INTEGRITI SEKTOR AWAM: ANCAMAN RASUAH & CARA MENANGANINYA Dato’ Akhbar Satar 0172560811 TI definition of corruption ‘Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain’ Definition of Bribery “ Giving or accepting gratification” ( Section 16 & 17 MACC Act 2009) OFFENCES BRIBERY MACC ACT Giving or accepting Gratification ( Sec 16 & 17) FALSE CLAIMS False Claims To deceive Principals ( Sec18) WITHDRAW OF TENDER Corruptly Procuring Withdraw of Tender ( Sec 20) CONFLICT OF INTEREST/ABUSE OF AUTHORITY Using Office or Position For Gratification (Sec23) BRIBING FOREIGN OFFICIALS NOT REPORTING BRIBERY OTHER ORESCRIBE OFFENCES Bribery of Foreign Public Officials ( Sec 22) Failure To Report Bribery ( Sec 25) Corruption Offences Under Penal Code; Custom Act 1967 & Election Offences Act 1954 PENALTY IMPRISONMENT FOR A TERM NOT EXCEEDING 20 YEARS AND FINE NOT LESS THAN 5 TIMES THE SUM OR VALUE OF THE GRATIFICATION OR RM10,000.00, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER FINE NOT EXCEEDING RM100k OR IMPRISONMENT NOT EXCEEDING 10 YEARS OR BOTH Penalty of Corruption • Imprisonment for a term not exceeding 20 years and • Fine not less than 5 times the sum or value of the gratification or RM10,000.00, whichever is higher fine not exceeding RM100,000.00 or imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or both When evaluating one’s goals and objectives, vital question must be asked: What is your highest aspiration? A: Wealth B: Fame C: Knowledge D: Popularity F: Integrity If integrity is second to any of the alternatives, then it is subject to sacrifice in situations where a choice must be made. Such situations will inevitably occur in every person’s life. CAUSES OF CORRUPTION: A CRIMINOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Hedonistic Social Bond Social Process Individual vs Systemic Routine Activity Theory Fraud Triangle RED FLAGS Goes Home late : (first one in, last one out) RED FLAGS Employee lifestyle changes: Big Spender- expensive cars, jewelry, buy or renovate homes, clothes ( 43% ACFE 2012) RED FLAGS Financial Problem: these may be an indication of drugs, alcohol, gambling, or just fear of losing the job (36% ACFE 2012) RED FLAGS Too close to the Clients or Vendors RED FLAGS Volunteers for Extra Responsibilities – anager Doing Subordinate Level Work RED FLAGS Too Relied on Employee RED FLAGS Volunteers for Extra Responsibilities – anager Doing Subordinate Level Work RED FLAGS Has Technical Skill to Pull Off the Scheme Secretly No Vacation & Rejected Promotion Watch Out for The Most Decent staff Facts & Figures Global Integrity Crisis Barry Salzberg In a survey reported by, 38% of teens polled feeling that they needed to cheat in order to get ahead. Barry Salzberg, CEO of Deloitte stated “we in business can no longer assume that employees come to us equipped with a fully functioning moral code.” Asia Pacific: Integrity Crisis The survey showed that 40 % of the youths in Asia Pacific were willing to accept bribes if they had the opportunity. Mr. Srirak Regional Director- Asia Pacific Transparency International – Berlin November 2013 Integrity Crisis in Malaysia The survey conducted by (UKM) showed that 30.5% of the students were willing to accept bribes if they had the power and the opportunity. UKM- MACC Asia-Pacific Fraud Survey Report Series 2013 Likely to take shortcuts to meet targets when economy times tough Malaysia: 54% Indonesia Bribe Payers Survey 2012 3000 executives 13 sectors 30 countries By Sector 35 % : Telecommunications 37 % : Utilities 38 % : Public works contracts and Construction 50% Malaysia: Lost Business Due to Competitor paid Bribe World Economic Forum Economic loss due to corruption Add 10% of total cost in doing business Up to 25% to the cost of procurement contracts in developing countries The World Bank Economic loss due to corruption Worldwide 2.9 trillion Reduce the country’s growth rate by 2 - 4% The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners ( Report to Nation 2012) An organization loses 5% of its revenues to fraud each year 2011 Gross World Product, this translates to global fraud loss of more than $3.5 trillion. Royal Malaysian Police RM1.1 billion has been lost through commercial crimes reported so far in 2013, with cheating cases and criminal breach of trust (CBT) making up the bulk of losses . Dato Syed Ismail Syed Director, Federal Commercial Crime Investigation Department This is 1 billion This is 1 trillion This is also 1 trillion Worldwide Corruption is 3.5 Trillion ? The value of RM 1 billion With RM 1 billion you can build: 667 kilometer rural roads 35 The value of RM 1 billion 6,667 kilometer kampung roads 36 The value of RM 1 billion 500 bridges 37 The value of RM 1 billion With RM 1 billion you can build: 90 primary schools 38 Measuring corruption THE CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX (CPI) THE CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX 2013 IS: A global (177 countries/territories) aggregate Index (up to 13 different data sources) capturing perceptions (experts/business people) of corruption (abuse of power for private gain) in the public sector (public officials and institutions) CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX The perceived levels of public sector corruption in 177 countries / territories around the world. GLOBAL 70% of countries score less than 50 out of 100. 43 is the average score worldwide. CPI 2013: THE TOP Denmark and New Zealand tie for first place with scores of 91, helped by strong access to information systems and rules governing the behaviour of those in public positions. RANK COUNTRY/TERRITORY SCORE 1 DENMARK 91 1 NEW ZEALAND 91 3 FINLAND 89 3 SWEDEN 89 5 NORWAY 86 5 SINGAPORE 86 CPI 2013: THE BOTTOM Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia once again cling to the bottom rung of the index. In these countries the lack of leaders who are accountable and effective public institutions underscore the need to take a much stronger stance against corruption. RANK COUNTRY/TERRITORY SCORE 173 SOUTH SUDAN 14 174 SUDAN 11 175 AFGHANISTAN 8 175 KOREA (NORTH) 8 175 SOMALIA 8 COUNTRIES WITH SIMILAR SCORES Country Ranking Country Country Score 47 Hungary, Seychelles 54 49 Costa Rica, Latvia, Rwanda, 53 52 Mauritius 52 53 Malaysia, Turkey 50 55 Georgia, Lesotho 49 114 Egypt 32 175 Afghanistan 8 CPI 2001 - 2013 : MALAYSIA Year Ranking Score No: of Countries Year 2012 54 49 2013 53 50 176 177 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Ranking 36 33 37 39 39 44 43 47 56 56 60 Score 5.0 4.9 5.2 5.0 5.1 5.0 5.1 5.1 4.5 4.4 4.3 No: of Countries 91 102 133 145 158 163 179 180 180 178 183 SCORES OF ASEAN COUNTRIES Rank ASEAN Position (177) CPI Score GDP per capita 1 Singapore 5 86 $51,709 2 Brunei 38 60 $41,127 3 Malaysia 53 50 $10,381 4 Philippines 94 36 $2,587 5 Thailand 102 35 $5,480 6 Indonesia 114 32 $3,557 7 Vietnam 116 31 $1,596 8 Laos 140 26 $1,399 9 Myanmar 157 21 10 Cambodia 160 20 - $946 CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX COUNTRY/ RANK TERRITORY SCORE 1 Denmark 91 1 New Zealand 91 3 Finland 89 3 Sweden 89 5 Norway 86 5 Singapore 86 7 Switzerland 85 8 Netherlands 83 9 Australia 81 9 Canada 81 11 Luxembourg 80 12 Germany 78 12 Iceland 78 United 14 Kingdom 76 15 Barbados 75 15 Belgium 75 15 Hong Kong 75 18 Japan 74 19 Uruguay 73 United States 19 of America 73 21 Ireland 72 22 The Bahamas 71 22 Chile 71 22 France 71 22 Saint Lucia 71 26 26 28 28 30 31 31 33 33 33 36 36 38 38 40 41 41 43 43 45 46 47 47 49 49 Austria United Arab Emirates Estonia Qatar Botswana Bhutan Cyprus Portugal Puerto Rico Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Israel Taiwan Brunei Poland Spain Cape Verde Dominica Lithuania Slovenia Malta South Korea Hungary Seychelles Costa Rica Latvia 69 69 68 68 64 63 63 62 62 62 61 61 60 60 59 58 58 57 57 56 55 54 54 53 53 COUNTRY/ RANK TERRITORY SCORE 49 Rwanda 53 52 Mauritius 52 53 Malaysia 50 53 Turkey 50 55 Georgia 49 55 Lesotho 49 57 Bahrain 48 57 Croatia 48 57 Czech Republic 48 57 Namibia 48 61 Oman 47 61 Slovakia 47 63 Cuba 46 63 Ghana 46 63 Saudi Arabia 46 66 Jordan 45 Macedonia 67 FYR 44 67 Montenegro 44 69 Italy 43 69 Kuwait 43 69 Romania 43 Bosnia and 72 Herzegovina 42 72 Brazil 42 Sao Tome and 72 Principe 42 72 72 77 77 77 80 80 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 91 91 91 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 Serbia South Africa Bulgaria Senegal Tunisia China Greece Swaziland Burkina Faso El Salvador Jamaica Liberia Mongolia Peru Trinidad and Tobago Zambia Malawi Morocco Sri Lanka Algeria Armenia Benin Colombia Djibouti India Philippines Suriname 42 42 41 41 41 40 40 39 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 37 37 37 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX COUNTRY/ RANK TERRITORY SCORE 102 Ecuador 35 102 Moldova 35 102 Panama 35 102 Thailand 35 106 Argentina 34 106 Bolivia 34 106 Gabon 34 106 Mexico 34 106 Niger 34 111 Ethiopia 33 111 Kosovo 33 United Republic 111 of Tanzania 33 114 Egypt 32 114 Indonesia 32 116 Albania 31 116 Nepal 31 116 Vietnam 31 119 Mauritania 30 119 Mozambique 30 119 Sierra Leone 30 119 East Timor 30 123 Belarus 29 Dominican 123 Republic 29 123 Guatemala 29 123 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 136 136 136 136 140 140 140 140 144 144 144 144 144 144 Togo Azerbaijan Comoros Gambia Lebanon Madagascar Mali Nicaragua Pakistan Russia Bangladesh Ivory Coast Guyana Kenya Honduras Kazakhstan Laos Uganda Cameroon Central African Republic Iran Nigeria Papua New Guinea Ukraine 29 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 25 25 25 COUNTRY/ RANK TERRITORY SCORE 150 Guinea 24 150 Kyrgyzstan 24 150 Paraguay 24 153 Angola 23 Republic of 154 Congo 22 Democratic Republic of the 154 Congo 22 154 Tajikistan 22 157 Burundi 21 157 Myanmar 21 157 Zimbabwe 21 160 Cambodia 20 160 Eritrea 20 160 Venezuela 20 163 Chad 19 Equatorial 163 Guinea 19 163 163 167 168 168 Guinea Bissau Haiti Yemen Syria Turkmenistan 19 19 18 17 17 168 171 172 173 174 175 175 175 Uzbekistan Iraq Libya South Sudan Sudan Afghanistan North Korea Somalia 17 16 15 14 11 8 8 8 CPI 2013 vs GDP Per Capita 2012 120,000 Norway 100,000 2012 GDP PER CAPITA ($US) $99,558 80,000 Australia Sweden 60,000 Denmark Singapore $56,210 Brunei New Zealand Australia 40,000 Hong Kong 20,000 Malaysia 0 0 Thailand Philippines Laos Vietnam South Sudan Indonesia Cambidia Sudan Afrghanistan 10 20 30 40 $10,381 50 60 $620 -20,000 CPI 2013 SCORE 70 80 90 100 Malaysian Corruption Barometer 2014 Survey of general public: General perceptions of Corruption Perceptions of Corruption in Public Sector and of Government Officials Perception of Government Effectiveness in Fighting Corruption Perceived Corruption of Key Institutions Personal Experiences of Bribery Willingness to Report an Incident & Channels of Reporting Citizens’ Willingness To Fight Corruption MCB 2014 TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL MALAYSIA 51 PERCEPTION OF CORRUPTION TREND IN THE PAST 2 YEARS 28 % of Malaysians feel that level of corruption has increased (2013: 39%) Relative to GCB 2013, the perception had IMPROVED significantly. PERCEPTION OF CORRUPTION IN PUBLIC SECTOR 24% of Malaysians feel that corruption of public sector is not a problem. (2013:42%) Relative to GCB 2013, the perception of level of corruption for Public Sector IMPROVED. Incidence Of Bribery Been Asked For In The Past Have you ever been asked to pay a bribe in the past, from any institution? 45% of respondents have been asked to pay a bribe at one point in time in the past PERCEIVED CORRUPTION OF KEY INSTITUTIONS Q6. To what extent do you see the following institutions/organizations in Malaysia to be affected by corruption? Please answer on a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means not at all corrupt and 5 means extremely corrupt. Top 2 Box % ‘Extremely corrupt’ & ‘Corrupt’ Lower perception of corruption in MCB 2014 Top 2 Box % ‘Extremely corrupt’ & ‘Corrupt’ WILLINGNESS TO REPORT AN INCIDENT 51% of respondents are willing to report an incident of corruption.(2013: 79%) Relative to GCB 2013, the respondents are willing to report an incident of corruption has DECREASE. WHY NOT WILLING TO REPORT AN INCIDENT ? PERCEPTION OF GOVERNMENT EFFECTIVENESS IN FIGHTING CORRUPTION 28% of Malaysians feel that Malaysia’s efforts in curbing corruption are ineffective. ( 2013: 31%) Malaysian Government’s Effectiveness in Fighting Corruption: 2006 to 2014 Government’s KPI 70% 53% 48% 45% 49% 31% 28% 28% Source: Transparency International Global Corruption Barometer 2006 to 2013. Percentages are weighted. GCB 2014 TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL MALAYSIA 59 Areas of Negligence in An Organization Recruitment Training: basic & in service courses Ethics Policies and Procedures Tone at the top Ethical Work Behaviors Ethics Policies & Procedures Absense of Internal control Unusual transactions Inadequate separation of duties Missing or Altered Document Misleading or False information Requires Proper Authorization Tone at the top ERIC CHIA – CORRUPTION CASE The wheelchair-bound Chia, upon his acquittal, told the press then that vindication had come too late. He said he had lost his family and was estranged from his son and daughter because of the shame. He said that at the height of his career, he had many friends but because of the case he had lost many of them as well. “Once when I put my hands on the table, there were 200 other hands of my friends on that same table. But now there are not enough hands,” he said in June last year. “They have run away. Some of them think I am a “crook.” Finally: Your Personal Manifesto • • • • Never do anything you cannot defend Never compromise your integrity Never sign anything you don’t understand If you don’t understand – Get it in writing – Take it home and ask your kids Lose your wealth and you have lost nothing Lose your health and you have lost something Lose your integrity and you have lost everything TERIMA KASIH HP: 0172560811