A Brief on (C-DAP) for Saharsa District Presented By Dr. Pyare Lal Bihar Institute of Economic Studies 103A/1, Nageshwar Colony, Boring Road, Patna-800001 Map of Saharsa 2 General Statistics No. of Sub-division 2 No. of Blocks 10 No. G. Panchayats 153 Revenue Village: 479 Inhabited 451 Uninhabited 28 Total Population (Rural) 1383015 Population/G.P. 9039.31 Average Rev. Village/G.P 3.13 Sex-Ratio 910 female/ 1000 male Percentage of SC Population 16.10% ST Population 0.28% 3 District Income/Intra-district growth District GDDP (in Rs. Cr.) Per Capita GDDP (in Rs.) Saharsa 1063.6 6521 Patna (Highest) 15923.9 31441 Seohar (Lowest) 204.7 3636 4 Credit/Deposit Ratio (C.D. Ratio) Particulars Bihar (All Banks) Saharsa Commercial Bank Regional Rural Bank Total Deposit (Rs in cr) 56342 1238 141 Total Credit (Rs in cr) 19372 436 58 Credit/Deposit Ratios 34.38 35.2 41.1 Source - Economic survey year 2007-08. 5 Land Use Barren & uncultivable Land Use (in %age) Land put to non-agriculture use Culturable waste land 6.61 17.03 0.29 0.71 2.6 2.37 65.11 Parmanent Pastures/Grazing Land Land under Misc Tree & Groves Other Fallow 5.28 Current fallow Net Area Sown 6 In percent Class I Land – 57420 ha. Class II Land – 36179 ha. Class III Land – 40692 ha. Class IV Land – 31527 ha. 7 Land Holding In percent Marginal Farmers 0. 65 2. 81 1. 68 11. 61 Small Farmers Semi Medium Farmers Medium Farmers 84. 26 Large Farmers 8 Area, Production and Productivity Trend of Main Crops in the District (Area-000’ha, Production-000’mt, productivity-qn/ha) 2005-06 to 2007-08 Name of Crop A P 2008-09 (Projected) Y A 2009-10(Projected) 2010-11(Projected) P Y A P Y A P Y 2011-12 (Projected) A P Y Paddy 96.5 94.6 9.8 87.7 86.4 9.8 100 150 15 103 190.6 18.5 103 257.5 25.0 Maize (Kharf) 4.2 7.5 18.0 4.0 8.0 20 4.2 8.8 21.0 4.5 9.68 21.5 5.0 12.5 25.0 Maize (Rabi) 39.5 99.54 25.2 30.4 110. 36.1 40.0 144.0 36. 40.0 148.0 37.0 40.0 150.0 37.5 Wheat 42.3 79.5 18.8 42.6 82.0 19.2 60.0 132.0 22.0 70.0 178.5 25.5 90 274.5 30.5 Moong 21.0 12.6 6 22.0 13.2 6 23.0 17.25 7.5 24.0 19.2 8.0 25.0 22.5 9.0 11.0 10.2 9.3 12.0 11.2 9.3 13.0 14.3 11.0 14.0 17.5 12.5 15.0 22.5 15.0 Rai/Sars oon 9 In percent 29.1 Irriagated area Unirrigated area 70.9 10 Irrigation By Source In percent 2.96 28.77 18.4 Ponds/Tanks Canal Tube Wells 5.55 Wells Rivers Others sources 3.47 62.21 11 Soil Texture PH Value Sandy Clay to Silty clay 6.5 to 7.8 Organic carbon 0.22 - 1 % Available Nitrogen 150 to 300 kg/ha Available Phosphorus 10 to 15 Kg/ha Available Potash 150 to 250 kg/ha Saline/Alkaline affected soil 133.9 Ha area 12 Requirement of Fertilizer (In tones) Fertilizer 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Urea 10466 11333 11583 11875.5 DAP 21696 23310 24687 26453.7 NPK 13952 14361 14742 15600 MOP 2503.8 2714.4 2866.5 2993.64 SSP 5105.1 5397.6 5635.6 5896.8 Total Complexes 8437.3 8841.3 9449.7 10073.7 Source: District Agriculture Officer, Saharsa 13 Overhead/Transportation cost for fertilizer Year Overheads/transportation etc. (Rs in Lakh) 2008-09 30.11 2009-10 18.71 2010-11 18.03 2011-12 16.44 Total 83.29 14 Vermi/NADEP Compost (Physical & Financial Requirement) Items/year Physical/(No.) Financial requirement (Rs. Lakh) 70 21.00 80 24.00 90 27.00 100 30.00 340 102.00 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total 15 Integrated Nutrient Management (Physical & Financial Requirement) Items/year Physical (Area in Ha.) Financial requirement (Rs. Lakh) 2008-09 1750 8.57 2009-10 2000 10.00 2010-11 2200 11.00 2011-12 2400 12.00 Total 8350 41.75 16 Distribution of Micro nutrients Year Physical (Area in Ha.) Financial requirement (Rs. Lakh) 2008-09 1216 6.08 2009-10 1487 7.43 2010-11 1692 8.46 2011-12 1788 8.94 Total 6183 30.91 17 Total fund requirement for Soil health Management is as follows: Name of programme Financial requirement (Rs. in Lakh) 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Overhead cost for imported fertilizers 30.11 18.71 18.03 16.44 83.29 Vermi/NADEP Compost 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 102.00 Integrated Nutrient Management 8.75 10.00 11.00 12.00 41.75 Distribution of Micro-nutrient 6.08 7.43 8.46 8.94 30.91 Application of Gypsum/pyrites 5.46 5.73 6.02 6.44 23.65 Grand Total 71.4 65.87 70.51 73.82 281.60 18 Total financial assistance for Drip Irrigation & Sprinkler irrigation Financial year Area Total Financial Assistance Area (Ha.) (Rs. In Lakh) Drip Irrigation (Ha.) Sprinkler irrigation (Ha.) 2008-09 375 380 755 174.36 2009-10 755 635 1390 332.44 2010-11 1320 700 2020 522.54 2011-12 1321 830 2152 541.77 Total 3772 2545 6317 1571.12 19 Crop Protection Centre Type of Centre Exists Proposed Plant Protection Centre 7 3 Soil Testing Laboratories 1 9 20 Fund requirement for proposed crop protection Centre Financial Requirements. (Rs. in Lakh) Name of Programme 2011-12 Total 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Operationalisation of P.P. Centre 2.00 2.00 2.00 Soil testing laboratory 47.74 47.74 47.74 2.74 145.96 Grand Total 49.74 49.74 49.74 2.74 151.96 6.00 21 Financial requirements for farm mechanization Items/year Subsidy on implements. (Rs. In Lakh) 200.37 2008-09 226.06 2009-10 231.20 2010-11 256.89 2011-12 Total 914.52 22 Storage Capacity (Capacity in tones) Storage Existing Felt requirements No. Capacity No. Capacity 3 150 07 350 Rural godown 10 400 Onion storage 4 160 Other godown 2 100 Cold Storage Source: District Agriculture Officer, Saharsa Annual Seeds Requirement Crop Quantity of seeds to be distributed per farmer (Kg) Annual seed requirement (qn) Wheat 20 385.58 Rice 6 115.67 Maize 4 77.12 Arhar 2 57.84 Gram .8 38.56 Moong 3 154.23 Rai/Sarson/Tori 1 19.27 24 Proposed coverage of seed villages and its Financial Requirement Items/year No. of seed village Total area put under seed production (ha) Financial Requirement (Rs. In Lakh) 2008-09 10 100 3.07 2009-10 4 40 3.98 2010-11 5 50 6.05 2011-12 Total 5 50 5.63 24 240 46.29 25 Total Financial requirement of the Seed Plan Name of programme 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Crash Programme 20.01 20.27 20.51 20.77 81.56 Production of foundation seed on S.M.F. 17.71 17.71 17.71 17.71 70.84 Seed Village Programme 3.07 3.98 6.05 8.63 21.73 Distribution of quality seed 92.50 104.62 110.57 116.53 424.22 Infrastructure Development 33.00 31.00 31.00 16.00 111.00 Total 166.29 177.58 185.84 179.64 709.35 26 Physical Programme for transfer of technology Components Year Total 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Farmers Field School 129 129 129 129 516 Farmers training on Crop production. 102 154 205 217 678 Farmers training on Farm mechanization. 51 51 51 51 204 Demonstration of seed Production technology. 154 205 256 256 871 Demonstration on Crop Production 435 652 870 1088 304 Demonstration of SRI 77 77 77 77 5 Demonstration on Hybrid Rice 217 242 252 252 308 Exposure Visit 25 30 35 41 963 Officers training 4 4 4 4 131 Training of Facilitators 20 26 30 31 107 Kishan Samman Yojana 10 10 10 10 40 1224 1580 1919 2156 4127 Total 27 Financial requirements for transfer of technology Rs. In Lakh Components Year Farmers Field School Total 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 42.76 42.76 42.76 42.76 171.04 Farmers training production. on Crop 5.10 7.70 10.25 10.85 33.9 Farmers training mechanization. on Farm 2.55 2.55 2.55 2.55 10.2 Demonstration of Production technology. seed 6.41 6.41 6.41 6.41 25.64 Demonstration Production Crop 8.70 13.04 17.40 21.76 60.9 Demonstration on SRI 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.54 6.16 Demonstration on Hybrid Rice 8.14 12.14 14.71 14.71 45.7 Exposure Visit 12.5 15.00 17.5 20.5 65.5 Officers training 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.16 10.70 10.70 10.70 10.70 48.8 98.64 112.14 122.16 130.13 463.07 on Training of Facilitators Total 28 Sector wise Financial Requirement Estimated Rs. In Lakh Sector 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total 71.4 65.87 70.51 73.82 281.60 Water Resource Management (Drip & Sprinkler Irrigation) 174.36 332.44 522.54 541.77 1571.11 Various activities under crop protection 49.74 49.74 49.74 2.74 151.96 Farm Mechanization 200.37 226.06 231.20 256.89 914.52 Enhancement of crop productivity & intensity 23.69 23.55 25.10 24.18 96.52 Financial requirement for the seeds plan 166.29 177.58 185.84 179.64 709.35 Transfer of technology 98.64 112.14 122.16 130.13 463.07 784.49 987.38 1207.09 1209.17 4188.13 Soil Health Management Total 29 Breeds Cow Buffalow Goats Poultry Others Crossbreed 6255 Indigenous Improved Indigenous Improved Indigenous Broiler Layer 2515 2218 123456 275023 123100 57722 108000 30 Note:- GP does not have any veterinary Institution out of. Available infrastructural facilities Facilities Available Required No. of Veterinary Hospitals 1 1 No. of Vet. Centre 17 8 Mobile Veterinary Centre 2 Compounder/Livestock Attendant Diagnostic Centre 2 Artificial Insemination Centre 10 Cold room for Storage of Vaccines Training Centre for Cattle Farmers 1 1 31 Dispensary / hospital to be equipped with estimated cost Year No. of dispensary/hospital To be equipped Cost (In Lakh) 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total 32 Expenditure of different programmes under Animal husbandry Component 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Door step Vetn. services 124.81 71.43 74.55 77.67 348.46 Door to door Vaccination 178.6 196.4 214.2 232.7 821.90 Disposal of Carcass 70.00 74.00 78.00 84.00 306.00 Poultry farm 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 7.00 Strengthening of A.H. office 83.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 119.00 458.41 355.83 380.75 407.37 1602.36 Total 33 Fisheries • Total Fish Production – Tonnes • Hatchery – 10Ha cr fingerlings @ lakh fingerlings/ha • Consumption requirement – Tonnes (approx) @11kg/capita/annum 34 Industries Scenario Types of Industry Unit of Cottage industry Persons Engaged Annual Produce (Rs. In Lakh) General Machinery Timber Food Processing Units Cement Electric & Electronics Leather Ready made garments Chemical Industry Others Total 35 Product wise no. of SSI Units in the District Category of Industry Agriculture Based Wood Based General Total Nos. Investment (Rs. In lakh) Employment 89 145.56 294 78 41.23 139 483 315.86 10 640 502.65 1456 36 Action Plans for K.V.I Programmes during XI Plan (Rs. In lakh) Target Programmes 2008-09 Phy. Fin 2009-10 Phy. Fin 2010-11 Phy. Fin 2011-12 Phy. Fin Madhumakhhi Based Milk Based Forest Based General Engineering Based Fertilizer Based Vastra Based Otthers Total 37 Financial requirement for the development of Food Processing Units (phy. in No . & fin. Rs. In Lakh) Scheme 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Phy Fin Phy Fin Phy Fin Phy Fin Phy Fin Rice Mill 2 20 3 30.00 3 30.00 2 20.00 10 100.00 Flour Mill 2 20.00 2 20.00 3 30.00 3 30.00 10 100.00 Milk processing unit 3 30.00 3 30.00 2 20.00 2 20.00 10 100.00 Pickles Murabba 5 2.50 5 2.50 5 2.50 5 2.50 20 10.00 vegetable processing unit 5 5.0 5 5.0 5 5.00 5 5.00 20 20.00 Total 17 77.50 18 87.50 18 107.50 17 77.50 70.0 0 330.00 & 38 Physical & Financial requirement for the Agricultural Marketing Marketing Infrastructure Rural Hats Year OFPPC Phy Fin Phy Fin 2008-09 8 280 38 45.6 2009-10 10 350 38 45.6 2010-11 10 350 38 45.6 2011-12 12 420 39 46.8 Total 40 1400 153 183.6 39 Total Financial requirement for Horticulture development Name of Programme Financial requirement (Rs. in Lakh) 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total Planting material for Fruit crop 6.09 6.09 6.19 6.19 24.56 Quality Seed of Vegetable crops 0.689 0.908 1.163 1.361 4.121 Potato 12.848 14.086 15.389 16.820 59.143 Grand Total 19.627 21.084 22.742 24.371 87.824 40 Financial Requirement for Allied Agricultural Sector (Rs. In Lakh) Sector Total 2008-09 2009-10 Horticulture 19.627 21.084 22.742 24.371 87.824 Sericulture 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 84.00 458.41 355.83 380.75 407.37 1602.36 1435.286 Animal Husbandry 2010-11 201112 Fisheries 336.25 354.43 375.62 368.97 6 Social Forestry 80.625 80.625 80.625 80.625 322.50 Food Processing Unit 102.00 137.00 133.00 113.00 485.00 Development of Rural Industries 227.5 249.5 310.50 330.00 1117.00 Agriculture Marketing 325.6 395.6 395.60 466.80 1583.60 1719.837 1812.1 42 6718.07 Total 1571.022 1615.069 41 Total Financial Requirement for Agriculture and Allied Sector Rs. In Lakh Year Agriculture Allied agriculture 2008-09 784.49 1571.022 2009-10 987.38 1615.069 2010-11 1207.09 1719.837 2011-12 1209.17 1812.142 Total 4188.13 6718.07 Grand Total 10906.20 42 43