 – 76,00 €/h) Wage of workers and salesmen / Gehälter in Lager und Verkauf 2008 70000 60000 EURO / year 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 A B CH CZ D DK F GB I NL PL S CLIMMAR Parts-man 26399 24117 39234 13200 29295 42780 21271 30000 25500 27800 12272 27742 26551 salesman (basic money) 13440 62000 18200 29515 50880 25200 30000 25500 32100 11400 11200 15% marge 1-1,5% salesmen (rest) 1% Umsatz Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D 0,3% 20-30% 11% Marge 10% 0,8% 28704 2400 1125 1300 1686 1420 1597 1700 1494 1800 1293 1.000 EURO 1900 2000 2053 2300 A-dealers: Turnover per machinery-salesman / A-Händler: Umsatz pro Maschinenverkäufer 2007 S PL P* NL* L GB F DK D means not A-dealers, but average dealers CLIMMAR Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. * Model D B 300 A* 540 800 700 A-dealers: Turnover per partsman / A-Händler: Umsatz pro Lagerist 2007 524 600 380 360 290 329 430 389 411 392 400 338 1.000 EURO 500 S PL P* NL * L GB F DK D means not A-dealers, but average dealers CLIMMAR Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. * Model D B A* 0 50 100 I 200 175 210 300 Depreciations in % of turnover / 3,5 Anteil Abschreibungen am Umsatz in % 2007 3 in % of Turnover 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 Depreciations A CH D 2,2 1,9 2,4 Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D DK (Adeal.) 0,8 F (a-deal.) GB L (A-deal.) P PL CLIMMAR 1,1 0,9 0,5 1,3 3,4 1,6 80 in % of Turnover / Margin 70 60 50 40 Personalcosts in % of turnover and margin / Personalkostenanteil an Umsatz und Spanne in % 2007 30 20 10 0 A CH D DK (A-deal.) F (A-deal.) GB (A-deal.) L (A-deal.) P PL (A-deal.) CLIMMAR of turnover 16,1 35,1 16,2 11,4 11,8 6,7 12,4 8,9 4,3 10 of margin 76,2 64 59,5 61,8 55,9 53,4 57,7 44,4 19,2 51 Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D 80 70 in 1000 EURO 60 50 40 30 Margin per employee / 20 Wert Spanne pro Beschäftigtem 2007 10 0 Spanne / Besch. A CH D F (A-deal.) GB L (A-deal.) 35,8 53,8 44,5 69,1 46,8 74,3 Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D turnver rentability and -rate / 7 Umsatzrentabilität und Umsatzrate (%) 2007 (= Ergebnis pro Umsatz und pro CF / percentage of result and CF of turnover) 6 in % of turnover 5 4 3 2 1 0 A % Ergebnis am Umsatz 0,9 % CF am Umsatz 2,9 Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D B 6,3 CH D DK (Adeal.) F (A-deal.) GB (Adeal.) 3,6 2,7 1 3,3 2,9 2,1 3,6 2,5 5,5 5,1 1 4,4 3,8 2,7 7 3,9 L (A-deal.) PL (A-deal.) CLIMMAR 35 30 in % of turnover 25 20 Own Capital Quota / Eigenkapitalquote (%) 15 10 5 0 % A CH D DK (A-deal.) I (A-deal.) L (A-deal.) P CLIMMAR 22 30 31,7 9,5 30 20 15 21,5 Source: Climmar Congress Cracow 2010. Model D EUROPEAN DEALERS APPRECIATE THEIR TRACTOR OPERATORS enquiry 2010 5 COUNTRIES 947 ANSWERS • • • • • DENMARK GERMANY FRANCE UNITED KINGDOM SWITZERLAND • • • • • 120 286 295 133 113 947 ANSWERS • • • • • • • • • • CASE CLAAS DEUTZ FENDT JOHN DEERE MASSEY FER. MC CORMICK NEW HOLLAND SAME VALTRA • • • • • • • • • • 9 17 12 12 14 14 0 24 2 16 24 26 43 29 44 35 12 34 17 22 35 35 25 21 44 42 16 41 9 27 11 19 8 12 29 21 9 16 0 8 16 8 17 9 21 13 0 22 7 0 95 105 105 83 152 125 37 137 35 73 Consideration of the dealer’s evaluation - Representative’s power of ligitation settlements Respect of autonomy Readability and realism of strategie Possibility of negotiating sales objectives Manufacturer-dealer relations Total relation Profitability help Willingness to improve weak points Overall rancking Consideration of the dealer’s evaluation - Answers by branch After sales / Guarantees Answers by productions Computer services Advertising and product support The men Procedures and terms of payment Respect of undertaken commitments Training Availlability of managers and directors One of the evaluations BRAND RESULTS SEND TO MANUFACTURERS WHAT CLIMMAR DECIDED • Each country decides what it publishes for its own results • CLIMMAR does not publish countries results • CLIMMAR publishes only overall results Suggestion To be multi-faceted The World has to eat more. Machine - Spareparts - Service - Financial Services – Machine rentals Suggestion - Aspire to full range of machines - Organize good service and finance it - Your service be payed by the customer and by the manufacturer - Reprezent your interest jointly - Contact with Russian manufacturers If you don’t do these it will cost more Our own instance… This prezentation: http://www.axial.hu/CLIMMAR Web side of AXIÁL Ltd.: www.axial.hu My e-mail address: harsanyi@axial.hu My mobile phone: 00 36 30 9530 324 Zsolt Harsányi Vice-President of CLIMMAR