Sport as Global Entertainment Chris Gratton Sport Industry Research Centre (SIRC) Sheffield Hallam University UK History: Sport Predominantly Local Activity Prior to 1960s sport was predominantly local activity Broadcasting rights income, government funding of elite sport, and sponsorship income were negligible Sport market dominated by mass participation sport with the voluntary sector the main supplier Elite sport mainly amateur with exception of professional team sports (where rewards were modest) 1960s, 1970s: Rise of National Sports Markets Increasing importance of international sporting competitions creating need for national policies and strategies for elite sport Increasing visibility of these competitions through television Sport for all movement recognising health and social benefits of sport for all creating need for national policy for mass participation sport National agencies for sport policy created Increasing importance of government in sport Post 1980s: Globalisation of the Sport Market Globalising Forces: Increasing globalisation of media coverage of major sports events (e.g. Olympics, Soccer World Cup) Global recognition of top athletes Association of these athletes with global sports brands (e.g. Nike, Adidas) Characteristics of Global Sports Market Escalation in price of broadcasting rights for global sports events. Global marketing of major sports products by using images (not words) recognisable worldwide Global sports celebrities most important part of these images Escalation in price of sponsorship deals for both events and athletes by both sport (e.g. Nike, Adidas) and non-sport (e.g. Coca-Cola, McDonalds) sponsors Olympic Games London 2012 TV London had a Global TV audience of 4.8 million compared to: – - Beijing 4.7 million – - Athens 3.9 million – - Sydney 3.7 million New Media became the world’s most popular sport website with 431 million visits IOC’s website attracted 16 million visits up from 10.6 million for Beijing London 2012’s social media sites (Facebook, Twitter and Google +) attracted 4.7 million followers Countries broadcasting the Olympics Olympic Summer Games 1936 Berlin 1 1948 London 1 1952 Helsinki 2 1956 Melbourne 1 1960 Rome 21 1964 Tokyo 40 1968 Mexico City n/a 1972 Münich 98 1976 Montreal 124 1980 Moscow 111 1984 Los Angeles 156 1988 Seoul 160 1992 Barcelona 193 1996 Atlanta 214 2000 Sydney 220 2004 Athens 220 2008 Beijing 220 Olympic TV rights fees (US$-million) 1960 Rome 1 1964 Tokyo 2 1968 Mexico City 10 1972 Münich 18 1976 Montreal 35 1980 Moscow 88 1984 Los Angeles 286 1988 Seoul 402 1992 Barcelona 636 1996 Atlanta 898 2000 Sydney 1,332 2004 Athens 1,494 2008 Beijing 1,739 2012 London 2,569 Distribution of revenues from broadcasting rights IOC LOOC 1948 – 1968 1-4% 99-96% 1972 – 1980 10% 90% 1984 – 1992 33% 67% 1996 – 2004 40% 60% 2006 – 2010 51% 49% 2010 -------- LOOC receives a guaranteed amount IOC Broadcast Rights Revenue The total money income the IOC received from its share of the Beijing 2008 Games broadcasting rights income ($0.89 billion) was 500 times more than its share of the broadcasting rights income for the Munich 1972 Games ($1.28 million) Beijing received $0.85 billion, just over 50 times more than Munich Listed Events 2009 Independent Review Panel IOC Evidence Olympic Charter: which requires that the IOC take 'all necessary steps in order to ensure the fullest coverage by the different media and the widest possible audience in the world for the Olympic Games.' At the Beijing Olympics live Olympic Games in the UK content amounted to 5,000 hours covering 28 sports. The BBC broadcast 240 hours of live content from Beijing or just 4.8% of the total. That is, 95% of the Olympic Games content was not broadcast to the UK viewing public. FIFA Evidence FIFA's argument in relation to the World Cup was that they were happy for part of the tournament to be listed (eg opening match, matches of home nations, semi finals and final) but they preferred a model operated in some other European countries (eg France) where a partnership between free-to-air and Pay-TV broadcasters shared the tournament. FIFA Evidence Loss of broadcast revenue was FIFA's main concern (unlike IOC's argument relating to lack of coverage) 2007: event income accounted for 89% of FIFA revenue with the bulk of this coming from the sale of broadcasting rights to the 2010 World Cup English Premier League Football League attendances 1947 1985 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 The Future of Football 1985 “Football will no doubt survive in British culture in one form or another. It will remain a strength in regions where traditional male working-class culture persists....... Perhaps football belonged to an earlier phase of industrialisation and has only a tenuous place in post-industrial society” Chas Critcher Football League attendances 1986 2000 26000 25000 24000 23000 22000 21000 20000 19000 18000 17000 16000 15000 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 The cost of the rights to live league matches from the top division in England, 1983 to 1997 Start date of the contract 1983 2 1985 0.5 1986 2 1988 4 1992 5 1997 4 Broadcaster BBC/ITV BBC BBC/ITV ITV BSkyB BSkyB Rights fee (£m) 5.2 1.3 6.2 44 191.5 670 Annual rights fee (£m) 2.6 2.6 3.1 11 38.3 167.5 Number of 10 live matches per season 6 14 18 60 60 Fees per live match (£m) 0.43 0.22 0.61 0.64 2.79 Length of contract (years) 0.26 Broadcast Rights Fees for Sport The single biggest influence on the economic position of English Premier League football is the increase in income from the sale of domestic broadcasting rights: 1985 annual income from TV, £3 million 1997 annual income from TV, £170 million 2001 annual income from TV, £540 million 2008 annual income from TV, £791 million 2010 annual income from TV, £823 million Premier League TV Rights 2007-10 BSkyB 92 matches Setanta 46 matches £2.8 m per game Total UK rights Overseas rights £4.76 m per game (£2.47m in 2004-7) £1.7 billion £625 million Premier League TV Rights 2010-13 Total UK rights Overseas rights £1.8 billion £ 1.4 billion Premier League TV rights 2013-16 UK Rights (BSkyB/BT) £3.4 billion Overseas Rights (212 countries) £2.5 billion British Sky Broadcasting Satellite Broadcasting Company set up in late 1980s Massive losses in early years, and by 1992 still making a loss with only 1.5 million subscribers In 1992 bid £304 million for Premier League Football TV rights 1997 – - Europe’s most profitable broadcaster with profits made at £8 per second – - Market capitalisation of £10 billion – - 7 million subscribers; in 2013, 10.4 million subscribers Over 50% subscribers say sport is main reason for subscription Over 50% operating costs are sport-related Football World Cup World Cup 2006 in Germany Economic impact of Overseas Visitors Stadium Public Total: Visitors: 1.47 billion Euros Viewing Visitors: 1.09 billion Euros 2.56 billion Euros Average per match: 40 million Euros Conclusions There is no doubt that sport is global entertainment Within a fragmented television landscape where much is recorded, safe and predictable only sport offers uncertainty, risk and ‘liveness’ Most of all live sport even on television has the ability to generate powerful emotions and this drives the global demand for sport