Forecasting Regional Investment in the Hotel Industry: An Input-Output Approach Daniel Freeman CEM Computerized Economic Models, Rehovot, Israel Daniel Felsenstein Department of Geography, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Research funded by the Ministry of Tourism, Israel 1 Background • Severe demand fluctuations • Tourism crisis in Israel (2000-2004), stock of hotel rooms reduced by 33 percent • Hotel rooms as bottleneck for tourism development 2 Research Questions • What is the number of hotel rooms needed in peak and trough periods? • What is the magnitude of the demand push that can stimulate the hotel sector into new investment? • How is this response regionally differentiated? 3 Schematic Representation of the Analytic Process Data Collection Multi-Regional Input Output Model (MRI0) Estimate Capacity Coefficients Estimate Hotel Capital Stock Regional Multipliers Investment Model: Regional Rates of Return Estimate Government Subsidy New Regional Hotel Investment in Response to Increased Demand 4 Model • MRIO Model coupled with Investment Matrix • 26 sectors, 4 hotel sectors (Grades 1- IV), 6 regions • All prices 1999 equivalents (base year) • Forecasting capability: interaction P and X matrices 5 Matrix Structure – Forecasting Model X Eq (1): i X=CAX+CY (I-CA)X=CY X=(I-CA)-1*CY mn i Eq (2): mn 26*6 T0 1 26 n 26 Regional Output Coefficients (Sh) = 6*26 Value of Branch Invest. (Sh) T0 = P*X j 1 1 Branch Output (Sh) CA = 1 1 Final Uses Internal: Private consump. External: Exports 26*6 Branch Output (Sh) P26 + X 1 26 Regional Investment Coefficients 26 CY 6*26 P P1 X Branch Output (Sh) 6*26 6 Forecasting Model – cont. Td 1 T1 1 New (Extra) Investment Total Investment Year 1 To 1 Eq (3): Td = T1-T0 6*26 = 6*26 - Total Investment Base Year 6*26 7 Findings • Size of hotel investment stock • Estimated and reported returns to capital • Role of Government Assistance • Hotel and Tourism industry national multipliers • Capacity Coefficients • Forecasting model 8 Direct Hotel Output (Local and Foreign Tourist Demand) by Grade of Hotel (M.SH, 1999 prices) Region I II III IV Total North 91 287 285 124 787 Haifa 53 76 33 27 189 Center 27 84 89 25 225 Tel Aviv 488 229 84 87 888 Jerusalem 633 311 24 68 1238 South 760 826 206 47 2239 Total 2052 1815 821 778 5566 9 Hotel and Tourism Outputs; I-O Results (Msh, 1999 prices) Tourism Hotels Domestic Foreign Total Direct 8,075 14,739 22,815 5,566 Total 14,320 26,065 40,385 5,589 10 Hotel Rooms by Grade of Hotel and Region Grade of Hotel North Haifa Center Tel Aviv Jerusalem South Total I 549 298 230 2,649 2,782 2,691 II 2,601 604 513 2,090 2,874 4,949 13,630 III 1,682 222 636 943 2,727 1,447 7,657 IV 863 178 509 939 869 3,559 6,916 1,302 1,888 6,621 9,252 355 669 0 2,007 2,243 7,290 9,252 Main Centers 5,695 Outside Centers 2225 Overall Total 7,920 705 9,200 12,646 37,404 1753 5,707 14,399 43,111 11 Hotel Investment by Grade of Hotel and Region (M Shekels, 1999 prices) Grade of Hotel North Haifa Center Tel Aviv Jerusalem South Total I 343.9 176.5 141.7 1866 1,678 1684.4 5,891 II 1210 291.2 234.1 971.7 1,237 2167 6,111 III 837.5 175.5 240 388 811 695.12 3,147 IV 328.1 84.14 129.3 244.8 185 854.82 1,826 Total 2,720 727 745 3,470 3,911 5,401 16,975 12 Estimated Rates of Return by Investment Category and Grade of Hotel (Million Shekels) Investment Category Depreciation (yrs) Discount Rate (7%) Capital Returns Hotels VI III Total II I Plans 30 0.081 7.22 12.39 23.93 22.12 65.67 Licenses 30 0.081 6.17 10.58 20.44 183.90 56.09 Structure 30 0.081 66.65 114.35 220.85 204.19 606.03 Systems 20 0.094 46.16 79.21 152.98 141.44 419.80 Elevators 20 0.094 2.64 4.53 8.76 8.10 24.03 Land Develop. 30 0.081 3.76 6.45 12.46 11.52 34.20 Equip., Furniture 10 0.142 36.15 119.79 110.75 328.72 Management 30 0.081 3.46 4.94 11.47 10.60 31.46 Miscellaneous 30 0.081 1.05 1.81 3.49 3.23 9.58 173.27 297.30 574.18 530.85 1575.58 Annual Return 62.3 13 Revenues, Profits and Occupancy Rates: Hotels by Selected Locations Jerusalem Tel Aviv Haifa Eilat Herzliya Tiberias Netanya Dead Sea Total 142 218 85 72 138 128 Revenue per room (Th. Shekels) 140 178 Room Occupancy Rates (%) 63.9 66.5 49.6 70.3 63.7 60.9 62.6 70.4 61.8 58.3 64.4 56.6 50.8 55.8 55.8 48.4 49.5 55.3 Labor Costs 42.1 36.4 45.8 41.2 42.8 42.8 39.0 44.3 40.4 Profits and Capital Returns 14.2 18.6 9.7 9.7 5.2 4.8 11.3 126 As Percent of Total Revenue Hotel Product 7.7 9.5 14 Capital Returns for Hotels in Select Locations (%) by (a) % annual room occupancy rates and (b) size of hotel Location Total (a) Annual Room Occupancy Rates (%) 1-54 55-64 65-74 75+ Tel Aviv 18.6% 21.0% 21.0% 14.1% 25.0% Eilat 9.5% 11.1% 7.0% 7.4% 13.0% Dead Sea 4.8% 0.0% -12.0% 4.3% 14.1% (b) Size of Hotel (Number of Rooms) Location Total Tel Aviv 18.6% Eilat 9.5% Dead Sea 4.8% 40-79 80-149 150-299 300-399 400+ 34.9% 12.3% 22.6% 17.2% 14.1% 0.0% 13.6% 7.4% 14.3% 5.6% 7.1% 2.6% 15 Hotel Profitability 1999 (m.Sh) Capital Stock 16.97 Output 5.57 Actual Capital Returns 0.63 (11.3%) Rooms 43,000 Expected Capital Returns 1.57 (28.1%) Gov. Subsidy 1.14 (27.5%) Actual Capital Return 0.63 Difference 0.51 16 GDP Multipliers in the Tourism and Hotel Sectors GDP in Total Output Direct, Direct Indirect Indirect + Induced Indirect + Demand Direct Induced GDP in Direct Output Output and Multipliers Unit GDP in Indirect Output GDP from indirect hotel demand M SH 2,648 1,286 3,934 3,788 7,721 GDP from output of other indicators M SH 5,596 5,214 10,810 10,774 21,583 GDP from total output M SH 8,234 6,501 14,744 14,561 29,305 Hotel output multipliers Ratio 3:11 Other industries output Ratio multiplier Total output multiplier Ratio 1 3.75 3.8 0.49 1.49 1.43 2.92 0.79 1.79 1.77 3.56 17 National Per-Room Occupancy Coefficients by Grade of Hotel, 1999 prices 1999 Average by Grade of Hotel Per-Room Indicator 1999 Total I II III IV Visitors (Avg) 169 172 182 155 159 Nights (Avg) 446 441 454 406 489 87,974 91,412 Revenues (Sh) 132,978 229,690 130,142 Investment (Sh) 405,482 659,395 437,691 300,940 214,570 18 Hotel Visitors and Visitor-Nights Per Room, by Region and Grade of Hotel Region North Haifa Center Tel Aviv Jerusalem South Total 151 125 155 132 152 202 I 127 137 87 132 163 225 Grade of Hotel II III Visitors (Nat. Avg. = 169) 139 174 153 94 210 192 148 117 153 150 223 149 IV 139 113 80 119 119 194 Visitors – Nights (Nat. Avg. = 446) North Haifa Center Tel Aviv Jerusalem South 399 328 405 345 393 541 326 352 217 338 418 576 347 382 524 369 382 555 451 242 497 304 388 384 427 347 245 366 365 594 19 Hotel Revenues and Capital Stock per Room by Region and Grade of Hotel Region North Haifa Center Tel Aviv Jerusalem South Total 0.099 0.094 0.100 0.122 0.134 0.155 Grade of Hotel I II III Revenue per Room (M. Sh.) Nat. Avg = 0.132 0.166 0.099 0.098 0.178 0.109 0.054 0.117 0.150 0.107 0.184 0.105 0.064 0.228 0.109 0.082 0.282 0.160 0.086 IV 0.078 0.066 0.040 0.075 0.078 0.108 Capital Stock per Room (M. Sh.) Nat. Avg = 0.405 North Haifa Center Tel Aviv Jerusalem South 0.343 0.362 0.332 0.476 0.423 0.375 0.626 0.592 0.616 0.704 0.603 0.626 0.418 0.418 0.418 0.446 0.430 0.418 0.289 0.289 0.289 0.297 0.297 0.289 0.207 0.207 0.207 0.212 0.213 0.207 20 Number of Hotel Rooms by Grade of Hotel and Region in Response to Demand Increase of 100,000 extra Tourists* Total I II III IV North 661 46 241 242 132 Haifa 800 119 277 242 162 Center 646 66 161 239 180 Tel Aviv 757 275 226 136 120 Jerusalem 658 198 204 194 62 South 494 92 178 82 142 Region * National Avg. = 592. 21 Investment Required by Grade of Hotel and Region in Response to Demand Increase of 100,000 Extra Tourists (M. Shekels, 1999 prices)* Total I II III IV North 227.1 28.7 101.1 69.9 27.4 Haifa 289.9 70.4 116.1 69.9 33.5 Center 214.9 40.9 67.5 69.2 37.3 Tel Aviv 360.7 194 101 40.3 25.4 Jerusalem 277.8 119.2 87.9 57.6 13.1 South 185.4 57.8 74.4 23.9 29.3 Region * National Avg. = 240. 22 Conclusions • Regional variation in hotel profit levels • Discrepancy expected versus reported rates of return • Regional variation in hotel capacities • Differing regional responses to increase of 100,000 extra tourists 23 Implications Arising from Results • Centrality of the hotel sector within the tourism industry • Hotel construction: protracted and time-dependent process –needs to be addressed explicitly • Regional investment coefficients- need to account for regional variations in land prices 24 Hotel Investment (Capital Stock) by Grade (M. SH, 1999 prices) Region I II III IV Total North 344 1,210 838 328 2,720 Haifa 176 291 176 84 727 Center 142 234 240 129 745 Tel Aviv 1,865 972 388 245 3,470 Jerusalem 1,678 1,237 811 185 3,911 South 1,684 2,167 695 855 5,401 Total 5,891 6,111 3,147 1,826 16,975 659,395 437,691 300,940 214,570 405,482 Invest per Room (M. Sh.) 25